Name of proposed server: Not sure yet, not very good with names
How much RAM you want: This game mode will be custom and will require a decent amount of ram. I am thinking 3 gb? This is debatable.
How many player slots?: I would say the least I want would be 30, and maybe we can expand from there.
Preferred server location?: North America
Describe your server idea: Down With The Tower it will be called. It will be a creative server, but with some twists. There will be plots, but not an ordinary flat plot world. It will be a nice map with hills and bumps. Anyways at random times when the player is in the plot, not AFK and online, a tower of different color stained clay will spawn. It can be in stuff or it can be to the side. The tower could be 1x1x3 or it could be 2x2x15. The player is given 10-15 seconds to destroy the tower. If they do not, many things can happen. The rest of the tower that was not broken may stay where it is (if there is another circumstance than the rest of the tower would delete itself), the plot may be flooded, the player might be pitted against a boss, a player may be pitted against another player, or they could lose a few dollars. Which brings me to the economy. You may be thinking "why would they want to play if this tower thing spawns and ruins their day". Here is why. If you destroy the tower, you get $100. $300 gets another plot. This brings me to the last part. To make the building competitive and not just have every plot be a dirt house, there will be judges. Judges will be mods+. They will fly around with two tools. They can either like a plot, or unlike it. I will make sure this is fair myself. If you plot is liked, you get $50! If it is disliked, you get $50 taken away. The votes will tallied up and at the end of the month the top liked plot will get a prize!
Why you want this server: I want a server because I think I have a pretty good idea. I also want to make people smile and find something original on minecraft. I also want to maybe make you a little bit of money.
On a scale of 1-10, how badly do you want the server?: 10! I want this so badly! And I know if I get it, it will be a lot of work. It will take some commitment, but I am ready for it.
Proposed Plugins: PEX, Essentials, PlotMe (edited), World Guard, World Edit, Balloons, Tower (Custom plugin), (donator perk plugins).
How do you plan to make money?: There will be five ranks, names yet to be decided. For now I will call them 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Unban - $25 - One unban (One Player Per Unban Pass) (Does not work for ips)
I will probably add more perks and go more in-depth about the donator perks later, but for now that is a rough estimate.
Do you already have a community? If so, how many active players? If not, how will you be getting players?: I have a community of staff members and staff ready to go, but I do not have community members. I will get players from my friend who streams (Has over 1k followers) through advertising on minecraft forum, and on skype. I feel like I will be able to get players to join and to stay.
What makes your server special? Why should I join your server instead of that other server?: People should join my server because it is very original and offers a fun spin on something that can be quite boring. I think the fact that you have to be on guard while building something nice will keep it interesting.
Is there a reason why you can't pay for this server?: The reason I can not pay is I am 14. I have a job, but it does not pay much. Also, this summer my bike was stolen, which is my main transportation to my work. I had to buy a new one and am still $400 in the hole, so that is why I can not pay for it.
What is your preferred method of communication? Skype? PM?: I prefer to use skype, and I will pm it to you if you would like to discuss more.
What you will do for the company in return: If you are a company, you will be paid 80% and my 20% will go straight to my staff. I also would like to offer advertising on my server and my forums. If you are just one person, I offer you all this and a rank if you would so please. I would also have support you on my new youtube channel.
Anyways thanks for reading, and I hope to speak to you soon. If you would like any more questions asked, pm me and I will give you my skype.
Your age: 14
Name of proposed server: Not sure yet, not very good with names
How much RAM you want: This game mode will be custom and will require a decent amount of ram. I am thinking 3 gb? This is debatable.
How many player slots?: I would say the least I want would be 30, and maybe we can expand from there.
Preferred server location?: North America
Describe your server idea: Down With The Tower it will be called. It will be a creative server, but with some twists. There will be plots, but not an ordinary flat plot world. It will be a nice map with hills and bumps. Anyways at random times when the player is in the plot, not AFK and online, a tower of different color stained clay will spawn. It can be in stuff or it can be to the side. The tower could be 1x1x3 or it could be 2x2x15. The player is given 10-15 seconds to destroy the tower. If they do not, many things can happen. The rest of the tower that was not broken may stay where it is (if there is another circumstance than the rest of the tower would delete itself), the plot may be flooded, the player might be pitted against a boss, a player may be pitted against another player, or they could lose a few dollars. Which brings me to the economy. You may be thinking "why would they want to play if this tower thing spawns and ruins their day". Here is why. If you destroy the tower, you get $100. $300 gets another plot. This brings me to the last part. To make the building competitive and not just have every plot be a dirt house, there will be judges. Judges will be mods+. They will fly around with two tools. They can either like a plot, or unlike it. I will make sure this is fair myself. If you plot is liked, you get $50! If it is disliked, you get $50 taken away. The votes will tallied up and at the end of the month the top liked plot will get a prize
Why you want this server: I want a server because I think I have a pretty good idea. I also want to make people smile and find something original on minecraft. I also want to maybe make you a little bit of money
On a scale of 1-10, how badly do you want the server?: 10! I want this so badly! And I know if I get it, it will be a lot of work. It will take some commitment, but I am ready for it.
Proposed Plugins: PEX, Essentials, PlotMe (edited), World Guard, World Edit, Balloons, Tower (Custom plugin), (donator perk plugins).
How do you plan to make money?: There will be five ranks, names yet to be decided. For now I will call them 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
1 - $5 - 2 plots, $200, Pets
2 - $10 - 4 plots, $200, Pets, Balloon
3 - $20 - 6 plots, $200, Pets, Balloon, Flashing Armour
4 - $40 - 8 plots, $200, Pets, Balloon, Flashing Armour, Trails
5 - $80 - 10 plots, $200, Pets, Balloon, Flashing Armour, Trails, Dubstep Gun
Unban - $25 - One unban (One Player Per Unban Pass) (Does not work for ips)
I will probably add more perks and go more in-depth about the donator perks later, but for now that is a rough estimate.
Do you already have a community? If so, how many active players? If not, how will you be getting players?: I have a community of staff members and staff ready to go, but I do not have community members. I will get players from my friend who streams (Has over 1k followers) through advertising on minecraft forum, and on skype. I feel like I will be able to get players to join and to stay.
What makes your server special? Why should I join your server instead of that other server?: People should join my server because it is very original and offers a fun spin on something that can be quite boring. I think the fact that you have to be on guard while building something nice will keep it interesting.
Is there a reason why you can't pay for this server?: The reason I can not pay is I am 14. I have a job
, but it does not pay much. Also, this summer my bike was stolen, which is my main transportation to my work. I had to buy a new one and am still $400 in the hole, so that is why I can not pay for it.
What is your preferred method of communication? Skype? PM?: I prefer to use skype, and I will pm it to you if you would like to discuss more.
What you will do for the company in return: If you are a company, you will be paid 80% and my 20% will go straight to my staff. I also would like to offer advertising on my server and my forums. If you are just one person, I offer you all this and a rank if you would so please. I would also have support you on my new youtube channel.
Anyways thanks for reading, and I hope to speak to you soon. If you would like any more questions asked, pm me and I will give you my skype.
Still looking
Remember 80-20 split
I like your idea, alot. Keeps you unique from other servers popping up! PM and we may be able to help!