I have played Minecraft for about 13 months now, and Minecraft has changed ALOT since i started. I have never raged due to any of the changes, i've found something positive with every change instead. Some examples:
- Potions: Most people say that they dont belong in Minecraft. Maybe they don't but they are not so gameplay changing that it matters. My first thought about potions was this: "Oh, now i can add a potion shop to my town!"
- Hunger: I see threads complaining about this all the time, they say that it makes survival harder, that it forces you to stockpile food, and that they hate the new health regenerate system. I agree that the new health regenerate system may be annoying, and it makes the survival more challenging, but survival is meant to be challenging, its a reason Notch called it "Survival" after all. Stockpiling food is easy too, just make a farm, or breed some cows and cook their meat. The new life regenerate system also makes combat harder, something i
have shared thoughts on.
What I'm trying to say is that you need to think positive, and find the positive things in all the new features, instead of looking for the negative things! I'm quite sure all of you can think positive if you want to! Remember, Minecraft is still in the beta phase, which means that Mojang can change whatever they want. It is offcourse allowed to give Notch some constructive critic about the changes he and his team makes, but dont go all "POTIONZ IZ NAOT MINECRATIZH! REMOVVEEE THEM NAAOW OR I STOP PLAYING!
Hope I manage to convert some of you into thinking positive!
There's hundreds or thousands, even millions, that enjoy all of the new updates. That's how these things work. The people who hate it are the loudest, the people who like it don't say a word.
how does potions not fit? i thought minecraft was meant to be like, medieval/maybe a little into the future. times, and with a fantasy element. like magic, and exploding green...uh creepers.
And its SURVIVAL, if i wanted to be bear grylls i couldnt just sit in a hole in the ground for years and survive.
ectectect. More things means more gameplay. if notch listened to all you haters we'd still be in indev.
There's hundreds or thousands, even millions, that enjoy all of the new updates. That's how these things work. The people who hate it are the loudest, the people who like it don't say a word.
Agree with you completely, although I posted a topic to the same tune as this subject yesterday and the mod's found it in their infinite wisdom to delete it for some reason.
There are always people complaining on forums. There's something about forums that makes people turn into politicians and proceed to campaign for a cause. Generally if someone throws an unbiased pole on the top of their complaint post Ill read it and throw my two cents worth in, but I skip the others. More often then not the poles on those post show that people like the new features.
Not saying that having an opinion is bad, its just that most of those post don't discus their opinion, they just try to get it elected to office.
As for me, I'm liking the new features, the games getting more fleshed out.
Alot of people like it, but it's a bit weird to make a thread that basically only says "This update is so great!", the people that like it just don't really post about.
I agree, too many people are complaining, the reason I stopped saying anything was because the people complaining were bashing me for "complaining about complaining". So I usually try and stay away from this section, I do skim for useful sections that interest me.
"A perfect balance", good way to describe it! The potions are good, believe me.
Yeah, thats true.
This thread is made to make more people understand that it is positive things with every new feature in Minecraft, it is not intended to just say "This update is so great!".
I understand you well, and I'm prepared for the bashers.
I have no strong opinion either way about potions and enchantments, I think they're a bit tacky and generic, hunger was planned for a long time ago so nobody should really be surprised about it's inclusion. I respect the complaints of those who do have complaints about it; the system for hunger isn't difficult, it's just annoying. It's like having a child sat watching you play Minecraft and periodically he gives you a wet-willy (for those who don't know, that's licking your finger and sticking it in someones ear, very annoying).
But it becomes a non-issue very quickly with the sheer volume of steaks, pork, chicken, wheat and mushrooms you can gather (on my small farm, the typical harvest produces 9 pieces of bread and I have a stack of 64 roast chickens as back-up if I run low on bread and 30+ of each type of mushroom for an additional insurance policy).
So hunger doesn't bother me. I do like the hunger/health mechanics though, it makes combat more nerve racking and skill based rather than attacking people with a loaf of bread and periodically eating to instantly heal all wounds.
In general, I think Minecraft made the move towards "RPG-like mechanics" at just the right time. Previously, I would have been against it as the game didn't feel ready for these radical changes, but now is the right time.
However, with the good come the bad, the game feels very neglected in regards to the "big picture". Lots of small changes are nice, but it's the icing on the cake which hasn't been baked. The Better Than Wolves mod by flowerchild is the epitome of where Minecraft should be heading in my opinion.
I have no strong opinion either way about potions and enchantments, I think they're a bit tacky and generic, hunger was planned for a long time ago so nobody should really be surprised about it's inclusion. I respect the complaints of those who do have complaints about it; the system for hunger isn't difficult, it's just annoying. It's like having a child sat watching you play Minecraft and periodically he gives you a wet-willy (for those who don't know, that's licking your finger and sticking it in someones ear, very annoying).
But it becomes a non-issue very quickly with the sheer volume of steaks, pork, chicken, wheat and mushrooms you can gather (on my small farm, the typical harvest produces 9 pieces of bread and I have a stack of 64 roast chickens as back-up if I run low on bread and 30+ of each type of mushroom for an additional insurance policy).
So hunger doesn't bother me. I do like the hunger/health mechanics though, it makes combat more nerve racking and skill based rather than attacking people with a loaf of bread and periodically eating to instantly heal all wounds.
In general, I think Minecraft made the move towards "RPG-like mechanics" at just the right time. Previously, I would have been against it as the game didn't feel ready for these radical changes, but now is the right time.
However, with the good come the bad, the game feels very neglected in regards to the "big picture". Lots of small changes are nice, but it's the icing on the cake which hasn't been baked. The Better Than Wolves mod by flowerchild is the epitome of where Minecraft should be heading in my opinion.
Go big, or go home.
Well written post, i actually agree with most of it.
Dw. I've also played for about 13 months, started back in Alpha 1.0_04, and I've enjoyed every single update that has been there. Especially since snow is now back in 1.9.
Good to meet another forumer who enjoys the updates!
Been on MC for almost a year now. I love the 1.9 prerelease so far. I'm still getting spooked by endermen randomly teleporting nearby in the middle of the day lol. I don't include experience or potions since they haven't been finalized yet; kind of hard to judge something that's unfinished based on a few tweets and occasional screenshots. But so far I haven't had a real problem with any features once they were actually finished. I don't like everything, but the majority of features in MC you can ignore or work around and get by just fine.
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My Spigot/CraftBukkit plugins: TallNether - Generate a 256-block high nether
I love getting free updates. If anyone's honest you can put enough hours into the beta versions of Minecraft to get about 50x your money's worth over other games. And we're still getting updates and new mods? It's awesome. What's the point of complaining... most other games are just in a complete shroud of development secrecy. Then they come out and you play them for 10 hours for $60. If anyone's complaining about the Minecraft model... you're insane, this is a great deal.
- Potions: Most people say that they dont belong in Minecraft. Maybe they don't but they are not so gameplay changing that it matters. My first thought about potions was this: "Oh, now i can add a potion shop to my town!"
- Hunger: I see threads complaining about this all the time, they say that it makes survival harder, that it forces you to stockpile food, and that they hate the new health regenerate system. I agree that the new health regenerate system may be annoying, and it makes the survival more challenging, but survival is meant to be challenging, its a reason Notch called it "Survival" after all. Stockpiling food is easy too, just make a farm, or breed some cows and cook their meat. The new life regenerate system also makes combat harder, something i
have shared thoughts on.
What I'm trying to say is that you need to think positive, and find the positive things in all the new features, instead of looking for the negative things! I'm quite sure all of you can think positive if you want to! Remember, Minecraft is still in the beta phase, which means that Mojang can change whatever they want. It is offcourse allowed to give Notch some constructive critic about the changes he and his team makes, but dont go all "POTIONZ IZ NAOT MINECRATIZH! REMOVVEEE THEM NAAOW OR I STOP PLAYING!
Hope I manage to convert some of you into thinking positive!
I dont see what the problem is?
how does potions not fit? i thought minecraft was meant to be like, medieval/maybe a little into the future. times, and with a fantasy element. like magic, and exploding green...uh creepers.
And its SURVIVAL, if i wanted to be bear grylls i couldnt just sit in a hole in the ground for years and survive.
ectectect. More things means more gameplay. if notch listened to all you haters we'd still be in indev.
Magic Chest Mod - Wood On Steroids.
"Will you be eating that cake?...
Say what you want, but I will be taking the cake."
Thats the spirit!
Good that you agree, and I hope the mods wont delete this, people need to read it.
You think positive, good! Yeah, Notch isnt good at manipulating unfortunly.
Not saying that having an opinion is bad, its just that most of those post don't discus their opinion, they just try to get it elected to office.
As for me, I'm liking the new features, the games getting more fleshed out.
"A perfect balance", good way to describe it! The potions are good, believe me.
Yeah, thats true.
This thread is made to make more people understand that it is positive things with every new feature in Minecraft, it is not intended to just say "This update is so great!".
I understand you well, and I'm prepared for the bashers.
Yeeeah, Notch should make glass not leak. It is annoying when you make underwater bases of glass!
Honestly I don't really see any problem with the updates.
I just take them for what they are.
Good thinking!
Yes, you should be able to stop it with some sort of strong clay.
Theres a little bit of realism, there sheeps here!<3
Naggers are everywhere, but it seems that we have some positive people!
Complaining in a constructive way is needed to make things better, so that is good. The best is to be something between a fanboy and a hater.
But it becomes a non-issue very quickly with the sheer volume of steaks, pork, chicken, wheat and mushrooms you can gather (on my small farm, the typical harvest produces 9 pieces of bread and I have a stack of 64 roast chickens as back-up if I run low on bread and 30+ of each type of mushroom for an additional insurance policy).
So hunger doesn't bother me. I do like the hunger/health mechanics though, it makes combat more nerve racking and skill based rather than attacking people with a loaf of bread and periodically eating to instantly heal all wounds.
In general, I think Minecraft made the move towards "RPG-like mechanics" at just the right time. Previously, I would have been against it as the game didn't feel ready for these radical changes, but now is the right time.
However, with the good come the bad, the game feels very neglected in regards to the "big picture". Lots of small changes are nice, but it's the icing on the cake which hasn't been baked. The Better Than Wolves mod by flowerchild is the epitome of where Minecraft should be heading in my opinion.
Go big, or go home.
Well written post, i actually agree with most of it.
Good to meet another forumer who enjoys the updates!
My Spigot/CraftBukkit plugins:
TallNether - Generate a 256-block high nether
FarLandsAgain - Restores the Far Lands
User: *BOOM* You're dead.
Cleverbot: I divide by zero and come back as an angel ninja.