Theres little I hate more than breeding, say 5 cows, then killing them and only getting three things of leather. often 2 from 1 cow, 1 from 1 cow and 3 that drop nothing.
or killing chickens for feathers and get only 2 feathers out of 4 chickens. Its a chicken! its covered in feathers!!
I think mobs (hostile and/or passive) should have a minimal drop of at least 1 of the item they are suppose to drop.
now stuff thats suppose to be kinda rare like golden nuggets and the blaze rod can keep there some 0 drop chance.
If item drops had to go from 0-3 to 1-2. I would be happy with that.
I could just be jaded after spending night after night hunting creepers (killing about 5-8 on average but come out with less than 5 gunpowder)
But what do you all think?
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"I would agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong."
I like the current drop rates for everything except feathers and leather. I feel that Notch could safely double those drop rates. I also wish you could just pluck (or shear) a feather from a chicken every so often without harming it.
I would love the drop rates to be increased in general from animals the player has bred (as opposed to those that spawn when a chunk is generated). It kind of makes sense that well bred (and well fed) pigs would produce more than a random, wild one.
Meh I like the drop rates as of now makes me feel happy when I get full leather off a cow, or full feathers from a chicken, or even getting a ton of gunpowder (even if I have to kill 50 creepers)
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Do NOT make me angry I'm riding in a Wartank you know.
Theres little I hate more than breeding, say 5 cows, then killing them and only getting three things of leather. often 2 from 1 cow, 1 from 1 cow and 3 that drop nothing.
or killing chickens for feathers and get only 2 feathers out of 4 chickens. Its a chicken! its covered in feathers!!
I think mobs (hostile and/or passive) should have a minimal drop of at least 1 of the item they are suppose to drop.
now stuff thats suppose to be kinda rare like golden nuggets and the blaze rod can keep there some 0 drop chance.
If item drops had to go from 0-3 to 1-2. I would be happy with that.
I could just be jaded after spending night after night hunting creepers (killing about 5-8 on average but come out with less than 5 gunpowder)
But what do you all think?
Cows primary drop is meat, not leather which is it's secondary drop. Chickens drop meat as it's primary drop making feathers it's secondary drop.
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Just waiting for Forge to officially release for 1.13.x to remove unneeded mobs from 1.13, like Phantoms, from the game because, in my gameplay based opinion, they add nothing of value to the game.
Fun fact: Clicking a bed every 30 minutes doesn't make you a better player, it makes you one who clicks a bed every 30 minutes. Wouldn't you rather just mod them out of the game completely?
The drop system made a lot more sense when you could just wander around all day and collect enough leather to make a full suit of leather armour (that's a 10 minute minecraft day - cows'd just keep spawning as I did laps around my island, until I got enough).
I used to think the effort involved in that usually wasn't worth the time, and so seldom wore armour.
Now, in order to get that amount of leather on any given day, you'd need to create a huge enclosure filled with truckloads of cows, and spend at least half a stack of wheat per suit of armour (average of about a full stack). Simply not worth the time or effort, easier to just go around unarmoured.
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You're just jealous 'cause the voices only talk to me
The drop system made a lot more sense when you could just wander around all day and collect enough leather to make a full suit of leather armour (that's a 10 minute minecraft day - cows'd just keep spawning as I did laps around my island, until I got enough).
I used to think the effort involved in that usually wasn't worth the time, and so seldom wore armour.
Now, in order to get that amount of leather on any given day, you'd need to create a huge enclosure filled with truckloads of cows, and spend at least half a stack of wheat per suit of armour (average of about a full stack). Simply not worth the time or effort, easier to just go around unarmoured.
You do realize that you get both meat and leather from cows....right? You gain more than you lose.
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Just waiting for Forge to officially release for 1.13.x to remove unneeded mobs from 1.13, like Phantoms, from the game because, in my gameplay based opinion, they add nothing of value to the game.
Fun fact: Clicking a bed every 30 minutes doesn't make you a better player, it makes you one who clicks a bed every 30 minutes. Wouldn't you rather just mod them out of the game completely?
In terms of time I can dedicate to exploring and mining? No. The breeding system is pretty pointless in terms of food gathering, and the time spent creating armour easily outweighs the total time I spend running back from my spawn point each time I die.
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You're just jealous 'cause the voices only talk to me
Before the current passive mob spawning and breeding system was introduced in 1.8 and 1.9 it was relatively easy to get a full set of leather armour (or just an additional piece of armour) by wandering around during the day. Now it takes resources (wheat, breedable cows and an enclosure to keep them) and more time to obtain leather than it would to obtain a similar amount of iron ... which makes better armour.
Leather has become a pointless commodity. I think the drop rate should be increased drastically, to make it worthwhile to farm cows for leather. Maybe make them drop as many leather pieces as redstone ore drops dust or even lapis drops dye. Right now you can't even make a leather hat from 1 whole cow, which I'm fairly sure you could easily do in reality if you knew what you were doing.
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When no one was looking, the Endermen took forty blocks.
They took 40 blocks. That’s as many as four tens. And that’s horrible.
I don't like how little I have use for my bow now since I have so little feathers all the time. True that it never made sense that zombies dropped feathers, but now that that is changed along with passive mob's spawning, crafting feathers rarely happens for me.
Although, there are now enchantments to counter the lack of feathers. Killing a chicken with a looting sword will help increase yield on mob drops.
As far as how I play Minecraft, I think the drop rates for animals are good, other than maybe feather drops could stand to be a bit higher. I have little use for leather -- iron is so abundant in caves that in my current game I have never actually used any leather.
Now I do think that hostile mob drops need to be decreased for non-combat kills (drowning, lava, fire, falling, etc.) to nerf the hostile mob grinders a bit.
I think cows need to have their leather drop rates swapped with meat, so they drop an average of 1 beef and at least an average of 3 leather, maybe higher. Pigs should then have their pork rates moved up to where cows' beef used to be. That way, pigs would be the primary animal for food, while chickens and cows would drop less meat while providing other drops at the same time.
I don't have any problem with drops, but I do like the idea of swapping the drop rate of leather and beef. Most of the time when I kill a cow I get two or three steaks, and only one leather if any.
However, the amount of iron I have at all times pretty much negates any need for leather armor.
I like the feather drop rate because it coincides really well with the flint drop rate; instead of waiting around with a stack of feathers and no flint or opposite I usually can make a stack of arrows after a couple days of combined breeding and digging.
I don't have any problem with drops, but I do like the idea of swapping the drop rate of leather and beef. Most of the time when I kill a cow I get two or three steaks, and only one leather if any.
I concur with this idea, it'd give an actual reason to have a pig farm.
It shouldn't be the same for enemies, but for the animals i totally agree! I mean cmon' if they took the feather off from zombies, and the thing that you need to breed animals, and don't get anything THAT SUCKS! I'm with you!
Current drop rate would be fine except there are barely any animals now because they dont randomly spawn, i got like 5 animals on a huge island (the size of a whole map) and a small farm of 2 of each animals (except sheeps, there are no sheeps in the entire island)
So yes, either make animals spawn randomly even after u load new chuncks or double the drop rate
A good work-around is to have a chicken coop. Make a 2x2x4 column, put signs at the base to stop water flow, put a pool of water on top of the signs. Then, all you need to do is find a chicken, trap it, and collect its eggs (1 every 7 minutes) and throw the egg one block above the water pool.
Eventually you'll have a large chicken coop. I have about 80 chickens in four pools with a canal flowing all the eggs to one point. I average 32 eggs in about five minutes.
Watch out, though. Walking away from the coop actually lags the game pretty bad. Going towards it doesn't, however.
For feathers I think it would be better if the chickens molted and dropped feathers at a similar rate as they do eggs. I agree with the drop rate for cows and pigs are too little. What is the point if you can't get at least one meat drop? Also leather should drop at a minimum 2 at most maybe 6.
By the time I had half a stack of leather I already had 4 stacks of iron.
or killing chickens for feathers and get only 2 feathers out of 4 chickens. Its a chicken! its covered in feathers!!
I think mobs (hostile and/or passive) should have a minimal drop of at least 1 of the item they are suppose to drop.
now stuff thats suppose to be kinda rare like golden nuggets and the blaze rod can keep there some 0 drop chance.
If item drops had to go from 0-3 to 1-2. I would be happy with that.
I could just be jaded after spending night after night hunting creepers (killing about 5-8 on average but come out with less than 5 gunpowder)
But what do you all think?
I would love the drop rates to be increased in general from animals the player has bred (as opposed to those that spawn when a chunk is generated). It kind of makes sense that well bred (and well fed) pigs would produce more than a random, wild one.
For being the tier1 crap armor it should'nt be harder to get the the iron armor.
Cows primary drop is meat, not leather which is it's secondary drop. Chickens drop meat as it's primary drop making feathers it's secondary drop.
Just waiting for Forge to officially release for 1.13.x to remove unneeded mobs from 1.13, like Phantoms, from the game because, in my gameplay based opinion, they add nothing of value to the game.
Fun fact: Clicking a bed every 30 minutes doesn't make you a better player, it makes you one who clicks a bed every 30 minutes. Wouldn't you rather just mod them out of the game completely?
I used to think the effort involved in that usually wasn't worth the time, and so seldom wore armour.
Now, in order to get that amount of leather on any given day, you'd need to create a huge enclosure filled with truckloads of cows, and spend at least half a stack of wheat per suit of armour (average of about a full stack). Simply not worth the time or effort, easier to just go around unarmoured.
You do realize that you get both meat and leather from cows....right? You gain more than you lose.
Just waiting for Forge to officially release for 1.13.x to remove unneeded mobs from 1.13, like Phantoms, from the game because, in my gameplay based opinion, they add nothing of value to the game.
Fun fact: Clicking a bed every 30 minutes doesn't make you a better player, it makes you one who clicks a bed every 30 minutes. Wouldn't you rather just mod them out of the game completely?
Before the current passive mob spawning and breeding system was introduced in 1.8 and 1.9 it was relatively easy to get a full set of leather armour (or just an additional piece of armour) by wandering around during the day. Now it takes resources (wheat, breedable cows and an enclosure to keep them) and more time to obtain leather than it would to obtain a similar amount of iron ... which makes better armour.
Leather has become a pointless commodity. I think the drop rate should be increased drastically, to make it worthwhile to farm cows for leather. Maybe make them drop as many leather pieces as redstone ore drops dust or even lapis drops dye. Right now you can't even make a leather hat from 1 whole cow, which I'm fairly sure you could easily do in reality if you knew what you were doing.
They took 40 blocks. That’s as many as four tens. And that’s horrible.
Although, there are now enchantments to counter the lack of feathers. Killing a chicken with a looting sword will help increase yield on mob drops.
Now I do think that hostile mob drops need to be decreased for non-combat kills (drowning, lava, fire, falling, etc.) to nerf the hostile mob grinders a bit.
- sunperp
However, the amount of iron I have at all times pretty much negates any need for leather armor.
I like the feather drop rate because it coincides really well with the flint drop rate; instead of waiting around with a stack of feathers and no flint or opposite I usually can make a stack of arrows after a couple days of combined breeding and digging.
I also saw someone suggest that leather could be used to make conveyer belts, which just sounds cool to me.
I concur with this idea, it'd give an actual reason to have a pig farm.
So yes, either make animals spawn randomly even after u load new chuncks or double the drop rate
A good work-around is to have a chicken coop. Make a 2x2x4 column, put signs at the base to stop water flow, put a pool of water on top of the signs. Then, all you need to do is find a chicken, trap it, and collect its eggs (1 every 7 minutes) and throw the egg one block above the water pool.
Eventually you'll have a large chicken coop. I have about 80 chickens in four pools with a canal flowing all the eggs to one point. I average 32 eggs in about five minutes.
Watch out, though. Walking away from the coop actually lags the game pretty bad. Going towards it doesn't, however.
I'll post a pic in a bit.
gargamel: Glacier: PM Me
By the time I had half a stack of leather I already had 4 stacks of iron.