So, can you just expand a village into a mega-metropolis that spans your whole world,
and the villagers will just populate all of it? Because that would be revolutionary.
This has all sorts of potential. But as usual it wont quite work as planned as my guess that the NPCs would randomly select places to go seems proven out. Just building a city wont get them to populate it evenly. It seems they can and will cluster together. But still. It has great potentials and with more AI tweaks Im sure they will be more "lifelike" in taking up residence.
As for having one more item as a criteria for what makes a house for them.
Id vote more for a fence+pressure plate table. Several village houses have these allready.
Ultimately you'd want the villagers to go to buildings based on their role. Say a house with bookshelves attracts librarians, a furnace attracts smiths. etc.
I can say one think to you, it is possible. My village is rather large and they breed like there is no tommorow. I guess the main problem for it is they accept even the buildings as house which are not designed to be. Like a animal barn, guard tower, storage room and so on. Sure the AI doesn't see any difference in it, but If the requiremnt for a house would turn from "roof+door" to "roof+door+1(or 2)furnite" then it would be give a bit more freedom to plan a village or a city too.
It makes me a bit sad that 50% of my villagers like it more to sleep in the mud with the pigs and cheeps then in their own houses :_)
I guess I will have to finish the town in front of my castle. I haven't even put doors in some of the buildings, they are empty shells with no access.
For some reason a lot of villagers went up the temporary stairs into a second story room without a roof. There was a 3 block drop so they all got stuck in one room.
The town and castle have iron doors, so the villagers are safe and stay out of my "house" (which is larger than the town).
So, can you just expand a village into a mega-metropolis that spans your whole world,
and the villagers will just populate all of it? Because that would be revolutionary.
It's things like this that make me question how a quest system would work, or anything of the sort. So many problems could come up.
That would be cool if there was an option to spawn metropolises. Minecraft possibly took it even farther then Simcity.
Sorry if this has already been clarified, but if you make several houses in a non-village area, and spawn two villagers, will they treat it like a village, and breed to fill any future houses you make?
I'm making an adventure map and I really don't want villagers to spawn inside my abandoned dungeons, ancient crypts and forbidden libraries. I hope there's some future way to stop them from spawning. =S
They will only spawn in their own NPC villages. They MIGHT spread out in some way
Sorry if this has already been clarified, but if you make several houses in a non-village area, and spawn two villagers, will they treat it like a village, and breed to fill any future houses you make?
Yes, i tested this yesterday.
I made 3 houses, by house i mean a door and a roof, to be fast.
Then spawned 2 villagers, each one to their own " house ", then they started looking at themself
*insert romantic sh*t here* and then the heart particles started coming and a mini villager appeared.
That means their entire breeding system is based on the space to live there is around them, this can be a village, or 3 dirt houses like the ones i made.
Then spawn 10 derps... I means villagers then see if they go in it and mindessly fall in .
They actually stay on the block with the door on it, they pretty much hug the door. If a zombie attacks them while there is a lava pit behind them the villager still runs outside too.
Wait, so this is what will happen to the villages on hard mode if left alone.
1) Zombies break down all doors in the village.
2) If any testificates survive the night, they will not reproduce because there are no buildings that they recognize as inhabitable. (i.e. no doors are present)
3) All testificates die off eventually.
I guess that is okay ... I mean it is hard ... but it is still sort of silly that they can't repair their own village, that they seemed to have created.
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When no one was looking, the Endermen took forty blocks.
They took 40 blocks. That’s as many as four tens. And that’s horrible.
Yep that's exactly like it is right now =)
The most savest way for them right now, is when the village is bigger then 40 tiles and on both ends are enough houses to breed new children.
Well that seems stupid...They should have the ability of endermen to pick up the fallen door and replace it where it was before....
I found that villagers REALLY like drinking in the tavern. At least six of them while some other houses (including the ones I build are empty). It would be nice if it was one villager per house, and they stay in that house, and leave to another house the next night.
and the villagers will just populate all of it? Because that would be revolutionary.
This has all sorts of potential. But as usual it wont quite work as planned as my guess that the NPCs would randomly select places to go seems proven out. Just building a city wont get them to populate it evenly. It seems they can and will cluster together. But still. It has great potentials and with more AI tweaks Im sure they will be more "lifelike" in taking up residence.
As for having one more item as a criteria for what makes a house for them.
Id vote more for a fence+pressure plate table. Several village houses have these allready.
Ultimately you'd want the villagers to go to buildings based on their role. Say a house with bookshelves attracts librarians, a furnace attracts smiths. etc.
What is a furnite?
For some reason a lot of villagers went up the temporary stairs into a second story room without a roof. There was a 3 block drop so they all got stuck in one room.
The town and castle have iron doors, so the villagers are safe and stay out of my "house" (which is larger than the town).
That would be cool if there was an option to spawn metropolises. Minecraft possibly took it even farther then Simcity.
They will only spawn in their own NPC villages. They MIGHT spread out in some way
Now zombies can open doors in hard mode :sad.gif:
But I haven't seen monsters kill NPCs
One of them is in the toilet. LOL
Yes, i tested this yesterday.
I made 3 houses, by house i mean a door and a roof, to be fast.
Then spawned 2 villagers, each one to their own " house ", then they started looking at themself
*insert romantic sh*t here* and then the heart particles started coming and a mini villager appeared.
That means their entire breeding system is based on the space to live there is around them, this can be a village, or 3 dirt houses like the ones i made.
Mostly moved on. May check back a few times a year.
1) Zombies break down all doors in the village.
2) If any testificates survive the night, they will not reproduce because there are no buildings that they recognize as inhabitable. (i.e. no doors are present)
3) All testificates die off eventually.
I guess that is okay ... I mean it is hard ... but it is still sort of silly that they can't repair their own village, that they seemed to have created.
They took 40 blocks. That’s as many as four tens. And that’s horrible.
Well that seems stupid...They should have the ability of endermen to pick up the fallen door and replace it where it was before....
Yes, villagers should put their door back, but they should also stop opening the door for zombies too.
Do they still use the door even if there are no walls XD?