I'm just looking for opinions on potions, to get an idea of why people are drooling over them so much. Personally, I don't think potions are Minecraft's style, and don't belong at all. I'm also NOT the kind of person that's hated on every single update that's come out recently, I enjoy and look forward to every update all the way up to and including baby animals, except for potions.
The way I see it, potions are, more or less, a fairytale-wizard-and-witchish-type RPG element. Not only do they need to stay in RPG's, but they also lead the way for other possible fictional elements, such as spells and magic and a whole bunch of things that just aren't Minecraft, to be included in Minecraft. Keep in mind this is only a concern, I am NOT saying that it is going to happen and these concerns are the only reason I don't like potions, because I'm sure we'll have the option of using or ignoring the potions.
Discuss your opinions, don't rage, don't flame, and keep the topic on potions, please.
I'd like you to become more aware of what minecraft is supposed to eventually be...
a fantasy rpg, potions very much fit within this, however if you're disatisfied with them don't use them, right now they are VERY unnecessary.
Spells, enchantments, fictional elements have always been the goal of minecraft though, seems somehow this was missed, and for the most part it's avoidable as 100% optional, but it is going to happen.
Swimming up a column of water that you found in a massive underground gorge to get to some lava that you scoop up in an iron bucket to make a poured obsidian portal to hell is OK, but chugging a healing potion to cure damage that an explosive green penis delt to you is a step too far. Your arm should regenerate realistically, by stuffing your face with food and sitting around for a few minutes.
Personally, I think that potions (and enchantments even though they aren't in the topic I feel they need to be included) are just a natural expansion of the games current magical elements. There are animated corpses and skeletons, magical red dust that makes certain objects do things, portals to hell (the Nether), floating islands (most aren't big but still), the ability to carry ever expanding lava and water in buckets, and creating things with a magical 3x3 grid. The list goes on and would be bigger if I went into more detail. To me, potions seem to be the natural next step to what already is in the game.
I find it strange when people say "Thats not very "minecraft"". If you aren't Notch or part of Mojang, you don't know what minecraft is supposed to be. Notch has been hinting at this stuff for a long time.
So buck up and and chill out. We are in good hand as far as i am concerned.
Although there are many unrealistic things like zombies and floating blocks in Minecraft, I'm not sure how I feel about enchanting and potions. It's like if they put spells in the game.
If it was up to me, I'd have the player themselves be rather limited, encouraging reliance on the things that you have made to enhance your capabilities. Minecraft is about building things, putting things together in a way that produce results you can be proud of.
I also have to question the point of changing the healing system to be gradual and reliant on food, then adding instant healing potions. What's the purpose of food then? It becomes a chore to keep topped up; rather than something you have to manage to maintain your healing advantage. Healing potions make the changes to natural healing redundant, it just seems poorly thought out; like making people bounce around all over the place for critical hits.
I just hope the ingredients are not easy to come by, and that they are not stackable. It's going to be overpowered if you can just walk around with a stack of instant healing potions.
The way I see it, potions are, more or less, a fairytale-wizard-and-witchish-type RPG element. Not only do they need to stay in RPG's, but they also lead the way for other possible fictional elements, such as spells and magic and a whole bunch of things that just aren't Minecraft, to be included in Minecraft.
I agree with you that they don't seem like Minecraft's "style," but I don't mind seeing how the potions turn out. Maybe it'll turn out good.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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In my opinion, potions of underwater breathing are a godsend. The other potions are handy, but that one in particular is worth the entire potion brewing feature addition.
Yep, they belong in Minecraft. Because Notch has been talking about this for a year now, this has been his final vision for Survival for quite a while.
Definitely fits in with Minecraft's style as far as I'm concerned, for 3 reasons:
It enhances gameplay, yet is entirely optional.
From initial appearances it looks like something easy to get into, but complex to master, just like building, or redstone, or efficient mining, or so many other things that are already in Minecraft.
Notch says he wants it in and Minecraft is his brainchild. He could say he's adding puppies that have laser vision and it fits because he gets the final say on what goes into his game.
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Potions belong, and I wouldn't object to something similar to runecraft being implemented in vanilla minecraft as well. Or possibly books that drop from boss mobs letting you use a spell once per item. All of these magical additions are basically endgame content, and I believe that is the best way to implement them.
Healing potions take a couple of seconds to drink, and they require ghast tears or obscene amounts of other ingredients. Even so, the most basic only heals 3 hearts.
Looking over the ingredient list, I can see them being difficult to get. So it's not too bad. I suppose seeing the preview videos where they mixed them up in mass gave me a bad impression. Ghasts aren't exactly something you can access soon, or farm in mass.
Still, I don't think they should be stackable. Food wasn't stackable when it instant healed, neither should potions.
Looking over the ingredient list, I can see them being difficult to get. So it's not too bad. I suppose seeing the preview videos where they mixed them up in mass gave me a bad impression. Ghasts aren't exactly something you can access soon, or farm in mass.
Still, I don't think they should be stackable. Food wasn't stackable when it instant healed, neither should potions.
Of course, like you said, Ghast tears aren't really easy to get. Food wasn't stackable when it insta-healed--but it was near infinite! Animals spawned and despawned, wheat was easy, bonemeal made it even faster. With the amount of seeds you get from a wheat farm you have more wheat than you know what to do with after a while.
Ghasts don't really work that way, I doubt people will really be full of dozens of boxes of ghast tears! And if they spend the time and energy hunting so many ghasts...I almost think they deserve getting to stack the potions they do make! :blink.gif: It would be really tough to make them in mass without cheating!
I'm just looking for opinions on potions, to get an idea of why people are drooling over them so much. Personally, I don't think potions are Minecraft's style, and don't belong at all. I'm also NOT the kind of person that's hated on every single update that's come out recently, I enjoy and look forward to every update all the way up to and including baby animals, except for potions.
The way I see it, potions are, more or less, a fairytale-wizard-and-witchish-type RPG element. Not only do they need to stay in RPG's, but they also lead the way for other possible fictional elements, such as spells and magic and a whole bunch of things that just aren't Minecraft, to be included in Minecraft. Keep in mind this is only a concern, I am NOT saying that it is going to happen and these concerns are the only reason I don't like potions, because I'm sure we'll have the option of using or ignoring the potions.
Discuss your opinions, don't rage, don't flame, and keep the topic on potions, please.
I wouldn't say they aren't Minecraft's style, Minecraft has had magic for a very long time now, Notch had a good way of putting it in a tweet he made to someone regarding magic being a dislike for religious types.
Quote from Notch »
@panclock Nether portals and living skeletons aren't magic?
There is of course, enchanting, coming up too. That's about as direct as magic gets really, for quite awhile now Notch has been adding more RPG elements to Minecraft, simply because he never wanted it to be "just a block building game."
The way I see it, potions are, more or less, a fairytale-wizard-and-witchish-type RPG element. Not only do they need to stay in RPG's, but they also lead the way for other possible fictional elements, such as spells and magic and a whole bunch of things that just aren't Minecraft, to be included in Minecraft. Keep in mind this is only a concern, I am NOT saying that it is going to happen and these concerns are the only reason I don't like potions, because I'm sure we'll have the option of using or ignoring the potions.
Discuss your opinions, don't rage, don't flame, and keep the topic on potions, please.
a fantasy rpg, potions very much fit within this, however if you're disatisfied with them don't use them, right now they are VERY unnecessary.
Spells, enchantments, fictional elements have always been the goal of minecraft though, seems somehow this was missed, and for the most part it's avoidable as 100% optional, but it is going to happen.
Same goes for the "newer" mobs like ghasts, zombie pigmen, Endermen, cave spiders...
How are potions out of place in that context?
(IMHO: they're not out of place)
So buck up and and chill out. We are in good hand as far as i am concerned.
If it was up to me, I'd have the player themselves be rather limited, encouraging reliance on the things that you have made to enhance your capabilities. Minecraft is about building things, putting things together in a way that produce results you can be proud of.
I also have to question the point of changing the healing system to be gradual and reliant on food, then adding instant healing potions. What's the purpose of food then? It becomes a chore to keep topped up; rather than something you have to manage to maintain your healing advantage. Healing potions make the changes to natural healing redundant, it just seems poorly thought out; like making people bounce around all over the place for critical hits.
I just hope the ingredients are not easy to come by, and that they are not stackable. It's going to be overpowered if you can just walk around with a stack of instant healing potions.
only concern is balance for PvP reasons and how many effects you can have at once
I agree with you that they don't seem like Minecraft's "style," but I don't mind seeing how the potions turn out. Maybe it'll turn out good.
This is EXACTLY how I want Minecraft.
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Looking over the ingredient list, I can see them being difficult to get. So it's not too bad. I suppose seeing the preview videos where they mixed them up in mass gave me a bad impression. Ghasts aren't exactly something you can access soon, or farm in mass.
Still, I don't think they should be stackable. Food wasn't stackable when it instant healed, neither should potions.
Of course, like you said, Ghast tears aren't really easy to get. Food wasn't stackable when it insta-healed--but it was near infinite! Animals spawned and despawned, wheat was easy, bonemeal made it even faster. With the amount of seeds you get from a wheat farm you have more wheat than you know what to do with after a while.
Ghasts don't really work that way, I doubt people will really be full of dozens of boxes of ghast tears! And if they spend the time and energy hunting so many ghasts...I almost think they deserve getting to stack the potions they do make! :blink.gif: It would be really tough to make them in mass without cheating!
I wouldn't say they aren't Minecraft's style, Minecraft has had magic for a very long time now, Notch had a good way of putting it in a tweet he made to someone regarding magic being a dislike for religious types.
There is of course, enchanting, coming up too. That's about as direct as magic gets really, for quite awhile now Notch has been adding more RPG elements to Minecraft, simply because he never wanted it to be "just a block building game."