First, set it up so that Endermen can only pick up a block when they get ticked off.
Then, set it up so they can only pick up blocks from the top, so walls and other structure would be near immune, unless the Enderman could come in from on top. This could even be limited to certain types of blocks, namely those that cannot be found in nature.
Or set it up so they can only pick up blocks in near darkness, while in a certain amount of light they can't pick up blocks at all. It would increase the amount of light management that would need to be done, but would make endermen powerful, but manageable. If you want to protect your mob trap, you can put down pressure plates or manage light levels as well.
I liked the Enderman, so I don't want to see it TOO badly nerfed.
Oh, and one other thing: They should throw the block at you.
//Try my new patented Ender-spray. When misted over your blocks, it makes them immune to the touch of Enderpeople.
Then you won't miss a feature that adds nothing, as you say.
And with others annoyed with building maintenance because of the endermen termite issue, it's something that needs to be fixed. I.E. They only move blocks when angered or not at all.
I never said that the feature added nothing. They compel you to go fight them, and stop them from breaking into your house, instead of sitting in your house until the sun comes up. And having to replace 3 or 4 blocks is hardly maintenance.
I never said that the feature added nothing. They compel you to go fight them, and stop them from breaking into your house, instead of sitting in your house until the sun comes up. And having to replace 3 or 4 blocks is hardly maintenance.
Once more, they spawn all over. I'd have to scour the landscape killing them, causing more maintenance on top of building maintenance. They ruin the landscape just as much if not more than buildings. How does a swiss cheese landscape improve the game? What benefit is a noise filter to the terrain?
But hey, if you enjoy this so much, I bet there's a lot of servers out there that could use you. Tell you what, you go on servers patching up holes and killing endermen for them while I go and build some nice awesome structures. Sounds fair? :wink.gif:
I never said that the feature added nothing. They compel you to go fight them, and stop them from breaking into your house, instead of sitting in your house until the sun comes up. And having to replace 3 or 4 blocks is hardly maintenance.
No but the majority of the community agrees they add nothing. And many of us are defiantly not compelled to fight them, we are either compelled to disable them, or not play at all. If you are a game developer and you add something that does actually cause a portion of your fans to stop playing, then you have done something wrong. Enter the title of this thread.
Tell you what, you go on servers patching up holes and killing endermen for them while I go and build some nice awesome structures. Sounds fair? :wink.gif:
I'll hire for that, and they can be paid in whatever enderpearls they get :tongue.gif:
Once more, they spawn all over. I'd have to scour the landscape killing them, causing more maintenance on top of building maintenance. They ruin the landscape just as much if not more than buildings. How does a swiss cheese landscape improve the game? What benefit is a noise filter to the terrain?
But hey, if you enjoy this so much, I bet there's a lot of servers out there that could use you. Tell you what, you go on servers patching up holes and killing endermen for them while I go and build some nice awesome structures. Sounds fair? :wink.gif:
"Swiss Cheese Landscape"
Nice hyperbole.
I won't bother with patching up the holes in the landscape, because they are nigh-unnoticeable , regardless of what the rage-bandwagon says.
And I'm well aware of the definition of maintenance. My point was that whining about spending a minute or so in fixing the "damage" that Endermen do is rather pathetic in its own right. What else are you going to do with the structure anyway?
Perhaps plenty of servers could hire you to erect pointless structures all across the landscape, so that passerby who would sooner grief those structures than gawk at them could really give you something to whine about.
I won't bother with patching up the holes in the landscape, because they are nigh-unnoticeable , regardless of what the rage-bandwagon says.
And I'm well aware of the definition of maintenance. My point was that whining about spending a minute or so in fixing the "damage" that Endermen do is rather pathetic in its own right. What else are you going to do with the structure anyway?
Perhaps plenty of servers could hire you to erect pointless structures all across the landscape, so that passerby who would sooner grief those structures than gawk at them could really give you something to whine about.
Yea...I spent 1 night mining and the next day counted 12 different misplaced blocks that i knew of. One of said misplaced blocks was holding water back that then flowed out to cause further collateral damage. Less hyperbole, more reality.
What you call 'pointless structure', others call 'the whole reason we actually play this game'. See some people only play Minecraft to construct various structure, some might even qualify as artwork. Where it seems clear you do not share our values on player crafted structure, be respectful enough to realize it is important to some of the people in this community. If it truly pleases you to know there are NPC griefings out there just wrecking people's hard work you don't even care about, then you have problems.
Yea...I spent 1 night mining and the next day counted 12 different misplaced blocks that i knew of. One of said misplaced blocks was holding water back that then flowed out to cause further collateral damage. Less hyperbole, more reality.
What you call 'pointless structure', others call 'the whole reason we actually play this game'. See some people only play Minecraft to construct various structure, some might even qualify as artwork. Where it seems clear you do not share our values on player crafted structure, be respectful enough to realize it is important to some of the people in this community. If it truly pleases you to know there are NPC griefings out there just wrecking people's hard work you don't even care about, then you have problems.
So you're saying some people only play minecraft to build in a peaceful manner? To peacefully work on their structures so that they can peacefully view the results with peaceful satisfaction? If only there was a difficulty level that enabled them to do this.
So you're saying some people only play minecraft to build in a peaceful manner? To peacefully work on their structures so that they can peacefully view the results with peaceful satisfaction? If only there was a difficulty level that enabled them to do this.
As if this even needed to be said. But no, using peaceful mode would be too smart.
So you're saying some people only play minecraft to build in a peaceful manner? To peacefully work on their structures so that they can peacefully view the results with peaceful satisfaction? If only there was a difficulty level that enabled them to do this.
Yes, yes peaceful mode. The thing is that many players want to both create/design/build as well as explore/adventure/fight monsters. There are many servers and single player worlds played for all of those purposes. Basically they want to experience all the game has to offer in one mode, not just the survive and fight monsters aspect.
When a feature does nothing significantly positive for the game and manages to irritate a large portion of the base I'd say it needs to be modified or removed.
I'm waiting for the day that I can go back to my old world and not have red stone circuits torn up, trees floating 2 meters above the ground and not having to inspect my massive castle daily for time consuming maintenance.
Hopefully we will find out what exactly 'nerf' means. I would suggest that in the future endermen will move blocks only when provoked and in a purposeful way.
It be so you could not escape them when agitated. Can't hide in your house - they'll rip up your wall and ceiling to get to you. Can't hide on a mountain - they'll teleport behind you.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
When no one was looking, the Endermen took forty blocks.
They took 40 blocks. That’s as many as four tens. And that’s horrible.
I won't bother with patching up the holes in the landscape, because they are nigh-unnoticeable , regardless of what the rage-bandwagon says.
Multiple packs of 4+ endermen can spawn in a large radius around the player. One night, yes, a few misplaced blocks. Ignore that for a few days, and that number increases. Explore a bit, or cave a bit aways for resources, and they will have another new chunk or more to misplace blocks. It will get out of hand.
Not only that, they can spawn underground, pick up your precious diamonds, and despawn without placing them. I understand that there's only a CHANCE that they could pick up these diamonds, but that's the thing. It's the CHANCE. Meaning it's POSSIBLE, no matter how unlikely.
Yes, the world is infinite. But so is how many times an endermen pack can spawn. It's not as if they only spawn the first night and never show up again. You explore for new caves to get more resources, revealing new chunks and unloading/despawning other mobs, allowing new mobs (meaning the possibility of endermen) of spawning in those caves you're looking for.
So you're saying some people only play minecraft to build in a peaceful manner? To peacefully work on their structures so that they can peacefully view the results with peaceful satisfaction? If only there was a difficulty level that enabled them to do this.
This is the other thing that bugs me: people telling others how to play the game. I play on hard mode because I like the challenge that high damage provides; the incentive is to not get hit as often, which is part of the challenge.
Not only do I play on hard mode, I build to both protect myself and continue expanding my base. I can easily protect my BASE from endermen's pickups, that's no problem or issue for me as my building is based underground. Just a small pond to cover the entrance and bam, all safe. But that's for MY structures. Not everybody lives underground; they build large and complex cities that would be a nuisance to build a giant moat around. That, and, depending on their structures and preference, it's an 'ugly' factor.
Not only that, I like the way my swamp looks. Maybe that's also personal preference, but I don't want endermen making it look like 'swiss cheese'. It's quite a large swamp that expands into epic mountains. I'm dedicated to hard mode and refuse to ever go to peaceful for whatever reason. I don't always sleep the night away; I tend to go to the surface to have it out with all the mobs in the area for resources and mindless fun. This would allow endermen to spawn and ruin MY swamp.
And then the stuff and whatnot about lack of diamonds, cave resources disappearing, etc. etc.
But in all it's downright rude and ineffective to tell somebody how to play. They are unlikely to take this "advice" and pass you off as a short-sighted person. To some extent, they aren't that far off from being correct in that judgement.
Not only do I play on hard mode, I build to both protect myself and continue expanding my base. I can easily protect my BASE from endermen's pickups, that's no problem or issue for me as my building is based underground. Just a small pond to cover the entrance and bam, all safe. But that's for MY structures. Not everybody lives underground; they build large and complex cities that would be a nuisance to build a giant moat around. That, and, depending on their structures and preference, it's an 'ugly' factor.
Not only that, I like the way my swamp looks. Maybe that's also personal preference, but I don't want endermen making it look like 'swiss cheese'. It's quite a large swamp that expands into epic mountains. I'm dedicated to hard mode and refuse to ever go to peaceful for whatever reason. I don't always sleep the night away; I tend to go to the surface to have it out with all the mobs in the area for resources and mindless fun. This would allow endermen to spawn and ruin MY swamp.
And then the stuff and whatnot about lack of diamonds, cave resources disappearing, etc. etc.
But in all it's downright rude and ineffective to tell somebody how to play. They are unlikely to take this "advice" and pass you off as a short-sighted person. To some extent, they aren't that far off from being correct in that judgement.
Some people don't like to have lights in their bedroom. Are we similarly short-sighted telling them to play on peaceful to avoid having creepers show up, or should the entire game be changed to accommodate them?
I'm not saying you're wrong, exactly, just that the logic you're using has some absurd consequences. There simply is no way that everybody can have the exact game they want. I'm in the camp of those who want survival to be about surviving, and for that to be damned difficult. So I'm going to suggest that those who want to take the game further away from that perhaps consider playing in a mode they may find more enjoyable before insisting the game be altered to meet their specifications.
Some people don't like to have lights in their bedroom. Are we similarly short-sighted telling them to play on peaceful to avoid having creepers show up, or should the entire game be changed to accommodate them?
Endermen move blocks regardless of player input.
Creepers and everything else only act based on player input.
Endermen move blocks regardless of player input.
Creepers and everything else only act based on player input.
See the gigantic difference there?
In my example, having a creeper show up in a player's bedroom is the exact same as not building your base for defense against endermen. Nice try though.
In my example, having a creeper show up in a player's bedroom is the exact same as not building your base for defense against endermen. Nice try though.
Nice way to ignore the issue. :wink.gif:
Slathering the landscape in torches and flooding the landscape is not a solution.
Eldermen are less destructive then creepers but you dont see people rageing about creapers destroying a portion of your structure, and demanding that notch nerf them. so whats wrong with elderman occasionally taking 1 block and wandering off, or you could just kill them and go mine another block of cobblestone.
To lazy to mine, fine use toomanyitems.
also for any who don't like the hunger system because they are to lazy to find and kill animals or in a pinch use zombie meat
So they kind of look like they came from the nether, why not have them build a nether portal, free nether portal yay?, downside, it ports you to Ghast crowded area, or an Enderman village in the Nether.
I also like the idea of having them project a dark sphere about them, day or night, mobs spawn all the time, some may wander out into the light and burn, others can attack and be bothersome from inside the sphere. Any torches or light blocks dim out about 70% while in the sphere, fire is not affected, and sphere follows the Enderman
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
... ... Mushrooms are rather rapidly consuming my Nether.
So you're saying some people only play minecraft to build in a peaceful manner? To peacefully work on their structures so that they can peacefully view the results with peaceful satisfaction? If only there was a difficulty level that enabled them to do this.
Actually i never said 'in a peaceful manner' now did I?
As if this even needed to be said. But no, using peaceful mode would be too smart.
See there is a problem with that when you have no intention of building in a peaceful manner. Apparently it would be too smart to consider people do things differently then you.
On my server we prefer to build our creations while hostile MOBs are on. We enjoy the extra challenge of remaining aware while we work so as not to be creepered in the back. If that does happen to us then it is our fault, as well as the resulting collateral damage to the world.
The problem with Endermen picking up blocks is they cause such collateral damage to no fault of our own. Even though the immediate damage of Endermen may be less then a creeper blast, it adds up. Again unacceptable to the way some of us prefer to play.
Then, set it up so they can only pick up blocks from the top, so walls and other structure would be near immune, unless the Enderman could come in from on top. This could even be limited to certain types of blocks, namely those that cannot be found in nature.
Or set it up so they can only pick up blocks in near darkness, while in a certain amount of light they can't pick up blocks at all. It would increase the amount of light management that would need to be done, but would make endermen powerful, but manageable. If you want to protect your mob trap, you can put down pressure plates or manage light levels as well.
I liked the Enderman, so I don't want to see it TOO badly nerfed.
Oh, and one other thing: They should throw the block at you.
//Try my new patented Ender-spray. When misted over your blocks, it makes them immune to the touch of Enderpeople.
I never said that the feature added nothing. They compel you to go fight them, and stop them from breaking into your house, instead of sitting in your house until the sun comes up. And having to replace 3 or 4 blocks is hardly maintenance.
You're going to need this.
Once more, they spawn all over. I'd have to scour the landscape killing them, causing more maintenance on top of building maintenance. They ruin the landscape just as much if not more than buildings. How does a swiss cheese landscape improve the game? What benefit is a noise filter to the terrain?
But hey, if you enjoy this so much, I bet there's a lot of servers out there that could use you. Tell you what, you go on servers patching up holes and killing endermen for them while I go and build some nice awesome structures. Sounds fair? :wink.gif:
No but the majority of the community agrees they add nothing. And many of us are defiantly not compelled to fight them, we are either compelled to disable them, or not play at all. If you are a game developer and you add something that does actually cause a portion of your fans to stop playing, then you have done something wrong. Enter the title of this thread.
I'll hire for that, and they can be paid in whatever enderpearls they get :tongue.gif:
"Swiss Cheese Landscape"
Nice hyperbole.
I won't bother with patching up the holes in the landscape, because they are nigh-unnoticeable , regardless of what the rage-bandwagon says.
And I'm well aware of the definition of maintenance. My point was that whining about spending a minute or so in fixing the "damage" that Endermen do is rather pathetic in its own right. What else are you going to do with the structure anyway?
Perhaps plenty of servers could hire you to erect pointless structures all across the landscape, so that passerby who would sooner grief those structures than gawk at them could really give you something to whine about.
Yea...I spent 1 night mining and the next day counted 12 different misplaced blocks that i knew of. One of said misplaced blocks was holding water back that then flowed out to cause further collateral damage. Less hyperbole, more reality.
What you call 'pointless structure', others call 'the whole reason we actually play this game'. See some people only play Minecraft to construct various structure, some might even qualify as artwork. Where it seems clear you do not share our values on player crafted structure, be respectful enough to realize it is important to some of the people in this community. If it truly pleases you to know there are NPC griefings out there just wrecking people's hard work you don't even care about, then you have problems.
As if this even needed to be said. But no, using peaceful mode would be too smart.
Wanting to fight mobs does not mean you want your structures destroyed.
However I have no issue with them picking up blocks.
Item Scrolling
Yes, yes peaceful mode. The thing is that many players want to both create/design/build as well as explore/adventure/fight monsters. There are many servers and single player worlds played for all of those purposes. Basically they want to experience all the game has to offer in one mode, not just the survive and fight monsters aspect.
When a feature does nothing significantly positive for the game and manages to irritate a large portion of the base I'd say it needs to be modified or removed.
I'm waiting for the day that I can go back to my old world and not have red stone circuits torn up, trees floating 2 meters above the ground and not having to inspect my massive castle daily for time consuming maintenance.
Hopefully we will find out what exactly 'nerf' means. I would suggest that in the future endermen will move blocks only when provoked and in a purposeful way.
It be so you could not escape them when agitated. Can't hide in your house - they'll rip up your wall and ceiling to get to you. Can't hide on a mountain - they'll teleport behind you.
They took 40 blocks. That’s as many as four tens. And that’s horrible.
Multiple packs of 4+ endermen can spawn in a large radius around the player. One night, yes, a few misplaced blocks. Ignore that for a few days, and that number increases. Explore a bit, or cave a bit aways for resources, and they will have another new chunk or more to misplace blocks. It will get out of hand.
Not only that, they can spawn underground, pick up your precious diamonds, and despawn without placing them. I understand that there's only a CHANCE that they could pick up these diamonds, but that's the thing. It's the CHANCE. Meaning it's POSSIBLE, no matter how unlikely.
Yes, the world is infinite. But so is how many times an endermen pack can spawn. It's not as if they only spawn the first night and never show up again. You explore for new caves to get more resources, revealing new chunks and unloading/despawning other mobs, allowing new mobs (meaning the possibility of endermen) of spawning in those caves you're looking for.
This is the other thing that bugs me: people telling others how to play the game. I play on hard mode because I like the challenge that high damage provides; the incentive is to not get hit as often, which is part of the challenge.
Not only do I play on hard mode, I build to both protect myself and continue expanding my base. I can easily protect my BASE from endermen's pickups, that's no problem or issue for me as my building is based underground. Just a small pond to cover the entrance and bam, all safe. But that's for MY structures. Not everybody lives underground; they build large and complex cities that would be a nuisance to build a giant moat around. That, and, depending on their structures and preference, it's an 'ugly' factor.
Not only that, I like the way my swamp looks. Maybe that's also personal preference, but I don't want endermen making it look like 'swiss cheese'. It's quite a large swamp that expands into epic mountains. I'm dedicated to hard mode and refuse to ever go to peaceful for whatever reason. I don't always sleep the night away; I tend to go to the surface to have it out with all the mobs in the area for resources and mindless fun. This would allow endermen to spawn and ruin MY swamp.
And then the stuff and whatnot about lack of diamonds, cave resources disappearing, etc. etc.
But in all it's downright rude and ineffective to tell somebody how to play. They are unlikely to take this "advice" and pass you off as a short-sighted person. To some extent, they aren't that far off from being correct in that judgement.
More Minecraft-things:
Guides for command-related features (eventually moving to Source Block):
I primarily hang out in the /r/MinecraftCommands discord, where there's a lot of people that help with commands:
Their corresponding subreddit:
Some people don't like to have lights in their bedroom. Are we similarly short-sighted telling them to play on peaceful to avoid having creepers show up, or should the entire game be changed to accommodate them?
I'm not saying you're wrong, exactly, just that the logic you're using has some absurd consequences. There simply is no way that everybody can have the exact game they want. I'm in the camp of those who want survival to be about surviving, and for that to be damned difficult. So I'm going to suggest that those who want to take the game further away from that perhaps consider playing in a mode they may find more enjoyable before insisting the game be altered to meet their specifications.
Endermen move blocks regardless of player input.
Creepers and everything else only act based on player input.
See the gigantic difference there?
In my example, having a creeper show up in a player's bedroom is the exact same as not building your base for defense against endermen. Nice try though.
Nice way to ignore the issue. :wink.gif:
Slathering the landscape in torches and flooding the landscape is not a solution.
To lazy to mine, fine use toomanyitems.
also for any who don't like the hunger system because they are to lazy to find and kill animals or in a pinch use zombie meat
I also like the idea of having them project a dark sphere about them, day or night, mobs spawn all the time, some may wander out into the light and burn, others can attack and be bothersome from inside the sphere. Any torches or light blocks dim out about 70% while in the sphere, fire is not affected, and sphere follows the Enderman
Actually i never said 'in a peaceful manner' now did I?
See there is a problem with that when you have no intention of building in a peaceful manner. Apparently it would be too smart to consider people do things differently then you.
On my server we prefer to build our creations while hostile MOBs are on. We enjoy the extra challenge of remaining aware while we work so as not to be creepered in the back. If that does happen to us then it is our fault, as well as the resulting collateral damage to the world.
The problem with Endermen picking up blocks is they cause such collateral damage to no fault of our own. Even though the immediate damage of Endermen may be less then a creeper blast, it adds up. Again unacceptable to the way some of us prefer to play.