hey guys i need a person, so we can make a couple videos of us playing mincraft, to see if youtube likes it. the person I am looking for needs to have a high FPS computer and can record us playing. I will make the server and you have to have skype apply here.
i have skype, hamachi, and fraps and can record 1080p. i also have sony vegas 10 :biggrin.gif: if you wanna edit. age: 18 name: Davrick IGN (in-game name?): dthmadness if u mean IGN as in the site, it's the same username
Age(have to be over 10):
P.S.: need to have hamachi
Age: 12
IGN: Tuzik
I have Hamachi and Skype.
Have good grammar. Save us tiem.
Have good grammar. Save us tiem.
Age: 15
IGN: Monkeycamera