Incorrect is just a perspective, dude. On internet forums people don't usually care bout proper English.
It can be incorrect even if nobody cares. Only grammar Nazis are deeply bothered by others' mistakes, however. I care about my grammar on the internet just because it's good practice.
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Mostly moved on. May check back a few times a year.
Depends on what you mean by incorrect I guess. Not like English, or language in general, is static anyways.
There are plenty of standards for capitalization and punctuation that are agreed upon for this century. There are a lot of gray (or grey) areas, but there are some things that are generally agreed upon 2 b \/\/r0/\/g!!1!1
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Mostly moved on. May check back a few times a year.
There are plenty of standards for capitalization and punctuation that are agreed upon for this century. There are a lot of gray (or grey) areas, but there are some things that are generally agreed upon 2 b \/\/r0/\/g!!1!1
Incorrect is just a matter of standards. Internet standards are very VERY lax. You are more likely to get noticed by capitalizing things than by not capitalizing things. Wrong is mostly determined by if you can get your point across accurately and quickly or not on the internet.
Just as a random note "gray" can be considered correct, incorrect, or have a different meaning than "grey" depending on the context.
Mostly moved on. May check back a few times a year.
if we writin' informily anyting goes brosef
Mountain Sky Tower!
#2 Bigger, louder, or more capitalized=more correct.
FANBOYS are just considered bad form, but not technically incorrect. Formal writing is very strict and doesn't even allow contractions.
Mostly moved on. May check back a few times a year.
Incorrect is just a perspective, dude. On internet forums people don't usually care bout proper English.
Mostly moved on. May check back a few times a year.
Depends on what you mean by incorrect I guess. Not like English, or language in general, is static anyways.
Mostly moved on. May check back a few times a year.
Incorrect is just a matter of standards. Internet standards are very VERY lax. You are more likely to get noticed by capitalizing things than by not capitalizing things. Wrong is mostly determined by if you can get your point across accurately and quickly or not on the internet.
Just as a random note "gray" can be considered correct, incorrect, or have a different meaning than "grey" depending on the context.
Something about pigs or jumping or something. Who knows.
It was about parkour being nerfed
Jedyst"What's a Nubian?"
Mein Grammatik
Page king, bitches.