I for one am glad that there are new mobs getting more attention. I was getting tired of 12 year old kids, mostly on this forum, making the same creeper jokes over and over. "hurr durr thatsss a veryy nice house you have there sssssss durrrr". And then spamming a million creeper faces. Although a lot of people unfortunately still do this.
The Overworld is home to the creeper.
"You invade this pristine world, claiming it as your own simply by your presence.
You gouge out the landscape to build your monuments to vanity.
And you slaughter innocent animals for their hides and their flesh...
Yet you call ME the monster" ~The Creepers
*Pillars up 6 blocks, equips bow*
Yeah, I do, wanna fight about it?
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no1 ever thinks of this but perhaps this is the creeper's world and we are the intruders.
Yes, have you ever noticed that the creeper seem to just sneek up on you and you wonder HOW DID THAT GET THERE!?!?!? well, it is becasue they know the land so well because it is their home and we are invading it the only reason they blow us up is because we are destroying the beauty of their land making our huge buildings...
The Overworld is home to the creeper.
"You invade this pristine world, claiming it as your own simply by your presence.
You gouge out the landscape to build your monuments to vanity.
And you slaughter innocent animals for their hides and their flesh...
The overworld is the creeper's dimension, and here is my evidence to back said theory; As we all know, Creepers basically evolved from angered pigs, after watching their brethren being hacked and slashed mercilessly.
Or to simplify... Notch failed a pig, and the creeper was born... But my story is more interesting and doesn't make notch look like a goof for reversing the model sizes :tongue.gif:
Creepers are angry grass blocks that want to get revenge on the player for stepping on them all the time. Which explains why they can survive in the day.
Creepers have always been the best mob ever. They are the most dangerous and the most popular. Then a new mob comes around called Endermen. Endermen are not a very intresting mod. So what happens? Endermen get there own dimension a month after they were released! Why don't creepers get there own dimension?
Some friends and I were talking about the creepers the other day and their strange method of attack. It seems that the creepers we see might be like drones, protecting some as yet unknown nest or hive or whatever of the creeper broodmother. They attack without concern for their own safety and the attack destroys them in much the same way that, say bees will defend their hive.
I know it's nothing more than speculation, but it seems to make sense to me at any rate.
Where creepers have that drone mentality, endermen on the other hand just seem to be more of an extra-planar creature. They glow with the same sort of radiation that nether portals emit and seem all around otherworldly.
I for one am glad that there are new mobs getting more attention. I was getting tired of 12 year old kids, mostly on this forum, making the same creeper jokes over and over. "hurr durr thatsss a veryy nice house you have there sssssss durrrr". And then spamming a million creeper faces. Although a lot of people unfortunately still do this.
This might seem weird but..
I would like some types of creepers that don't blow themselves up, like half of all the regular creeper spawns are the "knight" or "archer" creepers
This might seem weird but..
I would like some types of creepers that don't blow themselves up, like half of all the regular creeper spawns are the "knight" or "archer" creepers
And the knight creeper picked up his mighty sword.... oh wait.....
And the knight creeper stared glumly at his mighty sword,
And the archer creeper pulled back on his bow.... oh wait.
And the archer creeper nudged his bow into the lava...
I expect we may see many more worlds in content released after November. Who knows if they will correlate to the original mobs or not?
I wouldn't say many. I mean, we have a world, a hell, and a sky hell. What more do we need? XD
But seriously, I don't expect Notch to add any more dimensions. Maybe 1 more. But not anytime soon. He will jet add more contact to the already existing ones. Too many dimensions makes to confusing for newcomers. And Notch has always said he wan't it to be intuitive and easy to understand from the start.
Ah, gods. What have I done?
I've slaughtered countless creepers... but now I realise.
This is their land, and I am but a trespasser. The zombies, skeletons and spiders are the remains of those who tried to survive here before. Even the spiders were not safe. But the pigs... cows... sheep... chickens? The creepers seem to like them. Now... I must go to the heart of this realm, to the broodmother. I must make amends. I will not be returning. Anyone who reads this, you must go to the broodmother immediately. Slaughter all zombies, skeletons and spiders. Leave this land's inhabitants alone. The Broodmother should allow you to leave... send you home. But me? I will never leave. I have tainted this land with the essence of the Nether. The Endermen have started to return. Unless I go to the Broodmother, the world... the whole universe... is lost. My name was Steve. Goodbye, world.
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I've got a creeper and I'm not afraid to explode it!
ah crap i knew i left the powerplant on
*Pillars up 6 blocks, equips bow*
Yeah, I do, wanna fight about it?
Want some advice on how to thrive in the Suggestions section? Check this handy list of guidelines and tips for posting your ideas and responding to the ideas of others!
Yes, have you ever noticed that the creeper seem to just sneek up on you and you wonder HOW DID THAT GET THERE!?!?!? well, it is becasue they know the land so well because it is their home and we are invading it the only reason they blow us up is because we are destroying the beauty of their land making our huge buildings...
But yes,the creeper came from a lad far away full of large scale explosions and sad faces.
That made me laugh
Or to simplify... Notch failed a pig, and the creeper was born... But my story is more interesting and doesn't make notch look like a goof for reversing the model sizes :tongue.gif:
At least.... I'm 99% sure that's what happened...
i love creepers
I know it's nothing more than speculation, but it seems to make sense to me at any rate.
Where creepers have that drone mentality, endermen on the other hand just seem to be more of an extra-planar creature. They glow with the same sort of radiation that nether portals emit and seem all around otherworldly.
im 12 and i dont do that!
They are of peace. Always.
I would like some types of creepers that don't blow themselves up, like half of all the regular creeper spawns are the "knight" or "archer" creepers
And the knight creeper picked up his mighty sword.... oh wait.....
And the knight creeper stared glumly at his mighty sword,
And the archer creeper pulled back on his bow.... oh wait.
And the archer creeper nudged his bow into the lava...
Well that sucks. Apparently there's a limit on how many +1s you can give in a day...
I wouldn't say many. I mean, we have a world, a hell, and a sky hell. What more do we need? XD
But seriously, I don't expect Notch to add any more dimensions. Maybe 1 more. But not anytime soon. He will jet add more contact to the already existing ones. Too many dimensions makes to confusing for newcomers. And Notch has always said he wan't it to be intuitive and easy to understand from the start.
I've slaughtered countless creepers... but now I realise.
This is their land, and I am but a trespasser. The zombies, skeletons and spiders are the remains of those who tried to survive here before. Even the spiders were not safe. But the pigs... cows... sheep... chickens? The creepers seem to like them. Now... I must go to the heart of this realm, to the broodmother. I must make amends. I will not be returning. Anyone who reads this, you must go to the broodmother immediately. Slaughter all zombies, skeletons and spiders. Leave this land's inhabitants alone. The Broodmother should allow you to leave... send you home. But me? I will never leave. I have tainted this land with the essence of the Nether. The Endermen have started to return. Unless I go to the Broodmother, the world... the whole universe... is lost. My name was Steve. Goodbye, world.
Clicks please!