Notch has 12 days to:
*Code dragons so they spawn in The End
*Make some sort of way to return to overworld without dying in the end
*Add "Beat the dragon/boss/whatever" achivement
*Give NPCs a use
*Fix village and mineshaft spawn (Villages intersect with shitload of stuff, most of them have roads full of holes, mineshafts are too common)
*Give new items a crafting purpose (Blaze rods, powders etc.)
*Give us the reason to use potions (Boss fight?)
*Fix bugs, polish the game
At least he tried.
There is no amount of days left before whining and arrogant threads from people who think they know better than everyone else will stop, however. We'll have to suffer these till the end of time.
alot of the things on the list are done :tongue.gif: blaze rods are used for powder to make eyes of ender and the potions. the potions help with the buffed mobs,the acheivement for deafeating the boss is in pre-5, and its assumed that the obsidian is a placeholder for an item that allows you to leave the end.
*Code dragons so they spawn in The End - He's already done that I'm pretty sure. If not, it wouldn't take long since most of the code is already there. *Make some sort of way to return to overworld without dying in the end Killing the Ender dragon *Add "Beat the dragon/boss/whatever" achievement Is already in the game along with 6? new achievements. *Give NPCs a use It will definitely take quite a while to add all the code for this. I agree. *Fix village and mineshaft spawn (Villages intersect with shitload of stuff, most of them have roads full of holes, mineshafts are too common) Another thing, I don't think Notch has mentioned working on yet. Would definitely be nice. *Give new items a crafting purpose (Blaze rods, powders etc.) Brewing stands, potions, Eye of Ender... *Give us the reason to use potions (Boss fight?) Umm... Combat? The Ender Dragon will be a boss too. *Fix bugs, polish the game He and Jeb have been working on this since the feature freeze started. They might not get all the bugs but apparently they've been fixing a ton.
Before someone bitches, I love Minecraft. But the level of completion this game is seeing is ****ing poor. And I can't wait for the Beta argument to **** off. There is so much **** this game should have right now that it doesn't.
- fix boats
- add underwater content (remember that? I do!)
- Fix xp balance
- Fix enchanting
- Give us a reason to go to the end other than fight a stupid dragon
- Add sky dimension
- Add mangrove tree sappling
- Fix enderman teleport bug
- Make recipe for nether brick
and a whole bunch of other stuff I can't remember right now.
Those feature are probably already completed, or close to being finished. The only reason there hasn't been another pre-release is because of the code freeze.
- fix boats
- add underwater content (remember that? I do!)
- Fix xp balance
- Fix enchanting
- Give us a reason to go to the end other than fight a stupid dragon
- Add sky dimension
- Add mangrove tree sappling
- Fix enderman teleport bug
- Make recipe for nether brick
and a whole bunch of other stuff I can't remember right now.
-There's nothing wrong with boats
-Like squids and oceans, right?
-Nothing wrong with it
-Nothing wrong with it
-For massive EXP gain, enderdragon egg, and 2 achievements
-It looked fugly as hell. There's no ****ing reason to add some half-assed dimension when we just got one.
-A new tree would dictate whether or not a game is complete for you? That's stupid to say the least.
-You mean how they teleport away and never return? That's not a bug.
-This will probably be in the full release, and would probably take Notch a full twenty seconds to add.
Underwater content does not need to happen before release. Same with NPCs, as long as he cuts them out temporarily or fixes their behavior a little (run away or fight back when attacked, go back to their homes at night, etc.)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Mostly moved on. May check back a few times a year.
You are counting down the days until an internet bitchfest loses one argument? Really?
Not "one" argument, but THE argument that has been used by Notch fanboys to dismiss EVERY criticism about the game since it started. It is a very big turning point where people will hopefully start to see how woeful the development of the game has been and how incompetent Notch really is because he will not be able to hide behind the "beta" tag anymore. The game will be complete and will be judged as such, and I can tell you right now it ain't looking too good.
*Code dragons so they spawn in The End
*Make some sort of way to return to overworld without dying in the end
*Add "Beat the dragon/boss/whatever" achivement
*Give NPCs a use
*Fix village and mineshaft spawn (Villages intersect with shitload of stuff, most of them have roads full of holes, mineshafts are too common)
*Give new items a crafting purpose (Blaze rods, powders etc.)
*Give us the reason to use potions (Boss fight?)
*Fix bugs, polish the game
At least he tried.
Remember: cannibalism is always an option.
Cant wait to start complaining how game isn't finished. Wee
Remember: cannibalism is always an option.
The components that he added on are not complete.
Furthermore, unless you're not considering the 'add-ons' as part of the game, then the game is not ****ing completed.
- fix boats
- add underwater content (remember that? I do!)
- Fix xp balance
- Fix enchanting
- Give us a reason to go to the end other than fight a stupid dragon
- Add sky dimension
- Add mangrove tree sappling
- Fix enderman teleport bug
- Make recipe for nether brick
and a whole bunch of other stuff I can't remember right now.
-There's nothing wrong with boats
-Like squids and oceans, right?
-Nothing wrong with it
-Nothing wrong with it
-For massive EXP gain, enderdragon egg, and 2 achievements
-It looked fugly as hell. There's no ****ing reason to add some half-assed dimension when we just got one.
-A new tree would dictate whether or not a game is complete for you? That's stupid to say the least.
-You mean how they teleport away and never return? That's not a bug.
-This will probably be in the full release, and would probably take Notch a full twenty seconds to add.
Mostly moved on. May check back a few times a year.
Notch said himself that the release date is just a formal thing.
Not "one" argument, but THE argument that has been used by Notch fanboys to dismiss EVERY criticism about the game since it started. It is a very big turning point where people will hopefully start to see how woeful the development of the game has been and how incompetent Notch really is because he will not be able to hide behind the "beta" tag anymore. The game will be complete and will be judged as such, and I can tell you right now it ain't looking too good.
This is what they will say after the release : It has just been released!, expect bugs.