If Endermen spawn in caves, it will probably be the same deal as spiders, where they have creepy glowing eyes.
And this is a sweet topic. I do think it should become a general "what's new in 1.8 and FAQ" thread, though, so we have all the info neatly categorized and frequently updated.
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"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say that there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." -Frank Zappa
Yeah criticals by jumping...I suppose it makes sense, but I'm hoping that once he gets the whole point-spending system he was mentioning with the leveling that instead criticals will be a percentage chance that you can spend your points on to increase.
So the oceans from 1.8 will be huge.But how is this going to effect our dogs/wolves since they only spawn on land and if you pop a boat they cant follow you because they are slow at swimming witch means they will despawn
If Endermen spawn in caves, it will probably be the same deal as spiders, where they have creepy glowing eyes.
And this is a sweet topic. I do think it should become a general "what's new in 1.8 and FAQ" thread, though, so we have all the info neatly categorized and frequently updated.
Actually, Enderman's eyes change from White to Green, though I can't confirm if they glow in the dark. Haven't seen one in darkness yet.
Crepper: LET ME IN!
Player: NO you are a CREPPER
Player : OH ****! COme in! But dont explode!
LOL. Sorry, that's off topic, but that made me lol in real life, as I visioned a comic of this, this Creeper all sweating and panicked, then this ominous shadow overcoming them both, blocking out the moon, staring at them with its ominous, lifeless eyes... rofl.
Yeah criticals by jumping...I suppose it makes sense, but I'm hoping that once he gets the whole point-spending system he was mentioning with the leveling that instead criticals will be a percentage chance that you can spend your points on to increase.
I'll wait until 1.8 is released before I say this is right. It sounds EXTREMELY stupid and overpowered. Jump, slash! Dead Mob! Jump, slash, dead mob! Hur hur, nothing can hurt meee!
Awesome thread by the way man. This should totally be stickied.
Glad you enjoyed it!
That is a great interview though, not one I've seen so bam, first page it goes! :smile.gif:
Also I'm a 'dudette' not a man. *looks at boobs* if a man has boobs like this... yeahh... I don't want to discuss that type of material on a pg forum. Hairy man breasts are not a pleasant topic :tongue.gif:
So the oceans from 1.8 will be huge.But how is this going to effect our dogs/wolves since they only spawn on land and if you pop a boat they cant follow you because they are slow at swimming witch means they will despawn
Really not certain of this. But they should just teleport behind you if you get too far, so they should continue to keep teleporting, though I'd need to be at PAX to confirm this.
Both the Kotaku and IGN videos were very helpful.
From the looks of that Kotaku video, at least cooked porkchops can be stacked (so I think it'll be safer to assume they all can all be stacked). Also there doesn't appear to be Lamb meat of any kind; in the IGN video he scrolled through the whole inventory and not-a-one, did confirm the pumpkin seeds, watermelon seeds, and watermelon slice graphics though. =\
Both the Kotaku and IGN videos were very helpful.
From the looks of that Kotaku video, at least cooked porkchops can be stacked (so I think it'll be safer to assume they all can all be stacked). Also there doesn't appear to be Lamb meat of any kind; in the IGN video he scrolled through the whole inventory and not-a-one, did confirm the pumpkin seeds, watermelon seeds, and watermelon slice graphics though. =\
I'll run through them myself and confirm. I saw a picture somewhere with beef, chicken, porkchops, and this white leg icon, aka Lamb. I'll find it in a sec.
"No new cooking recipes for Pumpkins, but they are not useful for preventing 'Endermen anger', as wearing a Pumpkin (not a jack o lantern, a lit pumpkin) on your head will negate their aggressive when stared at".
"No new cooking recipes for Pumpkins, but they are not useful for preventing 'Endermen anger', as wearing a Pumpkin (not a jack o lantern, a lit pumpkin) on your head will negate their aggressive when stared at".
Woops! Ty. Speed writing this with like 3 hour sleep, at 3 am in the morning... not all here. :smile.gif:
I'm not sure if you got all these so far but here's my list of what the new crafting recipes probably are just from looking at the inventory in the creative from that nice video.
Unless we have some way to craft the new iron bars and/or vines, I imagine the other two have been withheld from the demo or they would have shown up in the inventory selection as well. Great collection thread btw. =)
And this is a sweet topic. I do think it should become a general "what's new in 1.8 and FAQ" thread, though, so we have all the info neatly categorized and frequently updated.
Thanks to Coe, Avidya, Guude and Mhykol for their LP's convincing me to try this awesome game!
Apologies if old.
Awesome thread by the way man. This should totally be stickied.
So the oceans from 1.8 will be huge.But how is this going to effect our dogs/wolves since they only spawn on land and if you pop a boat they cant follow you because they are slow at swimming witch means they will despawn
Actually, Enderman's eyes change from White to Green, though I can't confirm if they glow in the dark. Haven't seen one in darkness yet.
Glad you like it! Just updated a ton more, and adding more as I find it. :tongue.gif:
LOL. Sorry, that's off topic, but that made me lol in real life, as I visioned a comic of this, this Creeper all sweating and panicked, then this ominous shadow overcoming them both, blocking out the moon, staring at them with its ominous, lifeless eyes... rofl.
I'll wait until 1.8 is released before I say this is right. It sounds EXTREMELY stupid and overpowered. Jump, slash! Dead Mob! Jump, slash, dead mob! Hur hur, nothing can hurt meee!
Glad you enjoyed it!
That is a great interview though, not one I've seen so bam, first page it goes! :smile.gif:
Also I'm a 'dudette' not a man. *looks at boobs* if a man has boobs like this... yeahh... I don't want to discuss that type of material on a pg forum. Hairy man breasts are not a pleasant topic :tongue.gif:
What I'm trying to do! Hard work, so anything you guys can submit I missed helps a lot!
Really not certain of this. But they should just teleport behind you if you get too far, so they should continue to keep teleporting, though I'd need to be at PAX to confirm this.
From the looks of that Kotaku video, at least cooked porkchops can be stacked (so I think it'll be safer to assume they all can all be stacked). Also there doesn't appear to be Lamb meat of any kind; in the IGN video he scrolled through the whole inventory and not-a-one, did confirm the pumpkin seeds, watermelon seeds, and watermelon slice graphics though. =\
I'll run through them myself and confirm. I saw a picture somewhere with beef, chicken, porkchops, and this white leg icon, aka Lamb. I'll find it in a sec.
Ah, I should add that. They are confirmed to drop rotten meat.
No info on Blocking yet. I'll add that to my combat mechanics update.
Glad you like it, and your very welcome! :smile.gif:
True, I didn't make clear mention. Doing so now.
Fyi, Bosses have not been seen/mentioned to my knowledge... yet.
Woops! Ty. Speed writing this with like 3 hour sleep, at 3 am in the morning... not all here. :smile.gif:
Already knew about flying. Just added creative info before replying/seeing your post too, ironically. :tongue.gif:
1. Stone Brick Slab
2. Brick Slab
3. Stone Brick Stair
4. Brick Stair
5. Fence Gates
6. Glass Pane
7. Melon Slices
Unless we have some way to craft the new iron bars and/or vines, I imagine the other two have been withheld from the demo or they would have shown up in the inventory selection as well. Great collection thread btw. =)