You were dead wrong. I remember so vividly you spinning the rumor that everyone has assumed to be true at this point. As far as I'm concerned, nothing from what Notch said speaks of any specific fix, and for all we know he could be removing it entirely. It doesn't even matter in what form, what's more important is that he acknowledged it as an issue.
If he did actually say it was only a current phase at PAX, then he contradicts himself when stating the idea of moving blocks at all was a horrible idea.
Actually, I did not make that rumour. I just said there were many ways they could move blocks that would not be destructive, and the final version would not not do that. I have seen several statements by notch that implied that this was not the final incarnation of their powers, and nothing to imply that is is.
Now, he may very well have decided that the entire idea of moving blocks was ba after toying with it some more. After seeing it in action, he may have seen that it didn't perform as he was hoping. He may have tried to finish the block movement to be what he intended, which would remove the chaotic element of it, and discovered that what he planned would not work, and this was all a bad idea. He didn't say "Oh, I just realzied that randomly moving blocks around is a bad idea". He said that the block movement was a bad idea.
All of the complaining was pointless. People said it was to prevent Notch from doing htis in the first place. It didn't do that. It was also not worth getting worked up over, since it was a temporary phase. My main complaint was that peopel where panicking prematurely.
I take the long view with minecraft. I care little for its state at any given time. I see updates, not for what they add, but for the future possibilities. That is why I like 1.8. Yes, it is a mess. There are tons of partially implemented features that don't quite work properly, the biomes are poorly done, and its buggy. But that doesn't matter. The features will be completed, the biomes will be finished, and the bugs will be fixed. Meanwhile, progress is being made towards grander things. The current state of the endermen is sitting in the pile with incomplete features and bugs. It doesn't matter, it will be fixed.
I don't mind so much that they damage structures, but what I cannot understand is why they were ever allowed to steal treasure chests?
By the time you get down into the mineshaft/dungeon/stronghold, enough Endermen have been spawning down there to have removed 90% of the chests, if not more.
For me, that is the biggest issue with them. There is no point or reward to exploration when they spawn ahead of you and steal those rewards. Endermen remove treasure chests, BEFORE you ever had a chance to get to them.
Plus they are total sissies, I have killed them with my bare hands. It wasn't creepy, it was boring. I just stood there and hit it a couple times.
"Nerf" has been around since the 50s, if I remember correctly. WoW only increased its usage.
The 70s really... from the NERFtm toy weapons made of foam plastic that did no damage. It was a fairly obvious term to use in MMOs when weapons, etc were made less effective right from the get-go, never mind WoW.
I.... want endermen to be NPCs or NPC like. They should have a small inventory (small stack size / only 8 slots) and be able to build structures but not craft. We already have creepers as the "OSNAP SUPER DESTRUCTIVE" / one hit k'o mob, which means that the endermen can't fill that role. So, the endermen should be the "smart" mob of minecraft, with some of the player's capabilities.
The 70s really... from the NERFtm toy weapons made of foam plastic that did no damage. It was a fairly obvious term to use in MMOs when weapons, etc were made less effective right from the get-go, never mind WoW.
Actually, I did not make that rumour. I just said there were many ways they could move blocks that would not be destructive, and the final version would not not do that. I have seen several statements by notch that implied that this was not the final incarnation of their powers, and nothing to imply that is is.
Now, he may very well have decided that the entire idea of moving blocks was ba after toying with it some more. After seeing it in action, he may have seen that it didn't perform as he was hoping. He may have tried to finish the block movement to be what he intended, which would remove the chaotic element of it, and discovered that what he planned would not work, and this was all a bad idea. He didn't say "Oh, I just realzied that randomly moving blocks around is a bad idea". He said that the block movement was a bad idea.
All of the complaining was pointless. People said it was to prevent Notch from doing htis in the first place. It didn't do that. It was also not worth getting worked up over, since it was a temporary phase. My main complaint was that peopel where panicking prematurely.
I take the long view with minecraft. I care little for its state at any given time. I see updates, not for what they add, but for the future possibilities. That is why I like 1.8. Yes, it is a mess. There are tons of partially implemented features that don't quite work properly, the biomes are poorly done, and its buggy. But that doesn't matter. The features will be completed, the biomes will be finished, and the bugs will be fixed. Meanwhile, progress is being made towards grander things. The current state of the endermen is sitting in the pile with incomplete features and bugs. It doesn't matter, it will be fixed.
Again though, you're trying to interpret what notch is saying, when what Notch actually said was an extremely broad statement spanning all of two sentences. When Notch announced Endermen moving blocks, everyone tried to rationalize what he meant, when the irony of the block moving was that it was mentioned in the context of keeping features within the realm of the player's control. He didn't mention the block moving being in the player's control, other than they picked up and moved blocks. They did exactly what he said: Pick up and move blocks, and it lead to 100% of the issues I "speculated" upon, and more.
The only thing I'll grant you however, is that I was working off the same interpretive information as you, but keep in mind, many people didn't want that the block destruction to happen. Notch failed to clarify. It's practically the community's job to get upset and question it. It's unfortunate my fears came to fruition.
And on that note, why do you even care if everyone 'whines,' before or after? If they have an incentive to not see a feature in the game and have ample time before it's implemented, they should actually hammer Notch over it. There is nothing more to gain by remaining silent and waiting. Unless you have a better suggestion, like applying for a job at Mojang and trying to insert your opinion into Notch's ear IRL.
What do you have to gain out of participating in threads full of 'whining?' Unless you actually disagree with their sentiment about removing the possibility of a feature, just don't reply in the thread. Everyone who agrees will get their word out, and it may or may not catch Notch's and may or may not get said feature removed. You don't even know if the early threads helped in ultimately raising Notch's awareness on the issue/possibility of an issue.
Again though, you're trying to interpret what notch is saying, when what Notch actually said was an extremely broad statement spanning all of two sentences. When Notch announced Endermen moving blocks, everyone tried to rationalize what he meant, when the irony of the block moving was that it was mentioned in the context of keeping features within the realm of the player's control. He didn't mention the block moving being in the player's control, other than they picked up and moved blocks. They did exactly what he said: Pick up and move blocks, and it lead to 100% of the issues I "speculated" upon, and more.
The only thing I'll grant you however, is that I was working off the same interpretive information as you, but keep in mind, many people didn't want that the block destruction to happen. Notch failed to clarify. It's practically the community's job to get upset and question it. It's unfortunate my fears came to fruition.
And on that note, why do you even care if everyone 'whines,' before or after? If they have an incentive to not see a feature in the game and have ample time before it's implemented, they should actually hammer Notch over it. There is nothing more to gain by remaining silent and waiting. Unless you have a better suggestion, like applying for a job at Mojang, then trying to insert your word into Notch's ear IRL.
What do you have to gain out of participating in threads full of 'whining?' Unless you actually disagree with their sentiment about removing the possibility of a feature, just don't reply in the thread. Everyone who agrees will get their word out, and it may or may not catch Notch's and may or may not get said feature removed. You don't even know if the early threads helped in ultimately raising Notch's awareness on the issue/possibility of an issue.
As I've said many, many times, there is a big difference between complaining and gnashing teeth and raising an issue to Notch's attention, even if its only a possible issue. Especially if its a possible issue. There are many avenues to appraoch notch and raise a valid complaint. Whining on the forumns is not one of them.
And massive compaints like that are potentially harmful. Notch tries to ignore things like that, but having a lot of people berating your work is hardly the most inspiring thing. Here is the difference: imagine you are working on a painting. Somebody comes up to you, and says "I like where you are going with that, but if the sky was a bit darker it would carry the tone better", vs somebody saying "You are doing it all wrong! The sky is too dark, its ruining everything! I'd better find somebody else who can paint over that for me, cause you suck at this". The former is constructive critcism that can cause you to re-evaluate what you are doing. The latter is annoying whining and can easily ruin your inspiration if you can't sucessfully filter it out. The forums tend to produce the latter.
As I've said many, many times, there is a big difference between complaining and gnashing teeth and raising an issue to Notch's attention, even if its only a possible issue. Especially if its a possible issue. There are many avenues to appraoch notch and raise a valid complaint. Whining on the forumns is not one of them.
And massive compaints like that are potentially harmful. Notch tries to ignore things like that, but having a lot of people berating your work is hardly the most inspiring thing. Here is the difference: imagine you are working on a painting. Somebody comes up to you, and says "I like where you are going with that, but if the sky was a bit darker it would carry the tone better", vs somebody saying "You are doing it all wrong! The sky is too dark, its ruining everything! I'd better find somebody else who can paint over that for me, cause you suck at this". The former is constructive critcism that can cause you to re-evaluate what you are doing. The latter is annoying whining and can easily ruin your inspiration if you can't sucessfully filter it out. The forums tend to produce the latter.
It's pretty subjective trying to differentiate raising awareness and whining. From what I understand so far, someone is whining when you disagree with them. There were some nonconstructive complaints that may have resembled whining, but there were also a large amount of posts that were well versed and hammered out the points thoroughly; Even excessively. If that's whining, I guess no one has a right to criticize. It also got Notch's attention, so apparently whining is the way to go; The end justifies the means?
...unless Notch never read them at all and found his own personal world in shambles like we all found ours, and came to the same conclusion. Or maybe he had a different reason entirely independent of ours and his latest Endermen announcement was a timely coincidence.
Also, Notch is a grown man. I'm pretty sure hes aware of the nature of his work. It's also really easy to bash Notch when everyone arguing for his ideas only have to fall back on the rhetoric that Notch agrees with them, purely because it was his idea. And a lot of the hate on Endermen doesn't spawn exclusively from their block moving. A lot of people really don't like Endermen, for many other reasons that have legitimacy. How would you like them to put it? "I like Endermen, but actually I don't and they suck." It's not their job to tell Notch how to do his job, they're simply saying they don't like a feature. It's called feedback. Suggestions have their own forum, and 99.9% of them are ignored.
Keep in mind, a lot of the arguing isn't directed at Notch. It's amongst each other.. Notch bears the burden of being the creator where the direction of criticism is ultimately aimed at.
To everyone that is saying this feature needs to stay, I ask why? What I have heard before is:
They can tear down your defenses and get inside. No they do not work that way it's 100% random what block they grab.
It's challenging. No that's maintenance, don't confuse needlessly time consuming with challenging they are not the same.
Makes survival harder. They move a random block for point A to point B that in no way puts my survival in jeopardy.
There are a lot of negative drawbacks to the ability as well, hence all the negative feedback on these boards. At the very least their ability to move blocks as-is completely counters many of the things that people got Minecraft for in the first place. I would say that qualifies as a bad idea. Add to that we gain absolutely nothing from their current ability. So again I ask, why would you want to keep this?
No, but why would you need to? You just need to defend your base, who cares what they do to the natural terrain.
They spawn in caves and can pick up every resource, including diamonds. Unless you prefer to lose those resources before you even get to them. You can't have a base without having resources, mind you.
They spawn in caves and can pick up every resource, including diamonds. Unless you prefer to lose those resources before you even get to them. You can't have a base without having resources, mind you.
The world is so massive that their effect on available resources is negligible.
The world is so massive that their effect on available resources is negligible.
Then you won't miss a feature that adds nothing, as you say.
And with others annoyed with building maintenance because of the endermen termite issue, it's something that needs to be fixed. I.E. They only move blocks when angered or not at all.
I loved Endermen, people kept thinking they got griefed.. when it was just a mob.
You haven't been reading the complaints or you haven't understood them at all. Go read the complaints. You'll see why people don't like endermen and why people keep saying they don't want to do building maintenance every day.
Actually, I did not make that rumour. I just said there were many ways they could move blocks that would not be destructive, and the final version would not not do that. I have seen several statements by notch that implied that this was not the final incarnation of their powers, and nothing to imply that is is.
Now, he may very well have decided that the entire idea of moving blocks was ba after toying with it some more. After seeing it in action, he may have seen that it didn't perform as he was hoping. He may have tried to finish the block movement to be what he intended, which would remove the chaotic element of it, and discovered that what he planned would not work, and this was all a bad idea. He didn't say "Oh, I just realzied that randomly moving blocks around is a bad idea". He said that the block movement was a bad idea.
All of the complaining was pointless. People said it was to prevent Notch from doing htis in the first place. It didn't do that. It was also not worth getting worked up over, since it was a temporary phase. My main complaint was that peopel where panicking prematurely.
I take the long view with minecraft. I care little for its state at any given time. I see updates, not for what they add, but for the future possibilities. That is why I like 1.8. Yes, it is a mess. There are tons of partially implemented features that don't quite work properly, the biomes are poorly done, and its buggy. But that doesn't matter. The features will be completed, the biomes will be finished, and the bugs will be fixed. Meanwhile, progress is being made towards grander things. The current state of the endermen is sitting in the pile with incomplete features and bugs. It doesn't matter, it will be fixed.
By the time you get down into the mineshaft/dungeon/stronghold, enough Endermen have been spawning down there to have removed 90% of the chests, if not more.
For me, that is the biggest issue with them. There is no point or reward to exploration when they spawn ahead of you and steal those rewards. Endermen remove treasure chests, BEFORE you ever had a chance to get to them.
Plus they are total sissies, I have killed them with my bare hands. It wasn't creepy, it was boring. I just stood there and hit it a couple times.
The 70s really... from the NERFtm toy weapons made of foam plastic that did no damage. It was a fairly obvious term to use in MMOs when weapons, etc were made less effective right from the get-go, never mind WoW.
Damn. Off by 20 years...
Again though, you're trying to interpret what notch is saying, when what Notch actually said was an extremely broad statement spanning all of two sentences. When Notch announced Endermen moving blocks, everyone tried to rationalize what he meant, when the irony of the block moving was that it was mentioned in the context of keeping features within the realm of the player's control. He didn't mention the block moving being in the player's control, other than they picked up and moved blocks. They did exactly what he said: Pick up and move blocks, and it lead to 100% of the issues I "speculated" upon, and more.
The only thing I'll grant you however, is that I was working off the same interpretive information as you, but keep in mind, many people didn't want that the block destruction to happen. Notch failed to clarify. It's practically the community's job to get upset and question it. It's unfortunate my fears came to fruition.
And on that note, why do you even care if everyone 'whines,' before or after? If they have an incentive to not see a feature in the game and have ample time before it's implemented, they should actually hammer Notch over it. There is nothing more to gain by remaining silent and waiting. Unless you have a better suggestion, like applying for a job at Mojang and trying to insert your opinion into Notch's ear IRL.
What do you have to gain out of participating in threads full of 'whining?' Unless you actually disagree with their sentiment about removing the possibility of a feature, just don't reply in the thread. Everyone who agrees will get their word out, and it may or may not catch Notch's and may or may not get said feature removed. You don't even know if the early threads helped in ultimately raising Notch's awareness on the issue/possibility of an issue.
As I've said many, many times, there is a big difference between complaining and gnashing teeth and raising an issue to Notch's attention, even if its only a possible issue. Especially if its a possible issue. There are many avenues to appraoch notch and raise a valid complaint. Whining on the forumns is not one of them.
And massive compaints like that are potentially harmful. Notch tries to ignore things like that, but having a lot of people berating your work is hardly the most inspiring thing. Here is the difference: imagine you are working on a painting. Somebody comes up to you, and says "I like where you are going with that, but if the sky was a bit darker it would carry the tone better", vs somebody saying "You are doing it all wrong! The sky is too dark, its ruining everything! I'd better find somebody else who can paint over that for me, cause you suck at this". The former is constructive critcism that can cause you to re-evaluate what you are doing. The latter is annoying whining and can easily ruin your inspiration if you can't sucessfully filter it out. The forums tend to produce the latter.
It's pretty subjective trying to differentiate raising awareness and whining. From what I understand so far, someone is whining when you disagree with them. There were some nonconstructive complaints that may have resembled whining, but there were also a large amount of posts that were well versed and hammered out the points thoroughly; Even excessively. If that's whining, I guess no one has a right to criticize. It also got Notch's attention, so apparently whining is the way to go; The end justifies the means?
...unless Notch never read them at all and found his own personal world in shambles like we all found ours, and came to the same conclusion. Or maybe he had a different reason entirely independent of ours and his latest Endermen announcement was a timely coincidence.
Also, Notch is a grown man. I'm pretty sure hes aware of the nature of his work. It's also really easy to bash Notch when everyone arguing for his ideas only have to fall back on the rhetoric that Notch agrees with them, purely because it was his idea. And a lot of the hate on Endermen doesn't spawn exclusively from their block moving. A lot of people really don't like Endermen, for many other reasons that have legitimacy. How would you like them to put it? "I like Endermen, but actually I don't and they suck." It's not their job to tell Notch how to do his job, they're simply saying they don't like a feature. It's called feedback. Suggestions have their own forum, and 99.9% of them are ignored.
Keep in mind, a lot of the arguing isn't directed at Notch. It's amongst each other.. Notch bears the burden of being the creator where the direction of criticism is ultimately aimed at.
They can tear down your defenses and get inside. No they do not work that way it's 100% random what block they grab.
It's challenging. No that's maintenance, don't confuse needlessly time consuming with challenging they are not the same.
Makes survival harder. They move a random block for point A to point B that in no way puts my survival in jeopardy.
There are a lot of negative drawbacks to the ability as well, hence all the negative feedback on these boards. At the very least their ability to move blocks as-is completely counters many of the things that people got Minecraft for in the first place. I would say that qualifies as a bad idea. Add to that we gain absolutely nothing from their current ability. So again I ask, why would you want to keep this?
I guess if you have enough people whine, you eventually have to give into them.
There was nothing wrong with a mob grabbing one random block, you could easily kill them before they have a chance to grab another. Oh well.
Are you able to teleport to every single endermen in the game as they spawn and kill each and every one before another picks up a block?
More Minecraft-things:
Guides for command-related features (eventually moving to Source Block):
I primarily hang out in the /r/MinecraftCommands discord, where there's a lot of people that help with commands:
Their corresponding subreddit:
No, but why would you need to? You just need to defend your base, who cares what they do to the natural terrain.
Exactly. You're unaffected/don't care.
They spawn in caves and can pick up every resource, including diamonds. Unless you prefer to lose those resources before you even get to them. You can't have a base without having resources, mind you.
More Minecraft-things:
Guides for command-related features (eventually moving to Source Block):
I primarily hang out in the /r/MinecraftCommands discord, where there's a lot of people that help with commands:
Their corresponding subreddit:
The world is so massive that their effect on available resources is negligible.
Then you won't miss a feature that adds nothing, as you say.
And with others annoyed with building maintenance because of the endermen termite issue, it's something that needs to be fixed. I.E. They only move blocks when angered or not at all.
You haven't been reading the complaints or you haven't understood them at all. Go read the complaints. You'll see why people don't like endermen and why people keep saying they don't want to do building maintenance every day.