I will be answering all usefull questions mentioned by Admins to help you understand more about me (And those helping me make this Server). I must warn you, this post is very long and if you don't have time or can't be bothered to read then don't begin. I tend to always make long posts and I added that of my friend to explain everything about the Server we have been working but I hope to help you understand our idea and our devotion to the server.
I must add that the server is around 10 GB or a little more, we rendered a lot of the map and now it is pretty big but that shoulnd't matter.
Your age: 19 (Our group consist of 4 active builders/moderators who are all 18-19 or 20)
Nationalities: Most of us are Dutch, but we welcome anyone, I myself live in France (Moved here 7 years ago).
Name of proposed server: Everhold is the name, will be explained in the spoilers.
How much RAM you want: 1024 MB - 2048 MB, we will accept anything but this is the ideal amount, we can easily adapt to less.
How many player slots: 10 - 30, we are already have a group of 10 active minecraft players so 10 is really the minimum.
Describe your server idea: Will be in the spoilers at the end.
Why you want this server: Will also be in the spoilers at the end. But in very short: I love working with my friends and we all love to see our Server become big. We don't live close so our only way to have fun is Minecraft.
On a scale of 1-10, how badly do you want the server?: 9 or even 10, I might trade my left hand for a nice server host.
Proposed Plugins: Will also be in the spoilers at the end. Sorry for these unanswered questions but I am just making you a little more eager to read the ending of the post.
Donation Plan: Pretty simple, 1 permissions group donator with a little more advantages but nothing major to influence the gameplay. We already have some members willing to pay monthly from their salaries if they like the server(No lagg mostly), all this will be added to the donations.
Do you already have a community? If so, how many active players? If not, how will you be getting players?: We used to have a community, we split up in 2 groups of around 10 - 15 people but the total of minecraft players will be around 10 - 15 active members. We will ofcourse get more players but the first week or so will be BETA testing to see what plugins are working and what has to be changed if we get more members, just making the server Stable.
What makes your server special? Why should I join your server instead of that other server?: Our idea for the server has never been done before, we already had a server and we had 20 active members who loved our idea. I presume this is what many people say but don't judge before reading the spoilers at the ending they will make you dream for many years. Atleast I hope so.
Is there a reason why you can't pay for this server?: It is pretty hard for us to get money since only 2 of our members work and not even a real job. It would be unfair for them to pay for the rest of us, around 5 people are willing to donate every month but only if they know the server is running and working.
What is your preferred method of contact? Skype? PM?: I am always online on our community Teamspeak server, or Skype what ever you prefer. I can also check for PMs on the forums but it will be less instant.
What you will do for the company in return: The last server we had was from a generous member of our community who demanded a message to be announced every 15 minutes. This we can do with your logo or anything you would like. We also have donators, some will be willing to pay every month a few euros and others just a certain amount when they have the money for it. This is only if they don't experience bad things. Lagg and buggs should be fixed in a day or two just to test the server so normally they wont change their minds. Since we are with 3 people running the server we don't take any donations for ourselves, it will all be going to the company who is hosting the server or to eventually get a website(not just some forums). Anything else you might want could be considered too but we are not money greedy it is all about the fun for us.
This is the first spoiler it explains a lot about the server and how we are going to make it.
Now you have a better idea what kind of people we are and what we are willing to do I want to explain a lot more about the server itself.
First the name, Everhold. I first started building cities and castles with a friend. At the same time I played on other servers and knew what people wanted so since we already had cities and castles we decided we could make a perfect server with a lot of custom plugins and ideas to keep our members happy and interested. We first made the server for our group of friends only but then we joined a community and they loved the idea, they were a bit jealous so we made a bigger server and expanded our ideas.
We called our cities and castles Holds so there is the name Everhold.
I will try and explain the idea in a few sentences but my friend made a very long post explaining all about the server idea and the name, I will post this is another spoiler if you want more details.
So our idea is to have a server with 3 "Classes" (Guilds we also called it), we know people love to level skills as they play so we used the plugin MCMMO to make 3 Classes. These classes consists out of 4 MCMMO skills. First we have a Fighter (Skills: Swords, Archery, Taming and Axes) then the Crafter (Skills: Acrobatics, Woodcutting, Repair and Mining) last we have the Farmer (Skills: Fishing, Acrobatics, Herbalism and Excavation).
These 3 classes are one of the most important things in our server, they are all very different but only give advantages. For example a Fighter can still mine but a Miner has skills like a Super Drill to mine instantly for a few seconds with a chance to triple drop and they have a passif chance to double drop.
These 3 classes are very important because we want players to team up and make "Holds"(Cities,Castles...), teaming up will create groups of people. A Miner can supply the Fighters but they will need food and so to have a better and more efficient food income they need a Farmer. After our last server we found out that these 3 Classes are very equal and the groups created mostly have the same amount of Classes.
These classes aren't the only thing that define our server. Holds are more important, they have a purpose and shape our world. Players create these Holds and then they are protected to anyone trying to destroy them. However at first a Hold hasn't got a lot of privileges they need to earn these. For example if a Hold would want to make shops they first need a nice market place to get these privileges. We have a big list but I will try and give some of the things they can earn: Shops, Animal Protection, Chest-Locks(But able to be picklocked), Custom Join/Leave Messages, Warps, No PvP, No Snow-Fall etc ...
Players who would join the first time will be spawned in our big castle to receive information about the server, the rules, the donations and the classes they can choose. After choosing a class they will be spawned at the gate of our Hold and then they can choose where they want to build, alone or with friends or even join other Holds.
We use a dynamic map to help players find nice building spots if the server host can support this, else we will save the image and post it online like a map.
Now you know a lot more about the idea you would think it is pretty normal to other servers but I wasn't done yet. We host many custom events with rewards. Arenas, Water racing, Capture the Flagg, Boss fights, ...
Not only that, I love to work with Redstone since I am studying Engineering and I made many Dungeons and Quests players can complete when bored of War or Building.
They loved these dungeons the last time since they are hard, not obvious and very fun to do with friends or trick enemies in entering an endless maze.
I still haven't said much about the way players can behave, we are very generous and after the many situations we have seen on the last server we decided that the server can be a full PvP server with no rules except not to be an as*Beep* to other players.
Since the last time we only had 2 young members we didn't need filters and we want to keep it mature players only for everyones confort. We only allow mature players who are willing to present themselves with a post on forums or on Skype or Teamspeak.
Since the server is mostly about PvP, Stealing, War and Building but because people tend to group up there is a lot of activity and many fights, our members never get bored and there is always something to do.
We wanted to only make a certain time of the day a PvP hour but since all Members are thoughtfull and only Steal/Fight when the enemy is online we tend to leave them be.
The plugins we are using are very custom but are all posted in the other post my friend made. They don't change the gameplay a lot except MCMMO but they help us protect cities, disable creeper destruction, make the difficulty a little harder and to give nice rewards to players for finishing dungeons or events, for example their own Head or a special ability like Grappling Hook after a certain Dungeon. The plugins don't ask much and we don't use databases, I would like to use MYSQL but I don't understand it.
Lastly we have 3 Owners who play Minecraft and who can interfere with trouble makers or problems members can have. We are kind of addicted to games, I think in one day we play over 15 hours and are always on Teamspeak together. Somehow I think we wont need other people for help with plugins or aiding the players ingame. We only play games because we don't live close at all (Would be a 10 hours drive) so we love to play Minecraft and improve the Server.
I am only making this request now because 1.6 is coming and I think 2 weeks after the release (15 July) I can have a stable server with all our plugins updated.
This is the last spoiler, it is a forum post my friend made (We haven't used it yet because we don't have a server but I think if you still doubt about the server it will help you understand and love it.
Let's take the minecraft experience of an average minecrafter. Let's call this minecrafter: "Bob".
Now if Bob is anywhere near smart, the first experience he has with minecraft will be the free demo that is available on the website.
In the demo you don't have to gather resources, so quickly Bob builds himself a dirt hut.
He becomes bored rather fast, building the hut is too easy. Bob will think to himself: "I want a challenge!"
So the average minecrafter, Bob, will buy minecraft and start a singleplayer game.
The singleplayer game is more of a challenge, he has to survive against mobs and gather resources.
He will build a dirt hut, a stone castle, a rollercoaster: you name something crappy, Bob build it there.
After some effort Bob will have build something "impressive".
After having build a 100 impressive dirt huts, Bob thinks: "I'm so bored, I wish I could show my masterpiece to other people!".
A new chapter in the average minecrafter Bob's life starts.
He enters the fest of s, whiners, abusing admins and griefers, or what ever passes as multiplayer these days.
And so Bob took on the challenge of gathering the resources to rebuild his impressive buildings for everyone on the multiplayer server to see.
Some time passed by and Bob became better at building buildings. He had actually build a pretty amazing building.
But even now Bob was bored. Yes, there was a challenge to building buildings, and other people could look at it in awe, but the building itself was useless.
The only thing he could do with it, was walk around in it for a couple of hours. Bob sighed, "I wish that the building's that I build were actually usefull!"
So now Bob starts looking for a new server. He's looking for a survival server where somehow minecraft has a goal, where building a Castle IS usefull.
Well Bob, look no further, this is the minecraft server for you!
Introduction to Everhold
I will begin this intro by stating that I don't know bonkers about other minecraft servers.
I dont know if there's any server that does anything close to what we're going to do on this server.
And what is it then, what ARE we going to do on Everhold?
The main goal of Everhold is kind of explained in the prologue, but essentially we're going to do this:
The entire server exists out of "Holds", those are cities/villages/castles/houses/dirt huts owned by players.
The goal in the server is to build the best Hold possible, and you WANT and NEED a Hold. "Why would I want a Hold?" you might ask.
Because in a Hold you can sell your items in shops, in a Hold you can not be killed, in a Hold you can travel to other Holds all over the server.
But this is ofcourse just a small portion of what you can do in Holds. There are TONS of things you can do with a Hold, every single aspect will be explained further on in this post.
The better/nicer/awesomer/bigger/omg/wtf/bbq'er your Hold is, the more rights you earn for your Hold. For example;
-If you were to build 10 good looking market buldings in your Hold, the admins will give you the power to build actual working shops in those targeted locations.
-If you were to build a proper wall around your Hold, the admins might grant you PvP immunity in your Hold.
-If the admins think your Hold is pretty enough to not be destroyed, they will grant you Grief immunity in your Hold.
We don't neceserailly want you to build these Holds alone, of the opposite! We want you to form alliances with friends, build one Hold all together.
There's no rules as to what you build and do.
You can form an alliance of valiant knights and build a white castle, defending every good inhabitant of the server.
You could lead a bandit horde and build a wooden outpost hidden in the forest, pillaging and killing everyone for their loot.
Maybe you want to become a Mercenary group settled in a medieval town, offering to protect everyone as long as they pay you.
In the end our goal is for there to be five mayor Groups on the server. Five groups doing whatever they want of about 4-10 friends each, every group owning about 2-4 Holds.
The server is gonna be about as "lawless" as it can get. Griefing is allowed (With certain limits), PvP is allowed (With certan limits), Stealing is allowed, Swearing is allowed (However we mute spammers). But ofcourse, Hold's can earn the right to become PvP and Grief immune.
For some more specific rules there will be a list at the bottom of the post.
Those five groups would rule the server, make up their own laws (not admin moderated laws, they would moderate their laws themself), they could host events for other players (give away rewards maybe?). The Admins are hosting events on regular bases but player hosted events are so much more fun !
The server would be theirs. YOU and YOUR group could own this server by building the bestest/nicest/awesomest/hugest/omg/wtf/bbq'est Hold ever!
Dynamic map render of the launch version of Everhold
(Some things have changed since we first launched)
Ofcourse right now there's no five groups and no 15 Holds on Everhold. Right now, because the server is new, there's one Hold: Rethen, and it's owned by the brotherhood. (There are 2 Player Holds in construction however they are not even close to finished)
The Brotherhood is us, the owners. We're going to try to be as independent as possible. We're not going to cheat resources, we're not going to kill people. You could see us as the Gods Building the world around you but not interfering.
We're just going to play the game as fair as possible, laying a HUGE emphasis on not abusing our powers or telling people what to do or not to do.
Griefing is allowed though, and if we see something that is so ugly, that is so ugly that... If my dog's face was as ugly as that , I'd shave its **** and teach it to walk backwards.
Yeah, If we saw something as ugly as that, we'd grief the living out of it. However we don’t steal we would leave the chests untouched to be found by explorers. Or make it look like ruins who will appear on the Dynamic Map.
Now to explain thing's a little bit further, I'll explain how things work in Rethen and will work in your Hold.
How can you sell and buy things in Rethen?
There's shops in the Hold which players can buy. These shops use a plug-in. (ChestShop)
I go more in depth on this plug-in further in this post, but what it does, is enable you to trade with players, while they're not online, through chests.
How can you buy homes/shops/banks in Rethen?
There's certain plots in and around Rethen which you can buy. All those plots have protection from griefers and thiefs.
You can contact an admin if you want to have a spot, and he'll give you a plot for the appropriate price. (Price list under construciont alone with those of the Store Items)
How can you travel to other places in Rethen?
There's a metro station in Rethen. It's located in the harbor side of the Hold. When inside the Metro station, buy a minecart and place it on the rails to the location you want to go to. (Only 1 station for the moment wich brings you to the borders of Rethen)
Other ways are underconstruction like Harbors and Warp outposts all around the world. Maybe one will even be in your Hold.
Everything is supposed to make more sense by now, and there should have appeared an idea in your head.
An amazing idea for the server, a thought of in which manner you are going to build your Hold, with which friends you're going to play, how you are going to shape the server.
If this is the case, then the idea for our server works. And you are more than welcome to participate!
Because you are still here, reading this, I assume you are still interested in Everhold.
As you can see there's still a whole piece of text to be read, and yes, there's tons of interesting things I haven't told you about yet.
And I'll tell you everything, from neat systems, to how the economy works, ideas we have, and lots of other stuff.
But all these things are details. Smaller things of the bigger picture. They are a must read for sure, if you want to play in the Everhold because we do not answer questions if the answer is written in here.
But if you by now don't like the sound of what you can do on this server, not much can change your opinion from here on. This is the idea, this is Everhold.
(The 3 statue's at the entrance gate of Rethen)
Overall Content
We don't like whitelists, not because it keeps people you dont want off your server, but because there's no way for someone to "sample" the server.
We solve this problem by having no whitelist, and introducing ranks to this server.
As you first join on this server, your rank will be guest. You won't be able to do anything besides walking. That's literally it.
No destroying blocks, no picking up items, no jumping.
If you are accepted by an admin, you will be promoted to the next rank, Crafter, Farmer or Fighter. (This will be explained a bit lower and eventually in Rethen you can find more info about the 3 Guilds)
As a Crafter/Farmer/Fighter you can do everything you can on a normal server. Build things, destroy things etc.
Now there's one other rank. The rank of Admin. We don't have any plans on making anyone admin, besides us.
Not because we like to keep the power to ourselves, but because Admins have a HUGE responsibility. Without good admins, this server will fail.
Admins can grant Rights to Hold's. If they do this wrong, everything will fail. This does not mean that the amount of Admins won't grow eventually.
For now there is 3 Admins, both specialized in one Guild (Farmer, Crafter, Fighter). You can or guess who the Admins are or just look at their Prefix, they aren’t called [Fighter], [Crafter] or [Farmer] but they are the [Captain], [Artisan] and the [Lord].
Don’t think that the Admins are never online if you see none of them in the list, they could be invisible maybe because they don’t want to be bothered or maybe because they are testing plug-ins. However if you have a real important message or broadcast for the Admins just say so, it would feel like Praying but sometimes your Prayers are answered.
We also have a mailing system which you can use, we are also working on a ticket plugin to report bugs/problems or even suspicions about other players.
A problem we've had in the past was if we were gonna allow illegal versions of minecraft. I don't have a problem with people not paying for minecraft, the problem we had was that people could login on your account. They could login on my account, and completely ruin everything.
We found a solution to this problem, a plug-in called CrazyLogin.
When you first log-in on the server you have to register yourself with a password.
Every time from then on you have to log-in with that password, otherwise you won't be able to do anything. (You can always /register [pass] to change your password again). Now NOTE that you need to /logout instead of just quiting minecraft. If you don't, people with illegal versions can login on your account, and just play as normal. All people trying to login on other peoples accounts are noted by IP adress and will be punished or even banned if we don’t like your reasons.
Probably the last awesome game-changing thing you will read in this post, the Guilds.
Remember our goal was to have groups on this server. We want to boost this process, working in a group should have benefits.
This is where the Guilds kick in. If you join a Guild, you will get certain bonuses. This means that if you form an alliance with a couple of friends,
you want at least 1 person out of each guild. So that all the bonuses in the game are at your disposal.
There currently are 3 guilds, and I am pretty sure there will never be a fourth.
The Guild's work only because of one reason: McMMO. If you're familiar with McMMO you should get excited, otherwise I will explain how McMMO works later on in this post.
Every guild gets a couple of McMMO skill's and a different starting kit with some fundamental items based on their guild.
The current 3 Guilds are the following:
The McMMO skills distrubution seems quite fair, and the more you think about it, the more it makes sense.
Nearly all McMMO Skill Abilities are enabled. So Guildies have a huge benefit in their chosen skills.
As some of you might see, some McMMO skills are not in any Guild. Either they are too overpowered, or they are unnecessairy.
You join a Guild by contacting an admin. As of right now you don't have to do anything to join a Guild, but maybe in the future you have to do some sort of "quest" in order to be accepted.
You are allowed to change your Guild at any time, but doing so will make you lose ALL of your skill levels.
For now the only way to leave your Guest status is to ask an Admin who will teleport you to a special place where you can choose between these Guilds. If you ask an Admin for more information he will direct you to a room with all the differences explained.
There's 2 parts to the economy in our server. The first part is how money works, the second part is how you can buy and sell.
Money in our server is called Yenom (Clever aye?) and it's as you would expect money to be. The plug-in we use is iConomy, it works like this:
You have money. You can see how much money you have by typing /money. You can earn money by killing mobs, trading with friends, participating in server events and one other more complicated way.
You can sell your Gold Blocks in Rethen, that's the only reliable way of income, though probably not the most beneficial. And so we come to buying and selling, how does that work?
This is a lot more detailed than money. The plug-in we use for this is ChestShop.
With this plug-in if you put 1 kind of item into a chest, put a sign above that chest, and if you write down the correct words/numbers on the sign you can sell or buy those items.
I'm going to try to explain it as clearly as possible.
There can only be 4 line's of text on a sign. If you want to create a sign for your chestshop every line on the sign is supposed to mean something different. The first line contains the name of the seller. (Can be left empty) The second line contains the amount of the item you want to buy or sell. The third line contains the price at which you sell and/or buy an item. (B X : S X) The fourth line contains the name of the item/ID you sell or buy.
Now the only hard part about this is the second line, i'll have to explain this a little bit further.
If you right click the sign, you sell to the chest. If you left click the sign, you buy from the chest.
This might be very hard to understand but it is very easy: B 20 means YOU buy the Item for 20 Yenoms, and S 20 means YOU will sell your items for 20 Yenoms.
If you saw a chestshop where you for example could buy dirt for 20 yenom, and sell dirt for 10 yenom,
the sign's second line would look like this:
B 20:10 S or B 20:S 10
If the chest was owned by Player "Bob" the entire sign would look like this:
B 20:10 S or B 20:S 10
It sounds 100 times harder than it is, believe me.
I will show another 2 example pictures, just use these when you want to create your own shop.
(AcrobotPL sells 64 of his own diamonds for 10 yenom, and buys 64 of your diamonds for 5 yenom.)
I hope this all makes sense, and if it doesn't, don't worry.
You can always ask an Admin or a helpfull fellow to help you set up your own first shop.
Note that you can't create chestshops everywhere, you can only create them in certain regions of Holds that you own or in Rethen if you have bought a Shop.
Hold Rights
Now there are some right's which don't need to be granted by an admin, and are quite obvious.
You are ofcourse allowed to build what ever kind of Hold you want. You are allowed to build shop buildings,statues, palaces, houses in your Hold.
But in order for there to be chestshops in your shop buildings you need the rights.
You only need right's that are given by an admin for the following things:
You can have chestshops in your Hold if an Admin says that there are suitable buildings and they're nice looking.
You can sell shops that allow for chestshops to other players if an admin says that your Hold is nice enough.
You can sell player-housing that allows for non-griefing/PvP in your Hold if an Admin says that it looks nice enough.
You can have a metro in your Hold if your Hold is an important Hold on the server. You can always build one but it will not be connected to other Holds.
Anti- Grief/PvP/Mob spawning Area
You can have an anti-grief area around your Hold if it's nice looking (low requirement when there's not many existing Holds, will become a higher requirement when there's tons of Holds)
Mob spawning is for example given by lanterns around your city.
Your Hold needs to have the appropriated buildings/equipment to get these rights.
Those are about all of the Rights you can earn for your Hold. Everything is open for discussion, and an Admin will never blatantly say "NO!".
They will always give advice as to what you could do to earn the rights.
For instance if you want to have an anti-PvP area around your Hold the admins could give you the advice to build a thick wall around your Hold.
Don’t feel sad if we did not allow you to have one of the rights you asked for. You need to be able to accept the answers and critics. If your Right was declined then don’t ask again after 30 minutes, follow the advice given by the Admins and use your own imagination !
I repeat don’t ask every 30 minutes, we know if it isn’t good enough for the Right and don’t think one big hole in the ground would be accepted, we want Houses, Pillars, Fountains, Roads, Walls, Statues, etc. so keep on building !
You spawn in Rethen, the Hold of the brotherhood. It's there that you start your venture, and we recommend that you travel far away from the Hold before you build anything.
Use the Dynmap to see other Holds and Houses, then pick a spot.
In Rethen are a couple of things you can buy. You can buy plots outside and inside of Rethen.
There's not much difference between the 2 types of Plots except the location and price.
You can also buy a Shop in Rethen, where you can create chestShops. You can also buy a double chest in the city that is grief protected.
The last thing you can do in Rethen is sell Gold Blocks for Yenom in the Rethen Bank in the Rethen Market District.
Plot Inside Rethen: 3000 Yenom + 100 Yenom per occupied Plot Plot Outside Rethen: 5000 Yenom + 100 Yenom per occupied Plot Shop Inside Rethen: 3000 Yenom + 200 per occupied Plot Double Chest Bank: 300 Yenom Gold you get for selling a Gold Block: 250
We have a variety of shops. In these stores you will be able to buy ANY kind of block/item. But these blocks are be REALLY, REALLY expensive.
They are very expensive because we want people to first walk to the Player Owned shops and see if they are selling their desires. Only when they cannot find what they were looking for they need to check out the Shops.
At the bottom of the post you will have a list of all the items and in which shop they are sold.
(This list doesn't exist for now because there are many new items coming to 1.6)
The most amazing plug-in ever made, and that will ever be made. Well, atleast in my opinion.
You know Runescape? FORGET ABOUT IT!!! BAM, Now it's in minecraft! How cool is that?
McMMO adds skills to Minecraft. You mine stone, your mining skill increases. You cut wood, your woodcutting increases.
That is completely bawler, when I played that plug-in for the first time I fell in love.
Anyway, my fanboyism aside, there's more to McMMO than those skills.
You also have abilities (HORRRY SSHIIIEETTT). There's 2 kinds of abilities, always enabled abilities, and abilities that require a certain skill level.
The Super breaker is an always enabled mining ability. You can activate it with a pickaxe equiped by pressing the right mouse button.
It's enabled for a duration thats decided by your mining level. When it's active you destroy every stone-like block you hit with 1 hit.
While Super breaking the durability loss of your pickaxe per block is hugely increased.
There are some level based abilities for taming for instance. Your wolves get some abilities for higher levels in taming. And for excavation you will need high levels to find better treasures, like diamonds !
All skills are explained at the bottom of the post and if you ever need help just ask others ingame.
I also recommand you read the Floor in Rethen near the spawn just under the Library, interesting right? Well this floor explains nearly everything you want to know about MCMMO.
Ideas and Miscellaneous
Statistics indicate that 90% would've stopped reading this post by now.
Yes, I pulled that statistic out of my ass, though I believe if there were any statistics, they would look something like that.
And there's a reason why I wanted 90% to stop reading. I don't want people joining the server that just pass through. People that join the server and play for 1 hour and never return.
If someone takes the time to read all of this crap, then they are the kind of people I want on Everhold.
When you write a reply to this post to apply for Everhold, please add "Bob's the man" to the end of your post. Just as an indication that I know you've read everything.
Writing "Bob's the man" will guarantee that you get the IP and be able to roam the server.
-Might also be usefull to know that the server is always online. 24/7 all day erry day. (Well it also depends on the Host)
-You start with 200 Yenom when you spawn on the server.
-We have anti-hack plug-ins, hacking/cheating is one of the few things that is not allowed on this server and you will be banned.
-Swearing is allowed on the server, but obviously it's not polite. Don't expect people to like you when you are an to them.
-Scamming is allowed on the server, as long as it is legal. This isn't polite aswell, no one will trade with you when you are known to scam people. Maybe even entitled Thief/Bandit.
-We have a dynamic map, on the dynamic map you can see a rendered version of the entire world of Everhold. We will tell you how you can acces the dynamic map once you're on the server or at the bottom of the post.
-Spawning in this server works exactly the same as in a vanilla survival server. Sleep in a bed, your spawn place will be set to the location of the bed (Can sleep at day).
-The difficulty of the game is set on hard. Mobs are though and you can die from lack of food. We also added Bosses and Ghasts in the Overworld to make it harder to survive.
The Challenge
PvP and griefing is allowed on this server. For some people that might be reason not to join the server however if you don’t provoke people they will only be wanting to help you. Griefing is allowed but excesive griefing is not, this depends on the situation you are in with the “Griefed Person”.
Rather than seeing it as annoying, see it as an extra challenge. Griefers are like new mobs, except 10 times smarter and stronger.
You'll have to think of better ways to hide your stuff, build fortified walls, etc etc.
This is the only reason we keep it in. PvP and griefing makes the game an actual challenge.
If PvP and Griefing proves to be a negative impact on the gaming experience, it might be no longer allowed (It's VERY unlikely that will happen). We might restrict it to certain hours but from experience our Members are polite and would only help you if not provoked.
We currently have no option to have war with another group. But if two groups in the future want to have war with eachother, we already have some ideas to help this.
The idea we have is to temporarily disable anti - Grief and/or PvP areas around a Hold.
Both groups will be made aware of this, and can prepare. Then when both groups are ready they will fight to death, grief some, loot some or what ever it is they want to do in the war.
We will see how this turns out, and if the groups that are active at that moment support the idea. Maybe we can make a plugin to declare war but this is future ideas.
The Brotherhood/Admins/About Us
The brotherhood is currently made up out of 3 people.
Joey, Minecraft name Si7VdeR (Just call him Joey or SindeR)
Tim, Minecraft name So7VdeR (Just call him Tim or SondeR), he isn't a real Owner just helps us out with player related issues.
Me, Minecraft name Su7VdeR (Just call me Me or SundeR (jk jk))
We're not actually brothers, just good friends, though we have brothers that play Minecraft.
My little brother is Se7VdeR, and Joey's little brother is So7VdeR.
We're all Dutch, but we won't ever talk Dutch in the chat (if you catch our little brothers talking dutch in the chat, slap em). Though we have only just launched the Server and with only Dutch friends and community members playing it is likely you will see someone speak Dutch (Just kill them).
Joey and me are currently the only admins, this means that we only decide which rights Holds deserve.
I've mentioned somewhere in this post that there will be other Admins at a point, but it's unlikely we accept anyone anytime soon since admins in this server are really important.
I guess that's it, all you need to know about Everhold.
It's a whole lot of information, I know. But there's not much information in this post that should be skipped. There is some more at the bottom of the post which is usefull to know. I hope to see you around on the vast landscape of Everhold!
-Timed Messages
(Maybe I forgot some of them but they aren’t very important)
Crafter: Mining, Woodcutting, Repair, Acrobatics
Farmer: Herbalism, Fishing, Excavation, Acrobatics
Fighter: Swords, Taming, Archery, Axes
We modified the Axes ability just a little bit by deleting the Damage it would do on armor.
We also didn’t want to use Unarmed because it was too strong and just not fun.
Don’t be scared if you hear a Ghast it is normal, well atleast it is normal in Everhold.
We thought it would be fun to add Ghasts to the Overworld, ofcourse they don’t damage the terrain.
However this just wasn’t enough ! We added Bosses.
Bosses spawn randomly and sometimes say things when you are close enough.
They drop Spawning Eggs and many more !
We are still hosting events manually and maybe this will change, maybe we will find a good Events plug-in. The events that were hosted were: Zombie Survival (In the Arena), Fishing Contest, Dungeon Jump Quests and a Waterslide event.
We are going to do more Events but since we cannot TP Players to a place and then back they don’t want to join Events, we are working on this problem.
So we are still waiting to get some plug-in that is able to TP Players to a place and then back to their last position.
- /mctop = List of the top 10 people with the most skill levels
- /mcstats = List of your own skill levels
- /[MCMMOability] = Information about the ability
- /inspect [player] = Check the MCMMO skills of a player
- /afk = You are set AFK
- /msg = private message a player
- /r = reply to the last player who sent a private message
- /seen [player name] = check the last log-in date of a Player
- /me [msg] = Set a status
- /list or /who = List with all currently online players and their rank
- /money = Display your own money
- /money top = List with the top 10 people with the most money
- /dynmap webregister = Gives a code which you can use to register on the DynamicMap and login. When you have done so you can see yourself and only yourself on the map.
- /mail [read;clear;send] [player] [message] = read/clear/send mail to a player.
- /hat = put the block that is currently in your hand as your hat
-/lab viewer = Display the Health of a Boss
-/lab info = Display the amount of Bosses killed, Alive and the Loot gained.
Sorry they will be here when the server is running and the Economy is stabilized.
We don't have an exact way for donators to help improve the server but this might change when we get a real server. Donators wont be Gods but will have certain advantages, donating shouldn't be about yourself but about the Server.
Anything that happens on the Server, or outside the server between people is not our responsibility.
Thanks for reading, tell me what you like and what you hate, All answers are appreciated. If you have other questions ask them. Regards, Joey.
Thinking about sponsoring this server I do have a few questions that I would like to discuss if you could add me on skype @Its_Jexter that would be great the server has a cool concept and I as a player would look forward to playing it and, a question if I may you may have mentioned this I might have miss read the post but is there a Economy on this server and shops of that sort?