I think he should drop some end game items not just an obsidian block.
make him drop each time you defeat him a random dragon tool which will be made out of the dragon skin or maybe obsidian. this tools will be the "ultimate" tools they will never break and will dig as fast as diamond (or maybe metal to make them less powerfull).
This will be a great reward after doing so much to get to the end and defeating the dragon, you have to build a base get iron get diamonds build a nether portal go into the nether and get a lot of blaze rods make ender eyes to find the strong hold get to the portal, rebuild the portal go to the end and after all that defeat the dragon (who seems like a hard boss) this is going threw almost all the fetures of the game and all the dimensions in the game, that should reward you with the ultimate tools which will allow you to build all the stuff you want without the trouble of getting a ton of iron and keep rebuilding them.
What are your thought? should we get "dragon tools" or maybe something else?
P.S sorry if there are any spelling mistakes or something that doesnt make sense im typing on a laptop and its having problems... :dry.gif:
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Yeah, no.
It's minecrafts' first boss(?), so it should drop something more original, more interesting.
Threads like these are why I hate notch preferring ****ING REDDIT over any other website for suggestions.
With sites like these, people don't care about if the idea would actually have downsides, or could be vastly improved if it was different. If the people think the idea would be useful to make the game easier in any way, they say OMG THATS A GOOD IDEA NOTCH SHOULD ADD IT
On other websites, one I will name later, when someone posted an idea, all the other users would say HOLD THE **** UP, IT HAS ____ ISSUE, SO LETS FIX THAT. Then they would come up with ideas to implement the idea in a way that would be beneficial to the game, and not just making something easier, WHILE keeping the base idea of the suggestion.
That, and on the "other websites" the ideas are MUCH more interesting, relevant, and imaginative.
Yeah, no.
It's minecrafts' first boss(?), so it should drop something more original, more interesting.
Threads like these are why I hate notch preferring ****ING REDDIT over any other website for suggestions.
With sites like these, people don't care about if the idea would actually have downsides, or could be vastly improved if it was different. If the people think the idea would be useful to make the game easier in any way, they say OMG THATS A GOOD IDEA NOTCH SHOULD ADD IT
On other websites, one I will name later, when someone posted an idea, all the other users would say HOLD THE **** UP, IT HAS ____ ISSUE, SO LETS FIX THAT. Then they would come up with ideas to implement the idea in a way that would be beneficial to the game, and not just making something easier, WHILE keeping the base idea of the suggestion.
That, and on the "other websites" the ideas are MUCH more interesting, relevant, and imaginative.
It's the board /v/ from 4chan!
Yeah, **** reddit. Cool to see another /v/ bro here.
Well, you don't need to get diamond to get to the end. You get a portal (don't need diamond) kill some endermen, go to the nether kill some Blaze, find an end portal. Enderdragons, all you need is an iron sward and armour plus some arrows and a bow. Notch has said things about red dragons, so my theory is that the Enderdragon will drop those eggs, then you breed red dragons.
Well, you don't need to get diamond to get to the end. You get a portal (don't need diamond) kill some endermen, go to the nether kill some Blaze, find an end portal. Enderdragons, all you need is an iron sward and armour plus some arrows and a bow. Notch has said things about red dragons, so my theory is that the Enderdragon will drop those eggs, then you breed red dragons.
Diamond pickaxe to mine Obsidian...Dragon meat?
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You don't need diamond to get to the end, because people say you need diamond to get to the nether which is where you need to go, if you want Blaze powder anyway.
I think he should drop some end game items not just an obsidian block.
make him drop each time you defeat him a random dragon tool which will be made out of the dragon skin or maybe obsidian. this tools will be the "ultimate" tools they will never break and will dig as fast as diamond (or maybe metal to make them less powerfull).
This will be a great reward after doing so much to get to the end and defeating the dragon, you have to build a base get iron get diamonds build a nether portal go into the nether and get a lot of blaze rods make ender eyes to find the strong hold get to the portal, rebuild the portal go to the end and after all that defeat the dragon (who seems like a hard boss) this is going threw almost all the fetures of the game and all the dimensions in the game, that should reward you with the ultimate tools which will allow you to build all the stuff you want without the trouble of getting a ton of iron and keep rebuilding them.
What are your thought? should we get "dragon tools" or maybe something else?
P.S sorry if there are any spelling mistakes or something that doesnt make sense im typing on a laptop and its having problems... :dry.gif:
Well i think they should drop one obsidian tool each time and some mysterious item witch when you have 1 you can create a portal to the sky dimension witch is filled with rich new minerals and new trees new mobs new tools and boss's kinda like the aether but 10x better and there should 10 mini bosses 5 medium ones and 1 ultimate boss in the center of the map.and if you fall of you go to the normal world and maybe that item that the dragon drops could be dragon scales or something witch you can create tools or make the portal.
I think they should drop either a golden apple or a dragon egg.
And tools aren't really something I would want for spending about a week to beat Minecraft.
I think they should drop either a golden apple or a dragon egg.
And tools aren't really something I would want for spending about a week to beat Minecraft.
They DO drop a dragon egg, don't they? I mean...they managed to kill me (I was trying to get on top of the last obsidian pillar and it pwned me) so I haven't seen it yet, but other people have said this.
make him drop each time you defeat him a random dragon tool which will be made out of the dragon skin or maybe obsidian. this tools will be the "ultimate" tools they will never break and will dig as fast as diamond (or maybe metal to make them less powerfull).
This will be a great reward after doing so much to get to the end and defeating the dragon, you have to build a base get iron get diamonds build a nether portal go into the nether and get a lot of blaze rods make ender eyes to find the strong hold get to the portal, rebuild the portal go to the end and after all that defeat the dragon (who seems like a hard boss) this is going threw almost all the fetures of the game and all the dimensions in the game, that should reward you with the ultimate tools which will allow you to build all the stuff you want without the trouble of getting a ton of iron and keep rebuilding them.
What are your thought? should we get "dragon tools" or maybe something else?
P.S sorry if there are any spelling mistakes or something that doesnt make sense im typing on a laptop and its having problems... :dry.gif:
It gets a result.
I hope it will be something new, not just diamonds (cause if you got to the end you probably have enough diamonds)
Yeah, no.
It's minecrafts' first boss(?), so it should drop something more original, more interesting.
Threads like these are why I hate notch preferring ****ING REDDIT over any other website for suggestions.
With sites like these, people don't care about if the idea would actually have downsides, or could be vastly improved if it was different. If the people think the idea would be useful to make the game easier in any way, they say OMG THATS A GOOD IDEA NOTCH SHOULD ADD IT
On other websites, one I will name later, when someone posted an idea, all the other users would say HOLD THE **** UP, IT HAS ____ ISSUE, SO LETS FIX THAT. Then they would come up with ideas to implement the idea in a way that would be beneficial to the game, and not just making something easier, WHILE keeping the base idea of the suggestion.
That, and on the "other websites" the ideas are MUCH more interesting, relevant, and imaginative.
No thank you, if I spent the time and energy to find and defeat the Enderdragon,
I'm going to want something original and unique.
Yeah, **** reddit. Cool to see another /v/ bro here.
Yeah, but we don't know if the Enderdragon will actually drop those.
It's still a good guess, but what would they be used for?
maby a dragon baby?or a dragon omlet lol
Nah it will be for ENDERCAKE.
Diamond pickaxe to mine Obsidian...Dragon meat?
Well i think they should drop one obsidian tool each time and some mysterious item witch when you have 1 you can create a portal to the sky dimension witch is filled with rich new minerals and new trees new mobs new tools and boss's kinda like the aether but 10x better and there should 10 mini bosses 5 medium ones and 1 ultimate boss in the center of the map.and if you fall of you go to the normal world and maybe that item that the dragon drops could be dragon scales or something witch you can create tools or make the portal.
And tools aren't really something I would want for spending about a week to beat Minecraft.
They DO drop a dragon egg, don't they? I mean...they managed to kill me (I was trying to get on top of the last obsidian pillar and it pwned me) so I haven't seen it yet, but other people have said this.
indeed, it says so on the Wiki.