Survival Island has TwelveThirteen Eighteen episodes now. I do a decent amount of editing on these to try to cut down on boring stuff and give each episode a general theme, as well as adding ocean sounds and some other odds and ends. I've also decided that every sixth episode will involve a dramatic sountrack, plus some music creeps into some of the other episodes somewhat randomly. If you like videos like this subscribe to my channel for more!
Episode six is out! I think I spent at least five hours editing this one, give it a look. I've updated the first post and embedded a player for the most recent episode, although I think its better in 720p than in that little embedded viewer.
Episode Eight is up. I took episodes One through Seven down to reedit them with different sound effects (I had been using sound effects from movies, I am now using royalty free sound effects that I have the legal right to use), so that slowed down my release schedule a bit.
Survival Island
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Survival Island has
TwelveThirteenEighteen episodes now. I do a decent amount of editing on these to try to cut down on boring stuff and give each episode a general theme, as well as adding ocean sounds and some other odds and ends. I've also decided that every sixth episode will involve a dramatic sountrack, plus some music creeps into some of the other episodes somewhat randomly. If you like videos like this subscribe to my channel for more!The Survival Island playlist: ... 5470F1CAF5
Episode One:
Episode Two:
Episode Three:
Episode Four:
Episode Five:
Episode Six:
Episode Seven:
Episode Eight:
Episode Nine:
Episode Ten:
Episode Eleven:
Episode Twelve:
Link to my channel:
And here is the link to Ashien's Survival Island thread:
Episode Eight:
You should update this thread with your recent ones!
Oh also, I found something you may need...
Updated it is! Episode 12! Every sixth episode gets a badass soundtrack, so it took a long time to edit but here it is (in the first post).
"Aw ****!"
and "Ugh!! I just rebuilt that!"
Nah THIS is the best line:
"HAHA did you see that? I almost fell in the - *Falls in the hole*