Sorry for my confusion, I have had precious little time lately to really get into the new updates and consequently I know very little.
Do you need this 'silk touch' enchantment to get diamonds now? And how do you get 'silk touch' without diamonds, as you need them to make an enchantment table?
Where can I find a guide?
You can still obtain diamonds with iron and diamond pickaxes. Silk touch would make you obtain the raw ore you see in the stone that you could never previously obtain. Silk touch comes from enchantments spent with exp made on an enchanting table, which does indeed require a diamond. This enchantment is in no way required to obtainsismonds though
Do you need this 'silk touch' enchantment to get diamonds now? And how do you get 'silk touch' without diamonds, as you need them to make an enchantment table?
Where can I find a guide?
edit:sorry wrong thread -.- I am an idiot
Wiki solves all problems
You can still obtain diamonds with iron and diamond pickaxes. Silk touch would make you obtain the raw ore you see in the stone that you could never previously obtain. Silk touch comes from enchantments spent with exp made on an enchanting table, which does indeed require a diamond. This enchantment is in no way required to obtainsismonds though