So I was adventuring, minding my own business, looking for a place for my watch tower and then it began to get dark so I made a small hut and boxed myself in for the night. I saved and exited and came back an hour later, still in my box, still night. I moved and fell into some sort of black hole! I couldn't move or do anything and it kept damaging me. My only option was to wait and die. I died and came back and there was nothing in the box but the torch I had placed to light it up. I walked in and the ground was solid. I was dumb enough to bring EVERYTHING I have with me. (That being several stacks of coal, a stack of iron, a set of iron tools and back-ups for them, food etc.) I've spent all my time mining and mined out the large cave system I built my house on so now I'm screwed. What do? Why did this happen? Is there any way of recovering my riches? D:
If i had to guess i would say when you placed your torch under floating sand or gravel(yes sometimes the map generates areas of sand or gravel that are hollow. Placing torches, blocks or destroying one will call a cave in.
Other than that it could have been an invisible monster. Sometimes i get attacked by nothing and have to do the ol log out and in trick.
Its really freaky when a buddy is invis. and hes placing blocks or pushing me.
Other than that it could have been an invisible monster. Sometimes i get attacked by nothing and have to do the ol log out and in trick.
Its really freaky when a buddy is invis. and hes placing blocks or pushing me.