Wouldn't know. My mineshaft has wood, but it was made in 1.8.
The good news is if you are looking for fence posts the new generation is gives you 3x more fences then you would have gotten if they were planks (2 Fence posts = 12 sticks = 6 planks). The bad news is if you don't need fences you get a crap ton.
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Aesthetically, it's perfect. Practically, it sucks, unless Notch changes the collisions for fences... I hate running into invisible walls.
Yeah, I didn't dislike the way fences worked until I saw them in mineshafts so often, it's like bizarre physiological warfare. I just keep bumping into them, and shooting arrows is a mess too.
I don't know how many of you have tested the "glass panes" but the collision with fences needs to be the same as that. Where you can actually walk into the square that the fence is occupying, but not the fence itself.
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Quote from timewarp »
Rule number 1 of Minecraft: Never mine the ground under your feet. Ever.
I don't know how many of you have tested the "glass panes" but the collision with fences needs to be the same as that. Where you can actually walk into the square that the fence is occupying, but not the fence itself.
True. For that matter, they could make the collision box around the chest fit it better too. Not a major issue there as it is 1 pixel but it would keep that ugly box surrounding it when you are aimed at it.
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Aesthetically, it's perfect. Practically, it sucks, unless Notch changes the collisions for fences... I hate running into invisible walls.
Good news, everyone!
Jeb is planning to fit the hitbox for fences to the actual model, so you'll have a lot of breathing room for moving between them and firing arrows. It also means that signs attached to fences will actually meet the block, which is a mighty help for when you want to make signposts.
I'm still on the fence as to whether I prefer the change or not.
I see what you did there!!!
I'm all for the change to the new style mineshafts, but only with the new fence hitbox change. I'm sick of running into nothing, too. Plus, the hitbox change will add another element to home defense and custom adventure maps as you'll be able to walk in the same block as fences without being able to jump over them.
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If you think the title and OP tells you everything you want to know about a thread, don't reply. If you want to actually read the thread and post an intelligent reply, you're welcome to it.
I don't like the change for 3 reasons:
-fences still take up a full block as far as collision detection goes, leading to walking issues and combat issues
-fences take too long to break, axes should break them super quick but they don't
-if you harvest them all you get tons of fences, which don't serve much purpose, as opposed to planks which are useful to have tons of
Fences collision detection should be fixed to work like glass fences (i.e. not take up the whole block, only the part it is visually), and fences should break much faster with an axe.
But that should be done just because it makes sense, and still woudln't solve the problem of ending up with too many fences.
Another change I'd like to see to mineshafts is for them to generate with floors as well. Currently they appear to generate simply as planks, fences, and air, so if the place they're generating doesn't have a floor, neither will the generated mineshafts (which is why you'll often see wooden arches floating in air).
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Evidence suggests that many people quote posts without reading them in their entirety.
Still no infinite strongholds D:
"Sporting fence" just does not have the same feel. It needs to go back to wood.
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All moderation on forums is biased. Mods and admins do play favorites. Thus there is truly no point in "playing by the rules" since enforcement of said rules is subjective. That is why I refuse to censor my speech and will call things exactly as I see them without reservation.
I like the fences. They provide superb defenses. I can see through them while skeletons cant shoot me through them. I find myself using them to block off sections of the mine shafts that I haven explored or properly lighten.
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-I got a fever, and the only prescription, is moar Minecraft.
There seems to be a small alteration to what abandoned mines look like... instead of wood framing, they look like this:
Yes survival mode in the pic was just for show...
and Air = _
In 1.8, they generated like so:
But in 1.9, they generate like so:
What do you think about them?
The good news is if you are looking for fence posts the new generation is gives you 3x more fences then you would have gotten if they were planks (2 Fence posts = 12 sticks = 6 planks). The bad news is if you don't need fences you get a crap ton.
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Yeah, I didn't dislike the way fences worked until I saw them in mineshafts so often, it's like bizarre physiological warfare. I just keep bumping into them, and shooting arrows is a mess too.
True. For that matter, they could make the collision box around the chest fit it better too. Not a major issue there as it is 1 pixel but it would keep that ugly box surrounding it when you are aimed at it.
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Good news, everyone!
Jeb is planning to fit the hitbox for fences to the actual model, so you'll have a lot of breathing room for moving between them and firing arrows. It also means that signs attached to fences will actually meet the block, which is a mighty help for when you want to make signposts.
Here it is:
And yeah, you might be right about the signs-on-fence thing... oh well, a guy can dream =P
I see what you did there!!!
I'm all for the change to the new style mineshafts, but only with the new fence hitbox change. I'm sick of running into nothing, too. Plus, the hitbox change will add another element to home defense and custom adventure maps as you'll be able to walk in the same block as fences without being able to jump over them.
-fences still take up a full block as far as collision detection goes, leading to walking issues and combat issues
-fences take too long to break, axes should break them super quick but they don't
-if you harvest them all you get tons of fences, which don't serve much purpose, as opposed to planks which are useful to have tons of
Fences collision detection should be fixed to work like glass fences (i.e. not take up the whole block, only the part it is visually), and fences should break much faster with an axe.
But that should be done just because it makes sense, and still woudln't solve the problem of ending up with too many fences.
Another change I'd like to see to mineshafts is for them to generate with floors as well. Currently they appear to generate simply as planks, fences, and air, so if the place they're generating doesn't have a floor, neither will the generated mineshafts (which is why you'll often see wooden arches floating in air).
Still no infinite strongholds D:
I play on a 1.8.1 server and I see it all the time and every now and then I see an all wood one