Hey guys! I need someone to host my server 24/7
if possible and in exchange you will get 20% of any donations that players make and you will also become Co-Owner and Op.
Please fill out the google form if you are interested in companionship in hosting a mc server with me
I have already started building all the warps and stuff and im well on my way and very close to public release. The reason im not able to host is bc my network isnt the best and im using hamachi and my router refuses to port forward. Anyway my computer isnt good enogh for hosting anyway.
Also as a bonus if you advertise the server for me and we get a good amount of player (if ur computer has enogh ram to handle it) you will from then on get 30% of donation profits instead of 20. All of the percents are negociable do not negociate here please wait for me to respond to you on skype first. Thank you.
Heres the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1E7ooyyHD-oisj3LOQAcfmIwybJ9caLB-4pVnRVbP2rM/viewform
My name is Murtuza with Miners Planet and we have exactly what you're looking for! We offer high performance Minecraft servers without the high price tag. Our entry level Minecraft Hosting, Minecraft Premium, starts at only $4.98 per GB. With our promo code "TRYMP", you will receive 15% off your Minecraft Premium subscription, for life.
For a limited time, we are offering Minecraft Premium for only $2.99 per GB! Use promo code "SPRINGBREEZE", and you'll receive this discount for life! We do not oversell, you will be able to witness the sheer performance you sought out. We will install modpacks for you, free of charge.
Our servers are backed up hourly using R1SOFT to an offsite location. Your data is safe with us.
We will provide you with the exceptional support your Minecraft server will need to succeed. If you have any other question, please contact us via Live Chat or send us an email!
We would love to sell you a high-end server for a low price. You can even use the promo code "Launch" for 10% off of your first month. We want to provide a quality Minecraft server, with some of the best support that you'll find. If you don't like what you receive, contact us within 72 hours of your purchase, and we will refund you. We act as a family here, and if you have any problem with your server, we would stay all up all night to fix it, because that's what we are here for. All of our wonderful servers come with this:
Multicraft Control Panel
DDoS Protection
Unlimited of RAID Storage
1Gpbs Connection
FTP File Access
Custom JARs
24/7 Live Chat Support
24/7 Ticket Support
72 hours Refund Guarantee
Still not convinced? Feel free to try out our test server at the IP of test.flyhosting.co.uk!
Hi there! We here at Kiddie Hosting specializes in making your Minecraft Hosting experience by far the worst! We provide our customers with KiloBytes of dedotated wam!!!
You will receive over 9000 slots, because we're awesome!!!
This is the best part yet. Our support team is amazing. Once we get out of school at 2:30 PM, we will help you with your server! You won't receive any help anytime after 8:30PM or 9:00 AM because my mom said i cannot play Minecraft.
Our Minecraft servers come with free headaches, frustrations, and 100% guaranteed downtime!!
Don't want to be with us? Just wait till you hear what our servers are built with.
Our servers are built with Bootstrap 3.1, with an amazing website that has nothing to do with your server! Instead of that boring DDoS thingy, we have 350* FONT ICONS!! This is equipped with our servers! Good right???
We get our servers from our closet, a VPS running at 5GB ram! It's one of the best servers you'll find on the market these days..
What are you waiting for? Sign Down with us today! Just starting at $0.50 / Per KB! We are trusted by 1000000 users for sure! Make the switch today!
if possible and in exchange you will get 20% of any donations that players make and you will also become Co-Owner and Op.
Please fill out the google form if you are interested in companionship in hosting a mc server with me
I have already started building all the warps and stuff and im well on my way and very close to public release. The reason im not able to host is bc my network isnt the best and im using hamachi and my router refuses to port forward. Anyway my computer isnt good enogh for hosting anyway.
Also as a bonus if you advertise the server for me and we get a good amount of player (if ur computer has enogh ram to handle it) you will from then on get 30% of donation profits instead of 20. All of the percents are negociable do not negociate here please wait for me to respond to you on skype first. Thank you.
Heres the form:
My name is Murtuza with Miners Planet and we have exactly what you're looking for! We offer high performance Minecraft servers without the high price tag. Our entry level Minecraft Hosting, Minecraft Premium, starts at only $4.98 per GB. With our promo code "TRYMP", you will receive 15% off your Minecraft Premium subscription, for life.
For a limited time, we are offering Minecraft Premium for only $2.99 per GB! Use promo code "SPRINGBREEZE", and you'll receive this discount for life! We do not oversell, you will be able to witness the sheer performance you sought out. We will install modpacks for you, free of charge.
What's Included?
5 GB cPanel Web Hosting
99.98% Uptime
1 Gbps Uplink
Entreprise DDoS Protection
Intel Xeon CPUs
Dedicated IP
...alongside everything else you've requested!
Our servers are backed up hourly using R1SOFT to an offsite location. Your data is safe with us.
We will provide you with the exceptional support your Minecraft server will need to succeed. If you have any other question, please contact us via Live Chat or send us an email!
Read our reviews: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/servers/minecraft-server-hosting/other-hosts/2314972-miners-planet-4-98-gb-create-unlimited-ssd-servers (100% Positive Reviews)
MinecraftSecured Control Panel: https://www.minecraftsecured.com
Murtuza Rizvi.
Support Operator
Miners Planet, LLC
Hello there,
We would love to sell you a high-end server for a low price. You can even use the promo code "Launch" for 10% off of your first month. We want to provide a quality Minecraft server, with some of the best support that you'll find. If you don't like what you receive, contact us within 72 hours of your purchase, and we will refund you. We act as a family here, and if you have any problem with your server, we would stay all up all night to fix it, because that's what we are here for. All of our wonderful servers come with this:
Multicraft Control Panel
DDoS Protection
Unlimited of RAID Storage
1Gpbs Connection
FTP File Access
Custom JARs
24/7 Live Chat Support
24/7 Ticket Support
72 hours Refund Guarantee
Still not convinced? Feel free to try out our test server at the IP of test.flyhosting.co.uk!
Website: flyhosting.co.uk
E-Mail: [email protected]