I honestly would like thirst, but before that I want...
1) A way to have more backpack space.
2) Easy and Peaceful removes any loss of Hunger/Thirst stats.
3) Hunger Loss to be buffed, but the effects of an empty stomach to be nerf'd. I don't start dying the moment I get hungry!
4) Food Resources changed. Maybe food should take longer to eat depending on what it is? Everything needs to be balanced, and eating fruits, meats, and bread should be the key to a healthy stomach.
Change the stupid looking chicken leg bar to nice yellow circles and make it a Satiation Bar or a Healthiness Bar, Then make bottles that can hold milk and water, and have those fill up the Bar along with food and potions.
I would like it if liquids just contributed to food saturation. You could just drink like the water bottles for brewing or milk as we can now, and have food last longer despite the nutritional value of it. It'd be a nice way to make it possible to live off a diet of cookies once renewable cocoa plants are added, or cake, or bread, or anything other than cooked meat.
I spend enough time fighting zombies that I generally live off rotten flesh, and I like to use my wheat for my animals. It'd be nice to be able to maintain a food bar without having to eat animal products or wasting resources better spent on other things.
EDIT - It'd make it more feasible to have meals that way. Go inside at noon, eat a sandwich (two pieces of bread, a piece of fish) then drink a nice glass of water or milk and then just not eat until the next day at lunch.
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Statistics show that people who tell others they need to get a new computer are twice as likely to use "gay" as a negative descriptor and will most likely never see genitals in real life, at least while not in prison.
Drinking for a benefit other than poison removal would make a nice addition to the game, thirst meter would not be a good addition though, as many have pointed out it'd be annoying rather than helpful. I'd like the ability to boil salt-water into a fresh/distilled/pure water state that would give you a small benefit for drinking it. Something like a buff, lets say "Hydrated" it could make your sprint take up less hunger or it could make you move slightly faster, or if they ever make armor slow you down it could remove that slowness while hydrated or as stated already maybe food saturates more after drinking, make a nice healthy steak sandwich fill you up for longer due to the ability to better digest and absorb nutrients thanks to the added fluids. More bars are unneeded as something like thirst would just open up the way for other annoying bars like "Mining fatigue" "Crafting fatigue" "Combat Fatigue" and maybe even "Travel Weariness"(A.K.A. you walked too damn much, now go rest!) all of which are a good idea for Hardcore but quite crap for normal game play (Easy~Hard). Although I'd like to see sleeping in a bed give you a bonus or some incentive other than resetting your save and fast forwarding night time, monsters at night aren't a threat and as it is I spend in game weeks in a mine before coming out, or in the nether/end, and Jebus that can't be healthy but beds are for another topic.
In conclusion my opinion is, no thirst meter but ability to drink for a possible buff and thirst might lead to more unnecessary bars.
Some Braystreet said made me think of a better way to do the whole thing.
- Any food eaten or liquid drank by itself only restores one point.
However, if you place mutiple food items in your crafting box you get a "Meal"
Meals restore a lot more points based on what you put in there, this way if you place a meat/fish, bread, fruit, and something to drink you get the best meal that restores you fully. If you just place 4 meat you'd only get 5 points.
This way eating them by themselves is an option, but crafting a meal allows you to have something that fills you up.
Heck, Like cakes you could place meals and eat it over time maybe.
Rather balace-breaking, as carriny ONE meal would require that I at least carry 3 to 4 items, which might not even be stackable.
No, it's a terrible idea.
D= Well, I meant more like you'd use those items to craft a meal item, which could be stackable to like 16. Thus you could either carry 64 single food items for just like one bar, and have meals for restoring larger portions.
It would require a bit of preparation I guess
x3x It's a thought. Either way I think you can add drinking water as a way to fill the "hunger" bar without having to make a "thirst" bar, as game play wise it's a bit redundant.
1. Craft a bottle and a bucket
2. find a single watersource, pick it up with bucket
3. when hungry, place watersource, take out bottle and hold rightclick
4. hungerbar full - pick water up with bucket, no losses of items, food became totally senseless
Still thinking that water should refill hunger?
I hadn't thought about that. Good point and you are right.
You can already drink water and milk. And milk already removed poison effect (as well as every potion-effect). That's no new addion at all.
As I said, a benefit OTHER than removing poison. I know it already removes poison, I'm saying an additional benefit or a different benefit would be nice... Also as a side-note, milk removing poison is kinda derpy when we have so many potions we could just have one for poison/status ailment removal.
I'm not saying that milk needs more uses, it was a bad example, but water should have some effect when you drink it. I was just pointing out that we have a nice little potion system with no neutralizing potions, granted milk currently fills that role, but it'd be nice if they altered milk's effect and gave us a potion (maybe involving milk in the creation?) that did what milk does now, and maybe gave a few seconds of "ailment-proof" status since it would require more work. but this whole discussion is getting off topic... Nice avatar btw.
Back on topic I still think a thirst meter would not be a good addition due to the pointless crap that may follow.
And at the same time the "Bucket and water bottle" excuse for no new use for water can be used in a similar way to prove food and hunger useless, as it is food is so abundant it's obnoxiously easy to get some, grab a few pigs or cows and throw them in a hole, shove wheat in their faces and BAM you have the capability to obtain a hell of a lot of meat, throw in a sword with "looting" on it and you can end up with an entire stack of food from just a few animals, yes you need to go though more work but it's an insignificant amount of work compared to everything else in Minecraft. Then there are also watermelons which can be quite easy and quick to find if you are lucky, or impossible if you aren't, bread from wheat which is a joke to get, chickens too... oh and if you for some reason are completely and totally desperate you can eat rotten flesh from killing zombies, or you can make a zombie trap and get multiple stacks of the stuff. Also I still think that milk canceling out pretty much every effect on a character is kinda dopey, it's like a cure-all or something, seeing as how easy it is to get it shouldn't be as powerful as it is on it's own.
I think a better idea than adding a thirst meter would be to apply thirst to the hunger meter. But instead of treating water like food, where it regains your hunger and resets that value that determines when your hunger meter goes down, it'd just do the latter. It wouldn't make you less hungry, but it could stall your need for food.
To balance it out, I think it should never actually allow you to stay at 9+ hunger. Even if you drink water, your hunger should still drop as normal to 8.5, and stay there. It would never be useful for replacing food as a source of hunger. But it could be used to prevent starvation.
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Make note: I generally avoid being insulting. If I sound insulting, I'm probably joking.
For all intents and purposes just assume that it is a thirst and hunger bar and that you have a swig of water to down whatever you eat, whenever you eat.
Bindal is right, hmmm... It's interesting trying to make this work with the way water works...
What if you changed the bar so that it's like...
= Thirst Icon
= Hunger Icon
Drinking water replenishes thirst, eating replenishes hunger.
After either runs out you don't instantly start taking damage, you however start moving, mining, and fighting slower.
So, at this point it's still pointless because water if infinite. I guess the best change is would be to make you have to fill up water at a cauldron, or have the water source block lost when you use a bottle on it.
Sure, With some preparation you still have infinite water, but that's fine since you still need to be prepared, carrying mutiple water buckets, a cauldron, and a empty bottle.
I think a simple solution to "carry bucket and bottle, have infinite water for drink" is to just make it so that if you use a bottle on a block of water it gets reduced like the cauldron does and instead of being able to pick up 2/3 a bucket of water and it magically being a full bucket again you just can't pick it up, or it counts it as 2/3, or maybe the bottle picks up an entire source block and just keeps track allowing you to only drink 1/3 at a time and not allowing you to empty the bottle, now I understand someone will say, "just carry 2 buckets and a bottle so you can make an infinite water source and then take one source block and then re pick up the two that you place lolinfinitewaterstill" and sure, that's possible but starts to become inconvenient when you realize you are now taking up 3 inventory spaces. I think it could work if done wright and people saying otherwise are just afraid of what changes the thirst could add. I still think a thirst bar is a horrible idea but I think giving water an effect, such as any food you eat after drinking water would give extra saturation(not hunger, just saturation so the hunger it restored lasted longer), and that effect would only last for 10 seconds or so to give you time to eat. I still think milk should be changed and made so instead of neutralizing every effect do something different, possibly fill up one or two hunger points I mean milk is filling in real life but you can't live off only milk. If you really are attached to the Magical Milk of Neutralizing then they could make it an ingredient in a potion line to remove negative buffs the way milk does now. Nether Wart>Milk=Neutralizing potion that would remove poison and some of the negative effects bestowed on you from other potions Neutralizing potion>Glowstone Dust=Neutralizing potion II which would remove them all. I just think it's silly you can live off rotten flesh so long as you have a bucket of milk or two to remove the "hunger" debuff.
Sorry for the long post :c but yea, those are my thoughts.
Notch added hunger, and look at it, Silly addition. I hope Jeb removes it and never adds thirst.
I didn't like hunger at first either but its actually less harsh than the previous health system, what with the passive health regen and all. I sorta hope they implement some sort of instant HP potion(something mid-late game probably with a cool down between uses) tho I suspect that would be to the ire of all the "hardcore" PVP players. Because you know this game is all about the hardcore PVP yo!
As far as implenting thirst ~.~ No..... tho even if they did you are never more than a stones throw from a body of water.
I didn't like hunger at first either but its actually less harsh than the previous health system, what with the passive health regen and all. I sorta hope they implement some sort of instant HP potion(something mid-late game probably with a cool down between uses) tho I suspect that would be to the ire of all the "hardcore" PVP players. Because you know this game is all about the hardcore PVP yo!
I am not sure if you are kidding, but instant health potions are already possible with brewing, sir dude. It just requires all the typical potion-y stuff so it's a hassle. I could understand if you didn't know about it, if you don't read about the game a lot though. It's rather deep in the experimentation pool, but it's still possible. They can even be improved through the traditional means of redstone and such.
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Statistics show that people who tell others they need to get a new computer are twice as likely to use "gay" as a negative descriptor and will most likely never see genitals in real life, at least while not in prison.
As far as implenting thirst ~.~ No..... tho even if they did you are never more than a stones throw from a body of water.
I didn't like hunger at first either but its actually less harsh than the previous health system, what with the passive health regen and all. I sorta hope they implement some sort of instant HP potion(something mid-late game probably with a cool down between uses) tho I suspect that would be to the ire of all the "hardcore" PVP players. Because you know this game is all about the hardcore PVP yo!
They already have an easy to craft HP potion, Nether wart>Glistering Melon(Gold nugget+Melon slice)=Health potion (restores 3 hearts) Health Potion>Glowstone Dust=Health Potion II (heals 6 hearts) they take time to drink, but if you brew in gunpowder they turn into splash potions which are instant use. In single player splash potions of health have no problem since zombies and skeletons are hurt by them, multiplayer PvP would you'd probably heal the other guy too unless you where good at your potion placement(PvP is kinda boring and broken now anyway as Iron armor make you qasi-invincible and Diamond pretty much makes you invincible) But people who PvP complain more than most others, just look at enchanting PvPers complained that it gave an advantage to people who played more than them and hunted mobs for exp.
I still think a simple short buff that makes any food you eat after drinking water should make you have a small increase in saturation, you don't have to do it and if you do it's only a small increase but it's still a reward for a little extra conscious effort and if you need to process the water first(which you should) it'd pretty much destroy the argument of putting down a few source blocks to make it infinite as that could turn it into undrinkable water again(do you really wanna drink cave water? mobs swim and crap in caves and it's water.) It'd also make it similar to food as you'd have to go back to get/make some. Processing water should require more than just boiling it in a furnace, maybe a water filter item or something could be made for it Incorporating sand, coal/Charcoal/coal dust and glass as a filtering component and then maybe adding a furnace for heat and sterilization, something you couldn't carry with you and something that wouldn't necessarily be convenient to make on the fly due to the sand taking up inventory space. On top of that you'd have to use a water skin, canteen or water bottle to carry around the sterilized/pure water to drink. It'd be a bit of effort to make and reward players for drinking with a small hunger saturation boost.
1) A way to have more backpack space.
2) Easy and Peaceful removes any loss of Hunger/Thirst stats.
3) Hunger Loss to be buffed, but the effects of an empty stomach to be nerf'd. I don't start dying the moment I get hungry!
4) Food Resources changed. Maybe food should take longer to eat depending on what it is? Everything needs to be balanced, and eating fruits, meats, and bread should be the key to a healthy stomach.
Change the stupid looking chicken leg bar to nice yellow circles and make it a Satiation Bar or a Healthiness Bar, Then make bottles that can hold milk and water, and have those fill up the Bar along with food and potions.
I spend enough time fighting zombies that I generally live off rotten flesh, and I like to use my wheat for my animals. It'd be nice to be able to maintain a food bar without having to eat animal products or wasting resources better spent on other things.
EDIT - It'd make it more feasible to have meals that way. Go inside at noon, eat a sandwich (two pieces of bread, a piece of fish) then drink a nice glass of water or milk and then just not eat until the next day at lunch.
In conclusion my opinion is, no thirst meter but ability to drink for a possible buff and thirst might lead to more unnecessary bars.
- Any food eaten or liquid drank by itself only restores one point.
However, if you place mutiple food items in your crafting box you get a "Meal"
Meals restore a lot more points based on what you put in there, this way if you place a meat/fish, bread, fruit, and something to drink you get the best meal that restores you fully. If you just place 4 meat you'd only get 5 points.
This way eating them by themselves is an option, but crafting a meal allows you to have something that fills you up.
Heck, Like cakes you could place meals and eat it over time maybe.
D= Well, I meant more like you'd use those items to craft a meal item, which could be stackable to like 16. Thus you could either carry 64 single food items for just like one bar, and have meals for restoring larger portions.
It would require a bit of preparation I guess
x3x It's a thought. Either way I think you can add drinking water as a way to fill the "hunger" bar without having to make a "thirst" bar, as game play wise it's a bit redundant.
I hadn't thought about that. Good point and you are right.
As I said, a benefit OTHER than removing poison. I know it already removes poison, I'm saying an additional benefit or a different benefit would be nice... Also as a side-note, milk removing poison is kinda derpy when we have so many potions we could just have one for poison/status ailment removal.
Back on topic I still think a thirst meter would not be a good addition due to the pointless crap that may follow.
To balance it out, I think it should never actually allow you to stay at 9+ hunger. Even if you drink water, your hunger should still drop as normal to 8.5, and stay there. It would never be useful for replacing food as a source of hunger. But it could be used to prevent starvation.
What if you changed the bar so that it's like...
= Thirst Icon
= Hunger Icon
Drinking water replenishes thirst, eating replenishes hunger.
After either runs out you don't instantly start taking damage, you however start moving, mining, and fighting slower.
So, at this point it's still pointless because water if infinite. I guess the best change is would be to make you have to fill up water at a cauldron, or have the water source block lost when you use a bottle on it.
Sure, With some preparation you still have infinite water, but that's fine since you still need to be prepared, carrying mutiple water buckets, a cauldron, and a empty bottle.
Still... Hmm...
Sorry for the long post :c but yea, those are my thoughts.
I believe the best way to solve this at once it to make a poll out of it and stop discussing... I guess i know what the result is going to be anyway.
I didn't like hunger at first either but its actually less harsh than the previous health system, what with the passive health regen and all. I sorta hope they implement some sort of instant HP potion(something mid-late game probably with a cool down between uses) tho I suspect that would be to the ire of all the "hardcore" PVP players. Because you know this game is all about the hardcore PVP yo!
I am not sure if you are kidding, but instant health potions are already possible with brewing, sir dude. It just requires all the typical potion-y stuff so it's a hassle. I could understand if you didn't know about it, if you don't read about the game a lot though. It's rather deep in the experimentation pool, but it's still possible. They can even be improved through the traditional means of redstone and such.
They already have an easy to craft HP potion, Nether wart>Glistering Melon(Gold nugget+Melon slice)=Health potion (restores 3 hearts) Health Potion>Glowstone Dust=Health Potion II (heals 6 hearts) they take time to drink, but if you brew in gunpowder they turn into splash potions which are instant use. In single player splash potions of health have no problem since zombies and skeletons are hurt by them, multiplayer PvP would you'd probably heal the other guy too unless you where good at your potion placement(PvP is kinda boring and broken now anyway as Iron armor make you qasi-invincible and Diamond pretty much makes you invincible) But people who PvP complain more than most others, just look at enchanting PvPers complained that it gave an advantage to people who played more than them and hunted mobs for exp.
I still think a simple short buff that makes any food you eat after drinking water should make you have a small increase in saturation, you don't have to do it and if you do it's only a small increase but it's still a reward for a little extra conscious effort and if you need to process the water first(which you should) it'd pretty much destroy the argument of putting down a few source blocks to make it infinite as that could turn it into undrinkable water again(do you really wanna drink cave water? mobs swim and crap in caves and it's water.) It'd also make it similar to food as you'd have to go back to get/make some. Processing water should require more than just boiling it in a furnace, maybe a water filter item or something could be made for it Incorporating sand, coal/Charcoal/coal dust and glass as a filtering component and then maybe adding a furnace for heat and sterilization, something you couldn't carry with you and something that wouldn't necessarily be convenient to make on the fly due to the sand taking up inventory space. On top of that you'd have to use a water skin, canteen or water bottle to carry around the sterilized/pure water to drink. It'd be a bit of effort to make and reward players for drinking with a small hunger saturation boost.