So, I've been wanting to make a Minecraft server for years. Yes, I've been starting on it. I still have some questions about port forwarding though.
1. Do you download the 1.6.4 version of the minecraft server or the 1.7.2 version? Because I've seen many servers that are 1.7.2.
2. How do you update your server?
3. When I try to upload my port, it says invalid port value. Is there a way to fix that?
If any experts know any answers, please do post them! Thanks!
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1. Do you download the 1.6.4 version of the minecraft server or the 1.7.2 version? Because I've seen many servers that are 1.7.2.
2. How do you update your server?
3. When I try to upload my port, it says invalid port value. Is there a way to fix that?
If any experts know any answers, please do post them! Thanks!
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It's usually done router-level.