So! I've heard a lot of people complaining about having only a partial list of updated content. So! Below, I am going to detail every addition I can find/confirm. If you have something not on this list that you are CERTAIN was changed/added/etc, in 1.1, please tell me and I'll investigate! And yes, I did borrow a lot of this from the Wiki. :smile.gif:
I am also detailing speculation for 1.2 here as well, as what can be at least 99% confirmed to some extent. Please understand, the 1.2 section is PURELY SPECULATION and even if Jeb himself says it will be in 1.2, it may not make it to production! So no angry lynching me >=(
Change log:
Wednesday, Jan 18th, 7:56 pm
- Adding clarified additions to 1.2. Assuming further 1.2 is amassed, I may rename this to 1.1 Changes, and 1.2 confirmed additions.
- Clarified Vines in 1.2 will be climbable, and the Ladder 'fix', returned back to old manners to stop angry raging. :tongue.gif:
Tuesday, Jan 17th, 2:31 pm
- Clarifying the armor changes, despite being a 'bug fix', I have added a response to 'common issues'.
Monday, Jan 16th, 6:32 pm
- Revised the 'seed changing' comment. It appears if you have a 1.0 seed map, and recreate it in 1.1 with the same seed, Biomes, Villages, etc, will remain the same, but the terrain itself may be altered. (page 4, post 66 for example).
Monday, Jan 16th, 2:27 pm
- Got a few confirmations that fire arrows do not light anything on fire on contact.
- Added confirmation (to clarify) that only OAK tree's drop apples. Pine, and Birch (Dark wood, and white wood) tree's do not.
Change log:
Jan 14th, Saturday, 10:49 pm
- Added in a bit more info, such as Crop Trampling and other information.
Jan 14th, Saturday, 5:12 pm
- Added in a note to the mob section detailing Creepers killed via Skeleton arrow, now drop all Music Discs except the '11' music disc.
Q: Why is it snowing in my desert?!
A: With 1.1, the biome code was changed, meaning the 'Seed' has changed itself. Villages, Towns, Biomes, and such things will be identical if using the same seed from a pre-1.1 map, however, the terrain will generate differently. Plains may be flatter, mountains, more hilly, etc etc. They will retain their general shape, but will have 'evolved' with the changes of 1.1 to the terrain generator, including Taiga biomes Snowing, and such additions even without a new map.
Q: Well, how do I stop it?! This sucks!
A: Unfortunately, nothing can be done to stop it without using a mod to alter the seed of your map, and it's rather dangerous to tinker with that.
You have two options. #1 deal with it. #2 find a new area in your map free of this issue, download MCedit or such a program, and move your home/buildings over to this new area. Unfortunately, there is no quick fix :sad.gif:
Q: Why is my armor not working?! Creepers are hurting me a lot more!
A: 1.8 or 1.9(?) changed how armor works to a flat value, instead of a % of your armor rate. Aka, it used to work with 100% durability=100% damage reduction, 50% durability=50% reduction. It was changed to be a flat rate for each armor type, no matter the Durability. But a bug caused it to act twice as strong as intended!
This is the general confirmed table of how armor works now, based vs a 2 heart damage arrow shot from a dispenser.
v1.0 v1.1
No Armor 5 5
Full Leather 10 7
Full Gold 16 9
Full Iron 24 12
Full Diamond inf. 25
Q: Ladders are broken!!! I WANT IT REVERTED NOW!
A: No. It was a bug, bugs were fixed. It harmed custom maps, sure, but look at boat-elevators? The dev's (jeb and co) added in a fix next patch to re-establish the lost features. Not as efficient, but it works. I assume they will do the same for Parkour(?) maps.
- Bows can now be enchanted, and have their own unique Enchants. Power, Infinity, Punch, and Flame.
- Infinity Bow Enchant makes a bow not consume arrows. Lasts until the bow degrades from durability. Requires you keep 1 arrow in your inventory (possibly an oversight?)
- Power Bow Enchant is like Sharpness for Blades. Five Ranks (I,II,III,IV,V) each adding a base damage value to the bows damage output. Each 'level' adds 0.5 hearts, up to a max of 2.5 hearts extra, meaning 5 damage. A fully charged shot will kill any mob (or unarmored player) in 1 shot!
- Punch Bow Enchant is similar to Knockback for the Sword. Two ranks, I and II, each increasing the knockback of arrow strikes on victims. Amount isn't clear yet, but comparable to Knockback for the blade enchant.
- Flame Bow Enchant ignites arrows on fire, which fires flaming Arrows. Flaming Arrows do not do more damage, but will ignite a target on fire upon contact. Confirmed to NOT catch trees, or flammable materials on fire.
- Igniting an arrow on fire (firing through lava for example) will cause the same effect as the Flame Enchant, igniting the target on fire. Presumably works with Dispensers as well, making those 'flaming arrow turrets' more then just a cool effect!
- Golden Apples craft recipe modified. Utilizes Gold Nuggets now, instead of Gold blocks. Crafting Recipe remains the same in pattern (Red Apple in center, gold nuggets in a square around it on a craft bench).
- Gold Apples, with this simplification of materials, now only restores 4 Food instead of 10 on consumption, and causes health regen only for 4 seconds, instead of 30. Still a very powerful item though!
- Enchanting was made less 'random' in the sense of how levels are chosen. To clarify, having a 3x3 room with bookshelves 2 high, at all possible points around an Enchanting table, will ensure it only offers 30+(?) level enchants. Less bookshelves will ensure lower requirements. Chance of getting any Enchant remains the same as 1.0.
- Brewing Potions now only takes 20 seconds to complete, instead of 30 seconds from 1.0 meaning less time waiting for those darn potions to finish brewin'!
- Transition of color from Biomes blends better (no more dark green Swamp mixed in with bright green plains grass for example - transitions in a more appealing manner).
- Beaches have returned! They are not as large as pre-1.8, and contain some bugs such as spawning 'blobs' up the side of coastlines, but will presumably be tuned and tweaked in 1.2.
- Taiga's have regained their chilly climate, and now are covered in snow, and frozen in Ice.
- Biomes now vary in height. Plains will generally be lower and smoother, while a forest may be a bit hilly and bumpy with dips and rises, compared to prior where most biomes had very little difference in their height.
- Addition of eggs for nearly all monsters, which when placed on a block, spawn the Mob correlating to the egg thrown allowing creative mode players to place mobs as well as blocks at will.
- New map type, Super Flat, is a new world type on generation which gives you a world that is 3 high from bedrock, and completely flat grassland, devoid of biome/trees and other obstacles, perfect for building some creative projects you've wanted to do but didn't want to dig up a gigantic area to achieve the extra height you need!
- Language Support added, 56 languages supported including a few 'for fun' ones. Try the Pirate Language, yee landlubber! :smile.gif:
- Collision from Ladders removed, ability to climb from the side of ladders is now possible. This change however, removed the ability to stand on top of ladders, and has caused Parkour(?) map players, and creators, to grow upset as such a function was key to their maps.
- Collision box of fences is no longer 1-block wide, but the width of the Fence.
- Fence gates now open and close from redstone currents, just as iron/wood doors do. (yay! Automatic Stables!)
- Oak Tree leaf blocks now have a 1 in 200 chance to drop yummy red Apples! (Note, the white trees are birch, and trees in Taiga's are Pine. Oak are the normal, ordinary trees).
- Blacksmith buildings that spawn within NPC Villages, now spawn with a chest that has useful blacksmithing materials, such as Coal, Iron, Gold, even Diamond! Raw materials, Weapons, tools, and Armors have been reported to rarely be found of all varieties (with Diamond being the rarest, of course).
- Void Fog, a fog given off by Bedrock, is now disabled when in creative mode to not hamper you while building at such a depth.
- Melons and Pumpkins will now grow on dirt, instead of Tilled Farmland, meaning no more constantly tilling your Pumpkin/Melon farm each harvest!
-, the file that configures SMP (multiplayer) servers has had three new functions added to it:
Level-type - (super Flat, or Default being the two that are possible now, but more will be added in the future!)
Spawn NPCs - Disable NPC Spawning. (Not certain if it disables villages).
Generate Structures - Abandoned mineshafts, strongholds, and Villages, choosing whether they will generate in a world or not.
- SMP server's now automatically boot non-OP (admin)players who send too much text in chat in quick succession. Unknown of the rates required for the boot.
- Players, as well as Animals walking on farmland will no longer cause it to revert to Dirt. However, jumping on farmland can still convert it to dirt.
- Sheep now eat grass(converting it to a dirt block) or Tall Grass, if available, and regrow their wool! Yay!
- Due to the above change, Sheep only drop 1-3 blocks per shearing, but in less then a few minutes, will have regrown their wool balancing it out.
- Magma Cubes found in the Nether, now drop Magma Cream! Quantity/Rarity is still unknown.
- Wheat's ability to 'lure' animals has increased from 2-3 to 5-8 in range. Meaning you won't have to angrily fumble with wheat (as much) to try and get that darn little piggies attention to follow you!
(!)- Creepers killed by Skeleton arrows, now have a chance to drop ANY music Disc in the game with exception to Disc 11.
- in 1.2, the Ladder 'fix' that removed its collision detection, will be reverted restoring previous functionality of ladders to 1.0 function. - Source
- In response to this reversal of bug, Vines are now being made climbable! :biggrin.gif: - Source
- In 1.1, rumor of Mob/Villager AI has improved has been wide spread, but no confirmation proven. New Programmer at Mojang, jonkagstrom (aka, Jonk!)has confirmed he has been working on new AI functionality for Minecraft, but not if any of it was implemented in 1.1.
- 1.2 is speculated to contain some fairly major additions to the Village, with a clear sign being the addition of reward chest to the Blacksmith, and seeming improvement of Villagers ability to find their way out of mazes so as they are not caught on simple obstacles. No clarification on what may appear, but there is speculation that Villagers will usher in a new level of AI not seen before in Minecraft, and even possibly open the addition of simpler functions such as repairs, talking to NPC's, and some simpler interactions, while laying the ground work for the more advanced features such as trading, and quests!
- More will be added when I can vouch for it being a real possibility!
Awesome. :smile.gif: Hopefully even if not pinned, it helps alleviate some of these 'what really changed?!' threads, as I know not having this information is frustrating as all heck, it was for me >.>
This is very helpful, I always wondered why i was getting level 4 at max in the enchanting table it really annoyed me...
I thought this was going to be a copy and paste of the login screen update log.
Hahaha, nope. Not going to copy something everyone can see, that's silly.
a 3x3 area around a enchanting table, 2 high bookshelves, you'll see 'symbols' go into the enchanting table, and from what I hear, see only level 37-50 enchants. Less bookshelves=lower enchant levels. (some enchants only appear in certain level ranges, etc etc).
Easy system to modify it, is setup a bunch of sticky pistons to 'grab' the back of the second row of bookshelves, link it to a switch, and so when you hit the switch they retract the top-layer, halving the power of the enchants (which will bring it to ranges of 14-35 or so I think?). Random tidbit of thought. :tongue.gif:
I was browsing another thread, about blocks and such, then I somehow managed to switch over in this one :tongue.gif:
But now that I got you, doesn't snow blocks melt near light sources? Otherwise I might just start building with snow :smile.gif:
Nope, full snow blocks don't melt. You can even use them in the Nether!
I was browsing another thread, about blocks and such, then I somehow managed to switch over in this one :tongue.gif:
But now that I got you, doesn't snow blocks melt near light sources? Otherwise I might just start building with snow :smile.gif:
If I recall, pumpkins(?) don't melt snow. Or Glowstone. Some damn light source doesn't melt them :tongue.gif: I know that much, just can't recall which >.> Another reason we need lanterns too. Contained light source for snow.
If I recall, pumpkins(?) don't melt snow. Or Glowstone. Some damn light source doesn't melt them :tongue.gif: I know that much, just can't recall which >.> Another reason we need lanterns too. Contained light source for snow.
Sadly, there's only 1 light source that won't melt ice & snow......the sun. Torch, glowstone, and Jack will all melt things.
Sadly, there's only 1 light source that won't melt ice & snow......the sun. Torch, glowstone, and Jack will all melt things.
Really? swore there was one... or maybe it was a certain height I placed stuff at, and never noticed lol :tongue.gif:
One thing that is puzzling me, is this supposed 'armor nerf', but I can't find any hard information on it... *rubs head* anyone have anything reliable on that? Sounds fairly major, but I won't even list it until I have hard data and Evidence to it, as it's a fairly major change.
Sadly, there's only 1 light source that won't melt ice & snow......the sun. Torch, glowstone, and Jack will all melt things.
Redstone Torches won't melt them.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Users lack the mental capacity to have intelligent discussion, and mods lack the mental capacity to make intellegent decisions... I give up trying to share my intelligence with the world.
As soon as my favorite server updates, I will start building a music disc farm... then they will all wonder where I got the discs... and I will sell them for unreasonable prices...
As soon as my favorite server updates, I will start building a music disc farm... then they will all wonder where I got the discs... and I will sell them for unreasonable prices...
All music discs except '11' (the broken record) can be found by creepers dying to Skeleton arrows. I can confirm it. I got one earlier. :tongue.gif:
Hahaha, you have the mind of a merchant, a twisted, ruthless monster. I like it :wink.gif:
Very nice overview. I've looked everywhere for a complete list with details. Keep it up! :smile.gif: But one thing I think should be implemented in 1.2 is the ability to toggle the various generated structures. (For example; ONLY turning off villages but keeping strongholds and mineshafts and such on). Because for some people, the villages take away part of the solo survival aspect of Minecraft. Especially with the new AI they will be receiving.
I am also detailing speculation for 1.2 here as well, as what can be at least 99% confirmed to some extent. Please understand, the 1.2 section is PURELY SPECULATION and even if Jeb himself says it will be in 1.2, it may not make it to production! So no angry lynching me >=(
Change log:
Wednesday, Jan 18th, 7:56 pm
- Adding clarified additions to 1.2. Assuming further 1.2 is amassed, I may rename this to 1.1 Changes, and 1.2 confirmed additions.
- Clarified Vines in 1.2 will be climbable, and the Ladder 'fix', returned back to old manners to stop angry raging. :tongue.gif:
Tuesday, Jan 17th, 2:31 pm
- Clarifying the armor changes, despite being a 'bug fix', I have added a response to 'common issues'.
Monday, Jan 16th, 6:32 pm
- Revised the 'seed changing' comment. It appears if you have a 1.0 seed map, and recreate it in 1.1 with the same seed, Biomes, Villages, etc, will remain the same, but the terrain itself may be altered. (page 4, post 66 for example).
Monday, Jan 16th, 2:27 pm
- Got a few confirmations that fire arrows do not light anything on fire on contact.
- Added confirmation (to clarify) that only OAK tree's drop apples. Pine, and Birch (Dark wood, and white wood) tree's do not.
Change log:
Jan 14th, Saturday, 10:49 pm
- Added in a bit more info, such as Crop Trampling and other information.
Jan 14th, Saturday, 5:12 pm
- Added in a note to the mob section detailing Creepers killed via Skeleton arrow, now drop all Music Discs except the '11' music disc.
Q: Why is it snowing in my desert?!
A: With 1.1, the biome code was changed, meaning the 'Seed' has changed itself. Villages, Towns, Biomes, and such things will be identical if using the same seed from a pre-1.1 map, however, the terrain will generate differently. Plains may be flatter, mountains, more hilly, etc etc. They will retain their general shape, but will have 'evolved' with the changes of 1.1 to the terrain generator, including Taiga biomes Snowing, and such additions even without a new map.
Q: Well, how do I stop it?! This sucks!
A: Unfortunately, nothing can be done to stop it without using a mod to alter the seed of your map, and it's rather dangerous to tinker with that.
You have two options. #1 deal with it. #2 find a new area in your map free of this issue, download MCedit or such a program, and move your home/buildings over to this new area. Unfortunately, there is no quick fix :sad.gif:
Q: Why is my armor not working?! Creepers are hurting me a lot more!
A: 1.8 or 1.9(?) changed how armor works to a flat value, instead of a % of your armor rate. Aka, it used to work with 100% durability=100% damage reduction, 50% durability=50% reduction. It was changed to be a flat rate for each armor type, no matter the Durability. But a bug caused it to act twice as strong as intended!
This is the general confirmed table of how armor works now, based vs a 2 heart damage arrow shot from a dispenser.
Q: Ladders are broken!!! I WANT IT REVERTED NOW!
A: No. It was a bug, bugs were fixed. It harmed custom maps, sure, but look at boat-elevators? The dev's (jeb and co) added in a fix next patch to re-establish the lost features. Not as efficient, but it works. I assume they will do the same for Parkour(?) maps.
More to come!
- Bows can now be enchanted, and have their own unique Enchants. Power, Infinity, Punch, and Flame.
- Infinity Bow Enchant makes a bow not consume arrows. Lasts until the bow degrades from durability. Requires you keep 1 arrow in your inventory (possibly an oversight?)
- Power Bow Enchant is like Sharpness for Blades. Five Ranks (I,II,III,IV,V) each adding a base damage value to the bows damage output. Each 'level' adds 0.5 hearts, up to a max of 2.5 hearts extra, meaning 5 damage. A fully charged shot will kill any mob (or unarmored player) in 1 shot!
- Punch Bow Enchant is similar to Knockback for the Sword. Two ranks, I and II, each increasing the knockback of arrow strikes on victims. Amount isn't clear yet, but comparable to Knockback for the blade enchant.
- Flame Bow Enchant ignites arrows on fire, which fires flaming Arrows. Flaming Arrows do not do more damage, but will ignite a target on fire upon contact. Confirmed to NOT catch trees, or flammable materials on fire.
- Igniting an arrow on fire (firing through lava for example) will cause the same effect as the Flame Enchant, igniting the target on fire. Presumably works with Dispensers as well, making those 'flaming arrow turrets' more then just a cool effect!
- Golden Apples craft recipe modified. Utilizes Gold Nuggets now, instead of Gold blocks. Crafting Recipe remains the same in pattern (Red Apple in center, gold nuggets in a square around it on a craft bench).
- Gold Apples, with this simplification of materials, now only restores 4 Food instead of 10 on consumption, and causes health regen only for 4 seconds, instead of 30. Still a very powerful item though!
- Enchanting was made less 'random' in the sense of how levels are chosen. To clarify, having a 3x3 room with bookshelves 2 high, at all possible points around an Enchanting table, will ensure it only offers 30+(?) level enchants. Less bookshelves will ensure lower requirements. Chance of getting any Enchant remains the same as 1.0.
- Brewing Potions now only takes 20 seconds to complete, instead of 30 seconds from 1.0 meaning less time waiting for those darn potions to finish brewin'!
- Transition of color from Biomes blends better (no more dark green Swamp mixed in with bright green plains grass for example - transitions in a more appealing manner).
- Beaches have returned! They are not as large as pre-1.8, and contain some bugs such as spawning 'blobs' up the side of coastlines, but will presumably be tuned and tweaked in 1.2.
- Taiga's have regained their chilly climate, and now are covered in snow, and frozen in Ice.
- Biomes now vary in height. Plains will generally be lower and smoother, while a forest may be a bit hilly and bumpy with dips and rises, compared to prior where most biomes had very little difference in their height.
- Addition of eggs for nearly all monsters, which when placed on a block, spawn the Mob correlating to the egg thrown allowing creative mode players to place mobs as well as blocks at will.
- New map type, Super Flat, is a new world type on generation which gives you a world that is 3 high from bedrock, and completely flat grassland, devoid of biome/trees and other obstacles, perfect for building some creative projects you've wanted to do but didn't want to dig up a gigantic area to achieve the extra height you need!
- Collision from Ladders removed, ability to climb from the side of ladders is now possible. This change however, removed the ability to stand on top of ladders, and has caused Parkour(?) map players, and creators, to grow upset as such a function was key to their maps.
- Collision box of fences is no longer 1-block wide, but the width of the Fence.
- Fence gates now open and close from redstone currents, just as iron/wood doors do. (yay! Automatic Stables!)
- Oak Tree leaf blocks now have a 1 in 200 chance to drop yummy red Apples! (Note, the white trees are birch, and trees in Taiga's are Pine. Oak are the normal, ordinary trees).
- Blacksmith buildings that spawn within NPC Villages, now spawn with a chest that has useful blacksmithing materials, such as Coal, Iron, Gold, even Diamond! Raw materials, Weapons, tools, and Armors have been reported to rarely be found of all varieties (with Diamond being the rarest, of course).
- Void Fog, a fog given off by Bedrock, is now disabled when in creative mode to not hamper you while building at such a depth.
- Melons and Pumpkins will now grow on dirt, instead of Tilled Farmland, meaning no more constantly tilling your Pumpkin/Melon farm each harvest!
-, the file that configures SMP (multiplayer) servers has had three new functions added to it:
Level-type - (super Flat, or Default being the two that are possible now, but more will be added in the future!)
Spawn NPCs - Disable NPC Spawning. (Not certain if it disables villages).
Generate Structures - Abandoned mineshafts, strongholds, and Villages, choosing whether they will generate in a world or not.
- SMP server's now automatically boot non-OP (admin)players who send too much text in chat in quick succession. Unknown of the rates required for the boot.
- Players, as well as Animals walking on farmland will no longer cause it to revert to Dirt. However, jumping on farmland can still convert it to dirt.
- Sheep now eat grass(converting it to a dirt block) or Tall Grass, if available, and regrow their wool! Yay!
- Due to the above change, Sheep only drop 1-3 blocks per shearing, but in less then a few minutes, will have regrown their wool balancing it out.
- Magma Cubes found in the Nether, now drop Magma Cream! Quantity/Rarity is still unknown.
- Wheat's ability to 'lure' animals has increased from 2-3 to 5-8 in range. Meaning you won't have to angrily fumble with wheat (as much) to try and get that darn little piggies attention to follow you!
(!)- Creepers killed by Skeleton arrows, now have a chance to drop ANY music Disc in the game with exception to Disc 11.
- in 1.2, the Ladder 'fix' that removed its collision detection, will be reverted restoring previous functionality of ladders to 1.0 function. - Source
- In response to this reversal of bug, Vines are now being made climbable! :biggrin.gif: - Source
- In 1.1, rumor of Mob/Villager AI has improved has been wide spread, but no confirmation proven. New Programmer at Mojang, jonkagstrom (aka, Jonk!)has confirmed he has been working on new AI functionality for Minecraft, but not if any of it was implemented in 1.1.
- 1.2 is speculated to contain some fairly major additions to the Village, with a clear sign being the addition of reward chest to the Blacksmith, and seeming improvement of Villagers ability to find their way out of mazes so as they are not caught on simple obstacles. No clarification on what may appear, but there is speculation that Villagers will usher in a new level of AI not seen before in Minecraft, and even possibly open the addition of simpler functions such as repairs, talking to NPC's, and some simpler interactions, while laying the ground work for the more advanced features such as trading, and quests!
- More will be added when I can vouch for it being a real possibility!
Item Scrolling
EDIT: Woot! It got it. Well deserved. :smile.gif:
Corp trampling was in 1.0 if I recall correctly.
If you wish it pinned, report the post for pin/sticky/whatever term you would like to call it. How things get pinned! :smile.gif:
Done. :smile.gif:
Np! And hahaha, yes, they're actually very appealing, but agonizing >.> I want two or three at once, not just one damn it >.< Arghhh.
Awesome. :smile.gif: Hopefully even if not pinned, it helps alleviate some of these 'what really changed?!' threads, as I know not having this information is frustrating as all heck, it was for me >.>
Hahaha, nope. Not going to copy something everyone can see, that's silly.
a 3x3 area around a enchanting table, 2 high bookshelves, you'll see 'symbols' go into the enchanting table, and from what I hear, see only level 37-50 enchants. Less bookshelves=lower enchant levels. (some enchants only appear in certain level ranges, etc etc).
Easy system to modify it, is setup a bunch of sticky pistons to 'grab' the back of the second row of bookshelves, link it to a switch, and so when you hit the switch they retract the top-layer, halving the power of the enchants (which will bring it to ranges of 14-35 or so I think?). Random tidbit of thought. :tongue.gif:
rofl. Yeah, was like uhh... what? :tongue.gif:
And there are white blocks. Snow blocks. :wink.gif:
And no problem for the list. Just doing meh part.
Nope, full snow blocks don't melt. You can even use them in the Nether!
If I recall, pumpkins(?) don't melt snow. Or Glowstone. Some damn light source doesn't melt them :tongue.gif: I know that much, just can't recall which >.> Another reason we need lanterns too. Contained light source for snow.
And yeah, I was going to say, snow BLOCKS shouldn't melt from light. quarter snow blocks (aka, fallen snow) will melt to light (heat).
I love snow forts myself. Always fun, and unique vs the wood-plank/log houses everyone and their mother does :tongue.gif:
Sadly, there's only 1 light source that won't melt ice & snow......the sun. Torch, glowstone, and Jack will all melt things.
Really? swore there was one... or maybe it was a certain height I placed stuff at, and never noticed lol :tongue.gif:
One thing that is puzzling me, is this supposed 'armor nerf', but I can't find any hard information on it... *rubs head* anyone have anything reliable on that? Sounds fairly major, but I won't even list it until I have hard data and Evidence to it, as it's a fairly major change.
Redstone Torches won't melt them.
Ah, so I was right! Just not practical use. Haha.
As soon as my favorite server updates, I will start building a music disc farm... then they will all wonder where I got the discs... and I will sell them for unreasonable prices...
All music discs except '11' (the broken record) can be found by creepers dying to Skeleton arrows. I can confirm it. I got one earlier. :tongue.gif:
Hahaha, you have the mind of a merchant, a twisted, ruthless monster. I like it :wink.gif:
Mobs can spawn on Ice, lest they changed that. As I don't think it's transparent.