Your Computer Specs and Operating System: IMac Intel Core 2 Duo. OSX 10.7.1
Can you repeat this bug: yes
What issues does the bug Cause: Hostile mobs (spiders, zombies, skeletons, enders) drop tiny yellow and green flashing balls. They are picked up by the toon automatically or despawn like any other drop. Leaves nothing in the inventory after pick up.
Your Computer Specs and Operating System: MacBok Pro OS 10.6.8
Can you repeat this bug: Yes
What issues does the bug Cause: In creative mode putting an arrow in your quick bar with your bow, shooting gets rid of your arrow, arrows aren't infinite
can i repeat the bug, yes but i deleted minecraft planning to redownload it and mojang is down
what causes the bug: loading any map.
what the bug does: it black screens minecraft and then after a few seconds a window flashes in the minecraft window for a split second and the m/c window goes black.
Bug: Unusual 'freezing' that lasts for 2-3 seconds, dropping FPS to 0 before rebounding to normal levels.
Cause: Unknown.
Solution: None.
Links to Reports: 1 - 2
I noticed that this is only a problem for me if I am playing on my flash drive. I switched over to the one on my hard drive and haven't had any FPS issues since.
Someone else want to confirm this?
Hopefully this will still be consider a bug if that is the fix, as I really prefer to take my Mincraft with me everywhere :smile.gif:
Dell optiplex 745/smt mini tower
intel pentium d dual core at 3.2 ghz dual core
ati radeon 9250 256 mb pci
windows xp professional sp3
250 gh hdd
2 gb ram
black animals like sheep, cows, chickens. black boats.
light to medium lag during map view loading hills/land/water.
Version: 1.8 Official Release
Computer Specs: irrelevant
Can you repeat this bug: YES
What is the bug: Just smelted some iron, but now its not there! WTF! I worked hard to find that ore, i'm stuck on a damn island, and I want my ingots!
What happens: I don't get my iron :sad.gif:
Your Computer Specs and Operating System: 2x3 GhZ, 4 Gb Ram, Win 7 64
Can you repeat this bug: Yes
What issues does the bug Cause: When melting things in furnace and leave it alone. After the last item is melted everything just vanishes from the furnace and all items in it are lost.
Exact same problem here, except under Windows XP (SP3) with 2GB RAM. I would add the detail that the furnace UI closes itself at the end, and everything is gone when reopened.
Version of Minecraft: 1.8 (Pre1, pre2 and release)
Your Computer Specs and Operating System: Windows 7 64 bit, core i7 processor 1.60 GHZ, 4 gb ram, ATI Radeon HD 5700 video
Can you repeat this bug: Yes
What issues does the bug Cause: New chunks in some worlds created before 1.8 are waterworlds. Mostly ocean with islands widely scattered. Underwater terrain appears as if it should be above sea level but is about 20-30 blocks below the surface. Also sea level drops by one block when switching from 1.7 chunk to one generated in 1.8.
Specific conditions it occurs in if applicable: These problems do not occur on all maps, but have occurred on all large maps (>100 MB) Will check smaller maps and update.
UPDATE: Checked a smaller earlier save of one of my maps (75 MB) and this appears to render new chunks normally. There is a lot of ocean, but not crazy amounts of it. Checked a 25 MB world and it was completely normal when rendering new chunks. So far it seems to be related to map size, not seed since the same world (same seed) gave two different results at 75 MB vs. 200 MB version of map.
Your Computer Specs and Operating System: Intel Core 2 Duo (2.2GHz), NVidia Quadro FX 360M, 2GB RAM, Windows Vista
Can you repeat this bug: Yes, maybe, and yes, respectively
What issues does the bug Cause:
Minecarts cannot be destroyed any more. Also, I experienced an odd bug where I was riding on a minecart and Minecraft crashed. When I reloaded the level, there were perhaps 15-20 minecarts spaced at intervals on the track in the direction I had come from. I haven't been able to duplicate it yet, since now I've got 20ish indestructible minecarts blocking the track. Also, I had terrible lag when I generated a new world, even after allowing chunks to generate and then setting the render distance to tiny, the graphics to fast, and the fps to max.
Specific conditions it occurs in if applicable:
I'm playing on a pre-1.8 world. I don't know if that's relevant, though.
Those are XP. They currently dont do anything
Your Computer Specs and Operating System: MacBok Pro OS 10.6.8
Can you repeat this bug: Yes
What issues does the bug Cause: F8 does not do the "smooth" camera as it does in previous patches..
Version of Minecraft: Beta 1.8
Computer Specs and Operating System: Windows Vista, Toshiba Laptop (Notebook model), Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU Processor, 32-Bit.
Can you repeat this bug: Yup.
What issues does the bug Cause: Lighting problems. (I guess?)
Your Computer Specs and Operating System: MacBok Pro OS 10.6.8
Can you repeat this bug: Yes
What issues does the bug Cause: In creative mode putting an arrow in your quick bar with your bow, shooting gets rid of your arrow, arrows aren't infinite
on ssp
macbook 13 inch 2008 ish, osx 10.5.8
can i repeat the bug, yes but i deleted minecraft planning to redownload it and mojang is down
what causes the bug: loading any map.
what the bug does: it black screens minecraft and then after a few seconds a window flashes in the minecraft window for a split second and the m/c window goes black.
thats what they are sopposed to do
I noticed that this is only a problem for me if I am playing on my flash drive. I switched over to the one on my hard drive and haven't had any FPS issues since.
Someone else want to confirm this?
Hopefully this will still be consider a bug if that is the fix, as I really prefer to take my Mincraft with me everywhere :smile.gif:
Also, It won`t let me play Minecraft at all.
Dell optiplex 745/smt mini tower
intel pentium d dual core at 3.2 ghz dual core
ati radeon 9250 256 mb pci
windows xp professional sp3
250 gh hdd
2 gb ram
black animals like sheep, cows, chickens. black boats.
light to medium lag during map view loading hills/land/water.
in game serverlist doesnt work
Exact same problem here, except under Windows XP (SP3) with 2GB RAM. I would add the detail that the furnace UI closes itself at the end, and everything is gone when reopened.
Your Computer Specs and Operating System: 32-bit, Windows Vista Home Premium, 3GB of RAM
Can you repeat this bug: Possibly
What issues does the bug Cause: Lag in servers, possibly a crash/console bug
Specific conditions it occurs in if applicable: It appears if a chest closes RIGHT after 2.5 seconds before walking to it, and it will keep open.
Here's a screenshot of the bug :
The chest was open without nobody in it...But it's weird. Anybody know how to fix this bug? o_o
Your Computer Specs and Operating System: Windows 7 64 bit, core i7 processor 1.60 GHZ, 4 gb ram, ATI Radeon HD 5700 video
Can you repeat this bug: Yes
What issues does the bug Cause: New chunks in some worlds created before 1.8 are waterworlds. Mostly ocean with islands widely scattered. Underwater terrain appears as if it should be above sea level but is about 20-30 blocks below the surface. Also sea level drops by one block when switching from 1.7 chunk to one generated in 1.8.
Specific conditions it occurs in if applicable: These problems do not occur on all maps, but have occurred on all large maps (>100 MB) Will check smaller maps and update.
UPDATE: Checked a smaller earlier save of one of my maps (75 MB) and this appears to render new chunks normally. There is a lot of ocean, but not crazy amounts of it. Checked a 25 MB world and it was completely normal when rendering new chunks. So far it seems to be related to map size, not seed since the same world (same seed) gave two different results at 75 MB vs. 200 MB version of map.
Your Computer Specs and Operating System: Intel Core 2 Duo (2.2GHz), NVidia Quadro FX 360M, 2GB RAM, Windows Vista
Can you repeat this bug: Yes, maybe, and yes, respectively
What issues does the bug Cause:
Minecarts cannot be destroyed any more. Also, I experienced an odd bug where I was riding on a minecart and Minecraft crashed. When I reloaded the level, there were perhaps 15-20 minecarts spaced at intervals on the track in the direction I had come from. I haven't been able to duplicate it yet, since now I've got 20ish indestructible minecarts blocking the track. Also, I had terrible lag when I generated a new world, even after allowing chunks to generate and then setting the render distance to tiny, the graphics to fast, and the fps to max.
Specific conditions it occurs in if applicable:
I'm playing on a pre-1.8 world. I don't know if that's relevant, though.
BUG: Zombies always spawn when going to sleep even in well lit areas
Version of minecraft: 1.8
Operating System and Specs: Mac OS 10.7.1, 2.4Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB DDR3 Ram, Nvidia GeForce 320M 256MB graphics, 250GB HDD
Can I repeat Bug?: YES!
Version of minecraft: 1.8
Operating System and Specs: Mac OS 10.7.1, 2.4Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB DDR3 Ram, Nvidia GeForce 320M 256MB graphics, 250GB HDD
Can I repeat Bug?: No
SSP or SMP: Both
Bug: Melon Slice & Melon both have the same label, which is Melon.
Specific conditions it occurs in if applicable: Confusion