Alright, well, first of all let me state that I think 1.8 is fantastic. The update has moved the entire game towards a much more coherent and driven goal while still allowing all the free form play of its predecessor, with only minor issues that I can see as of now. Some of my complaints are normal and shared with much of the community, and some of them are strange and unusual, while a few are just simply ideas for what I think Mojang AB should do next to improve on the mechanics. Tell me what you think, and discuss these with me, because I want to hear some reasonable reviews of my critique of the game so far.
1. Biomes:
The biome code is stunning, biomes finally feel large and are beginning to feel progressively more unique. But the world still feels... endless to me. I mean, it should feel endless, but it feels like it has no flow to guide you on your journey, it's just aimless. While NPCs will allegedly take care of this by creating goals that drive a direction flow into the game, I feel that the map could better lend to this same goal in tandem, or even in contrast, giving you multiple sort of 'directions' to take depending how you choose to play that will feel unique and overlapping. I have started several maps and even though the distinct biome I live in is different each time, the files still feel too similar.
Here is my assessment of the pros and cons of biomes:
1. Biome size- biomes are large now, very large, but I still feel like running between a tundra, desert, swamp, forest, and across a beach in a single day is too small. Biomes need to be larger still, possibly as much as four times their current size. It should take roughly one day at a full sprint to travel through a biome in my opinion, because the passage of a day would lend such a powerful illusion that makes the biome seem larger than it actually is while still keeping them a manageable size, and making collection journeys for resources be more of an adventure than walking next door to get a cup of sugar.
2. Biome spawning- Biome spawning is not so good right now. You should not be able to spawn in mountain, desert, or swamp biomes, as they feel like hostile rugged terrain. In fact, I posit that you should only be able to spawn on the border of an ocean and woodland biome, and mountains, deserts, and swamps should be nice treasures to find, like dungeons, abandoned mines, and strongholds (although far more common).
3. Biome distribution- I touched on this a bit before, but I feel like all biomes should be much larger, and on top of that, oceans should be HUGE (and islands should be their own sub-biome that spawn in clusters). Oceans should be even deeper (I don't want to be able to get to the bottom), and coasts should be less like the coasts of a lake that slowly wrap around in a circle to encompass a small body of water, and more like impassable barriers. I say we should leave the current ocean biome as a 'lake biome' and add a NEW ocean biome that is much rarer and is 10 - 100 times as massive, and twice as deep. Make them spawn a limited number of times per map, with one typically bordering within 1000 blocks of the player spawn point, so there is always an accessible ocean.
4. more common complaints - swamps should be less common and snow should be implemented obviously, but mojang already knows this and we can expect it soon. Also, its worth mentioning that biomes of weird types seem to border one another, like tundra bordering deserts. clearly needs a fix, but once again i think notch is aware of this.
Overall I give the current biome code about a B+, but notch is capable of a better grade I believe.
As long as you can get access to a few trees if you spawn in a desert or an ocean so you can make a few things, it'd be awesome to have day-long biomes.
The ocean idea sounds good, but we need some way of knowing its an ocean. If a hapless player swims across thinking its a small lake or something then gets stranded, that wouldn't be very good. Maybe a different water color?
The ocean idea sounds good, but we need some way of knowing its an ocean. If a hapless player swims across thinking its a small lake or something then gets stranded, that wouldn't be very good. Maybe a different water color?
omg i took like 10mins to get to the end of the spoiler and then saw the troll face... well played =(
The current mob spawning is actually half finished, in 1.9 passive mobs are getting a huge update related to farming and mob breeding. I don't intend to critique this til 1.9 is out since they are working on it in great detail right now.
Also, bigger biomes encourage exploration, because as of right now you can hunker up in on small area neighboring every biome and practically never have to go explore at all.
Exploring on a survival game shouldnt be only for fun, it should be a game mechanic.
I am currently standing on a mountain, i am staring at a swamp, a forest, a desert, a mountain biome, and two ravines. If I built my house on this mountain, I would have everything the game has to offer and never need to travel anywhere.
This is silly, from my vantage I can see that walking from one part of the swamp to the other side is only a 90 block walk at most. Don't get me wrong, its ah huge improvement over before, but it needs to be bigggggger still! C'mon notch, give us incentives to travel far and wide and go on great pilgrimages and start trade routes and economic regions!
Personally, I don't know if I would want larger biomes. I think they should add a biome size option to the world generator. Possible other options too, like the option to pick and choose what biomes are generated.
I think this has been discussed in another thread somewhere though.
1) Blocks in general feel too much alike. Most blocks are just reskins of other blocks so naturally, game play wise, they're going to "feel" the same. They are the same. Because of this biomes need more than just reskinned blocks. For the most part, they're not usually in different arrangements! The new biomes are, but "snow" biomes are just regular dirt biomes with snow on top. They should include actual snow blocks, with snow drifts and ice slides (of doom). Similarly, each biome (by definition, even) needs its own ecosystem--which means new mobs unique to their respective biome.
2) I disagree. My new SMP server started in a swamp biome and it wasn't any easier or harder. If you don't like the shade remove the trees.
3) Bigger deeper oceans practically require water-related items. (Ender pearls -> under water sight, or breathing?). Deeper oceans? Useless. You couldn't build from the bottom up, but instead you'd have to extend a land bridge from (obviously) the nearest chunk of land. So it would be tremendously difficult to build in an ocean and therefore, "dead zones". Add reasons (and ways!) to venture into the deep and I'd be behind you on this.
4) If they cut chance for swamps in half and give it to snow biomes I think we'll be okay. However, remember that deserts have less to do with temperature and more to do with annual precipitation. More gradual transitions from one biome to the next would be appreciated.
Well, apparently, according to some people, nothing should...
I would think that the biome size is just a variable in the code anyway(of course I could be wrong), so I wouldn't think it'd be that hard to add. They already let us choose to spawn structures, why stop there?
I think the biomes are large enough as is, except the mountain biome. I don't want miles of flat plains, so different biomes should be larger than others.
I wish there were more types of biomes. I know the mushroom biome is planned for 1.9 as well as a possible volcano biome. I think there should be a tropical biome, perhaps associated with certain warmer ocean biomes. Also, desert oases would be nice.
Western deserts seem to be ignored, but it might not look good in Minecraft. The deserts in this game are practically sand dunes. But deserts in the SW United States, Spain, Southern Africa, and parts of South America like Chile, tend to have some cool terrain associated with them without foliage. Perhaps sandstone can be used.
I like the thoughts on biomes but I think some biomes need to be larger and some smaller like tundra.
The map I'm using was a small island in an ocean. As it is I have to set out in a boat at first light to reach what I'm calling the 'mainland' which is actually just a large tundra island but without snow. You want oceans bigger? Well then give me a bigger ship thats faster. Let me have a galley that I can smelt some iron in while I sail, and maybe have a wheel so you turn it and it goes that direction without you needing to sit there and hold w.
I think though that mountain biomes should be bigger (Purely for more epicness) and maybe restrict spawning to certain Y levels so people don't spawn on top of mountains or in caves.
I love islands as they are but with one big problem, NO ANIMAL SPAWNS. On my decently large island and others I found I could find no animals. They need some spawn overhaul because I would prefer not to have to take my day long boat ride with an inventory full of milk and sail back just to make cake.
On a pretty unrelated note, I think hostile mobs need a sort of revamp of spawning. Not much just I've been having them spawn in my castle on my island and I don't enjoy heading to my kitchen only to be attacked by skeletons. Maybe stop them from spawning on player placed blocks? It would stop them spawning in peoples large living areas and it would be very tough/time consuming to abuse.
Those all sound like very good ideas. I also really have to agree that ocean biome water should have a different color or something or at least be much deeper so you know you are in an actual ocean!
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"Veni, vidi, vici." "I came, I saw, I conquered."
- Gaius Julius Caesar
1. Biomes:
The biome code is stunning, biomes finally feel large and are beginning to feel progressively more unique. But the world still feels... endless to me. I mean, it should feel endless, but it feels like it has no flow to guide you on your journey, it's just aimless. While NPCs will allegedly take care of this by creating goals that drive a direction flow into the game, I feel that the map could better lend to this same goal in tandem, or even in contrast, giving you multiple sort of 'directions' to take depending how you choose to play that will feel unique and overlapping. I have started several maps and even though the distinct biome I live in is different each time, the files still feel too similar.
Here is my assessment of the pros and cons of biomes:
1. Biome size- biomes are large now, very large, but I still feel like running between a tundra, desert, swamp, forest, and across a beach in a single day is too small. Biomes need to be larger still, possibly as much as four times their current size. It should take roughly one day at a full sprint to travel through a biome in my opinion, because the passage of a day would lend such a powerful illusion that makes the biome seem larger than it actually is while still keeping them a manageable size, and making collection journeys for resources be more of an adventure than walking next door to get a cup of sugar.
3. Biome distribution- I touched on this a bit before, but I feel like all biomes should be much larger, and on top of that, oceans should be HUGE (and islands should be their own sub-biome that spawn in clusters). Oceans should be even deeper (I don't want to be able to get to the bottom), and coasts should be less like the coasts of a lake that slowly wrap around in a circle to encompass a small body of water, and more like impassable barriers. I say we should leave the current ocean biome as a 'lake biome' and add a NEW ocean biome that is much rarer and is 10 - 100 times as massive, and twice as deep. Make them spawn a limited number of times per map, with one typically bordering within 1000 blocks of the player spawn point, so there is always an accessible ocean.
Just a quick note to tell you that ocean biomes are already HUUUGE check out this vid of the ocean I found....This Ocean Is HUUUUGE
Just a quick note to tell you that ocean biomes are already HUUUGE check out this vid of the ocean I found....This Ocean Is HUUUUGE
Ummmm, I've mapped out several oceans already that were probably much larger than that. Once you get a boat oceans don't seem very big anymore. I want an ocean that AT LEAST takes up an entire map.
Also lol you shouldnt be able to spawn in ocean biomes XD
Ummmm, I've mapped out several oceans already that were probably much larger than that. Once you get a boat oceans don't seem very big anymore. I want an ocean that AT LEAST takes up an entire map.
Also lol you shouldnt be able to spawn in ocean biomes XD
Your character spawns in the middle of an ocean. Looking around, you see naught but water. The bad news is... no shelter, no wood, naught. The good news is that the creepers can't get you out here.
Yeah, if I spawned in the middle of an ocean, the first thing I'd do is slaughter a bunch of sheep so I could make a bed.
1. Biomes:
The biome code is stunning, biomes finally feel large and are beginning to feel progressively more unique. But the world still feels... endless to me. I mean, it should feel endless, but it feels like it has no flow to guide you on your journey, it's just aimless. While NPCs will allegedly take care of this by creating goals that drive a direction flow into the game, I feel that the map could better lend to this same goal in tandem, or even in contrast, giving you multiple sort of 'directions' to take depending how you choose to play that will feel unique and overlapping. I have started several maps and even though the distinct biome I live in is different each time, the files still feel too similar.
Here is my assessment of the pros and cons of biomes:
1. Biome size- biomes are large now, very large, but I still feel like running between a tundra, desert, swamp, forest, and across a beach in a single day is too small. Biomes need to be larger still, possibly as much as four times their current size. It should take roughly one day at a full sprint to travel through a biome in my opinion, because the passage of a day would lend such a powerful illusion that makes the biome seem larger than it actually is while still keeping them a manageable size, and making collection journeys for resources be more of an adventure than walking next door to get a cup of sugar.
2. Biome spawning- Biome spawning is not so good right now. You should not be able to spawn in mountain, desert, or swamp biomes, as they feel like hostile rugged terrain. In fact, I posit that you should only be able to spawn on the border of an ocean and woodland biome, and mountains, deserts, and swamps should be nice treasures to find, like dungeons, abandoned mines, and strongholds (although far more common).
3. Biome distribution- I touched on this a bit before, but I feel like all biomes should be much larger, and on top of that, oceans should be HUGE (and islands should be their own sub-biome that spawn in clusters). Oceans should be even deeper (I don't want to be able to get to the bottom), and coasts should be less like the coasts of a lake that slowly wrap around in a circle to encompass a small body of water, and more like impassable barriers. I say we should leave the current ocean biome as a 'lake biome' and add a NEW ocean biome that is much rarer and is 10 - 100 times as massive, and twice as deep. Make them spawn a limited number of times per map, with one typically bordering within 1000 blocks of the player spawn point, so there is always an accessible ocean.
4. more common complaints - swamps should be less common and snow should be implemented obviously, but mojang already knows this and we can expect it soon. Also, its worth mentioning that biomes of weird types seem to border one another, like tundra bordering deserts. clearly needs a fix, but once again i think notch is aware of this.
Overall I give the current biome code about a B+, but notch is capable of a better grade I believe. (follow this link if you need proof)
BBCode Render failed due to reaching MaxNestingDepth(80) for Tag: spoiler
omg i took like 10mins to get to the end of the spoiler and then saw the troll face... well played =(
Also, bigger biomes encourage exploration, because as of right now you can hunker up in on small area neighboring every biome and practically never have to go explore at all.
Exploring on a survival game shouldnt be only for fun, it should be a game mechanic. (follow this link if you need proof)
This is silly, from my vantage I can see that walking from one part of the swamp to the other side is only a 90 block walk at most. Don't get me wrong, its ah huge improvement over before, but it needs to be bigggggger still! C'mon notch, give us incentives to travel far and wide and go on great pilgrimages and start trade routes and economic regions! (follow this link if you need proof)
I think this has been discussed in another thread somewhere though. (follow this link if you need proof)
2) I disagree. My new SMP server started in a swamp biome and it wasn't any easier or harder. If you don't like the shade remove the trees.
3) Bigger deeper oceans practically require water-related items. (Ender pearls -> under water sight, or breathing?). Deeper oceans? Useless. You couldn't build from the bottom up, but instead you'd have to extend a land bridge from (obviously) the nearest chunk of land. So it would be tremendously difficult to build in an ocean and therefore, "dead zones". Add reasons (and ways!) to venture into the deep and I'd be behind you on this.
4) If they cut chance for swamps in half and give it to snow biomes I think we'll be okay. However, remember that deserts have less to do with temperature and more to do with annual precipitation. More gradual transitions from one biome to the next would be appreciated.
I would think that the biome size is just a variable in the code anyway(of course I could be wrong), so I wouldn't think it'd be that hard to add. They already let us choose to spawn structures, why stop there?
I wish there were more types of biomes. I know the mushroom biome is planned for 1.9 as well as a possible volcano biome. I think there should be a tropical biome, perhaps associated with certain warmer ocean biomes. Also, desert oases would be nice.
Western deserts seem to be ignored, but it might not look good in Minecraft. The deserts in this game are practically sand dunes. But deserts in the SW United States, Spain, Southern Africa, and parts of South America like Chile, tend to have some cool terrain associated with them without foliage. Perhaps sandstone can be used.
KEKDOT Highways & Freeways in Minecraft - Stack Interchange
The map I'm using was a small island in an ocean. As it is I have to set out in a boat at first light to reach what I'm calling the 'mainland' which is actually just a large tundra island but without snow. You want oceans bigger? Well then give me a bigger ship thats faster. Let me have a galley that I can smelt some iron in while I sail, and maybe have a wheel so you turn it and it goes that direction without you needing to sit there and hold w.
I think though that mountain biomes should be bigger (Purely for more epicness) and maybe restrict spawning to certain Y levels so people don't spawn on top of mountains or in caves.
I love islands as they are but with one big problem, NO ANIMAL SPAWNS. On my decently large island and others I found I could find no animals. They need some spawn overhaul because I would prefer not to have to take my day long boat ride with an inventory full of milk and sail back just to make cake.
On a pretty unrelated note, I think hostile mobs need a sort of revamp of spawning. Not much just I've been having them spawn in my castle on my island and I don't enjoy heading to my kitchen only to be attacked by skeletons. Maybe stop them from spawning on player placed blocks? It would stop them spawning in peoples large living areas and it would be very tough/time consuming to abuse.
- Gaius Julius Caesar
Also, I kinda like the idea of deep oceans that have reachable bottoms 0.o. Why not have cave systems and stuff down there?
Fiancé <3, Andalucía <3.
Just a quick note to tell you that ocean biomes are already HUUUGE check out this vid of the ocean I found....This Ocean Is HUUUUGE
Ummmm, I've mapped out several oceans already that were probably much larger than that. Once you get a boat oceans don't seem very big anymore. I want an ocean that AT LEAST takes up an entire map.
Also lol you shouldnt be able to spawn in ocean biomes XD (follow this link if you need proof)
Your character spawns in the middle of an ocean. Looking around, you see naught but water. The bad news is... no shelter, no wood, naught. The good news is that the creepers can't get you out here.
Yeah, if I spawned in the middle of an ocean, the first thing I'd do is slaughter a bunch of sheep so I could make a bed.