I honestly thought that the Endermen were going to be even scarier than herobrine! but i was disappointed when i was able to kill it with two swings of my wooden sword!i hope notch fixes this soon. i honestly have no problem with them picking up some blocks, that would make them even more scarier and ''griefier''!
It wasn't meant to be scary. Just creepy. If they had some proper sounds they might actually be that someday. Yet scary? No.
After enough time no mob is scary though. Specially in this game when you are exposed to them so often. This isn't a game you play though in 8 hours and the suspense of a terrifying new monster can be around any new corridor.
Minecraft mobs can still startle you popping out of a corner, but that will be the extent of it after playing for the first few days of owning the game.
The only way I think Enderman can keep its creepy factor is relying on our inability to locate it after hearing it. It should randomly teleport within a chunk after taking a block. So its location is always changing.
I honestly thought that the Endermen were going to be even scarier than herobrine! but i was disappointed when i was able to kill it with two swings of my wooden sword!i hope notch fixes this soon. i honestly have no problem with them picking up some blocks, that would make them even more scarier and ''griefier''!
I will say, if you had black enderman it would be a lot scarier. Harder to see in the caves. All you can make out is the eyes, then you're like "Oh ****, i looked at it, NOOOOOOOOO" then run the **** into a pond.
They need better sounds. Something like a quiet incomprehensible whispering, but it changes to a dull roar when they aggro.
EDIT: Something like the Werewolf roar in Mo' Creatures would suit them when they aggro, I think.
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After enough time no mob is scary though. Specially in this game when you are exposed to them so often. This isn't a game you play though in 8 hours and the suspense of a terrifying new monster can be around any new corridor.
Minecraft mobs can still startle you popping out of a corner, but that will be the extent of it after playing for the first few days of owning the game.
The only way I think Enderman can keep its creepy factor is relying on our inability to locate it after hearing it. It should randomly teleport within a chunk after taking a block. So its location is always changing.
what is this thing about herobrine?
EDIT: Something like the Werewolf roar in Mo' Creatures would suit them when they aggro, I think.