Hi, I am not very computer savvy, but I am good at following directions (remember, I can only follow directions I am able understand, lol). Anyhow, I am playing today with the new update installed, and every ten or so minutes, the game freezes up on me and I get the following message: alphavespucci.exe has stopped working. Can anyone help me get rid of this problem? Thank you!
strange b/c I have never installed a mod before - from what I've read, it is a mapping device, but it is the one that Minecraft uses to render maps/chunks. how would i go about uninstalling something that I've never even installed? Thanks again!
Ahh, if it is a built-in part of Minecraft then you wouldn't want to try to uninstall it. I guess my next step would be to reinstall the client but I'm sure you've done that. Sorry, not sure :sad.gif:
This may alarm you, but I don't know what the "client" is. I've seen the movie with Tommy Lee Jones, and it's pretty good. Could you explain what that is and how to re-install it? Also, will it affect my current world when i re-install? thanks again!
...man, I wish I knew more about computers and all that!
The client is the software you run to play the game (Minecraft.exe)
I believe in order to reinstall you just have to delete the 'bin' folder and run Minecraft.exe and it will reinstall itself. Where that Bin folder is depends on your operating system but for instance on Windows 7 it should be in:
I have Vista...cannot find the necessary folder you are talking about - I type in %appdata% in search and it takes me there...I choose Users and choose my name - then, there is nothing referring to Minecraft, so I have absolutely no clue what to do next. Thanks for trying...I told you i'm not computer savvy.
Geez, I fng hate Vista!!! Who in their right mind ever thought it was an improvment on the previous O/S? Microsoft is all about money; occasionally, they release a great product, but Vista is an fng joke.
Windows key + R
In the prompt type %AppData% and hit Enter
The very first folder should be .Minecraft
Inside that folder should be a bin folder, delete it.
Now run the Minecraft.exe and it will redownload everything.
I just did this on my machine to make sure, and it worked perfectly.
Thanks!!! That did it. I was putting the "%appdata%" in the search field after going to Start...that was a problem. Anyhow, I deleted bin like you said, then ran exe and it downloaded the files i needed. However, it did not fix the problem i am having. alphavespucci.exe is still not working properly. My maps are not updating in MBT. I explored a lot fo new terrain yesterday, file size of my world increased by 10mb, but the map stayed the same. I am 100% sure I was in undiscovered territory, too. This is becoming so frustrating that I'm considering taking a break for a month or two to see if Notch can fix this with an update or something. I am kinda out of ideas, so that seems to be the only one i can turn to at this point. If anyone can think of another possible fix, pls let me know. Thanks again all you MC superheroes!
...man, I wish I knew more about computers and all that!
I believe in order to reinstall you just have to delete the 'bin' folder and run Minecraft.exe and it will reinstall itself. Where that Bin folder is depends on your operating system but for instance on Windows 7 it should be in:
Windows key + R
In the prompt type %AppData% and hit Enter
The very first folder should be .Minecraft
Inside that folder should be a bin folder, delete it.
Now run the Minecraft.exe and it will redownload everything.
I just did this on my machine to make sure, and it worked perfectly.