Recently, I found my first Stronghold. I've found some more in different worlds and compared to the pictures notch posted, I'm very disappointed. For Example:
This is the Strongholds when first shown. Yet no-one. NO-ONE Has discovered ones like this.
Strongholds Only Appear Underground.
Another Thing,
This is amazing. Found nothing like this yet.
Strongholds is one of the best things about 1.8. But I'm disappointed.
P.S Does anyone have a world seed of a stronghold combining with An Underground Ravine?
Edit: OMG! Nether Strongholds/ Bridges?
Posted On Jeb's twitter.
Watch the . I don't know what seed they had (the map was given to them), but it was certainly a ravine/stronghold combination.
Also, strongholds obviously aren't done yet. Right now they're just kind-of mysterious... they'll have a purpose eventually. Mojang has mentioned boss monsters and stuff, so I'm sure they'll get better in future patches.
Do you still have the world? If you do, do you mind pressing F3 For the Seed and co-ords?
if I rememer right, the world seed was volcano. I don't remember the coordinates offhand though. I know you dug down in a certain spot, and you eneded up on the edge of a ravine with a strondhold.
Though it was a pre-release seed, so its probably completly different now.
The one I found was pretty cool, its basically in the middle of a huge cave system. Im sure someone will eventually find one with a ravine or mineshaft running through it, but its kind of random(which is good).
I would really like to see some Strongholds generated on the surface though, itd be pretty sweet. Or somehow a "fort" on the surface with stairs going down into the stronghold, but I dont see how it would be possible with the generator. Ill just have to find another stronghold and make one, lol.
I'm extremely disappointed in strongholds as I will never find one (unless I make a new world and use cheats to find it).
There needs to be no limit on number of strongholds. They upped it to 3, but 3/infinite is still 0. There needs to be a stronghold every X amount of space, even if it's 1 stronghold every 10k blocks.
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Still no infinite strongholds D:
the stronghold that i meet ,better than the picture that notch release ,exactly way better :biggrin.gif: ,but i never found a ravines combined with stronghold ,except the mineshaft
REMEMBER Any World Seeds You Have, Please Post them by using F3. (You can see something like this: Seed: -00103949 (this is an example and will not work)
The seed "Water" (capital W) has a stronghold, ravine, and abandoned mine all intersecting each-other. At x:804 z:-564. The entrance is under water, but the stronghold is kind of small and the whole place is messed up due to the mine cutting right through the stronghold.
I got bored of manually searching one out on my new world so I went in through mcedit and found mine. It does have a ravine cutting through the stronghold. I'm currently at work otherwise i would give you the seed.
I'm extremely disappointed in strongholds as I will never find one (unless I make a new world and use cheats to find it).
There needs to be no limit on number of strongholds. They upped it to 3, but 3/infinite is still 0. There needs to be a stronghold every X amount of space, even if it's 1 stronghold every 10k blocks.
There will be a set number of strongholds per x blocks in 1.9. Jeb also said they will be adding a way to locate strongholds once they add bosses.
Strongholds were far greater than I expected for an initial update. They are huge, come with lot of hidden rooms and treasures, and just look cool. Whether or not they are above ground does not matter to me that much, though I'm sure we will see better strongholds in future updates.
This is the Strongholds when first shown. Yet no-one. NO-ONE Has discovered ones like this.
Strongholds Only Appear Underground.
Another Thing,
This is amazing. Found nothing like this yet.
Strongholds is one of the best things about 1.8. But I'm disappointed.
P.S Does anyone have a world seed of a stronghold combining with An Underground Ravine?
Edit: OMG! Nether Strongholds/ Bridges?
Posted On Jeb's twitter.
Also, strongholds obviously aren't done yet. Right now they're just kind-of mysterious... they'll have a purpose eventually. Mojang has mentioned boss monsters and stuff, so I'm sure they'll get better in future patches.
Do you still have the world? If you do, do you mind pressing F3 For the Seed and co-ords?
if I rememer right, the world seed was volcano. I don't remember the coordinates offhand though. I know you dug down in a certain spot, and you eneded up on the edge of a ravine with a strondhold.
Though it was a pre-release seed, so its probably completly different now.
Not found any that are on the top layer, though.
I started out with nothing and I still have most of it left.
I would really like to see some Strongholds generated on the surface though, itd be pretty sweet. Or somehow a "fort" on the surface with stairs going down into the stronghold, but I dont see how it would be possible with the generator. Ill just have to find another stronghold and make one, lol.
There needs to be no limit on number of strongholds. They upped it to 3, but 3/infinite is still 0. There needs to be a stronghold every X amount of space, even if it's 1 stronghold every 10k blocks.
Still no infinite strongholds D:
I got bored of manually searching one out on my new world so I went in through mcedit and found mine. It does have a ravine cutting through the stronghold. I'm currently at work otherwise i would give you the seed.
There will be a set number of strongholds per x blocks in 1.9. Jeb also said they will be adding a way to locate strongholds once they add bosses.
X: 991.6
Y: 42.6
Z: -249.7
Been repairing this stronghold since last night (filling up holes in the wall, etc), its freaking huuuuge.
I remember seeing about him talking about a way to locate. Do you have a source on it being per x blocks in 1.9?
its on twitter, I don't feel like trying to dig it up. or maybe it was reddit.