I am referring to the protection enchantments for armor. I'm not entirely clear on how they function.
Do they merely reduce all damage taken, or do they convert more damage to armor damage,
or do they convert more TYPES of damage to armor damage? If you can clarify, thank you.
The minecraft wiki has a great page that covers what's known and some speculation on enchanting: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Enchanting
From what I've read there's a number of different enchants to armor, some specific to the pieces of armor. For example, some of the helm enchants increase the amount of time you can spend underwater before your breath meter expires. One of the boot enchants decreases your fall damage. I'd take a look at the wiki page and check them out for yourself, it's a pretty good list.
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Life itself is only a vision, a dream. Nothing exists save empty space and you, and you are but a thought.
I believe this was changed a while back. For example, I don't think fire, poison, or starvation apply.
The wiki page says "converts environmental damage to armor damage".
I'm not quite sure what counts as "environmental"...
Probably fall damage, fire damage from standing in lava etc.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Just waiting for Forge to officially release for 1.13.x to remove unneeded mobs from 1.13, like Phantoms, from the game because, in my gameplay based opinion, they add nothing of value to the game.
Fun fact: Clicking a bed every 30 minutes doesn't make you a better player, it makes you one who clicks a bed every 30 minutes. Wouldn't you rather just mod them out of the game completely?
From what I've heard protection will allow you to swim in lava while degrading armour durability the whole time. not sure how ranks would effect this though.
I've used this extensively. Most damage you'd normally take is mitigated to your armor... makes diamond armor last MINUTES if you're doing exceptionally dangerous stuff :tongue.gif:.
Does it make sense that I can jump off a really high cliff with protection 3 leather armor 3 times and for that armor to lose no durability? because that is what is happening.
Do they merely reduce all damage taken, or do they convert more damage to armor damage,
or do they convert more TYPES of damage to armor damage? If you can clarify, thank you.
All damage is armor damage
From what I've read there's a number of different enchants to armor, some specific to the pieces of armor. For example, some of the helm enchants increase the amount of time you can spend underwater before your breath meter expires. One of the boot enchants decreases your fall damage. I'd take a look at the wiki page and check them out for yourself, it's a pretty good list.
I believe this was changed a while back. For example, I don't think fire, poison, or starvation apply.
The wiki page says "converts environmental damage to armor damage".
I'm not quite sure what counts as "environmental"...
Probably fall damage, fire damage from standing in lava etc.
Just waiting for Forge to officially release for 1.13.x to remove unneeded mobs from 1.13, like Phantoms, from the game because, in my gameplay based opinion, they add nothing of value to the game.
Fun fact: Clicking a bed every 30 minutes doesn't make you a better player, it makes you one who clicks a bed every 30 minutes. Wouldn't you rather just mod them out of the game completely?
Does this include mob damage, like from zombies and spiders?
It includes everything. It can basically make you invincible with enough of it, but your armor will evaporate when taking lots of damage :tongue.gif:
Well, there are separate enchantments for fire, explosions and projectiles,
but I could see how everything else would be covered.
This is probably part of the reason why repaired items don't keep their enchantments.