And what if we are able to make our own? Something more advanced then just this? What if this was just a sample, an easy to make test that will lead into better shadows and lighting like we see in shader mods? What if we can change what is used with command blocks for custom maps? Or custom potion effects?
Useless? I think not.
Super secret settings changes what you see the game like XD (THERES A TV SCREEN!!!). And i REALLY hope im not the only one who's seen this.... a house in the swamp. If im the only one, you know who is in my game...
There is no text box when you are typing, it just shows the text.
New video settings screen; Also new settings.
Shaders; If you press f3, it shows you what shader you are currently using.
Connected maps when put in item frames.
When you get an achievement, it tells you in chat.
Hello people of Minecraftia and all other gaming franchises! Here we are, The Pyro Skies gaming community! If you want to learn more about us and maybe even subscribe to our YouTube or follow our Twitch, check out our website Thanks everyone!
Instead of adding shaders and such that we can easily get from using mods, why dont they make something a bit more, i dont know... the MODDING API D: .
P.S Dont worry Jeb, i still love you :-)
This x100. Pl0x don't promise something and then distract people with shiny, albeit useless, content.
This x100. Pl0x don't promise something and then distract people with shiny, albeit useless, content.
The shaders aren't useless. Im sure we will be able to add our own, and thus allowing for more visual control over custom adventure maps and whatnot. I welcome this addition.
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Cast aside your festive doylaks: dragon stuff is about to happen.
Multiplayer is lonely once you understand how it actually works.
Anyone just hanging on the Mojang white screen? Running it on Ubuntu, and the snapshot just freezes there (no problems with other versions or snapshots).
I wish they'd stop it with the whole "keeping the new features secret" thing. Please just tell us what the new additions are in the snapshot announcement like you used to.
happydonut, when I start minecraft the game complains about "inSize settings not found for the shader", so, is very possible that you video card have problems with the post-image shaders added... (even if you don't use any, the game uses a default one)
If you have nausea and drink milk to get rid of it, you will temporarily see the inside of a nether portal when your drinking the milk. And the higher the amplifier of the nausea, the longer you see it.
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Hello people of Minecraftia and all other gaming franchises! Here we are, The Pyro Skies gaming community! If you want to learn more about us and maybe even subscribe to our YouTube or follow our Twitch, check out our website Thanks everyone!
Am I the only one not seeing a block breaking animation anymore? It's kind of disorienting.
You mean the cracks in the block? Yea, I don't see 'em either....
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Hello people of Minecraftia and all other gaming franchises! Here we are, The Pyro Skies gaming community! If you want to learn more about us and maybe even subscribe to our YouTube or follow our Twitch, check out our website Thanks everyone!
If you have nausea and drink milk to get rid of it, you will temporarily see the inside of a nether portal when your drinking the milk. And the higher the amplifier of the nausea, the longer you see it.
Oh man, that would be the best.
I think that might just be a Witches Hut.
There is no text box when you are typing, it just shows the text.
New video settings screen; Also new settings.
Shaders; If you press f3, it shows you what shader you are currently using.
Connected maps when put in item frames.
When you get an achievement, it tells you in chat.
And was there always these commands?
/enchant <player> <enchantment ID> [level]
/tell <player> <private message ...>
/spreadplayers <x> <z> <spreadDistance> <maxRange> <respectTeams true:false> <player ...>
Cast aside your festive doylaks: dragon stuff is about to happen.
Multiplayer is lonely once you understand how it actually works.
Alpha 1.0.4
I love the little comic gray one and the dark black one. The little rainbow seizure mode, not so much.
Controls upgraded :3
More Video Settings? (Don't know if in snapshot o3o)
Yeah, it's missing. But that's a bug.
If you have nausea and drink milk to get rid of it, you will temporarily see the inside of a nether portal when your drinking the milk. And the higher the amplifier of the nausea, the longer you see it.
You mean the cracks in the block? Yea, I don't see 'em either....
Yes, those commands have been there for a while.
that's always existed