With Minecraft being "released" tomorrow, which we all know is really just a formality because minecraft has been done for a long time, I was wondering where does it go from here. What does Notch continue to do with the game to keep people playing, because I for one was lured along with the idea of new content similar to how developers use DLC to keep players from trading in the game. What is the next logical progression for minecraft and does Notch even care anymore.
The release:
The release itself is terribly silly. It is just a way for Notch to say that minecraft is done. Yes he will still go along updating and polishing the product but I believe many are blind if they believe Minecraft will see development past the Q2 of next year. At some point the cash cow dies and Minecraft is slowly dieing, you can put your faith into statistical numbers which are meant to be misleading but even WoW is seeing a drop off in subscribers. From the history of video games things eventually die and see a drop off in the community. Halo was the FPS king until CoD 6 came along (probably more like CoD4 but CoD6 was where it hit its stride) and now it's a footnote in comparison to CoD.
Future updates:
For now the updates should stick to polishing the game, optimizing, and adding modding support. The villagers were a terrible idea because AI is very difficult to program, just look at the history of NPCs within minecrafts mods, or even on a smaller scale the history within Millenaire. For now I content with all the additions we have, in my personal opinion they actually feel very sporadic and unorganized. I encourage you to think about DLC and what additions would likely make it into minecraft.
Future of Minecraft:
Where does it go from here? Does it become more fleshed out? As it is now minecraft is a collection of ideas, a collection of small stories within a bigger book, the stories are fun for some time then become boring because there is no depth to the stories, no breath, and no life. Minecraft has no breath or any life, it's barren and not even in the sense that it adds ambiance, it just is there. The impact I have on the world feels so false and uninteresting. It's like a grand illusion that can be dispelled so easily.
Reception of Minecraft:
I wonder how Minecraft will be received by the gaming world. It has already been received in a mixed way, however I wonder how it will compete when compared to other games. The world of games journalism will probably have some interesting things to say about Minecraft, for they're much more perceptive when it comes to the flaws within a game. I don't really see how it will do other than being a Niche game especially coming out right after Uncharted 3, Gears of War 3, and Skyrim. I understand that it's a indie game, however there have been very good indie games that really reinvent gaming at the small scale level. We'll see I guess, it'll be interesting to see what large scale media attention it'll get outside of Youtube and IGN.
In a lot of ways I feel like Minecraft is farville when it comes to what it provides. You could spend hours doing mindless tasks and yet come back for more. But is it really a good game, or just a good waste of time?
It'll be interesting to see where Minecraft goes within the media over the next couple of months. It'll be fun to follow it through its journey into the "real" world.
You raise some interesting questions about minecraft, yes minecraft can go downhill fast if some people in the development team will make wrong decisions instead of making the game ploished and bug free (which is probably impossible though).
Also a big problem is the community, its hard to satisfay everyone in your post you say minecraft has close to no story at all and its not even interesting and a waste of time, while in another thread people are complaining that a story will ruin minecraft.
Also, if notch will decide to update the game for free with good original contact (kinda like tf2 in its first years) people will come back for more and more and more people will buy minecraft.
Minecraft is getting a lot of attention latley which means more people will buy it so i dont think it will "die" soon and beside as long as you have a few friends who still play minecraft and a LAN server you can always play minecraft (kinda like l4d, its almost dead but when you have a group of friends its not hard to find 4 people to play with).
P.S sorry if i made any spelling mistakes :dry.gif:
Yes he will still go along updating and polishing the product but I believe many are blind if they believe Minecraft will see development past the Q2 of next year.
First rule of thumb about predictions: Ignore the predictions.
Only time will really tell what happens. It will depend on how much new content Mojang can deliver.
you can put your faith into statistical numbers which are meant to be misleading but even WoW is seeing a drop off in subscribers.
Why yes, after every expansion that has happened. The newness wears off. And WoW is still the top dog.
The villagers were a terrible idea because AI is very difficult to program, just look at the history of NPCs within minecrafts mods, or even on a smaller scale the history within Millenaire.
Millenaire is set up so that the villagers need real pathfinding thanks to having to walk around and do stuff. I dunno if that's the path Mojang will take. They may take the classic RPG route and keep villagers in their respective buildings, making it less vital to have good pathfinding.
Minecraft has no breath or any life, it's barren and not even in the sense that it adds ambiance, it just is there.
I agree, and I think that Mojang is trying to change that. The villagers and the end are an indication that there's more to come to add more life to Minecraft in the future.
Also a big problem is the community, its hard to satisfay everyone in your post you say minecraft has close to no story at all and its not even interesting and a waste of time, while in another thread people are complaining that a story will ruin minecraft.
On one hand, some people want Minecraft to stay the way it is and that it is being "ruined" by villagers and the end, on the other hand some people think it's too lifeless. How to satisfy both??
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
When all is said and done, Will you have said more than you have done?
Upwards =/
Notch will probably get a fair profit from Minecon, get ideas from the fans, their opinions on the full release, he's figured out how to use multiple hitboxes and intricate models, and they're getting an AI specialist in December.
It'd be difficult to head down from here.
You raise some interesting questions about minecraft, yes minecraft can go downhill fast if some people in the development team will make wrong decisions instead of making the game ploished and bug free (which is probably impossible though).
Also a big problem is the community, its hard to satisfay everyone in your post you say minecraft has close to no story at all and its not even interesting and a waste of time, while in another thread people are complaining that a story will ruin minecraft.
Also, if notch will decide to update the game for free with good original contact (kinda like tf2 in its first years) people will come back for more and more and more people will buy minecraft.
Minecraft is getting a lot of attention latley which means more people will buy it so i dont think it will "die" soon and beside as long as you have a few friends who still play minecraft and a LAN server you can always play minecraft (kinda like l4d, its almost dead but when you have a group of friends its not hard to find 4 people to play with).
P.S sorry if i made any spelling mistakes :dry.gif:
I don't believe I mentioned much in the way of there being no story (I for one don't really care for a story.) just that the world itself seems to be barren. However a story can help to draw you in, an example is Skyrim. The lore in skyrim is pretty deep and engages you in many ways. Although it can be boring at times (you know exactly what reward you'll get for most quests, you're always the "chosen one") it still provides a living breathing world through its attention to detail within the world itself and also the lore that accompanies it.
Also I don't have any friends that play minecraft, they all think it's stupid.
Why yes, after every expansion that has happened. The newness wears off. And WoW is still the top dog.
Millenaire is set up so that the villagers need real pathfinding thanks to having to walk around and do stuff. I dunno if that's the path Mojang will take. They may take the classic RPG route and keep villagers in their respective buildings, making it less vital to have good pathfinding.
On one hand, some people want Minecraft to stay the way it is and that it is being "ruined" by villagers and the end, on the other hand some people think it's too lifeless. How to satisfy both??
I believe WoW is losing most of its subs from the east, which makes me wonder about gold farming. How much does that play into the in game economy of WoW, but also the economy of the game itself (subs) which makes me wonder about big youtubers doing Minecraft. How much exposure does minecraft get because it's huge on youtube. What happens when that starts to fade and youtubers move onto the next big thing.
If that was all Notch wanted to do with villagers I imagine he could do that himself, however since he is hiring an AI developer it would seem he has "big plans" for villagers.
You can't satisfy both, however you have to understand our audience and which voice holds more weight.
The release :
Notch saying , this is it , the amazing game you have been waiting for 3 years is here, enjoy.
Future updates :
Bug fixes , better performance , and some additions.
Future of minecraft :
You are really blind , do you know next year they are hiring new programmers to work on minecraft , so , delete this thread because is the most stupid thing i´ve seen, anyways , next years new programmers are coming for minecraft and mojang in general , so we can expect a better minecraft with more experienced coders.
Reception of minecraft :
Best game EVAR, nuff said.
Farmville :
How drunk were you when you thought about this?
Sorry bro, but I can't take you seriously when you portray yourself as just a fanboy of minecraft. You don't even counter any of my points (they're way to easy to find flaws in), you just proclaim that minecraft is the greatest game of all time and that I am stupid. Another point, should Notch really listen to the people like this? Similar to how he shouldn't listen to the people who just hate minecraft for no reason.
Sorry bro, but I can't take you seriously when you portray yourself as just a fanboy of minecraft. You don't even counter any of my points (they're way to easy to find flaws in), you just proclaim that minecraft is the greatest game of all time and that I am stupid. Another point, should Notch really listen to the people like this? Similar to how he shouldn't listen to the people who just hate minecraft for no reason.
Minecraft is my favourite game , reasons : Infinite replay value and thousand and thousands of fun.
Minecraft is my favourite game and im not a " fanboy " just because i say its my avourite game.
Obviusly not everyone will take it as the best game
SpeciallY COD zombies... yeah , everyone was infected when they bought black-ops, that only judge a game for the graphics and weapons.
If you are serious , and if this are the things that matter for you in a game : Replay value and gameplay , then you will agree with my opinion
However , if you are : Graphics and effects 4 life , then you will think minecraft sucks.
Minecraft is my favourite game , reasons : Infinite replay value and thousand and thousands of fun.
Minecraft is my favourite game and im not a " fanboy " just because i say its my avourite game.
Obviusly not everyone will take it as the best game
SpeciallY COD zombies... yeah , everyone was infected when they bought black-ops, that only judge a game for the graphics and weapons.
If you are serious , and if this are the things that matter for you in a game : Replay value and gameplay , then you will agree with my opinion
However , if you are : Graphics and effects 4 life , then you will think minecraft sucks.
CoD also has a ton of replay value, even more so because it's competitive. These ideas of fun, and replay value are not unique to minecraft, which is why I find it strange that I must accept your line of thinking if I like replay value and gameplay.
However I'll say this. I'm not a graphic enthusiast, the aesthetics of a game help a ton, however by that same token they should not be the meat and potatoes of your game. I don't speak critically of minecraft because of the graphics or the (lack of) effects. I speak critically of it because I like the game and play other games that I compare minecraft to. Whether or not you agree is fine, I actually enjoy it when people do not agree. However I call you a fanboy because I've never read any reason for why you like the game other than "It's the best game ever" followed by some vague words that apply to many games. When you cannot find any flaws then you're blind which is generally what fanboys are.
As far as Minecraft slowly dying, Notch has already said he intends to release the Minecraft source code either to the public domain or with a very permissive license whenever it reaches the point where it isn't worth it for Mojang to continue development.
At that point, Minecraft becomes open-source and other people will simply pick up where Notch leaves off and continue to develop the game.
There are plenty of open-source games that have been around and actively developed for a very long time. As an example, I was shocked when I ran across Crossfire after having stopped actively playing it about 16-17 years ago, and it appears to still be actively developed.
I believe WoW is losing most of its subs from the east, which makes me wonder about gold farming.
Yeah, Blizzard recently released the Guardian Cub, a way to legitimately buy in-game gold - and if that's being successful against the gold farmers, you can bet it won't be the last of its kind.
So it's not so much the game is dying as much as it is getting rid of scumbags.
How much does that play into the in game economy of WoW, but also the economy of the game itself (subs) which makes me wonder about big youtubers doing Minecraft.
Considering that the Guardian Cub is a source of income for Blizzard, it certainly has the potential to make up for any lost subs. I don't think Blizzard is hurting over the loss of gold farmers. It also makes for less support calls about stolen accounts, a tactic the gold farmers were using and a drain on Blizzard, as support calls are an expense.
How much exposure does minecraft get because it's huge on youtube. What happens when that starts to fade and youtubers move onto the next big thing.
Hard to say. Many of those who want to move on have already done so, and those who are still around are likely to stay around for a while. And it's very difficult to know how much of Minecraft's popularity is from YouTube. We can only guess.
Not to mention there are bound to be lots of reviews of Minecraft now that it's out, so I expect there will be a popularity boost in the near future.
If that was all Notch wanted to do with villagers I imagine he could do that himself, however since he is hiring an AI developer it would seem he has "big plans" for villagers.
If he is indeed hiring an AI dev, then I expect that dev to likely be somebody who is very good at AI, and somebody who will be working on the AI full time. I expect it will be much higher quality with a much lower impact on framerate than any mod.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
When all is said and done, Will you have said more than you have done?
Minecraft started with one man and one idea, but now he's turned his success into a business, and to keep that business going, eventually they're going to say "ok, it's done, time to move on to the next product."
I think the remaining few months of active Minecraft development we're going to see will compose of Notch and Jeb trying to live up to their promises of content they wanted to put in the game, but couldn't get it done before their self-imposed release deadline.
The modding community, though, has enough ideas to keep things going for at least a year or two. Probably longer. Possibly a lot longer. Who knows?
Honestly, though, the game is really limited only by your imagination. If all you like to do is punch mobs and chase shiny rocks, yeah, it's going to get boring fast for you.
Minecraft started with one man and one idea, but now he's turned his success into a business, and to keep that business going, eventually they're going to say "ok, it's done, time to move on to the next product."
Well, they are working on Scrolls. So they do have another product in the works.
I think the remaining few months of active Minecraft development we're going to see will compose of Notch and Jeb trying to live up to their promises of content they wanted to put in the game, but couldn't get it done before their self-imposed release deadline.
We'll see what happens. I think there's actually a lot of content they can add to Minecraft, and a lot of stuff is really unfinished (e.g., the villagers). It's got life left in it. It's lasted this long, and I don't see that anything has really changed that would kill it prematurely.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
When all is said and done, Will you have said more than you have done?
Upwards =/
Notch will probably get a fair profit from Minecon, get ideas from the fans, their opinions on the full release, he's figured out how to use multiple hitboxes and intricate models, and they're getting an AI specialist in December.
It'd be difficult to head down from here.
Profit from Minecon? Ha! They will lose A LOT of money with Minecon. Notch said it.
You did make very interesting points. I'd like to hear more.
Profit from Minecon? Ha! They will lose A LOT of money with Minecon. Notch said it.
LOL! I read the itinerary, this is a massive convention, it looks like Minecon is being held in 4 convention centres, 2 hotels and a concert hall! I wish I could have been there, it sounds like an amazingly huge event!
The release:
The release itself is terribly silly. It is just a way for Notch to say that minecraft is done. Yes he will still go along updating and polishing the product but I believe many are blind if they believe Minecraft will see development past the Q2 of next year. At some point the cash cow dies and Minecraft is slowly dieing, you can put your faith into statistical numbers which are meant to be misleading but even WoW is seeing a drop off in subscribers. From the history of video games things eventually die and see a drop off in the community. Halo was the FPS king until CoD 6 came along (probably more like CoD4 but CoD6 was where it hit its stride) and now it's a footnote in comparison to CoD.
Future updates:
For now the updates should stick to polishing the game, optimizing, and adding modding support. The villagers were a terrible idea because AI is very difficult to program, just look at the history of NPCs within minecrafts mods, or even on a smaller scale the history within Millenaire. For now I content with all the additions we have, in my personal opinion they actually feel very sporadic and unorganized. I encourage you to think about DLC and what additions would likely make it into minecraft.
Future of Minecraft:
Where does it go from here? Does it become more fleshed out? As it is now minecraft is a collection of ideas, a collection of small stories within a bigger book, the stories are fun for some time then become boring because there is no depth to the stories, no breath, and no life. Minecraft has no breath or any life, it's barren and not even in the sense that it adds ambiance, it just is there. The impact I have on the world feels so false and uninteresting. It's like a grand illusion that can be dispelled so easily.
Reception of Minecraft:
I wonder how Minecraft will be received by the gaming world. It has already been received in a mixed way, however I wonder how it will compete when compared to other games. The world of games journalism will probably have some interesting things to say about Minecraft, for they're much more perceptive when it comes to the flaws within a game. I don't really see how it will do other than being a Niche game especially coming out right after Uncharted 3, Gears of War 3, and Skyrim. I understand that it's a indie game, however there have been very good indie games that really reinvent gaming at the small scale level. We'll see I guess, it'll be interesting to see what large scale media attention it'll get outside of Youtube and IGN.
In a lot of ways I feel like Minecraft is farville when it comes to what it provides. You could spend hours doing mindless tasks and yet come back for more. But is it really a good game, or just a good waste of time?
It'll be interesting to see where Minecraft goes within the media over the next couple of months. It'll be fun to follow it through its journey into the "real" world.
Also a big problem is the community, its hard to satisfay everyone in your post you say minecraft has close to no story at all and its not even interesting and a waste of time, while in another thread people are complaining that a story will ruin minecraft.
Also, if notch will decide to update the game for free with good original contact (kinda like tf2 in its first years) people will come back for more and more and more people will buy minecraft.
Minecraft is getting a lot of attention latley which means more people will buy it so i dont think it will "die" soon and beside as long as you have a few friends who still play minecraft and a LAN server you can always play minecraft (kinda like l4d, its almost dead but when you have a group of friends its not hard to find 4 people to play with).
P.S sorry if i made any spelling mistakes :dry.gif:
First rule of thumb about predictions: Ignore the predictions.
Only time will really tell what happens. It will depend on how much new content Mojang can deliver.
Why yes, after every expansion that has happened. The newness wears off. And WoW is still the top dog.
Millenaire is set up so that the villagers need real pathfinding thanks to having to walk around and do stuff. I dunno if that's the path Mojang will take. They may take the classic RPG route and keep villagers in their respective buildings, making it less vital to have good pathfinding.
I agree, and I think that Mojang is trying to change that. The villagers and the end are an indication that there's more to come to add more life to Minecraft in the future.
On one hand, some people want Minecraft to stay the way it is and that it is being "ruined" by villagers and the end, on the other hand some people think it's too lifeless. How to satisfy both??
Notch will probably get a fair profit from Minecon, get ideas from the fans, their opinions on the full release, he's figured out how to use multiple hitboxes and intricate models, and they're getting an AI specialist in December.
It'd be difficult to head down from here.
I don't believe I mentioned much in the way of there being no story (I for one don't really care for a story.) just that the world itself seems to be barren. However a story can help to draw you in, an example is Skyrim. The lore in skyrim is pretty deep and engages you in many ways. Although it can be boring at times (you know exactly what reward you'll get for most quests, you're always the "chosen one") it still provides a living breathing world through its attention to detail within the world itself and also the lore that accompanies it.
Also I don't have any friends that play minecraft, they all think it's stupid.
I believe WoW is losing most of its subs from the east, which makes me wonder about gold farming. How much does that play into the in game economy of WoW, but also the economy of the game itself (subs) which makes me wonder about big youtubers doing Minecraft. How much exposure does minecraft get because it's huge on youtube. What happens when that starts to fade and youtubers move onto the next big thing.
If that was all Notch wanted to do with villagers I imagine he could do that himself, however since he is hiring an AI developer it would seem he has "big plans" for villagers.
You can't satisfy both, however you have to understand our audience and which voice holds more weight.
Sorry bro, but I can't take you seriously when you portray yourself as just a fanboy of minecraft. You don't even counter any of my points (they're way to easy to find flaws in), you just proclaim that minecraft is the greatest game of all time and that I am stupid. Another point, should Notch really listen to the people like this? Similar to how he shouldn't listen to the people who just hate minecraft for no reason.
Minecraft is my favourite game , reasons : Infinite replay value and thousand and thousands of fun.
Minecraft is my favourite game and im not a " fanboy " just because i say its my avourite game.
Obviusly not everyone will take it as the best game
SpeciallY COD zombies... yeah , everyone was infected when they bought black-ops, that only judge a game for the graphics and weapons.
If you are serious , and if this are the things that matter for you in a game : Replay value and gameplay , then you will agree with my opinion
However , if you are : Graphics and effects 4 life , then you will think minecraft sucks.
CoD also has a ton of replay value, even more so because it's competitive. These ideas of fun, and replay value are not unique to minecraft, which is why I find it strange that I must accept your line of thinking if I like replay value and gameplay.
However I'll say this. I'm not a graphic enthusiast, the aesthetics of a game help a ton, however by that same token they should not be the meat and potatoes of your game. I don't speak critically of minecraft because of the graphics or the (lack of) effects. I speak critically of it because I like the game and play other games that I compare minecraft to. Whether or not you agree is fine, I actually enjoy it when people do not agree. However I call you a fanboy because I've never read any reason for why you like the game other than "It's the best game ever" followed by some vague words that apply to many games. When you cannot find any flaws then you're blind which is generally what fanboys are.
At that point, Minecraft becomes open-source and other people will simply pick up where Notch leaves off and continue to develop the game.
There are plenty of open-source games that have been around and actively developed for a very long time. As an example, I was shocked when I ran across Crossfire after having stopped actively playing it about 16-17 years ago, and it appears to still be actively developed.
- sunperp
Yeah, Blizzard recently released the Guardian Cub, a way to legitimately buy in-game gold - and if that's being successful against the gold farmers, you can bet it won't be the last of its kind.
So it's not so much the game is dying as much as it is getting rid of scumbags.
Considering that the Guardian Cub is a source of income for Blizzard, it certainly has the potential to make up for any lost subs. I don't think Blizzard is hurting over the loss of gold farmers. It also makes for less support calls about stolen accounts, a tactic the gold farmers were using and a drain on Blizzard, as support calls are an expense.
Hard to say. Many of those who want to move on have already done so, and those who are still around are likely to stay around for a while. And it's very difficult to know how much of Minecraft's popularity is from YouTube. We can only guess.
Not to mention there are bound to be lots of reviews of Minecraft now that it's out, so I expect there will be a popularity boost in the near future.
If he is indeed hiring an AI dev, then I expect that dev to likely be somebody who is very good at AI, and somebody who will be working on the AI full time. I expect it will be much higher quality with a much lower impact on framerate than any mod.
I think the remaining few months of active Minecraft development we're going to see will compose of Notch and Jeb trying to live up to their promises of content they wanted to put in the game, but couldn't get it done before their self-imposed release deadline.
The modding community, though, has enough ideas to keep things going for at least a year or two. Probably longer. Possibly a lot longer. Who knows?
Honestly, though, the game is really limited only by your imagination. If all you like to do is punch mobs and chase shiny rocks, yeah, it's going to get boring fast for you.
Well, they are working on Scrolls. So they do have another product in the works.
We'll see what happens. I think there's actually a lot of content they can add to Minecraft, and a lot of stuff is really unfinished (e.g., the villagers). It's got life left in it. It's lasted this long, and I don't see that anything has really changed that would kill it prematurely.
Profit from Minecon? Ha! They will lose A LOT of money with Minecon. Notch said it.
LOL! I read the itinerary, this is a massive convention, it looks like Minecon is being held in 4 convention centres, 2 hotels and a concert hall! I wish I could have been there, it sounds like an amazingly huge event!