So, The "Word of Notch" page got updated 57 minutes ago. And not a single solitary word about Minecraft. He truly is clueless about the current status of his big bread winner isn't he?
* Players dying in SMP creates a large number of xp/orbs which can severely lag and or crash a server.
* Generating new chunks on a SMP server severely lags and can crash a server.
* Attempting to Connect to a 1.7.3 server with a 1.8 client, can crash a server.
* Shift-clicking stuff into a full chest (or your inventory) crashes the client.
In addition I've heard numerous complains that is lagging/down preventing many people from even logging into minecraft in the first place.
And of course, that's just the severe/crash bugs, I'm not even going to start with the less severe issues, of which there are many.
And apparently, Notch is blissfully unaware of all of it.'re upset that multiplayer (which has always been terribly buggy) is buggy, and Notch decided to update us on the Bethesda lawsuit, and share some games that he's interested in?
You do know that Notch doesn't write his every thought and action, right?
You should read the piece of text on the right-hand side : "I made Minecraft! This is my personal blog, but it's like 95% about Minecraft development. "
That doesn't mean it's a Minecraft blog, just that it most often features Minecraft. Let the man post what he wants.
You should read the piece of text on the right-hand side : "I made Minecraft! This is my personal blog, but it's like 95% about Minecraft development. "
That doesn't mean it's a Minecraft blog, just that it most often features Minecraft. Let the man post what he wants.
Then maybe he should change the the 95% to a 5%....
This is nothing unusual for the blog. The lawsuit update is exactly the type of thing he posts, as are game reviews.
Anyways, I thought jeb had fixes the xp orb bug? He tweeted about how the xp was grouped, and even specified how the grouping worked. Was that not enough to fix it, or did it not get added properly?
For me, it's not so much "whining", but it's more that I'm concerned. I enjoy Minecraft very much and just worry that it is not getting the attention it deserves from the developers.
Anyways, I thought jeb had fixes the xp orb bug? He tweeted about how the xp was grouped, and even specified how the grouping worked. Was that not enough to fix it, or did it not get added properly?
It appears not. My favorite SMP server tried it, and died hideously in under an hour due to excessive lag and ultimately a hard crash which not only brought down the server, but managed to corrupt the worldmap file as well. Fortunately it was a temp map, and there are backups of everything. The server didn't even last an hour after updating to 1.8.
And to add insult to injury, apparently connecting to a 1.7.3 server with a 1.8 client, can crash the 1.7.3 server. So we can't even revert back to our 1.7.3 server because our many users are pretty much guaranteed to repeatedly crash that. So the entire server got taken down until a solution can be found.
On top of all of this, seeing "Word of notch" get updated but not even mention the 1.8 release, is truly painful to see. I fully realize that Jeb is in charge of coding minecraft currently, but even so You would think that the CEO of Mojang would at the very least be aware enough of the patch release to relay the message on "Word of Notch" as per usual. But alas no. Notch is apparently blissfully unaware of what is going on with minecraft currently.
It appears not. My favorite SMP server tried it, and died hideously in under an hour due to excessive lag and ultimately a hard crash which not only brought down the server, but managed to corrupt the worldmap file as well. Fortunately it was a temp map, and there are backups of everything. The server didn't even last an hour after updating to 1.8.
And to add insult to injury, apparently connecting to a 1.7.3 server with a 1.8 client, can crash the 1.7.3 server. So we can't even revert back to our 1.7.3 server because our many users are pretty much guaranteed to repeatedly crash that. So the entire server got taken down until a solution can be found.
On top of all of this, seeing "Word of notch" get updated but not even mention the 1.8 release, is truly painful to see. I fully realize that Jeb is in charge of coding minecraft currently, but even so You would think that the CEO of Mojang would at the very least be aware enough of the patch release to relay the message on "Word of Notch" as per usual. But alas no. Notch is apparently blissfully unaware of what is going on with minecraft currently.
This is a very dangerous precedent.
He is fully aware of the update. He has been talking about it on twitter, and has been actively working on the code. He just hasn't blogged it. His blog has dropped severely on his list of priorities, since he now has other outlets, mainly twitter, to mention things about the game. Hence, when he feels like saying something about the game, he can normally tweet something quickly instead of writing up a full blog post about it.
So, The "Word of Notch" page got updated 57 minutes ago. And not a single solitary word about Minecraft. He truly is clueless about the current status of his big bread winner isn't he?
* Players dying in SMP creates a large number of xp/orbs which can severely lag and or crash a server.
* Generating new chunks on a SMP server severely lags and can crash a server.
* Attempting to Connect to a 1.7.3 server with a 1.8 client, can crash a server.
* Shift-clicking stuff into a full chest (or your inventory) crashes the client.
In addition I've heard numerous complains that is lagging/down preventing many people from even logging into minecraft in the first place.
And of course, that's just the severe/crash bugs, I'm not even going to start with the less severe issues, of which there are many.
And apparently, Notch is blissfully unaware of all of it.
Being a bit dramatic aren't we?
The players dieing with xp orbs doesn't lag servers anymore afaik. I had a rather humiliating first death today, I must have leveled around 20 times before I bit it. Server didn't hiccup. So correct me if I am wrong, this was indeed addressed like the patch notes had said.
Generating new chunks crashing a server? That certainly sounds huge considering that's basically what this update was supposed to do, cause you to want to explore and run out into the world. I can't comment since I don't think I've traveled all that far in my new world yet, but I haven't had any performance issues at all.
1.8 clients connecting to a 1.7.3 server... Ok, seems like an oversight, but due to the nature that minecraft isn't really meant to be backwards compatible, I can tolerate that problem. Mojang shouldn't have to cater to people who insist on not updating, the game hasn't even had it's first real release yet. AFTER that release, yes that would be a problem I'd agree.
The chest, yes, is annoying but a very simple workaround... don't do it. That is acceptable considering I suspect this will be addressed in the 1.8.1 or 1.8.2, etc patches we'll see. Check out paintings, they don't exactly accept the new lighting system. This was found in the pre-release and is still there. Doesn't bug me UNLESS we don't see any minor 1.8 patches.
As for not being able to access the site and service to log into your account... All I have to say to you is play ANY major game on a patch day. World of Warcraft, Team Fortress 2 (I've seen the entire Steam server slow to a crawl on TF2 patch days) This is something that will calm down, if it hasn't already.
* Players dying in SMP creates a large number of xp/orbs which can severely lag and or crash a server.
* Generating new chunks on a SMP server severely lags and can crash a server.
* Attempting to Connect to a 1.7.3 server with a 1.8 client, can crash a server.
* Shift-clicking stuff into a full chest (or your inventory) crashes the client.
In addition I've heard numerous complains that is lagging/down preventing many people from even logging into minecraft in the first place.
And of course, that's just the severe/crash bugs, I'm not even going to start with the less severe issues, of which there are many.
And apparently, Notch is blissfully unaware of all of it.
You do know that Notch doesn't write his every thought and action, right?
That doesn't mean it's a Minecraft blog, just that it most often features Minecraft. Let the man post what he wants.
Simple as that.
Then maybe he should change the the 95% to a 5%....
Anyways, I thought jeb had fixes the xp orb bug? He tweeted about how the xp was grouped, and even specified how the grouping worked. Was that not enough to fix it, or did it not get added properly?
It appears not. My favorite SMP server tried it, and died hideously in under an hour due to excessive lag and ultimately a hard crash which not only brought down the server, but managed to corrupt the worldmap file as well. Fortunately it was a temp map, and there are backups of everything. The server didn't even last an hour after updating to 1.8.
And to add insult to injury, apparently connecting to a 1.7.3 server with a 1.8 client, can crash the 1.7.3 server. So we can't even revert back to our 1.7.3 server because our many users are pretty much guaranteed to repeatedly crash that. So the entire server got taken down until a solution can be found.
On top of all of this, seeing "Word of notch" get updated but not even mention the 1.8 release, is truly painful to see. I fully realize that Jeb is in charge of coding minecraft currently, but even so You would think that the CEO of Mojang would at the very least be aware enough of the patch release to relay the message on "Word of Notch" as per usual. But alas no. Notch is apparently blissfully unaware of what is going on with minecraft currently.
This is a very dangerous precedent.
He is fully aware of the update. He has been talking about it on twitter, and has been actively working on the code. He just hasn't blogged it. His blog has dropped severely on his list of priorities, since he now has other outlets, mainly twitter, to mention things about the game. Hence, when he feels like saying something about the game, he can normally tweet something quickly instead of writing up a full blog post about it.
Being a bit dramatic aren't we?
The players dieing with xp orbs doesn't lag servers anymore afaik. I had a rather humiliating first death today, I must have leveled around 20 times before I bit it. Server didn't hiccup. So correct me if I am wrong, this was indeed addressed like the patch notes had said.
Generating new chunks crashing a server? That certainly sounds huge considering that's basically what this update was supposed to do, cause you to want to explore and run out into the world. I can't comment since I don't think I've traveled all that far in my new world yet, but I haven't had any performance issues at all.
1.8 clients connecting to a 1.7.3 server... Ok, seems like an oversight, but due to the nature that minecraft isn't really meant to be backwards compatible, I can tolerate that problem. Mojang shouldn't have to cater to people who insist on not updating, the game hasn't even had it's first real release yet. AFTER that release, yes that would be a problem I'd agree.
The chest, yes, is annoying but a very simple workaround... don't do it. That is acceptable considering I suspect this will be addressed in the 1.8.1 or 1.8.2, etc patches we'll see. Check out paintings, they don't exactly accept the new lighting system. This was found in the pre-release and is still there. Doesn't bug me UNLESS we don't see any minor 1.8 patches.
As for not being able to access the site and service to log into your account... All I have to say to you is play ANY major game on a patch day. World of Warcraft, Team Fortress 2 (I've seen the entire Steam server slow to a crawl on TF2 patch days) This is something that will calm down, if it hasn't already.