Honestly this whole nerfing to the silk touch thing is kind of stupid. The game is a sandbox, it shouldn't have a shoehorned list of things you shouldn't be allowed to do. Silk Touch is very hard to get to begin with so why nerf it? It's not like it allows you to skip most of the game, and even if it did it's a sandbox and rigid linearity is a bad thing.
No Ice? That kind of stinks, Minus Nether stuff it would make building a snow castle better.
I get the feeling Jeb still isn't happy with the way water works (They tried to fix it in the last pre-relese but it didn't work), and this may be a reason why ice was removed. Water may get a general overhaul post release in which case Ice may return to Silk Touch.
But oh well, It's still cool to mine stone without smelting cobble.
*warning* I'm making a few assumptions here, there are no sources or quotes to find, read carefully and you'll see they are just my opinion/assumption and take it like that and nothing more *warning*
The whole thing that stands out to me the most about it is the overwhelming feel of lazyness.
Minecraft is a very funny game when it comes to realism, even basic block mechanics like spawning floating islands in normal world generation or the way normal water behaves, going into a single stream rather then spreading out if there is a draining hole nearby. And now we are removing a fun feature from a fun feature to maintain the super arbitrary sense of realism in minecraft? This isn't a kill the patient approach, this is oh **** we are out of time approach.
Rather risking us becoming used to water in nether/floating water/whatever this ice mining let you do they decided to cut the whole thing since this is the official release, it's probably months and months before they even think of doing another update and by that time the outcry if they change something again will be much worse.
It just feels overwelmingly lazy/rushed/insert feeling of not finished. Wich was called by a lot of naysayers and I hate to say this but they were actually correct to a point. Lets hope I'm incorrect of them waiting a long time for the next "update" so we can again build ice castles the "easy" way.
On the other hand, Ice really should be mineable by mundane tools anyways. Requiring silk touch for ice was silly to begin with. It's not like the creators don't live at latitudes that they wouldn't know that getting through ice is a bit easier than stone.
Suddenly, without being able to collect ice, snow biomes are useless.
What about back in 1.7 when there was no silk touch? Were snow biomes also useless back then?
My thoughts exactly. I am amazed at the level of whining in this thread, and for what, something that has only been available since 1.9 pre-release 4? It's not like Notch is removing something that was added in Minecraft Alpha, that people have grown to depend on.
Yet again, people are acting like a minor change to a recent addition to Minecraft is suddenly a game-ruining move.
If you feel that you cannot play Minecraft without ice blocks, just hack it into your inventory, convince an SMP admin to /give it to you, or switch your SP map to creative long enough to get a stack of ice blocks. Problem solved.
I think that most experienced Minecraft players like any aspect of the game that adds some form of progression to survival. No matter how much XP grinding and trial-and-error is necessary to get silk touch, people will flock to it if it allows for previously-unobtainable water in the Nether, regardless of how annoying the process is.
My thoughts exactly. I am amazed at the level of whining in this thread, and for what, something that has only been available since 1.9 pre-release 4? It's not like Notch is removing something that was added in Minecraft Alpha, that people have grown to depend on.
Yet again, people are acting like a minor change to a recent addition to Minecraft is suddenly a game-ruining move.
If you feel that you cannot play Minecraft without ice blocks, just hack it into your inventory, convince an SMP admin to /give it to you, or switch your SP map to creative long enough to get a stack of ice blocks. Problem solved.
Some people liked the fact that they didn't have to use an outside source to get a block.
Also, doesn't matter if it was added on alpha, or yesterday. If people come to depend on the item, it's bad form to take it away. Especially if the reason for taking it away would have been a simple code fix rather than just removing the offending object.
Lastly. Don't accuse concerned people of whining. Makes you look like a terrible troll.
Some people liked the fact that they didn't have to use an outside source to get a block.
Also, doesn't matter if it was added on alpha, or yesterday. If people come to depend on the item, it's bad form to take it away. Especially if the reason for taking it away would have been a simple code fix rather than just removing the offending object.
Lastly. Don't accuse concerned people of whining. Makes you look like a terrible troll.
As others have already pointed out, Mojang most likely chose to implement the most stable, quickest, and least bug-causing solution to this balance problem, considering how close they are to the game release.
If it is so much of an issue, then people can choose to not update, or wait for a mod to reverse the change.
Minecraft is a very funny game when it comes to realism, even basic block mechanics like spawning floating islands in normal world generation or the way normal water behaves, going into a single stream rather then spreading out if there is a draining hole nearby.
The single stream when an edge is nearby might not make sense when thinking about water flowing over blocks, but when you mentally picture the Minecraft world as smooth, you can see the reason. Basically, in real life, if there is a hole the area around it slopes slightly, so water flows towards that hole rather than spreading out. If there is a straight slope, water will tend to flow straight down instead of outwards. And so on.
It was stated before that there was a bug with picking up ice in the first place. It created an extra water-source block. So, Jeb fixed that issue from the source. The reason he didn't want to work on it more is because Minecraft is coming out in 3 days and Notch/Jeb want to fix game-breaking bugs. The water in the Nether is just another reason it was not taken out.
Let's hope that they removed the ability to mine Ice blocks as a temporary fix to prevent us from using it in unintended ways. I'm thinking about flying water blocks and water in The Nether. I don't see any other logical reasons. We can still move Ice blocks with pistons, right?
edit: GOD DAMMIT i thought this post was one page again >_>
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Minecraft play date 1/19/2011 - Looking for a good survival mp server with faction mod and good protection and friendly gms. Message me if you can suggest one. (DAMN YOU GRAMMAR NAZI!!! I ONLY NEED YOU ON ESSAYS AND ASSIGNMENTS!!!)
I get the feeling Jeb still isn't happy with the way water works (They tried to fix it in the last pre-relese but it didn't work), and this may be a reason why ice was removed. Water may get a general overhaul post release in which case Ice may return to Silk Touch.
But oh well, It's still cool to mine stone without smelting cobble.
The whole thing that stands out to me the most about it is the overwhelming feel of lazyness.
Minecraft is a very funny game when it comes to realism, even basic block mechanics like spawning floating islands in normal world generation or the way normal water behaves, going into a single stream rather then spreading out if there is a draining hole nearby. And now we are removing a fun feature from a fun feature to maintain the super arbitrary sense of realism in minecraft? This isn't a kill the patient approach, this is oh **** we are out of time approach.
Rather risking us becoming used to water in nether/floating water/whatever this ice mining let you do they decided to cut the whole thing since this is the official release, it's probably months and months before they even think of doing another update and by that time the outcry if they change something again will be much worse.
It just feels overwelmingly lazy/rushed/insert feeling of not finished. Wich was called by a lot of naysayers and I hate to say this but they were actually correct to a point. Lets hope I'm incorrect of them waiting a long time for the next "update" so we can again build ice castles the "easy" way.
My thoughts exactly. I am amazed at the level of whining in this thread, and for what, something that has only been available since 1.9 pre-release 4? It's not like Notch is removing something that was added in Minecraft Alpha, that people have grown to depend on.
Yet again, people are acting like a minor change to a recent addition to Minecraft is suddenly a game-ruining move.
If you feel that you cannot play Minecraft without ice blocks, just hack it into your inventory, convince an SMP admin to /give it to you, or switch your SP map to creative long enough to get a stack of ice blocks. Problem solved.
- sunperp
Some people liked the fact that they didn't have to use an outside source to get a block.
Also, doesn't matter if it was added on alpha, or yesterday. If people come to depend on the item, it's bad form to take it away. Especially if the reason for taking it away would have been a simple code fix rather than just removing the offending object.
Lastly. Don't accuse concerned people of whining. Makes you look like a terrible troll.
As others have already pointed out, Mojang most likely chose to implement the most stable, quickest, and least bug-causing solution to this balance problem, considering how close they are to the game release.
If it is so much of an issue, then people can choose to not update, or wait for a mod to reverse the change.
- sunperp
The single stream when an edge is nearby might not make sense when thinking about water flowing over blocks, but when you mentally picture the Minecraft world as smooth, you can see the reason. Basically, in real life, if there is a hole the area around it slopes slightly, so water flows towards that hole rather than spreading out. If there is a straight slope, water will tend to flow straight down instead of outwards. And so on.
Hands up anyone who cared about that?
Anyone at all out there who'd prefer holes left in their oceans as they mine out the ice?
It is an enchantment from the enchanting table that lets you mine certain things you couldn't obtain.
diamond ore
redstone ore
grass block
coal ore
edit: GOD DAMMIT i thought this post was one page again >_>
Ice/water in the nether breaks the game how?