This isn't your game.
This game is in beta. (It's not, but still)
This thread is stupid.
You were foolish to make it.
Don't update your game.
You shouldn't talk about realism.
Stop complaining.
Just don't use these features.
I think that covers everything on the "How to respond" list. What? I missed the word NOT? Oh.
Can I ask why being silly is a problem? Minecraft can be silly at times, but even I've found ways to avoid the silliness by staying underground like a good boi. So... Can you use a texture pack... or avoid TRYING to find it? You could just repress all memories of silliness if it's such a problem.... Or you could just stop being emo...
Everyone can have his opinion here. Thus, I think you shouldn't have said "trash" only because you are a member of Notch Defense Force.
im not a "member" of this imaginary defense force that's in your head. I'm a member of the anti-idiot force which is against stupidity in topics and people. Kinda like your post and half the half assed bitchery regarding Minecraft's features, "values", etc.
I've been playing this game days after it's birth (2+ years), i've watched Notch in all his dealings with Minecraft...he's pissed me off when certain things broke but NEVER have i done half the amount of incessant crybaby bitching all of you people have done. Why? Cause i knew it was going to be fixed. When water physics broke shortly after they were implemented, i was pissed. Did i go into the forums and make rage topics demanding notch "do his job"? No...cause i knew he was going to fix it. Guess what...HE DID. When bugs were shown up in the Alphas and Beta releases i knew they would be fixed by Notch or Jeb (mostly out of PURE ****ING LOGIC in conjunction with faith in the Mojang team.) Guess what... THEY DID. New bugs have been born from them and silly or non-working elements like "NPCs" have came from them. But i haven't given a damn about it nor has it bugged me at all because, I KNOW THEY WILL FIX IT. Those NPCs? Jeb will eventually give them purpose. The Enderdragon bugs? Those will be fixed. The items that have no use? Jeb will give them purpose too in due time.
So when i see STUPID topics like this...questioning Minecraft's "values" (WHAT values?), questioning the people who made the game (specially if they haven't dealt with them as long as some of us have), being impatient, whiny little brats who want the game their way WHEN THEY ALREADY HAVE THE ABILITY TO HAVE IT THEIR WAY...that is the ****ing joke. The joke that they're too blind, stupid and "gimme gimme gimme" to realize it's already there or WILL be there. Just like your "Notch Defence Force" is a goddamn joke as well as the "Anti-Notch Defence Force" being an equally bad joke.
So is Minecraft a joke? no. But the majority of the community is one hell of a joke...and i'm laughing (in amusement) and crying (in shame) at the same time.
Can't wait till January, then finally Jeb can take over. Sort of explains why he stepped down, because he was going no where with minecraft. Adding these useless and stupid ideas with no real improvement into the game. Come to think about it, Jeb pretty much added the best features that minecraft had to offer.
So fanboys and fangirls, continue to support his actions. He did nothing but steal ideas from other games, he stole your money, and he even stole your mods. With all that, you still got little to no features and updates, you really think all that money is going into minecraft? I think not.
To top it off he wipes his ass on minecraft with these piece of crap features. All you guys do is cheer it on, just like people did with Hitler. I am able to think for myself, which is why I'm speaking up. I don't idolize anyone but I will support them if I find what they're doing is right.
Once Jeb takes over, I hope you guys learn from your mistakes and realize that Notch is only an amateur programmer that hit the lottery, nothing more. He's not a pixel artist, he's not a outstanding programmer, he's not anything special.
- Make them look like a regular villager.
- Have them look like pigmen, like they were supposed to be.
What is a "regular villager"?
Personally, I like the new villagers. What you think about their looks is completely subjective, and nothing Mojang can do will make every different opinion happy.
Please give us a source of Mojang saying that villagers were 100% confirmed to be pigmen. The most I heard Notch say was "probably". Anything can change in a beta.
It's the same way with baby animals. You think they look silly and ruin your game experience. I think they look cute and enjoy having a house filled to the brim with them.
All of which are good points but mainly, I never come across villages anyways. I never really leave the surroundings of my House. Also I didn't like the snow golems either, I thought they were pointless :/
A human that doesn't require plastic surgery. But I guess that's what happens when you get a programmer to do your pixel art for a game, rather than hiring a pixel artist. One can only assume he's egoist or greedy.
Personally, I like the new villagers. What you think about their looks is completely subjective, and nothing Mojang can do will make every different opinion happy.
Notch added whatever he liked, whether it was a joke or not and people still supported it because they're fans. Just like Hitler was supported regardless of what he did and how it was clear that it was wrong. Good thing there are people like us that are able to speak up and say something about it. Just look, I offend the person you guys worship and I already get threats.
Please give us a source of Mojang saying that villagers were 100% confirmed to be pigmen. The most I heard Notch say was "probably". Anything can change in a beta.
"Very likely" and "might" are two different things.
I still end up winning this argument, because Notch thankfully is no longer the lead developer of minecraft anymore. That is probably the best idea he's ever had, one that wasn't even stolen.
A human that doesn't require plastic surgery. But I guess that's what happens when you get a programmer to do your pixel art for a game, rather than hiring a pixel artist. One can only assume he's egoist or greedy.
Notch added whatever he liked, whether it was a joke or not and people still supported it because they're fans. Just like Hitler was supported regardless of what he did and how it was clear that it was wrong. Good thing there are people like us that are able to speak up and say something about it. Just look, I offend the person you guys worship and I already get threats.
"Very likely" and "might" are two different things.
I still end up winning this argument, because Notch thankfully is no longer the lead developer of minecraft anymore. That is probably the best idea he's ever had, one that wasn't even stolen.
You are the man tremix.
I agree 100%. We can thank him for putting the idea together but he really needed to step aside to let real developers take over. He shoudla did that 6 months ago and maybe we'd have half the features and things they promised by "RELEASE" of 1.0.
(We really should for now on call it .5 for realism sake)
Notch has made over $100 Million, yes ONE HUNDRED MILLION USD. He could care less now. He has money, now he's off and left it to Jeb. Hopefully Jeb will do good, and listen to the community.
I'm very very late to this argument, of course, but I guess I can chime in.
It is in your full right to post your opinion, and if you feel like these visual dissonances are ugly or misplacedly funny, you're entitled to do so.
However... how does this exactly "ruin" the game? Okay, disliking villagers with weird noses is fine, but I don't really see how it ruins Minecraft.
Furthermore, your last post signifies you do not like Notch. That's also your opinion, but isn't that the primary reason you're bringing this to the table?
I am trying to be sensible and inoffensive, so please don't respond with a verbal lambasting. Thanks.
Why not just have a bunch of different kinds of villagers? Like pigmen, squidwards, humans, and ???. This would everyone happy! Yeah and I hate the baby animals they seem like midgets. Snow golems blow up my base by running into creepers all the time... So probably nerf them.
Dont even try and comprehend what they did "before" lets just focus on what happens now. Lets see how well Jeb does in the next couple months. I think the API is going to be the big deal that everyone really needs. It'll allow mod makers to complete the game for mojang and make it easy enough a lot of people can install the mods without downloading 100 different files.
Can't wait till January, then finally Jeb can take over. Sort of explains why he stepped down, because he was going no where with minecraft. Adding these useless and stupid ideas with no real improvement into the game. Come to think about it, Jeb pretty much added the best features that minecraft had to offer.
So fanboys and fangirls, continue to support his actions. He did nothing but steal ideas from other games, he stole your money, and he even stole your mods. With all that, you still got little to no features and updates, you really think all that money is going into minecraft? I think not.
To top it off he wipes his ass on minecraft with these piece of crap features. All you guys do is cheer it on, just like people did with Hitler. I am able to think for myself, which is why I'm speaking up. I don't idolize anyone but I will support them if I find what they're doing is right.
Once Jeb takes over, I hope you guys learn from your mistakes and realize that Notch is only an amateur programmer that hit the lottery, nothing more. He's not a pixel artist, he's not a outstanding programmer, he's not anything special.
What I would like to know is how all this hate can come from:
a silly feature that probably took an hour to make and is something a player does not need to make
a mob that is very rare and can easily be avoided (and they serve no purpose)
an exaggeration of a feature
Quote from Wikipedia »
A newborn's head is very large in proportion to the body, and the cranium is enormous relative to his or her face. While the adult human skull is about 1/8 of the total body length, the newborn's is about 1/4.
I mean I can understand why you might be angry about things that actually effect gameplay
and I won't say anything else about your post because it is just a serious overreaction and I doubt it would change how you feel anyways.
Oh, and Jeb_ is likely to add things that you don't like as well, because programmers that are responsible for content fully, like to add things they want to add, or things that are entertaining. Sorry, that's how it is. If you want otherwise, you need to play a game made by a company (like Bethesda) that hires hundreds of programmers that get told what to do, only doing that. Then you only get "joke content" in easter eggs... and expect to not get any updates, unless there is a major exploit, or a whole bunch of bugs that users complain about.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"I'm an outsider by choice, but not truly.
It’s the unpleasantness of the system that keeps me out.
I’d rather be in, in a good system. That’s where my discontent comes from:
being forced to choose to stay outside.
My advice: Just keep movin’ straight ahead.
Every now and then you find yourself in a different place."
-George Carlin
Seriously, this derailed from a discussion about the additions to minecraft to a thread that is just filled with flame wars. I am locking this thread to prevent this from escalating further.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I am the bone of my sword
Steel is my body, and fire is my blood
I have created over a thousand blades
Unknown to death, Nor known to life
Have withstood pain to create many weapons
Yet, those hands will never hold anything
So as I pray, Unlimited Blade Works
This game is in beta. (It's not, but still)
This thread is stupid.
You were foolish to make it.
Don't update your game.
You shouldn't talk about realism.
Stop complaining.
Just don't use these features.
I think that covers everything on the "How to respond" list. What? I missed the word NOT? Oh.
im not a "member" of this imaginary defense force that's in your head. I'm a member of the anti-idiot force which is against stupidity in topics and people. Kinda like your post and half the half assed bitchery regarding Minecraft's features, "values", etc.
I've been playing this game days after it's birth (2+ years), i've watched Notch in all his dealings with Minecraft...he's pissed me off when certain things broke but NEVER have i done half the amount of incessant crybaby bitching all of you people have done. Why? Cause i knew it was going to be fixed. When water physics broke shortly after they were implemented, i was pissed. Did i go into the forums and make rage topics demanding notch "do his job"? No...cause i knew he was going to fix it. Guess what...HE DID. When bugs were shown up in the Alphas and Beta releases i knew they would be fixed by Notch or Jeb (mostly out of PURE ****ING LOGIC in conjunction with faith in the Mojang team.) Guess what... THEY DID. New bugs have been born from them and silly or non-working elements like "NPCs" have came from them. But i haven't given a damn about it nor has it bugged me at all because, I KNOW THEY WILL FIX IT. Those NPCs? Jeb will eventually give them purpose. The Enderdragon bugs? Those will be fixed. The items that have no use? Jeb will give them purpose too in due time.
So when i see STUPID topics like this...questioning Minecraft's "values" (WHAT values?), questioning the people who made the game (specially if they haven't dealt with them as long as some of us have), being impatient, whiny little brats who want the game their way WHEN THEY ALREADY HAVE THE ABILITY TO HAVE IT THEIR WAY...that is the ****ing joke. The joke that they're too blind, stupid and "gimme gimme gimme" to realize it's already there or WILL be there. Just like your "Notch Defence Force" is a goddamn joke as well as the "Anti-Notch Defence Force" being an equally bad joke.
So is Minecraft a joke? no. But the majority of the community is one hell of a joke...and i'm laughing (in amusement) and crying (in shame) at the same time.
So fanboys and fangirls, continue to support his actions. He did nothing but steal ideas from other games, he stole your money, and he even stole your mods. With all that, you still got little to no features and updates, you really think all that money is going into minecraft? I think not.
To top it off he wipes his ass on minecraft with these piece of crap features. All you guys do is cheer it on, just like people did with Hitler. I am able to think for myself, which is why I'm speaking up. I don't idolize anyone but I will support them if I find what they're doing is right.
Once Jeb takes over, I hope you guys learn from your mistakes and realize that Notch is only an amateur programmer that hit the lottery, nothing more. He's not a pixel artist, he's not a outstanding programmer, he's not anything special.
What is a "regular villager"?
Personally, I like the new villagers. What you think about their looks is completely subjective, and nothing Mojang can do will make every different opinion happy.
Please give us a source of Mojang saying that villagers were 100% confirmed to be pigmen. The most I heard Notch say was "probably". Anything can change in a beta.
It's the same way with baby animals. You think they look silly and ruin your game experience. I think they look cute and enjoy having a house filled to the brim with them.
"Snow Golems" are stupid.
Made me laugh because its so true xD
A human that doesn't require plastic surgery. But I guess that's what happens when you get a programmer to do your pixel art for a game, rather than hiring a pixel artist. One can only assume he's egoist or greedy.
Notch added whatever he liked, whether it was a joke or not and people still supported it because they're fans. Just like Hitler was supported regardless of what he did and how it was clear that it was wrong. Good thing there are people like us that are able to speak up and say something about it. Just look, I offend the person you guys worship and I already get threats.
"Very likely" and "might" are two different things.!/notch/status/62531431175421952
In Conclusion
I still end up winning this argument, because Notch thankfully is no longer the lead developer of minecraft anymore. That is probably the best idea he's ever had, one that wasn't even stolen.
You are the man tremix.
I agree 100%. We can thank him for putting the idea together but he really needed to step aside to let real developers take over. He shoudla did that 6 months ago and maybe we'd have half the features and things they promised by "RELEASE" of 1.0.
(We really should for now on call it .5 for realism sake)
Exactamundo - +1 for you.
It is in your full right to post your opinion, and if you feel like these visual dissonances are ugly or misplacedly funny, you're entitled to do so.
However... how does this exactly "ruin" the game? Okay, disliking villagers with weird noses is fine, but I don't really see how it ruins Minecraft.
Furthermore, your last post signifies you do not like Notch. That's also your opinion, but isn't that the primary reason you're bringing this to the table?
I am trying to be sensible and inoffensive, so please don't respond with a verbal lambasting. Thanks.
Dont even try and comprehend what they did "before" lets just focus on what happens now. Lets see how well Jeb does in the next couple months. I think the API is going to be the big deal that everyone really needs. It'll allow mod makers to complete the game for mojang and make it easy enough a lot of people can install the mods without downloading 100 different files.
What I would like to know is how all this hate can come from:
I mean I can understand why you might be angry about things that actually effect gameplay
and I won't say anything else about your post because it is just a serious overreaction and I doubt it would change how you feel anyways.
Oh, and Jeb_ is likely to add things that you don't like as well, because programmers that are responsible for content fully, like to add things they want to add, or things that are entertaining. Sorry, that's how it is. If you want otherwise, you need to play a game made by a company (like Bethesda) that hires hundreds of programmers that get told what to do, only doing that. Then you only get "joke content" in easter eggs... and expect to not get any updates, unless there is a major exploit, or a whole bunch of bugs that users complain about.
"I'm an outsider by choice, but not truly.
It’s the unpleasantness of the system that keeps me out.
I’d rather be in, in a good system. That’s where my discontent comes from:
being forced to choose to stay outside.
My advice: Just keep movin’ straight ahead.
Every now and then you find yourself in a different place."
-George Carlin
I am the bone of my sword
Steel is my body, and fire is my blood
I have created over a thousand blades
Unknown to death, Nor known to life
Have withstood pain to create many weapons
Yet, those hands will never hold anything
So as I pray, Unlimited Blade Works