Thanks again for the help MadJack. I've been having such severe connection issues (work computer/internet) that I haven't been able to come back to the board for a while.
It took me about 8 hours of babysitting the download one night, but I did finally manage to get the NVIDIA drivers from laptopvideo2go, transferred them to my laptop, and that did fix the issue! :biggrin.gif:
There is one other issue, but it is so trival, I'm not really worried about it because it is probably just related to me having a "hacked" NVIDIA driver. When I maximize the window, my FPS drops to 10-20. If I don't maximize, but instead manually resize the window to fill my screen, my FPS will stay above 30. Seems like it would be the opposite, with windows thinking if you maximize a window, it would have more priority or whatever. But hey, Minecraft is working great now, and not crashing, so I'm not complaining.
Quote from a fancy man »
Don't ****ing trust
They were about 3 years behind the actual current driver for my nVidia card...
I've had such issues getting drivers from them. They very rarely update video drivers for their laptops, and then even getting the correct drivers can be a pain. Why do 4 different sound cards come up when I put in my service tag #, which is supposed to be unique to configuration? Same for a couple of video card drivers. It's the same way on my system restore disc too - they could've made it easier for people. If you don't know what hardware is inside your computer, it can be a real pain in the ass.
Bleh, stupid Java interrupting my Minecraft adventures with stupid " SE BINARY IS NOT RESPONDING", hopefully the designer will fix this issue with his new patch that will come this Friday...
I too am having the same problem.
I am running a brand new Toshiba Laptop
Intel i5 480
4 gig DDR3
Intel onboard graphics :sad.gif: but up to 1.5gb video ram :smile.gif:
latest java update
tried a million solutions
freezes up and have to kill the process, but after killing it minecraft comes right back up
I am not seeing the video card error like some others.
I think it is solely a java issue
If we stick together and keep posting we will either find a solution, or all have our brains eaten by zombies! :smile.gif:
ok so the reinstalling thing for java seems to definatly work but you have to go to your add and remove programs in your control panel and uninstall all things dealing with java/oracle. once that is done, go here and download the development kit. hope that works for yall for its the only thing thats worked for me.
Oddly I started getting this error when playing Alpha online (using the .EXE) If I change the distance to Normal then its fine but Far causes Java to crash after a few minutes every time even after rebooting.
I can play Single player using the Far distance without it ever crashing in fact I spent a few hours playing offline today and it was fine, Anyone else having issues only online? (with FAR distance setting).
Took this snap with my cellphone:
Running latest Nvidia driver 258.96 (GTX 480) and latest Java.
NVM: found out about the browser.. haven't bought the game, so can't play (downloaded)..
I'm going to buy it as soon as I'm guaranteed that it actually WORK o.o
Hey! Ive recently bought minecraft. my friends bought it and loved it. ive even played it at my friends house. anyways from the beginning it crashed 5 minuets after playing. naturally i was pissed cause i just bought it and my friends didn't have any problems. so i searched Google typed my incredibly specific error and found this thread. so i did what you guys said and made it so i couldn't see far. that surprisingly worked for about 2 hours then crashed again. so now im going to try the real fixer and update my driver which had driver version 156... yeah i know. so hopefully if i can get this new driver version kicking i wont have any problems! hoping for success!!
So you are right MadJack! updating your driver helped a lot! i only had it crash one time but thus far its been working like a dream. thanks for making my minecraft game playable!! Grazie!! a thousand times!!!
Hey all, there's a quick and simple way to fix this java problem...just change your render distance from 'far' or whatever it's on, to 'Normal'...and then start playing. It works perfectly fine for me, no more "Java not responding error" :smile.gif:
This is currently happening to me as well, the first thing I did was to update my graphics drivers and reinstall the latest java. this was still happening and I am starting to presume the culprit in my scenario is pandora online radio. whenever I seem to be running that as well as the desktop exe of minecraft it blacks out java not responding after a few min. I will continue to see how it runs without pandora open. perhaps it is a conflict of 2 java applications running simultaneously.
Crap, this sounds like my problem.
I think it started for me after last Friday's (11/19) update and it started with just an annoying loss of framerate in the normal world, the real fun began whenever I went into the Nether and after awhile it would slow down and finally freeze up until I killed it with the task manager. Before this I don't believe Minecraft had ever crashed on me even once and my framerate was fine, now the normal world is a bit jumpy and the nether is a slideshow.
Changing the view distance doesn't help at all, and the recent update to v1.2.3_02 hasn't helped either, JAVA is up to date, though I may try updating video drivers but the only thing that changed before the problems began was the version of Minecraft. The only mod I have used is a texture mod and a savegame editor but I had been using the SG editor long before the problems started and I actually installed the texture pack after the problems began.
Windows Vista Ultimate 64
System Ram: 6GB
Processor: Intel i7 920
Graphics Hardware: XFX ATI Radeon 5870, 1GB video ram
Driver Version:
Catalyst 10.7
2D Driver Version
D3D Version
OpenGL Version
Audio Hardware: Creative X-Fi
ATI High Definition Audio Device (no idea what this is)
My specs are as follows:
Windows Vista Home Premium Service Pack 2
Intel Core 2 Duo CPU @ 2.4 GHz
3.0 GB ram
32 - bit
Graphics card nVidia GeGorce 9800 GT
I've uninstalled and installed java with every combination of restarts in the middle and i have the latest version of java... and i still get this error
i also had the Java(TM) Platform SE Binary is not responding error, so i asked my friend who has mad cpu skills, and he helped fix it. i no longer have the error. When i did have the error it wouldnt let me in to minecrafts main screen, or even load it for that matter, although before it worked perfectly fine. after trying many things my friend figured it out. the error i was having was caused by the skin/mod that i had on/in, my mods folder by taking the mods out of the texture packs folder i was able to find which mod was crashing the game. simply by removing it from the folder and deleting it, then restarting minecraft. if you are having a similar problem and are using windows, simply go to your documents, then local disk, select programs and one of those folders within programs holds the texture packs/mods. find it remove them all from the folder to the desktop or another folder on the desktop and start up minecraft. if this works then one of your mod(s) is crashing minecraft. [most likely the one your using]
I have read this entire thread and have reinstalled Minecraft, updated video drivers, reinstalled Java and still no luck. The only way I can play is on Normal mode. I also seem to get some strange video issues even in that mode. I have a really long minecart track and as I ride it, about every 2 seconds the video freezes for a split second. I wish I could find a solution to this and be able to play in Far mode.
I am running an intel i7-920, Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit, 12 gig of ram and a GTX-260 video card.
Just a quick summary of what you can do to prevent your minecraft from crashing:
Outside Game Fixes
-Un-install Minecraft and Re-download (don't forget about the .minecraft folder in C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming
-Delete your current Java completely from your computer, re-download and install.
-Update your video AND sound drivers (for I found out that sometimes people get a similar error code and it has to do with the sound of the game) I reccomend having NVIDIA. Reason: "The way it's meant to be played"
-Dowload the newest version of DIRECTX. I wasn't able to find out it this is actually a legit fix but it can never hurt to have.
-Use CCleaner for your registry and then restart your computer.
In-Game Fixes
-Set Render distance to normal, small or tiny.
-Also sometimes you have to play on easy-hard. ( I know this sounds kinda stupid but it has in fact happen to my friend. This should be able to be fixed by using all the above steps.)
I hope this helped some of you. I know it all helped me! Thanks for opening this post Angilis. It really helped me out!
Another thank you for letting me know how pathetically out of date my NVIDIA drivers had gotten. Not sure if it will work but I'd bet it will. When I don't come back you know it worked.
Dunno if it helps at all but, I've tried updating java and video/audio drivers to no avail.
Nvidia 460m in an asus g53j
with both realtek and nvidia hi def audio devices
It took me about 8 hours of babysitting the download one night, but I did finally manage to get the NVIDIA drivers from laptopvideo2go, transferred them to my laptop, and that did fix the issue! :biggrin.gif:
There is one other issue, but it is so trival, I'm not really worried about it because it is probably just related to me having a "hacked" NVIDIA driver. When I maximize the window, my FPS drops to 10-20. If I don't maximize, but instead manually resize the window to fill my screen, my FPS will stay above 30. Seems like it would be the opposite, with windows thinking if you maximize a window, it would have more priority or whatever. But hey, Minecraft is working great now, and not crashing, so I'm not complaining.
I've had such issues getting drivers from them. They very rarely update video drivers for their laptops, and then even getting the correct drivers can be a pain. Why do 4 different sound cards come up when I put in my service tag #, which is supposed to be unique to configuration? Same for a couple of video card drivers. It's the same way on my system restore disc too - they could've made it easier for people. If you don't know what hardware is inside your computer, it can be a real pain in the ass.
Curiously enough, we have quite similar personal computers. OS, graph card, CPU, he has more RAM and a different Motherboards though.
Anyway, I can play on FAR without a problem, with full screen and everything on.
At first we had to update the G-card drivers and mess up with java to get tu run Minecraft and then disaster stroke =/
I hope lowering the render distance works for him. And well, I hope I can contribute with the final solution as well.
ATi videocards are kinda moddy, minda that :tongue.gif:
I am running a brand new Toshiba Laptop
Intel i5 480
4 gig DDR3
Intel onboard graphics :sad.gif: but up to 1.5gb video ram :smile.gif:
latest java update
tried a million solutions
freezes up and have to kill the process, but after killing it minecraft comes right back up
I am not seeing the video card error like some others.
I think it is solely a java issue
If we stick together and keep posting we will either find a solution, or all have our brains eaten by zombies! :smile.gif: ... _Developer
I can play Single player using the Far distance without it ever crashing in fact I spent a few hours playing offline today and it was fine, Anyone else having issues only online? (with FAR distance setting).
Took this snap with my cellphone:
Running latest Nvidia driver 258.96 (GTX 480) and latest Java.
Win 7 64bit / 6GB ram / i7 920 CPU
I tried to update my driver to the latest version, and it worked!, for a while..
After 20 minutes of gaming the SE Binary **** came up again!
What'cha guys mean by saying "play by browser" ?
Is it the same as when gaming on client?
Will games be saved and such?
-any downsides :S?
I'm going to buy it as soon as I'm guaranteed that it actually WORK o.o
I think it started for me after last Friday's (11/19) update and it started with just an annoying loss of framerate in the normal world, the real fun began whenever I went into the Nether and after awhile it would slow down and finally freeze up until I killed it with the task manager. Before this I don't believe Minecraft had ever crashed on me even once and my framerate was fine, now the normal world is a bit jumpy and the nether is a slideshow.
Changing the view distance doesn't help at all, and the recent update to v1.2.3_02 hasn't helped either, JAVA is up to date, though I may try updating video drivers but the only thing that changed before the problems began was the version of Minecraft. The only mod I have used is a texture mod and a savegame editor but I had been using the SG editor long before the problems started and I actually installed the texture pack after the problems began.
Windows Vista Ultimate 64
System Ram: 6GB
Processor: Intel i7 920
Graphics Hardware: XFX ATI Radeon 5870, 1GB video ram
Driver Version:
Catalyst 10.7
2D Driver Version
D3D Version
OpenGL Version
Audio Hardware: Creative X-Fi
ATI High Definition Audio Device (no idea what this is)
My specs are as follows:
Windows Vista Home Premium Service Pack 2
Intel Core 2 Duo CPU @ 2.4 GHz
3.0 GB ram
32 - bit
Graphics card nVidia GeGorce 9800 GT
the drivers for my graphics card are up to date according to this link. ... river.html
I've uninstalled and installed java with every combination of restarts in the middle and i have the latest version of java... and i still get this error
Hope this helped you guys, it sure helped me
I am running an intel i7-920, Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit, 12 gig of ram and a GTX-260 video card.
Anybody have any ideas on this?
Just a quick summary of what you can do to prevent your minecraft from crashing:
Outside Game Fixes
-Un-install Minecraft and Re-download (don't forget about the .minecraft folder in C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming
-Delete your current Java completely from your computer, re-download and install.
-Update your video AND sound drivers (for I found out that sometimes people get a similar error code and it has to do with the sound of the game) I reccomend having NVIDIA. Reason: "The way it's meant to be played"
-Dowload the newest version of DIRECTX. I wasn't able to find out it this is actually a legit fix but it can never hurt to have.
-Use CCleaner for your registry and then restart your computer.
In-Game Fixes
-Set Render distance to normal, small or tiny.
-Also sometimes you have to play on easy-hard. ( I know this sounds kinda stupid but it has in fact happen to my friend. This should be able to be fixed by using all the above steps.)
I hope this helped some of you. I know it all helped me! Thanks for opening this post Angilis. It really helped me out!
Nvidia 460m in an asus g53j
with both realtek and nvidia hi def audio devices
here's the error dump from event logs
- System
- Provider
[ Name] Application Hang
- EventID 1002
[ Qualifiers] 0
Level 2
Task 101
Keywords 0x80000000000000
- TimeCreated
[ SystemTime] 2011-01-12T23:50:29.000000000Z
EventRecordID 1934
Channel Application
Computer G-Star-PC
- EventData
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\javaw.exe
Binary data:
In Words
0000: 00720043 0073006F 002D0073 00680074
0008: 00650072 00640061 00000000
In Bytes
0000: 43 00 72 00 6F 00 73 00 C.r.o.s.
0008: 73 00 2D 00 74 00 68 00 s.-.t.h.
0010: 72 00 65 00 61 00 64 00 r.e.a.d.
0018: 00 00 00 00 ....