Okay so I finally fixed the black screen that occurs after a few minutes of playing. I currently have windows vista 32 bit home premium. I think this has a lot to do with the problem.
Download the 64-bit and try that.. Or 32-bit
What you can do to solve the problem..
1.Change the Render Distance to Normal. You will still crash but at least you can play. (This is a pain in the ass)
2. MAKE SURE You have the lastest Graphics Card Drivers for your GPU. Go to one of these links what ever make you GPU is and check..
(My game was working fine on highest graphics then I formatted and it stopped working) So this did not fix it for me...
3. Reinstall JAVA by removing all installations fo JAVA through ADD/REMOVE Programs. Then navigate to http://www.java.com and re-download java.
(This might fix it, if not keep moving down.)
Remove .Minecraft Folder in APPDATA. USE Search on your computer for APPDATA. Once inside find .MINECRAFT folder and delete.
Finally after all of that not working I had to do this
**Here it is**
After searching the internet for Hours I found nothing. This is what fixed it for me.
I did windows update many times even every time I started to see if anything new was out that I was missing since I had just re-formatted. And yes indeed I was missing the new Vista Service Pack and .NET Framework. The game would only work on normal render distance untill I updated this. So go to windows update..http://www.update.microsoft.com/ and see if you have the latest .NET Framework. If you do make sure you have the latest service pack. I can now finally play MC without any errors ever..
Well the story behind it was I was able to play it just fine with no problems at all. Then my HDD took a ****, had to format and when I reinstalled MC it didn't work. I had the Normal Render fix but it still crashed after a while or doing certain things. I keep searching for what I was missing because it was working fine before. Updating those two things did it!
I need clarification - keep in mind that I am not all that computer-savvy...anyhow, when you guys and gals call this phenomena (lol, funny to me, at least) "black-screen", what exactly do you mean? I believe I am having this problem, as well, but my screen never actually goes black. Mine just freezes up on me; usually while working in an unexplored part of the map, or when on Far for rendering distance. Anyhow, updating those two items did NOT fix my problem. I don't know what to do to fix this. I guess I'll just have to play five minutes at a time until Notch fixes it for me...lol.
I always keep my computer up to date. I have the latest windows updates, newest drivers for my gpu, newest firmware for my motherboard, etc etc etc.. I double checked windows update to see if there was somehow something I missed. Nope. Tried rolling back nvidia drivers.. once again no luck.. Even with the render distance on tiny, the games still not only black screens on me, but it takes most of my save data with it. I literally mean most. Forcing me to constantly backup my save files, while I'm playing, into multiple folders.
Thanks for giving your info on what helped you though. The more people try to help the better.
I'm going to start playing with java, seeing what settings I can tweak. Seeing what codecs might be conflicting with the game. There has to be something people have in common that is causing these ANNOYING black screen crashes..
I remember with Fallout 3 one thing that really seemed to help was disabling multi-core support, or at least bringing it down to 2 cores if you had a quad core setup. Maybe it has something to do with that.. Who knows. Either way, if I find anything myself, I'll be sure to post as well.
My friend bought me MiceCraft last night, I've played it once before - free version and I remember it not working for a while, I'm fairly sure I updated my Java and Gfx Card to fix but I remember it not fixing it permanently. I remember it working a couple of times and then it stopped working.
Well now I got the same problem, I updated Java and it started to work last night, after black screen after Log-In.
Also, the new launcher doesn't seem to work for me ("Can't connect to minecraft.net", even though it was up)
Tried the other launcher and nothing, so I got my mates launcher and it worked momentarily - joined the server he was in and it was going so incredibly laggy, couldn't even move around properly.
Last night I had updates, did them. This morning it still doesn't work. I'm now installing .Net Framework 4 but it doesn't seem to be going anywhere.
Will try afew more things before i do .net update, when it's fixed i shall tell ya'll what was wrong :smile.gif:
Don't quite know why, but minecraft is now updating in launcher
And now it's black screen again.. of course.
I think that there is a problem that the troubleshooting advice in this forum does not fix for some people. I uninstalled Java and reinstalled - I updated my windows service packs - I made sure I had an up-to-date .Net thingy...lol. The only thing I can;t figure out how to do is make sure my GPU has the most current versionor something to that effect. I go to the links provided in this post and I have absolutely no idea what to do. I tried to have the NVIDIA website automatically detect, but it failed. I attempted to do it manually, but the drop-down options do not seem to contain anything that matches what is in my computer. I have an HP laptop, model # dv6-1235dx. I looked at my system specifications, but I do not see anything that matches what is on those websites for the GPU stuff. I am so frustrated with this! I returned from a very long journey last night (it took forever b/c the game kept freezing every ten minutes) with over twenty stacks of clay balls. I put all of them in furnaces in my large furnace room/forge, and then the game froze on me...MBT saved and I went back in to find all my clay balls GONE! Not a huge deal; just restored to previous save game and got em back, but this cost me a half an hour of game playing time. Can anyone help a less than computer-savvy guy like me fix this, so i can return to playing the greatest game ever - MINECRAFT!!!! POW!!!!!
Ok, Lets narrow down. To all having this problem still. Navigate to your SYSTEM settings which is in control panel. Then go to Device manager. Click the plus next to Display Adapters and post what you have. Then right click and look for drivers and post what driver #version it is.
If you can leave some info for me. Maybe we can gather up something that is similar from everyone
How many GPU's do you have?
Sli mode?
Direct X version?
PCI E slot? PCI slot?
Have you tried installing Google Chrome or Firefox and see if it still does it?
What Operating system do you have? (plus bit)
Have you installed any mods? This will cause most games to crash if not setup right
The new fix I found is only for vista 32 bit. As far as I know.
The "Black Screen" Definition- Open the game. Begin to play. The "Game Screen" itself turns black after some time.. You can close MC. Dosent crash ur system at all. Only the game goes to a complete black screen
Changing my view distance to Normal netted me a crash free weekend of 6+ hours of game play. A combination of these solutions would likely fix most all black screen issues.
Just got the problem myself after reformatting my harddrive... going to update everything and go down the list at the top and let everyone know if it solves the problem on my end. Here goes nothing... *fingers crossed*
Download the 64-bit and try that.. Or 32-bit
What you can do to solve the problem..
1.Change the Render Distance to Normal. You will still crash but at least you can play. (This is a pain in the ass)
2. MAKE SURE You have the lastest Graphics Card Drivers for your GPU. Go to one of these links what ever make you GPU is and check..
For NVIDIA Cards go to http://www.geforce.com/#/Drivers
For ATI Cards go to http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx
(My game was working fine on highest graphics then I formatted and it stopped working) So this did not fix it for me...
3. Reinstall JAVA by removing all installations fo JAVA through ADD/REMOVE Programs. Then navigate to http://www.java.com and re-download java.
(This might fix it, if not keep moving down.)
Remove .Minecraft Folder in APPDATA. USE Search on your computer for APPDATA. Once inside find .MINECRAFT folder and delete.
Finally after all of that not working I had to do this
**Here it is**
After searching the internet for Hours I found nothing. This is what fixed it for me.
I did windows update many times even every time I started to see if anything new was out that I was missing since I had just re-formatted. And yes indeed I was missing the new Vista Service Pack and .NET Framework. The game would only work on normal render distance untill I updated this. So go to windows update..http://www.update.microsoft.com/ and see if you have the latest .NET Framework. If you do make sure you have the latest service pack. I can now finally play MC without any errors ever..
Here is the .NET Framework 4.0 Direct Link
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/d ... laylang=en
Please help bump this!!
This is the Official MC BSOD Fix :smile.gif:
Thanks for giving your info on what helped you though. The more people try to help the better.
I'm going to start playing with java, seeing what settings I can tweak. Seeing what codecs might be conflicting with the game. There has to be something people have in common that is causing these ANNOYING black screen crashes..
I remember with Fallout 3 one thing that really seemed to help was disabling multi-core support, or at least bringing it down to 2 cores if you had a quad core setup. Maybe it has something to do with that.. Who knows. Either way, if I find anything myself, I'll be sure to post as well.
Well now I got the same problem, I updated Java and it started to work last night, after black screen after Log-In.
Also, the new launcher doesn't seem to work for me ("Can't connect to minecraft.net", even though it was up)
Tried the other launcher and nothing, so I got my mates launcher and it worked momentarily - joined the server he was in and it was going so incredibly laggy, couldn't even move around properly.
Last night I had updates, did them. This morning it still doesn't work. I'm now installing .Net Framework 4 but it doesn't seem to be going anywhere.
Will try afew more things before i do .net update, when it's fixed i shall tell ya'll what was wrong :smile.gif:
Don't quite know why, but minecraft is now updating in launcher
And now it's black screen again.. of course.
If you can leave some info for me. Maybe we can gather up something that is similar from everyone
How many GPU's do you have?
Sli mode?
Direct X version?
PCI E slot? PCI slot?
Have you tried installing Google Chrome or Firefox and see if it still does it?
What Operating system do you have? (plus bit)
Have you installed any mods? This will cause most games to crash if not setup right
The new fix I found is only for vista 32 bit. As far as I know.
The "Black Screen" Definition- Open the game. Begin to play. The "Game Screen" itself turns black after some time.. You can close MC. Dosent crash ur system at all. Only the game goes to a complete black screen
Minecraft updater should really be checking this, I think this has to account for 80% of people crashing.
No Idea but it seems to work as you can see
I second this. Applies only to 64 bit windows of course.
The title of this thread should include "for 32 bit windows only" or something similar. It is a worthy attempt.
I also think there should be a black screen hangs post pinned post at the top of the support forum.
I have been almost 100% bug free since November after going to 64-bit java.