Hi i can host your server for free 24/7 trust me i'm not a scammer i'm 19 years old so...
Contact me via [email protected] or reply .
I'll be happy to host your server on my computer , i have 4gb RAM can hold 50+
U'll get full acess by team viewer for the first month then we will set something else.
Hi i can host your server for free 24/7 trust me i'm not a scammer i'm 19 years old so...
Contact me via [email protected] or reply .
first off welcome to the forums.
secondly, when making a server hosting page you should not put no lag as a property of the server. you should include information on your server like the following
how much ram is associated
how much internet speed does the server have access to (up/down)
is there a limit to players?
is there a limit to content (mods? plugins?)
how long is the server going to be free for?
do you provide any form of remote access such as rcon,mcmyadmin or even a simple teamviewer.
you should also include information about weather or not you would play on their server or not.
also just a side note to remember when renting a server (even if it is for free) if someone is to store their data on your computer you have no legal rights over it. for instance if you were to own a company where employees had computers for the job provided by you, you can not snoop through the data which the employee has stored. this is the same if you are renting out your server. even though you are providing the server free you still have no legal rights over the data they store on your system. you do however own all of the hardware and other data on the system and should be permitted to wipe the data. even so it is always a good idea to make a terms and conditions or an agreement before you provide a service such as renting out the server.
@klo1, this is a bad idea. First off you said something about allowing the user to team view your computer. BAD idea, right there your ip address is at risk. if that gets in the wrong hands you could possibly lose internet for a long time due to a ddos attack. Also home internet? Thats just silly. I don't know what you are trying to pull but threads like this is what destroys the trust players have in any future companies.
Contact me via [email protected] or reply .
I'll be happy to host your server on my computer , i have 4gb RAM can hold 50+
U'll get full acess by team viewer for the first month then we will set something else.
first off welcome to the forums.
secondly, when making a server hosting page you should not put no lag as a property of the server. you should include information on your server like the following
how much ram is associated
how much internet speed does the server have access to (up/down)
is there a limit to players?
is there a limit to content (mods? plugins?)
how long is the server going to be free for?
do you provide any form of remote access such as rcon,mcmyadmin or even a simple teamviewer.
you should also include information about weather or not you would play on their server or not.
also just a side note to remember when renting a server (even if it is for free) if someone is to store their data on your computer you have no legal rights over it. for instance if you were to own a company where employees had computers for the job provided by you, you can not snoop through the data which the employee has stored. this is the same if you are renting out your server. even though you are providing the server free you still have no legal rights over the data they store on your system. you do however own all of the hardware and other data on the system and should be permitted to wipe the data. even so it is always a good idea to make a terms and conditions or an agreement before you provide a service such as renting out the server.
Farewell everyone o/
We'll talk there
Just throwin that out there as a fellow.... person lol.