Notch has 12 days to:
*Code dragons so they spawn in The End
*Make some sort of way to return to overworld without dying in the end
*Add "Beat the dragon/boss/whatever" achivement
*Give NPCs a use
*Fix village and mineshaft spawn (Villages intersect with shitload of stuff, most of them have roads full of holes, mineshafts are too common)
*Give new items a crafting purpose (Blaze rods, powders etc.)
*Give us the reason to use potions (Boss fight?)
*Fix bugs, polish the game
At least he tried.
Out with "but it's a betaa", in with "It just came out, give it time!".
Normally, I'd lol, but this wasn't even well-written enough for lols.
It's just beating a horse that died several years ago, that never really was a horse at all, but more of a sheep with one of those paper spy-masks on in the shape of a horseface. You're not even beating it with a properly formed stick, it's more a lump of dried ****. Why don't you just go badgering Fallout 3; New Vegas as it had plenty of bugs upon release. Plenty of games did and unless you are going to complain about all of them then you can get the puck off the internets.
Normally, I'd lol, but this wasn't even well-written enough for lols.
It's just beating a horse that died several years ago, that never really was a horse at all, but more of a sheep with one of those paper spy-masks on in the shape of a horseface. You're not even beating it with a properly formed stick, it's more a lump of dried ****. Why don't you just go badgering Fallout 3; New Vegas as it had plenty of bugs upon release. Plenty of games did and unless you are going to complain about all of them then you can get the puck off the internets.
Er, I'm not complaining. I'm just typing what people would probably replace the beta argument with. I haven't played Fallout 3, anyway.
Er, I'm not complaining. I'm just typing what people would probably replace the beta argument with. I haven't played Fallout 3, anyway.
The only reason this argument even exists is because the first dude who said "why is minecraft beta so buggy, and why is whatever feature useless?"
Now once it's out of beta people ARE going to complain at the first bug they see and I don't like it, nobody should like it, and that is what this topic is about. The first moment it's out of beta the whining will begin upon the first mistake. That is basically the sum of this topic.
I wish for a world where people can accept things aren't perfect, may never be perfect, but are still fun.
Instead it's a world where people make constant topics about hating the game, then making topics about hating the haters, then topics about hating the haters hating on the haters.
Why can't we all just get along, and accept that the game has always had the only two things that matter, Mining & Crafting. Everything else is icing.
All games have bugs, all games have content that doesn't make it. When it's released it'll still be the same fun game it's always been. Sure you can complain about the details, want new things.
Even once minecraft is released, its still not a finished game unless they completely and utterly stop updating it. MMORPG's are not finished games because they patch and update them, why should minecraft be "finished"?
Notch has 12 days to:
1*Code dragons so they spawn in The End
2*Make some sort of way to return to overworld without dying in the end
3*Add "Beat the dragon/boss/whatever" achivement
4*Give NPCs a use
5*Fix village and mineshaft spawn (Villages intersect with shitload of stuff, most of them have roads full of holes, mineshafts are too common)
6*Give new items a crafting purpose (Blaze rods, powders etc.)
7*Give us the reason to use potions (Boss fight?)
8*Fix bugs, polish the game
At least he tried.
1) Yes
2) The only way back without dying should be by killing the dragon. It is a boss room.
3) Yes
4) Use not nessessary for launch, that can come in a 'village' themed content pack. But they do need some AI to keep them in town at least.
5) Agreed about the village spawn. Just needs to auto level ground before placing the town. Mineshafts have been toned back to a decent level already.
6) Every new item already has a purpose within alchemy. The only 2 useless items in the game are rotten flesh (deliberate) and the cauldron.
7) The only potion which is all but useless in single player is weakness, but even that is useful in multiplayer.
8) Yes
I don't think much is needed at all for the launch version to be at a decent standard except bug fixing. Which is what they are doing now.
I know you were just being funny, but it is actually interesting so I'm replying as if you were serious :tongue.gif:
Here's 2 dictionary reasons why.
a) nether - dwelling beneath the surface of the earth; "nether regions"
:cool.gif: being of the underworld; "infernal regions"
The closer to the centre of a circular object you are the shorter the distance across its diameter. This is why 1 block of distance in the nether is equal to 8 blocks of distance in the overworld. Because the nether is located within the earth. This was the intention back when the Nether was first conceived as a hell dimension, within the earth. It was renamed to the Nether to avoid religious connections but to maintain the concept of depth.
I'm still waiting for the damn memory leak issue to be fixed that was introduced in 1.8. I can't play for longer than 20 minutes without having to close down the application and restart it. Why he decided to program the game in Java boggles my mind.
Notch has 12 days to:
*Code dragons so they spawn in The End Dragons are already in the game, adding them to the end shouldnt be a problem and is probably already done.
*Make some sort of way to return to overworld without dying in the end Maybe by defeating the ender dragon maybe some other way, again just because all the information isnt released doesnt mean they didnt do it yet.
*Add "Beat the dragon/boss/whatever" achivement Already in the game, do you even check pre-releases?
*Give NPCs a use Npcs use is to feed the players who were begging for "human" npcs and just because they dont have any use now doesnt mean they have to
*Fix village and mineshaft spawn (Villages intersect with shitload of stuff, most of them have roads full of holes, mineshafts are too common) Vilages are fine, just because they are a bit ruined doesnt mean they are broken think of that as if the town was attacked by creepers before you found the vilage, mineshafts arent to common i only saw a 2 and i explore a lot
*Give new items a crafting purpose (Blaze rods, powders etc.) Again, do you even check the pre-releases? blaze rods are used make magma cream which is used for potions AND to make ender eyes out of ender pearls, if by powder you mean gun powder then i have nothing to say
*Give us the reason to use potions (Boss fight?) Thats like saying "Give us a reason to use diamond tools" they help in combat (Splash potions... WHATS THAT?) they can be used for instant heals going faster getting stronger and to damage mobs
*Fix bugs, polish the game Thats why notch said he is stopping adding new fetures (about 20 days before the 1.9 release i think).
Even if he wont fix all the bugs in time it doesnt mean he will stop updating after the full game is released.
At least he tried.
Why do you even play minecraft with this attitude?
Because everything that has to do with endermen have end in them. Enderdragons. Eye of ender. The dimension was called the ender for a while.
Remember: cannibalism is always an option.
This is for both sides.
I believe that making Nether portal in The End can send you back to the Nether which can send you back to The Overworld.
Hope this solve one of your problems.
Meh, I'm actually arguing for fun. Its quite amusing watching people rage.
Remember: cannibalism is always an option.
I always thought hate topics like these were a new fad to the minecraft community, but appearently these kind of people have always been in the forum doing their thing since minecraft's inception.
Remember: cannibalism is always an option.
Normally, I'd lol, but this wasn't even well-written enough for lols.
It's just beating a horse that died several years ago, that never really was a horse at all, but more of a sheep with one of those paper spy-masks on in the shape of a horseface. You're not even beating it with a properly formed stick, it's more a lump of dried ****. Why don't you just go badgering Fallout 3; New Vegas as it had plenty of bugs upon release. Plenty of games did and unless you are going to complain about all of them then you can get the puck off the internets.
Er, I'm not complaining. I'm just typing what people would probably replace the beta argument with. I haven't played Fallout 3, anyway.
The only reason this argument even exists is because the first dude who said "why is minecraft beta so buggy, and why is whatever feature useless?"
Now once it's out of beta people ARE going to complain at the first bug they see and I don't like it, nobody should like it, and that is what this topic is about. The first moment it's out of beta the whining will begin upon the first mistake. That is basically the sum of this topic.
Instead it's a world where people make constant topics about hating the game, then making topics about hating the haters, then topics about hating the haters hating on the haters.
Why can't we all just get along, and accept that the game has always had the only two things that matter, Mining & Crafting. Everything else is icing.
All games have bugs, all games have content that doesn't make it. When it's released it'll still be the same fun game it's always been. Sure you can complain about the details, want new things.
But is all of this really necessary?
1) Yes
2) The only way back without dying should be by killing the dragon. It is a boss room.
3) Yes
4) Use not nessessary for launch, that can come in a 'village' themed content pack. But they do need some AI to keep them in town at least.
5) Agreed about the village spawn. Just needs to auto level ground before placing the town. Mineshafts have been toned back to a decent level already.
6) Every new item already has a purpose within alchemy. The only 2 useless items in the game are rotten flesh (deliberate) and the cauldron.
7) The only potion which is all but useless in single player is weakness, but even that is useful in multiplayer.
8) Yes
I don't think much is needed at all for the launch version to be at a decent standard except bug fixing. Which is what they are doing now.
I know you were just being funny, but it is actually interesting so I'm replying as if you were serious :tongue.gif:
Here's 2 dictionary reasons why.
a) nether - dwelling beneath the surface of the earth; "nether regions"
:cool.gif: being of the underworld; "infernal regions"
The closer to the centre of a circular object you are the shorter the distance across its diameter. This is why 1 block of distance in the nether is equal to 8 blocks of distance in the overworld. Because the nether is located within the earth. This was the intention back when the Nether was first conceived as a hell dimension, within the earth. It was renamed to the Nether to avoid religious connections but to maintain the concept of depth.
A Runner's View! An awesome parkour map for 1.9 and up!
You go ahead and complain.
I'll just play the game- whatever the condition at the time.
Which one of us will be having more fun?:rolleyes:
Why do you even play minecraft with this attitude?