I was thinking about the problem of having only one Stronghold per world and I believe thought of a solution.
Keep Strongholds at one per world but have the NPCs (once implemented) tell the player which direction the Stronghold is.
This way Strongholds remain rare, NPCs have a use, and players actually have a chance to find one.
I, too, would have to say I'd very much prefer to have more than one per world. Since downloading the 1.8 pre, I have yet to find a single stronghold. I'm generated 5 maps, and run like crazy all over the world, loading all the chunks I reasonably can, and then popping them into MCedit to look underground and see if there's any sign of one. So far, nothing. I am all for keeping them rare, and even hard to find. The level of rarity they have now, though, just seems like too much restriction for too little reward.
That is saying something, mind you, because in my opinion finding a stronghold will be one hell of a reward.
I don't think having one per world is in any way practical.
Minecraft maps ("worlds") are impossibly huge. If there were only one stronghold per map, it would take hundreds of hours of exploring to find it, even with NPCs telling you the direction.
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Disruptively Insubordinate, Fails to Attend to Duty
JEB did post that he was changing Strongholds to three per world . Perhaps if they were named (Stronghold of the Damned or whatever) and each contained one piece of a missing artifact....
I'm just trying to think of ways to keep Strongholds EPIC. I agree that searching for hours and hours is not fun.
Its now three per world but not much of a difference. The world is always MASSIVE and only three strongholds is like a (wild guess) like a 98.99999999999999% chance of finding one. I am definitely wrong on the percentage lol
Keep Strongholds at one per world but have the NPCs (once implemented) tell the player which direction the Stronghold is.
This way Strongholds remain rare, NPCs have a use, and players actually have a chance to find one.
What do you think?
I do like the idea of the NPC's giving you help in finding them though.
That is saying something, mind you, because in my opinion finding a stronghold will be one hell of a reward.
Minecraft maps ("worlds") are impossibly huge. If there were only one stronghold per map, it would take hundreds of hours of exploring to find it, even with NPCs telling you the direction.
Disruptively Insubordinate, Fails to Attend to Duty
I'm just trying to think of ways to keep Strongholds EPIC. I agree that searching for hours and hours is not fun.