I seem to be unable to connect to any public or private multiplayer server, while single-player works fine. After a few seconds of loading I see the "Failed to Connect" screen. I'm using Firefox on XP, and connecting to the internet through a proxy.
Java Console lists this:
java.io.EOFException: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream
at java.util.zip.InflaterInputStream.fill(Unknown Source)
at java.util.zip.InflaterInputStream.read(Unknown Source)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.fill(Unknown Source)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(Unknown Source)
at sun.awt.image.PNGImageDecoder.produceImage(Unknown Source)
at sun.awt.image.InputStreamImageSource.doFetch(Unknown Source)
at sun.awt.image.ImageFetcher.fetchloop(Unknown Source)
at sun.awt.image.ImageFetcher.run(Unknown Source)
Any suggestions? I can't just turn off the proxy since it is required for an internet connection here.
If this is useful, trying to boot it in IE gives me the error "org.lgwjgl.LWJGLException: Pixel Format Not Accelerated." This stopped when I updated Java, now IE does the same thing (Failed to Connect). A forums search suggested updating my graphics drivers, but I'm using an integrated video card and should be up to date.
Java usually doesn't like proxies, but if you're getting "Pixel Format Not Accelerated", you need to update your graphics driver.
Updating java fixed the pixel acceleration issue, so both IE and Firefox have the same issue now. There's no workaround for proxies? No settings anywhere I can mess with? I have Firefox manually configured to the proxy address, so it's odd that the java applet doesn't inherit those settings.
I've set up java through the control panel to use my proxy configuration script, still no luck...
Edit: I can get it to work if I can add console commands to the applet, I think. Is there a way to do this in Firefox?
I'm not. I live in an apartment, internet is provided via LAN but we have to use their proxy. I'm not playing at school or work. :sad.gif:
Oh. Most people using a proxy are playing games where the site is blocked :biggrin.gif:
Figures :smile.gif:
It's odd, I can use other software with proxy settings (IE Skype) but even tinkering with the java network properties, no luck. It's been suggested to me that maybe my proxy only supports post/get and not connect. Really a bummer, I want to play multiplayer. :sad.gif: If anyone has any other suggestions I'm open to it.
It's odd, I can use other software with proxy settings (IE Skype) but even tinkering with the java network properties, no luck. It's been suggested to me that maybe my proxy only supports post/get and not connect. Really a bummer, I want to play multiplayer. :sad.gif: If anyone has any other suggestions I'm open to it.
Significantly more amounts of tinkering and still no luck. Some research suggested that the issue involves how proxy tunneling works and that it's partially a port problem, apparently java can be a bit finicky that way. Playing with proxy software (proxifier) also didn't work. I guess I've given up on multiplayer for the moment, but if anyone has any more suggestions (or similar issues) I'd like to hear it.
I don't know how much this helps you, or anyone, if you can't add any commands to the java applet/console to run at the start of the applet. If you can, great, because I can get java to run minecraft through an HTTP and a SOCKS5 proxy just fine, just tested as I posted this.
I don't know how much this helps you, or anyone, if you can't add any commands to the java applet/console to run at the start of the applet. If you can, great, because I can get java to run minecraft through an HTTP and a SOCKS5 proxy just fine, just tested as I posted this.
However, IF you can add some commands, try these:Hope this helps.
Hmmm, I'll see if I have any luck experimenting with the SOCKS settings. Right now I'm running the jar with a .bat so I can pass it commands - is there a way to actually pass console commands through the applet in firefox? Might be less of a pain.
. This lets it connect fine to Minecraft - it logs in, lists my available maps and can load/save them just fine. (Without the proxy settings, this doesn't work, so I assume it's doing something right.) Any server other than minecraft (using the minecraft URLs for servers), however, still can't connect. I've tried a few variations on adding the proxy as a SOCKS as well, doesn't change anything. Flipping through all the apartment network settings paperwork I have, can't seem to find anything specifically for configuring SOCKS. Is there any particular information I should be using for this other than my standard proxy? I can also flip through the auto-configuration .pac file thing for more addresses/ports if applicable. I also tried your example of doing it through localhost, no luck.
I think passing it some sort of useful command settings should make it work, it's just the matter of finding the right combination, I guess.
(Preemptive apologies to Notch - I saw the Dev post about not using third-party solutions, but I'm just trying to get the darn thing to work! Just using a simple launcher that also automatically downloads the new jars from Minecraft, all traffic should be directed through there. :sad.gif: )
Tried through Firefox again, so I went through the console and realized I must have been looking at the wrong data before. Here's the entire output. (I snipped out my name, password and proxy address. :smile.gif: )
security: property package.access value sun.,com.sun.xml.internal.ws.,com.sun.xml.internal.bind.
security: property package.access new value
security: property package.access value
security: property package.access new value
security: property package.access value
security: property package.access new value
security: property package.definition value null
security: property package.definition new value com.sun.javaws
security: property package.definition value com.sun.javaws
security: property package.definition new value com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy
security: property package.definition value com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy
security: property package.definition new value com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy,com.sun.jnlp
security: property package.access value
security: property package.access new value
security: property package.definition value com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy,com.sun.jnlp
security: property package.definition new value com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy,com.sun.jnlp,org.mozilla.jss
network: Cache entry not found [url]
network: Connecting http://minecraft.net/ with proxy=HTTP @ myproxy/proxyurl:proxyport
network: Connecting http://minecraft.net/ with cookie
"information, including my login and password"
network: Cache entry found [url]
network: Connecting http://minecraft.net/client/lwjgl_util_applet.jar with proxy=HTTP @
network: Connecting http://minecraft.net/client/lwjgl_util_applet.jar with cookie
"information, including my login and password"
network: ResponseCode for http://minecraft.net/client/lwjgl_util_applet.jar : 304
network: Encoding for http://minecraft.net/client/lwjgl_util_applet.jar : null
network: Disconnect connection to http://minecraft.net/client/lwjgl_util_applet.jar
security: Accessing keys and certificate in Mozilla user profile: null
security: Loading Root CA certificates from C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\security\cacerts
security: Loaded Root CA certificates from C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\security\cacerts
security: Loading Deployment certificates from C:\Documents and Settings\myname\Application
security: Loaded Deployment certificates from C:\Documents and Settings\myname\Application
security: Loading certificates from Deployment session certificate store
security: Loaded certificates from Deployment session certificate store
security: Validate the certificate chain using CertPath API
security: Obtain certificate collection in Root CA certificate store
security: Obtain certificate collection in Root CA certificate store
security: No timestamping info available
security: Found jurisdiction list file
security: No need to checking trusted extension for this certificate
security: The CRL support is disabled
security: The OCSP support is disabled
security: Checking if certificate is in Deployment denied certificate store
security: Checking if certificate is in Deployment permanent certificate store
basic: Applet loaded.
basic: Applet resized and added to parent container
basic: PERF: AppletExecutionRunnable - applet.init() BEGIN ; jvmLaunch dt 266685 us, pluginInit dt 1172812
us, TotalTime: 1439497 us
network: Cache entry found [url]
network: Connecting http://minecraft.net/client/lzma.jar with proxy=HTTP @
network: Connecting http://minecraft.net/client/lzma.jar with cookie
"information, including my login and password"
network: ResponseCode for http://minecraft.net/client/lzma.jar : 304
network: Encoding for http://minecraft.net/client/lzma.jar : null
network: Disconnect connection to http://minecraft.net/client/lzma.jar
network: Cache entry not found [url]
network: Connecting http://minecraft.net/client/logo_small.png with proxy=HTTP @
network: Connecting http://minecraft.net/client/logo_small.png with cookie
"information, including my login and password"
security: Loading certificates from Deployment session certificate store
security: Loaded certificates from Deployment session certificate store
security: Validate the certificate chain using CertPath API
security: Obtain certificate collection in Root CA certificate store
security: Obtain certificate collection in Root CA certificate store
security: No timestamping info available
security: Found jurisdiction list file
security: No need to checking trusted extension for this certificate
security: The CRL support is disabled
security: The OCSP support is disabled
security: Checking if certificate is in Deployment denied certificate store
security: Checking if certificate is in Deployment permanent certificate store
basic: Applet initialized
basic: Applet made visible
basic: Starting applet
basic: Applet started
basic: Told clients applet is started
java.io.EOFException: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream
at java.util.zip.InflaterInputStream.fill(Unknown Source)
at java.util.zip.InflaterInputStream.read(Unknown Source)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.fill(Unknown Source)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(Unknown Source)
at sun.awt.image.PNGImageDecoder.produceImage(Unknown Source)
at sun.awt.image.InputStreamImageSource.doFetch(Unknown Source)
at sun.awt.image.ImageFetcher.fetchloop(Unknown Source)
at sun.awt.image.ImageFetcher.run(Unknown Source)
security: Loading certificates from Deployment session certificate store
security: Loaded certificates from Deployment session certificate store
security: Validate the certificate chain using CertPath API
security: Obtain certificate collection in Root CA certificate store
security: Obtain certificate collection in Root CA certificate store
security: No timestamping info available
security: Found jurisdiction list file
security: No need to checking trusted extension for this certificate
security: The CRL support is disabled
security: The OCSP support is disabled
security: Checking if certificate is in Deployment denied certificate store
security: Checking if certificate is in Deployment permanent certificate store
security: Loading certificates from Deployment session certificate store
security: Loaded certificates from Deployment session certificate store
security: Validate the certificate chain using CertPath API
security: Obtain certificate collection in Root CA certificate store
security: Obtain certificate collection in Root CA certificate store
security: No timestamping info available
security: Found jurisdiction list file
security: No need to checking trusted extension for this certificate
security: The CRL support is disabled
security: The OCSP support is disabled
security: Checking if certificate is in Deployment denied certificate store
security: Checking if certificate is in Deployment permanent certificate store
security: Loading certificates from Deployment session certificate store
security: Loaded certificates from Deployment session certificate store
security: Validate the certificate chain using CertPath API
security: Obtain certificate collection in Root CA certificate store
security: Obtain certificate collection in Root CA certificate store
security: No timestamping info available
security: Found jurisdiction list file
security: No need to checking trusted extension for this certificate
security: The CRL support is disabled
security: The OCSP support is disabled
security: Checking if certificate is in Deployment denied certificate store
security: Checking if certificate is in Deployment permanent certificate store
network: Cache entry not found [url]
network: Connecting http://www.minecraft.net/resources/ with proxy=HTTP @
network: Connecting http://www.minecraft.net/resources/ with cookie
"information, including my login and password"
basic: unique id: com_sun_deploy_AboutJava-6.0
basic: server port at: 4384
basic: getSingleInstanceFilename: C:\Documents and Settings\myname\Application
basic: waiting connection
network: Connecting with proxy=DIRECT
basic: recv: javaws.singleinstance.stop
basic: getSingleInstanceFilename: C:\Documents and Settings\myname\Application
basic: getSingleInstanceFilename: C:\Documents and Settings\myname\Application
basic: removed SingleInstanceFile: C:\Documents and Settings\myname\Application
It certainly looks like it's trying to connect through the proxy, nor do I see any weird errors.
Can we not derail? It's broken for me in all browsers (IE, Firefox & Opera), it's not the issue. It specifically has to do with, through a proxy, using a java applet to connect to a new sever.
I know it's run through a squid 2.7 server, and I believe it's just a plain-jane HTTP proxy with authentication. I assume it's here to limit bandwith and internet usage. (There's a fee to remove it, unfortunately I'm not living here long enough for the fee to be worth it.) This means that practically anything with configurable proxy settings works OK for me - namely firefox and skype - but more complicated and it starts to break down. I did some reading on how Java tends to work with proxies, and apparently connecting to a new third-party server tends to have issues; one suggestion was that it tends to be a port issue, since it won't tunnel properly by default.
Maybe java doesn't know about your proxy. Check in Control panel and you should see a Java option. In the general tab you should see Network Settings. Manually configure your proxy there instead of "Use browser settings" as this pulls the setting from IE and doesn't always work. We have this problem a lot where I work so maybe it is causing your issues.
Java Console lists this:
Any suggestions? I can't just turn off the proxy since it is required for an internet connection here.
Updating java fixed the pixel acceleration issue, so both IE and Firefox have the same issue now. There's no workaround for proxies? No settings anywhere I can mess with? I have Firefox manually configured to the proxy address, so it's odd that the java applet doesn't inherit those settings.
I've set up java through the control panel to use my proxy configuration script, still no luck...
Edit: I can get it to work if I can add console commands to the applet, I think. Is there a way to do this in Firefox?
I'm not. I live in an apartment, internet is provided via LAN but we have to use their proxy. I'm not playing at school or work. :sad.gif:
Oh. Most people using a proxy are playing games where the site is blocked :biggrin.gif:
Figures :smile.gif:
It's odd, I can use other software with proxy settings (IE Skype) but even tinkering with the java network properties, no luck. It's been suggested to me that maybe my proxy only supports post/get and not connect. Really a bummer, I want to play multiplayer. :sad.gif: If anyone has any other suggestions I'm open to it.
Significantly more amounts of tinkering and still no luck. Some research suggested that the issue involves how proxy tunneling works and that it's partially a port problem, apparently java can be a bit finicky that way. Playing with proxy software (proxifier) also didn't work. I guess I've given up on multiplayer for the moment, but if anyone has any more suggestions (or similar issues) I'd like to hear it.
However, IF you can add some commands, try these:
For instance, if I wanted to run through an SSH tunnel on local port 8080 (SOCKS) I'd have
The javacpl.cpl network settings don't seem to actually DO anything, so changing that is more or less useless.
Hope this helps.
Hmmm, I'll see if I have any luck experimenting with the SOCKS settings. Right now I'm running the jar with a .bat so I can pass it commands - is there a way to actually pass console commands through the applet in firefox? Might be less of a pain.
I'm currently setting it as:
. This lets it connect fine to Minecraft - it logs in, lists my available maps and can load/save them just fine. (Without the proxy settings, this doesn't work, so I assume it's doing something right.) Any server other than minecraft (using the minecraft URLs for servers), however, still can't connect. I've tried a few variations on adding the proxy as a SOCKS as well, doesn't change anything. Flipping through all the apartment network settings paperwork I have, can't seem to find anything specifically for configuring SOCKS. Is there any particular information I should be using for this other than my standard proxy? I can also flip through the auto-configuration .pac file thing for more addresses/ports if applicable. I also tried your example of doing it through localhost, no luck.
I think passing it some sort of useful command settings should make it work, it's just the matter of finding the right combination, I guess.
(Preemptive apologies to Notch - I saw the Dev post about not using third-party solutions, but I'm just trying to get the darn thing to work! Just using a simple launcher that also automatically downloads the new jars from Minecraft, all traffic should be directed through there. :sad.gif: )
It certainly looks like it's trying to connect through the proxy, nor do I see any weird errors.
And don't say 'Firefox is the best' because it isn't. It is far from it.
If you want a great browser, I recommend Opera 9. 5/7 internet speed tests (on the same site, same settings) said Opera was faster then Firefox.
That might derail this topic, whoops.
Billy Mays
1958 ~ 2009
We will never forget.
Doesn't mean it doesn't or shouldn't work with Firefox, don't derail.
Here, I humored you and installed Opera. After accepting the permissions on all 4 certificates for Minecraft, it proceeds to crash itself.
So no, not an improvement.
Firefox is the best balance between userfriendly UI, addons, and speed.
Quality of output = Skill * Effort
I know it's run through a squid 2.7 server, and I believe it's just a plain-jane HTTP proxy with authentication. I assume it's here to limit bandwith and internet usage. (There's a fee to remove it, unfortunately I'm not living here long enough for the fee to be worth it.) This means that practically anything with configurable proxy settings works OK for me - namely firefox and skype - but more complicated and it starts to break down. I did some reading on how Java tends to work with proxies, and apparently connecting to a new third-party server tends to have issues; one suggestion was that it tends to be a port issue, since it won't tunnel properly by default.