Well I think that most people couldn't wait for 1.9 and the addition of villages, but I really don't think anyone was expecting big nosed Asians. I think Notch can do much better. So if you guys have any ideas for villages please post them here and trust me even you guys can change Notches mind and make minecraft the way you want it.
---My Ideas for a better villager---
1:They look like the picture below(sorry having trouble uploading it :tongue.gif:)
2:They can open and close doors
3:They stay close to their village
4:They tend to build new houses close to their village
5:They have a randomly chosen name from a list of names similar to the splash file.
6:There are different kids of villages such as... Desert village, Underground cave village, forest village, mountain village.
7:When attacked all citizens from that village help to defend the village that is being attacted.(Notice I said DEFEND not attack)
8:Villages depending on what house they "own" they have a certain job such as lumberjack, blacksmith, or farmer.
I really don't see the new villager mobs as the way minecraft is. It is almost like we have alien mobs walking around with cows pigs and sheep. Notch is getting just a bit carried away with Moo-shrooms and villagers that look like they are from star trek. So to help Notch I want to make this post to get attention to the big picture of what the players want minecraft to be like. Tell mojang what you think and what you believe should be added or removed.
---Here are some of my ideas---
1:They look like Steve with brown shirts
2:They interact with each other
3:They stay close to their village
4:They tend to build new houses close to their village
5:They have a randomly chosen name from a list of names similar to the splash file.
6:There are different kinds of villages such as... Desert village, Underground cave village, forest village, mountain village.
7:When attacked all citizens from that village help to defend the village that is being attacted.(Notice I said DEFEND not attack)
8:Villages depending on what house they "own" they have a certain job such as lumberjack, blacksmith, or farmer.
No I have never played with millionaire but I looked it up and wow that sounds pretty much the same :tongue.gif:. Just some ideas that you guys can expand on.
There is still tons of coding to be done. Remember 1.9 Full Release is probably a Month or 2 away.
1.9 full release is more like 2-3 days away ^^
Also, everyone needs to stop using the "pre-release" and "beta" argument. He's giving his opinion on how it could be better, that's more than can be said for the two people above me.
It's still the very first version of the villagers, not to mention they are a unique kind of NPC. I am 100% sure they will be expanded on, but first they have to be implemented.
Oh, and I no longer take you seriously after you said they look like big nosed asians.
Also, everyone needs to stop using the "pre-release" and "beta" argument. He's giving his opinion on how it could be better, that's more than can be said for the two people above me.
I'm simply saying that most everything he noted in his post will be coming eventually. And that saying villages "suck" despite the fact that they're just a test right now is unneeded.
I'm simply saying that most everything he noted in his post will be coming eventually. And that saying villages "suck" despite the fact that they're just a test right now is unneeded.
It's his opinion that they suck, it's also mine. They need to be changed in the next few releases.
It's still the very first version of the villagers, not to mention they are a unique kind of NPC. I am 100% sure they will be expanded on, but first they have to be implemented.
Oh, and I no longer take you seriously after you said they look like big nosed asians.
All I meant was simply they have huge noses and there long robes with hands folded inside there sleeves makes them look Asian, not trying to be racist at all.
I'm simply saying that most everything he noted in his post will be coming eventually. And that saying villages "suck" despite the fact that they're just a test right now is unneeded.
Well I think that most people couldn't wait for 1.9 and the addition of villages, but I really don't think anyone was expecting big nosed Asians. I think Notch can do much better. So if you guys have any ideas for villages please post them here and trust me even you guys can change Notches mind and make minecraft the way you want it.
---My Ideas for a better villager---
1:They look like the picture below(sorry having trouble uploading it :tongue.gif:)
2:They can open and close doors
3:They stay close to their village
4:They tend to build new houses close to their village
5:They have a randomly chosen name from a list of names similar to the splash file.
6:There are different kids of villages such as... Desert village, Underground cave village, forest village, mountain village.
7:When attacked all citizens from that village help to defend the village that is being attacted.(Notice I said DEFEND not attack)
8:Villages depending on what house they "own" they have a certain job such as lumberjack, blacksmith, or farmer.
Pre-release bro. You know why it says "Testificates" above their heads? 'cause it's a test.
The more you know.
That doesn't mean he can't voice his opinion and pitch ideas to mojang.
Do you expect Mojang had all of his ideas?
Let's be hypothetical and say Mojang read this post.
Perhaps they'd find something they didn't think that they liked and now want to add it.
The more ideas from creative people the better.
That's minecraft is, its a sandbox, not only in game but in coding as well.
Most of this is already likely in the plan...
the prerelease only had a single feature, them spawning, it was the barest of framework, did you expect that's all they were going to do?
only thing I'm sad to say doesn't seem likely are different village types, it'd be absolutely amazing, but probably not going to happen by Notch's hand.
maybe Jens'll do it, idk, the rest is just plain not done yet. there ARE different villagers that are supposed to spawn in different houses, the files are there at least, though I haven't heard any genuine reports of them doing so.
and I rather like the model, better by far than steves running around, though I'd been looking forward to pigmen.
---My Ideas for a better villager---
1:They look like the picture below(sorry having trouble uploading it :tongue.gif:)
2:They can open and close doors
3:They stay close to their village
4:They tend to build new houses close to their village
5:They have a randomly chosen name from a list of names similar to the splash file.
6:There are different kids of villages such as... Desert village, Underground cave village, forest village, mountain village.
7:When attacked all citizens from that village help to defend the village that is being attacted.(Notice I said DEFEND not attack)
8:Villages depending on what house they "own" they have a certain job such as lumberjack, blacksmith, or farmer.
I really don't see the new villager mobs as the way minecraft is. It is almost like we have alien mobs walking around with cows pigs and sheep. Notch is getting just a bit carried away with Moo-shrooms and villagers that look like they are from star trek. So to help Notch I want to make this post to get attention to the big picture of what the players want minecraft to be like. Tell mojang what you think and what you believe should be added or removed.
---Here are some of my ideas---
1:They look like Steve with brown shirts
2:They interact with each other
3:They stay close to their village
4:They tend to build new houses close to their village
5:They have a randomly chosen name from a list of names similar to the splash file.
6:There are different kinds of villages such as... Desert village, Underground cave village, forest village, mountain village.
7:When attacked all citizens from that village help to defend the village that is being attacted.(Notice I said DEFEND not attack)
8:Villages depending on what house they "own" they have a certain job such as lumberjack, blacksmith, or farmer.
No I have never played with millionaire but I looked it up and wow that sounds pretty much the same :tongue.gif:. Just some ideas that you guys can expand on.
The more you know.
1.9 full release is more like 2-3 days away ^^
Also, everyone needs to stop using the "pre-release" and "beta" argument. He's giving his opinion on how it could be better, that's more than can be said for the two people above me.
Oh, and I no longer take you seriously after you said they look like big nosed asians.
I'm simply saying that most everything he noted in his post will be coming eventually. And that saying villages "suck" despite the fact that they're just a test right now is unneeded.
You f***ing better! :dry.gif:
It's his opinion that they suck, it's also mine. They need to be changed in the next few releases.
You f***ing better!
pls dont hurt me mods!
I thought the name Testificate meant to testify...I am a fool.
All I meant was simply they have huge noses and there long robes with hands folded inside there sleeves makes them look Asian, not trying to be racist at all.
Yes it was but I'm just trying to make my point.
As is mine.
Again Asian was referring to their robes nothing more.
"We give you quality block by block by block.....". Please check out link!
millionaire feature listing ftw?
And that's where you lost all credibility.
Watch my Let's Play "The Hessmix Chronicles"!!
That doesn't mean he can't voice his opinion and pitch ideas to mojang.
Do you expect Mojang had all of his ideas?
Let's be hypothetical and say Mojang read this post.
Perhaps they'd find something they didn't think that they liked and now want to add it.
The more ideas from creative people the better.
That's minecraft is, its a sandbox, not only in game but in coding as well.
the prerelease only had a single feature, them spawning, it was the barest of framework, did you expect that's all they were going to do?
only thing I'm sad to say doesn't seem likely are different village types, it'd be absolutely amazing, but probably not going to happen by Notch's hand.
maybe Jens'll do it, idk, the rest is just plain not done yet. there ARE different villagers that are supposed to spawn in different houses, the files are there at least, though I haven't heard any genuine reports of them doing so.
and I rather like the model, better by far than steves running around, though I'd been looking forward to pigmen.