Respect. How nice is Notch? 3 million bucks. 3 million. That's 3 Bugatti verons! Now all the employees can buy a lambo each... or just 4800 minecraft accounts each
a veyron is nice, but from what i read you can only get the tires fixed in one place on earth. if i had one it would be trophy of sorts.
but between lambos and minecraft accounts, i'm on a fence, the cars are expensive to fix. if it was me i would get my own computer server so i never have to worry about computer failure.
but when it comes to it the money is not the issue here really, hardly any big companies even bother to care anyone but the higher ups even exist, and we are cannon fodder to get money off of. so when any company or successful person even bothers to give a damn about anyone else it is good to see.
Why is Notch being placed on a pedistal here ? Is he the new messiah ? uhmmm no.
Other companies do the same because it actually makes them more money if you understand how reinvestments work. This is not generosity, this is advancedment.
Not saying this is a bad move. Just keeping it realistic.
Instead of giving money to your employees you might as well give some of that cash to the mod makers that helped this game in so many ways, then you stole their ideas and put them into the game.
Well this is easily the least surprising thing ever. Notch is an overall awesome guy and he's done a ton of amazing things in the past to prove it, along with being one of the first to challenge SOPA and PIPA and by doing what many other game company heads don't do, act human, so I don't see how this is that big of news, other then to brighten people's days a bit of coarse.
Not every big company is greedy. Once I saw that the head CEO of Nintendo Saturo Iwata and General Manager Shigeru Miyamoto cut down their income to half, so that other employees got paid normaly.
They among Notch deserve big respect.
Yes but they most likely got all that money back afterword from sales. Honestly it would have been a huge risk if they did cut their employees pay with how poorly the 3DS was selling before. I mean if you weren't going to buy the system before why would you when the only reason it's cheaper is because people got screwed out of a good deal of money. Am I saying this is the reason for it, no, but it's just food for thought.
Now with notch though I can't honestly see him doing this to increase sales. As I said before it's not surprising to me that Notch would do something like this because he is honestly a really great guy, and we can all see that in how he acts in interviews and on both his twitter and tumbler accounts and in real life. Also what would he have to gain by randomly giving his employees money, if he really wanted to boost sales he would have given the money to mob makers.
Does everyone know that EA employs 7800 people? That means that if they were to give each of their employees $120,000 they would need to have an extra $936,000,000 lying around....
People don't seem to realize how important it is to have big companies like EA, Activision ect. If everyone was an indie developer and only had 25 employees, there would be a lot of unemployed people out there.
Not to take anything away from Notch's generosity, but the economy depends on big business as much as small.
It is encouraging to see that a creative game like this can generate enough cash flow to support the developers.
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The OTC derivitatives market will approach a quadrillion dollars in valuation within a year or two. That "private sector innovation" should make you nervous.
a veyron is nice, but from what i read you can only get the tires fixed in one place on earth. if i had one it would be trophy of sorts.
but between lambos and minecraft accounts, i'm on a fence, the cars are expensive to fix. if it was me i would get my own computer server so i never have to worry about computer failure.
but when it comes to it the money is not the issue here really, hardly any big companies even bother to care anyone but the higher ups even exist, and we are cannon fodder to get money off of. so when any company or successful person even bothers to give a damn about anyone else it is good to see.
shows that good people still exist even now.
Other companies do the same because it actually makes them more money if you understand how reinvestments work. This is not generosity, this is advancedment.
Not saying this is a bad move. Just keeping it realistic.
A potato? You wouldn't even come close!
invalid.Yes but they most likely got all that money back afterword from sales. Honestly it would have been a huge risk if they did cut their employees pay with how poorly the 3DS was selling before. I mean if you weren't going to buy the system before why would you when the only reason it's cheaper is because people got screwed out of a good deal of money. Am I saying this is the reason for it, no, but it's just food for thought.
Now with notch though I can't honestly see him doing this to increase sales. As I said before it's not surprising to me that Notch would do something like this because he is honestly a really great guy, and we can all see that in how he acts in interviews and on both his twitter and tumbler accounts and in real life. Also what would he have to gain by randomly giving his employees money, if he really wanted to boost sales he would have given the money to mob makers.
People don't seem to realize how important it is to have big companies like EA, Activision ect. If everyone was an indie developer and only had 25 employees, there would be a lot of unemployed people out there.
Not to take anything away from Notch's generosity, but the economy depends on big business as much as small.
What is that supposed to mean, anyways? Are you talking about Notch?
It is encouraging to see that a creative game like this can generate enough cash flow to support the developers.