So, today I found a stronghold. No, not those webby mine shafts that people THINK are strongholds. A real, sprawling, intricate underground fortress. I just loved the feel of exploring it. The feeling that someone had been there before me - and maybe that someone hasn't yet left. I immensely enjoy creeping around the mossy, half-ruined hallways, sword in hand as I hesitantly round each corner, and the feeling of dread as I step into a dark room and the door closes behind me. It feels like I'm in a horror movie. I tiptoe around, looking for the source of that groan I hear, or the hissing that seems to be coming from right behind me... The suspense builds as I become more and more convinced that there's something alive in here, and it knows that I'm stuck in this labyrinthine stronghold with it. Yet, I see nothing. I tentatively continue my exploration, and I finally go through that door, enter that room... That death trap, just waiting for me to spring it. Even though there are maybe two monsters attacking me, I feel as though I'm being assaulted from all directions. I fight them tooth and nail, and barely escape with my life...
And then I do it all again. It is fun as hell. And just to prove I'm not exaggerating how big and confusing they can be...
So, yeah. How do you feel about strongholds? Too rare? Too gosh-darn confuzzlifying? If you've explored one, what was it like?
They're awesome! I found one on my creative world, and it took me hours to explore! And now I must build my castle across an OCEAN to connect it to this epic underground labyrinth!
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Incessant, ignorant, insignificant, intolerable, erroneous, illogical, and last but not least: Fail. This describes you. Good day.
Mine was really hard to find, had to use that stronghold finder to locate one... also had a ravine running through it. I LOVED the library omg I love that the chest in there have books and paper!
That sounds epic :biggrin.gif: I'm going to stay vanilla though, I'm not giong to play on my main save until 1.9 and I'll search for one off these :biggrin.gif:
And then I do it all again. It is fun as hell. And just to prove I'm not exaggerating how big and confusing they can be...
So, yeah. How do you feel about strongholds? Too rare? Too gosh-darn confuzzlifying? If you've explored one, what was it like?
now... how did you take that screenshot?!?!?
Seriously, Mojang. The ****.