I still think the spy chickens made them to build their secret underground base to spy on all humanity. They dug out large tunnels that connected to different rooms in the base. Eventually they realized the large abundance of ores and developed these "tunnels" into mineshafts. They built the supporters because they were scared the ceiling would collapse. Many decades later, the spy chickens moved out from their tunnels to establish an empire on the surface. They sealed up their mineshafts only to open them up as war tunnels during the "Great chicken War." After the war they forgot to seal them back up, leaving them open to all. Cave spiders soon established in them and live in them.
The mine shafts and strongholds were made by a very ancient civilisation. The portals had to be in just the right place for them to work, so they would sometimes have to build over their mineshafts. These people later discovered the nether, and some decided to live there. However, after these men stayed in this world, the cruelty spilled into their hearts, and they became corrupted and pig-like. They allowed evil to spill into the overworld, and take the form of a terrible dragon. It killed most of the people, burned down their homes, destroyed their civilisation. It shook the world, forming giant crevasses. Only a few on the suface survived, but some men managed to escape through the portal that led to the End of reality. They stored their treasures in dungeons guarded by monsters, in the hope that one day they may return.
Those who survived on the surface rebuilt villages, but most of their technology was gone, their civilisation extinguished in flames. The structures that they once made were slowly buried under the sands of time, passed from the memory of those few survivors.
But the dragon followed those who went through to the end, and stole the return portal. Under it's rule, it made sure that no-one could return. The men spend eons on a piece of rock, suspended in an endless, gloomy void, under the rule of the mighty dragon. The fire in their hearts was extinguished, and the light in their souls died out. They became mere shadows, mournfully walking on the dead surface of an empty world, remembering all that had been lost.
Sometimes these Endermen manage to appear in the overworld. They pick up blocks as an attempt to regain some part of themself, but their humanity has been lost forever. When you look at them, they kill you with a passionate fury, because in you they see all that they once stood for.
History of the Ancients :smile.gif:
Oh yes.
Notch and Jeb should add this as an official storyline.
Maybe the diamonds in the chests were stored to be later moved?
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note: Then I mention a group of people in my posts, i mean the majority of information i have seen from that group, and my statement may not be accurate for every individual in that group.
Is that from that 1 thread about invisible spiders of something? Where a pixel was a tad wrong, and everyone thought it was a mob, then it got broken by criticsquid?
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note: Then I mention a group of people in my posts, i mean the majority of information i have seen from that group, and my statement may not be accurate for every individual in that group.
The entrance might have been covered up over time, and maybe they were looking for diamonds, thus ignoring all the other ores? And the spiders probably just set up in the shafts after the miners left.
No no no no no no no. I have found Diamonds, but what if they were lookeing for something unknown?
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If Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter were all destroyed, 99% of teens would go insane. If you're one of the 1% that would be laughing at them, copy this into your signature and hope it happens
Notch and Jeb should add this as an official storyline.
New game! i agree with him should be a storyline.
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If Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter were all destroyed, 99% of teens would go insane. If you're one of the 1% that would be laughing at them, copy this into your signature and hope it happens
Before reading this, please understand that I know mineshafts are naturally generated; I'm not that stupid. I'm just speculating backstory.
Ever wonder what was wrong with the miners? I mean, they dig through caves and set up floating support beams. They find a legendary stronghold, and what do they do? They dig right through and set up more support beams. They find ore and just leave them. And what about cave spiders? Did they feel like their loot was so precious they had to set up a defense mechanism? Perhaps the spiders were the ones who killed the miners?
But one big question is: How did they get down there? None of the mineshafts actually have an entrance. They can connect to a cave that has an entrance to the surface but then why set up a mineshaft in the cave?
They were looking for diamonds thus leaving all the ores behind, but un the end the were all killed by HEROBRINE!
Really strange thing going on in minecraft speaking of Herobrine see this at minecraft wiki: It has been reported that some victims of torture, during the act, would retreat into a fantasy world from which they could not WAKE UP. In this catatonic state, the victim lived in a world just like their normal one, except they weren't being tortured. The only way that they realized they needed to WAKE UP was a note they found in their fantasy world. It would tell them about their condition, and tell them to WAKE UP. Even then, it would often take months until they were ready to discard their fantasy world and PLEASE WAKE UP. This appeared on a person's screen after noticing herobrine. now look(SPOILER ALERT!!) at this thing said by the green and blue text at the end of the game:You are the player. Wake up.
The way I see it, minecraftia is a recovering post-apocalyptic world with only a few survivors (steve, testificates, livestock/animals), and the undead and creepers are a result of the apocalypse. Civilization was wiped from the surface, with only underground structures still existing. Steve only survived because he was in a mushroom biome :tongue.gif:
I think you have been playing too much Fallout :wink.gif:
i hope you know that was a joke.
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Please click this. Don't worry, it's not a screamer or any crap like that.
I figure the Strongholds were built first as part of a vast empire covering the land. But then that civilization died out, and in time another people came in, and decided to mine. They dug many shafts looking for more resources, and they were happy. But then more creatures came, including the deadly cave spider, driving the miners from the deeps. In time the miners made their living on the surface, building villages in which to live. They began to thrive again, growing crops and animals to survive. Then catastrophe struck. The world shook and tore great gaps in the land. Mountains became valleys, valleys became seas, and plains became mountains. The villagers, in their terror and hysteria, forgot their ways and minds, locking themselves inside their homes. In time things became calm again, with the land returning to a new calm, but now there are pools of lava and lava pouring from the mountainsides. Then, after many moons, night came without peace. The miners of the past were coming from below to wander the land as undead. Soldiers from the deeper past emerged from caves, carrying weapons. And larger spiders roamed the surface, some of them serving as steeds for the undead soldiers.
Then, the vegetation came alive with the threat of annihilation to those who came too close. Too close.
But these creatures from the underground and forests ignored the villagers, as the villagers ignored them in their mindless stupor. The villagers only know to live for the moment, to eat and to sleep.
After some time a stranger came to the land. Who he was and where he was from, even he could not tell anyone. Not that there was anyone who would ask or listen. As of some echo of before, he learned to manipulate the land and form it to his plan. As if a reminder of the miners of old, he went down below, braving the dark to find the precious resources still below, untouched after all the many, many moons. He learned to travel beyond. Where he went, nobody knew. They only knew that when he returned, he looked different, changed.
Then came the tall demons of darkness. They, too, knew the craft of the land, how it was meant to be changed. But they had no purpose, no goal, but to wander the land. They would move one piece of land to another spot, or even take it with them wherever they went when the sun returned. Their travel was unknown. Some say they appeared from nowhere. Others have spoke of demons disappearing into nothing. But everyone agrees that it was never advisable to stare for long at the demons, as it would only bring their wrath upon the observer.
We have lived for far too long silent and stricken. With the coming of the new miner, it is time we find ourselves again, to become a true people once more. To bring civilization to this land and rid it of all those who menace it, above and below. Soon we will feel true life again.
Absolutely not true. I find diamond ore in my mineshafts all the time
Well if they were passing up diamonds they must be looking for something else...
Oh yes.
Notch and Jeb should add this as an official storyline.
Is that from that 1 thread about invisible spiders of something? Where a pixel was a tad wrong, and everyone thought it was a mob, then it got broken by criticsquid?
No no no no no no no. I have found Diamonds, but what if they were lookeing for something unknown?
New game! i agree with him should be a storyline.
i get it. about the face from under a spiders head.
Herobrine made ALL of them... by hand...
Really strange thing going on in minecraft speaking of Herobrine see this at minecraft wiki: It has been reported that some victims of torture, during the act, would retreat into a fantasy world from which they could not WAKE UP. In this catatonic state, the victim lived in a world just like their normal one, except they weren't being tortured. The only way that they realized they needed to WAKE UP was a note they found in their fantasy world. It would tell them about their condition, and tell them to WAKE UP. Even then, it would often take months until they were ready to discard their fantasy world and PLEASE WAKE UP. This appeared on a person's screen after noticing herobrine. now look(SPOILER ALERT!!) at this thing said by the green and blue text at the end of the game:You are the player. Wake up.
Herobrine doesn't appreciate you...
I think you have been playing too much Fallout :wink.gif:
i hope you know that was a joke.
Well we have giant spiders and zombies... you sure this isn't New Vegas?
Then, the vegetation came alive with the threat of annihilation to those who came too close. Too close.
But these creatures from the underground and forests ignored the villagers, as the villagers ignored them in their mindless stupor. The villagers only know to live for the moment, to eat and to sleep.
After some time a stranger came to the land. Who he was and where he was from, even he could not tell anyone. Not that there was anyone who would ask or listen. As of some echo of before, he learned to manipulate the land and form it to his plan. As if a reminder of the miners of old, he went down below, braving the dark to find the precious resources still below, untouched after all the many, many moons. He learned to travel beyond. Where he went, nobody knew. They only knew that when he returned, he looked different, changed.
Then came the tall demons of darkness. They, too, knew the craft of the land, how it was meant to be changed. But they had no purpose, no goal, but to wander the land. They would move one piece of land to another spot, or even take it with them wherever they went when the sun returned. Their travel was unknown. Some say they appeared from nowhere. Others have spoke of demons disappearing into nothing. But everyone agrees that it was never advisable to stare for long at the demons, as it would only bring their wrath upon the observer.
We have lived for far too long silent and stricken. With the coming of the new miner, it is time we find ourselves again, to become a true people once more. To bring civilization to this land and rid it of all those who menace it, above and below. Soon we will feel true life again.
It is refreshing to see that I am not the only one who can find true lore in the story of the land. I salute you good sir.
Now quit reading my mind!
In Minecraft, you stick your head in the dirt to find problems.