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_______________________________________ Seabass247, Proud Owner of
Quote from Gribbstar I'm all updated but not seeing beds in the crafting list (yes im using a table) [edit] Ignore me... my idiot iPad didn't update properly.
Quote from Zephrith Yes, creepers!
Quote from harrypee Gir. Awesome. Favorite show.
Quote from Supersonicmonk The update for the demo edition is out but the paid one isn't on my Nexus 7, weird.
Quote from RashMinecrafter99 There isn't any Flint and steel to ignite the tnt. No!
Quote from Hog_blast Lmao mojang forgot to add wild grass so right now there's no way to get seeds
So, what changes are we looking at today? Well:
New features:
Bug fixes:
Be sure to update your Pocket Edition client to see these changes, and have fun!
Contact me on Steam:
Seabass247, Proud Owner of
Let me guess it wanted you to update to 0.3.3 and it would switch between 0.3.3 and 0.4.0
Woot, Invader Zim
You have a Nexus 7 too? *Virtual high five* I guess we should just wait. It'll come out later today.
Awesome! Flamazing! Best update by far, I love the chests, so easy to use!
Think my post is helpfull, hillarious or just plain likeable? Freaking hit the green UP arrow down there, or else.
yes there is, its located in tools tab...
actually, they won't be adding tall grass at all. Instead, you get seeds from grass blocks