I'd rather not play a game where all i can do is hide in a hole at night and mine some stuff. I mean, it's fun and all, and I definitely enjoyed it in the early days. But eventually it gets tiring, I'd rather play a game where I can do an almost unlimited amount of exciting things. Exploring new realms, fighting new mobs, going on a quest to get the proper materials for potions and then figuring out how it all works, etc.
Agree or disagree -- do we really need another one of these clone threads?
There's like a million of them. This sentiment is far from unique. Go vent in one of them unless you have something extremely specific you'd like to talk about.
You bought the game knowing that it was a work in progress. Don't ***** and whine when something you don't like gets put in the game.
I more wondering people's opinions than my own, i mean i cant really ask for opinions without my own. Im gonna update im gonna enjoy the end realm i just think its a bit odd and it mighta went too far thats my opinion. Now the topic is asking a question to people: Has Notch/Mojang gone too far? then i say post your opinions and i gave my own, if you just wanna ***** to me then go somewhere else if you wanna take some time to write an opinion: I AGREE or I DISAGREE than do.
I dunno, I am most excited to see what will be done next. He's not gone 'far enough' yet. I think going too far would be having Steve breed with sheep. I mean, that's boundry crossing for sure. But, I'll leave that idea to some of the more twisted modders here. I think what has gone too far is how people seem, well a select few, have forgotten that it's a beta game and is evolving and changing. We are a part of a exciting concept where we are beta testing a new game. I feel an abundance of excitement at new options to try, to poke around with. Each patch update it like a christmas present. A new surprise to be found and enjoyed.
This whole concept is TOO much fun. I wish I got involved from the start.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Yes, right. You're one of...those, Never understood why any self respecting Decepticon would choose automobile as his vehical mode when he could have flight." -Starscream
I full version of what, exactly? A nightmarishly grinding RPG, with skills with little point, overpowered weapons, inflated currency, and a whole load of **** with no point? Or a beautifully customizable game, with many features that let you do whatever you want, not just build in creative or advance your skills and armor in survival? I think that adventure mode needs to be implemented to put an end to this foolishness. We are either a superb Sandbox with exploring and building and doing everything, or a half-assed RPG with a bunch of features that aren't really that great. If you want quests, talking to NCPs, skills, and the dreaded specter currency, then make an adventure mode. Don't clutter up my game with RPG ****.
Bless your soul. People the 2nd side of the battle has arrived.
Also before hating what i have to say, read wht i posted after and such.
Im done here on this, none of you: ITS BETA STFU people did anything a few people that actually took time to type it out what it is and their opinions they did something so, argue the **** out of eachother thanks to the 2-3 that took time to do something. Goodbye.
I'm not going to hate on or support some of the new features, but I will say this: I have seen a much similar cycle that is going on for this game right now as that which is going on in Team Fortress 2.
In the start, TF2 was very well polished and virtually nobody complained, but over time Valve started developing a focus on adding more and more content as opposed to polishing the existing content. For example, there are not LOD models for any of the new weapons (less detail as you get farther away), hats get added by the truckloads every few weeks, most weapons didn't have kill icons for literally years after they came out (and the only reason most weapons even DO have them is because the community made them FOR Valve).
And over time, the TF2 community started to get pissed. They posted like mad on the Steam Forums that they wanted existing features balanced and optimized instead of 20 new hats, but Valve kept on adding those hats... (I still love TF2 but honestly there are more than enough hats and weapons, optimize the fracking game!)
TL;DR: Right now Notch cares more about adding as much content as possible in as little time as possible and seems to ignore existing issues (such as the lack of slabs/stairs for most blocks, etc.)
If Notch started actually fixing some of the existing issues instead of trying to drown us in new features, I would fracking love him for it, and I'm pretty sure many players agree with me. We have enough content, time to polish it.
EDIT: Additionally, I would have much rather seen an "enhancement" system for items instead of enchantment. Basically, you would craft abilities on to an item instead of opening a book and saying "abra cadabra!" It would make a bit more sense than the current system, because from the start Minecraft has been based around a sort of "scientific advancement" instead of magic spells. We started with our ****-poor wooden tools, and over time we crafted newer, better tools. We didn't read some silly text and sacrifice xp points for them, we went out and built them with our own two blocky hands.
For example, if I wanted my sword to light enemies on fire, I could use a "special crafting table" of some sort (anvil?) and place some magma cream (or whatever) along the edges of my sword. Same end result of a fire sword, but the process of getting there would feel more "Minecrafty," if you know what I mean.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
If I helped in any way, don't click that little green +, instead tell me how much you liked the post. (Only those who are incapable of earning rep the hard way have to beg for it in their signatures).
Understand that Notch himself had a two part plan for the game. He sccompished the first part, which was the crafting and mining, now he's doing his second part dream. He always wanted to make Minecraft like a RPG, just because he can, and for a good reason I haven't seen or heard yet. IF you don't like the new additions, than don't accept them. Or just play creative.
3 things.
1: Sorry for being horrible at organizing this, ideas popped in my head and really fast i wrote them down.
2: I do LOVE minecraft.
3: I hate the end realm.
T-H-E-N D-O N-O-T G-O T-H-E-R-E. It's not like is standing next to you with a gun saying "KILL ALL THE ENDERMEN AND PUT THEIR EYES ON THE PORTAL AND JUMP IN!"
I don't understand you people who whine about optional things. Alchemy, if you don't like it don't make it. Enchanting if you don't like it don't enchant stuff. The nether if you don't like it don't go there. The End if you don't like it don't go there. Snowmen if you don't like it don't go there. If all you want to do is build then play creative mode. Don't like hunger play on Easy. It is optional meaning you do to it your self it doesn't appear on it's own.
if you don't like a feature just don't use it its that simple
and this is notches game he can do whatever he wont's with the game and when you bot it you should have expected it to change its a beta
I don't like all the newer stuff coming in, all the Alchemy and Enchantments, if I wanted all the RPG stuff, I would just go and play Runescape or Two Worlds. Games that were made with RPG the name from the very start, not a sandbox game that has had things thrown into that don't go with the gamestyle and just make no sense.
the survival the simple waiting out the night in a hole surrounded by dirt and its pitch black your scared to death.
Even with the changes Mojang has brought (which I love, by the way, except for the lag spikes I keep getting), you can still sit in a hole in the ground all night if you really want to.
But why would you want to? There's nothing "scary" about sitting in a hole, completely safe, until the sun goes up, not to mentions it's a huge waste of time, and boring.
I love these changes, they've given the survival player more things to do then just build a hole straight into the ground mine some obsidian, go to the nether and then revel in your "accomplishment." The End gives you a goal and I think that's awesome.
Notch, if you're reading this, don't change anything you're doing, it's awesome. Except for the lag spikes, those are annoying.
1. For all you people who always resort to the argument "IT'S A BETA CAN CHANGE ANYTHING HE WANTS SO STOP WHINING ," yes you are technically right, but many times when this is so annoyingly shoved in our faces, the person it's directed to isn't whining or asking people to sign a petition to make Minecraft back to the way it was. They're simply stating their opinions on the matter and wondering of others agree. In this case, the OP simply thought the most recent update was one step too far in the wrong direction. He never said he's gonna ragequit and never play again. He never said the game sucks. He just said he didn't like this particular update.
In everyone else's defense however, this kind of topic IS made way too often.
2. I love the guy who used TF2's development history as an example. It's a game I've played and loved for 713 hours (and counting), even though I'm in hate with what they've done to it.
There's like a million of them. This sentiment is far from unique. Go vent in one of them unless you have something extremely specific you'd like to talk about.
I more wondering people's opinions than my own, i mean i cant really ask for opinions without my own. Im gonna update im gonna enjoy the end realm i just think its a bit odd and it mighta went too far thats my opinion. Now the topic is asking a question to people: Has Notch/Mojang gone too far? then i say post your opinions and i gave my own, if you just wanna ***** to me then go somewhere else if you wanna take some time to write an opinion: I AGREE or I DISAGREE than do.
This whole concept is TOO much fun. I wish I got involved from the start.
geez :dry.gif:
Bless your soul. People the 2nd side of the battle has arrived.
Also before hating what i have to say, read wht i posted after and such.
If Notch started actually fixing some of the existing issues instead of trying to drown us in new features, I would fracking love him for it, and I'm pretty sure many players agree with me. We have enough content, time to polish it.
EDIT: Additionally, I would have much rather seen an "enhancement" system for items instead of enchantment. Basically, you would craft abilities on to an item instead of opening a book and saying "abra cadabra!" It would make a bit more sense than the current system, because from the start Minecraft has been based around a sort of "scientific advancement" instead of magic spells. We started with our ****-poor wooden tools, and over time we crafted newer, better tools. We didn't read some silly text and sacrifice xp points for them, we went out and built them with our own two blocky hands.
For example, if I wanted my sword to light enemies on fire, I could use a "special crafting table" of some sort (anvil?) and place some magma cream (or whatever) along the edges of my sword. Same end result of a fire sword, but the process of getting there would feel more "Minecrafty," if you know what I mean.
If I helped in any way, don't click that little green +, instead tell me how much you liked the post. (Only those who are incapable of earning rep the hard way have to beg for it in their signatures).
but i still have a problem with mooshrooms, and villager noses, but those are trivial, and i can just ignore those...features
just my humble opinion.
I think anyone who has any complaints about now and "the old days" should probably look at this.
Think of it like this, minecraft=indev+infdev+alpha+beta
alpha is still there. If you dont like everything else, then disregard it.
T-H-E-N D-O N-O-T G-O T-H-E-R-E. It's not like
I don't understand you people who whine about optional things. Alchemy, if you don't like it don't make it. Enchanting if you don't like it don't enchant stuff. The nether if you don't like it don't go there. The End if you don't like it don't go there. Snowmen if you don't like it don't go there. If all you want to do is build then play creative mode. Don't like hunger play on Easy. It is optional meaning you do to it your self it doesn't appear on it's own.
and this is notches game he can do whatever he wont's with the game and when you bot it you should have expected it to change its a beta
Although I don't understand what you are complaining about. He is adding features, you are complaining about features?
Sure I would like him to add blocks and stuff instead, but this thread is stupid.
Even with the changes Mojang has brought (which I love, by the way, except for the lag spikes I keep getting), you can still sit in a hole in the ground all night if you really want to.
But why would you want to? There's nothing "scary" about sitting in a hole, completely safe, until the sun goes up, not to mentions it's a huge waste of time, and boring.
I love these changes, they've given the survival player more things to do then just build a hole straight into the ground mine some obsidian, go to the nether and then revel in your "accomplishment." The End gives you a goal and I think that's awesome.
Notch, if you're reading this, don't change anything you're doing, it's awesome. Except for the lag spikes, those are annoying.
In everyone else's defense however, this kind of topic IS made way too often.
2. I love the guy who used TF2's development history as an example. It's a game I've played and loved for 713 hours (and counting), even though I'm in hate with what they've done to it.