Texture packs aren't the solution to everything. Most of them are high-res now, all of the 16x ones are 'simple', solid-colour ones and 18,446,744,073,709,551,616x texture packs make things look like some shitty Pokémon game.NPCs are retarded. Texture packs can't fix the squidward nose (or can they? by making it transparent)
yes, there were textures that got rid of the noses on the first day.
"I am tired of all of this variety in my game, I want him to reuse pigmen for the villages. Someone please make my game less fun and interesting, I hate these snowmen that notch has forced me to make." -A rant by Trenix shortened down
now enough jokes, I am fine with how the villagers look, but they need to do something other than just wander around. Act like a real village. Collect that wheat, have a chest with bread or something, maybe a book for the village head and some resources for the guy with the forge. It can't be hard.
The irony is... many actually do feel the way you "jokingly" made him sound. Minecraft's original appeal was its simplicity--simplicity that won it many awards and millions of buyers. Overwhelming the game with more mechanics--even optional ones--makes it lose that simplistic, appealing feeling.
Texture packs aren't the solution to everything. Most of them are high-res now, all of the 16x ones are 'simple', solid-colour ones and 18,446,744,073,709,551,616x texture packs make things look like some shitty Pokémon game.
NPCs are retarded. Texture packs can't fix the squidward nose (or can they? by making it transparent)
The irony is... many actually do feel the way you "jokingly" made him sound. Minecraft's original appeal was its simplicity--simplicity that won it many awards and millions of buyers. Overwhelming the game with more mechanics--even optional ones--makes it lose that simplistic, appealing feeling.
is it so hard to place two snow blocks and then a pumpkin? or feed a sheep some wheat. Honestly all the redstone stuff is more complicated than any of the new things.
Notch has already discussed adding a quest system to the npc's at the pax interview. Where users can get a quest to clear a dungeon or perhaps kill the stronghold boss or as simple as bring them x amount of stuff you craft, etc. He wasn't sure what the quests would be exactly but said it was one the reasons for having them in the first place.
I think there is a little too much humor going to be present in minecraft when 1.9 comes out. I don't believe Notch is taking it seriously what-so-ever and it's just going to kill my experience in minecraft, a game which had much potential and respect. Instead of convincing people to buy the game now, I'm telling them to wait because I don't feel Notch is at the right state of mind at the moment. Humor is appreciated but not so much as in to ruining the general quality of the game.
Jokes in Patch 1.9
Snow Golem
- Renamed to escalate the joke.
- Made only because he was "frustrated".
- Could of been working on another mob, like a baby animal.
- Doesn't fit the theme of minecraft at all.
- Attack each other when you try to breed them.
- Look graphically bad when compared to the rest of minecraft.
- Have a humorous look that makes you not even take a village seriously or the game for that matter.
- Jeb stated that they are not planning on changing their look anytime soon.
Animal Breeding
- All animals will come from eggs because Notch thinks it's funny.
- Somehow I believe this isn't a joke because we all thought the snowman was and look what happened.
- Notch is most likely doing this because he's too lazy to introduce baby animals, which is a big disappointment.
- Baby animals will be widely suitable for all age groups unlike an egg which would only be a placeholder for wasted time. Notch has confirmed that there will be baby animals.
Source: http://twitter.com/#!/notch/status/118711627158781952
Possible Solutions
Each point is a different solution.
Snow Golem
- Make it a snowman and keep it as a decoration.
- Have it only be available during the holidays.
- Make it look like an actual snow golem which will spawn naturally rather than being crafted.
- Should not be able to even attempt to breed a snow golem.
- Make them look like a regular villager.
- Have them look like pigmen, like they were supposed to be.
Animal Breeding
- Do not make all animals hatch from eggs.
- All animals except chickens, should spawn babies.
Reminder: This Is Feedback
I actually like many of the new additions in patch 1.9. However, don't forget that Notch has asked us for feedback. So I don't feel it's right for anyone to attack or judge me for doing what was asked to be done. It's part of the processes of building up a game. Positive feedback doesn't help Notch polish the game.
Seriousness Vs. Realism
The opposite of realistic, is not serious. No way, shape, or form, did I touch upon the topic of realism. However, that seems like a big topic among this thread and I get bashed for it. When I ask for a game to be serious, I ask for updates that will require some actual time and thought. For example, a snow golem was created due to Notch's frustration. Clearly he did it for fun, and there was no serious time or thought into it.
If you're going to add something into the game, it needs to be well thought out and reasonable. It may be humorous, but it shouldn't ruin the quality of the game. Above are two things that ruin the quality of the game. That does not mean that minecraft is garbage or that I hate the game.
Disagreeing: How To Not Respond
- Telling me this isn't my game.
- Telling me that this game is in beta.
- Insulting my thread.
- Insulting me.
- Telling me to not update my game.
- Implying that I talked about realism.
- Telling me to stop complaining.
- Telling me not to use these features.
Not only do these contribute nothing to my thread, they're just useless comments that have already been said.
In a way i do agree with you because i want minecraft to be an actual survival game which requires you to survive and get resources why cant they turn that into like fun mode and have a serious mode and i mean i think the snow golem thing is worthless why have that when we could have a new agressive mob in the daytime like Goblins or something i mean come on notch please dont ruin minecraft :sad.gif:
I read OP, but it was weird, all I could see was:
"I have an extremely uninformed opinion and Im making a topic to complain about something that an extremely small minority dislikes, assume that everyone agrees with me, in hopes that perhaps Notch will read this one whine topic out of the million others and hope with all my heart that Notch will suddenly realize that his original idea for the future of Minecraft is completely wrong and remove what I dont like, despite the fact that its optional."
Look man, I don't think this is your kind of game. After all, it is still in beta! I think this whole thread is stupid, in fact, you're not too sharp yourself. I mean, you didn't HAVE to update your game. And since when is MineCraft the epitome of realism?? I think you should stop complaining, and if it's really that big of a deal, don't use these features!!
Haha! Obviously i'm just messing with you. But really, these changes he made aren't meant to take away from the game at all. He didn't just make snowmen like that because he was having a bad day. Who does that? He probably had them in mind for awhile. And even if he did, WHO CARES? They're awesome!!
Can you really argue that this game is getting "too silly" ?? What is the FIRST thing you do when you start a new world?? You beat the living HELL out of trees! And they float above the ground to boot!
And what the the hell is a creeper anyway? We don't have any animals in our real world that explode! All these things where there when the game was in it's earliest stages.
I believe that every update that has come so far has fit the game very well. And the best part, is that Notch and the crew actually listen to their community when we don't like something.
I'm so sick and tired of these threads bashing on Notch and Mojang for this and that. There are things in EVERY video game I've ever played that I personally don't care for. But I don't go on forums and post topics to get the community all crazy.
Anyway, that's my real opinion! Sorry if I offended you earlier! :tongue.gif:
minecraft is not in the modern times, and their is not many people thus saying the people are imbreed they do not know morals like us and they have to imbreed to keep society working
the reason your char is perfect you were created by the god of minecraft and are the first generation the npcs first generation looked like you but again they imbreeded or died turning into a zombie
I think TESTIFICATE and the snow golems fit minecraft very well.
The villagers look alien, which probably has something to do with the storyline. Personally I love it because it really makes you feel like you're in another world.
The snow golems look a bit dumb with the pumpkin hat, but if snowmen were craftable and there was a spell to make them come to life it would look a lot better. I love the idea of animated snowmen.
do you really want me to call smosh and make them do a "if minecraft was realistic" video? c'mon man without all theese new things minecraft would get old and boring!
I agree with the OP. Some of the changes seem out of place. A lot are great though, and hopefully I carry on thinking there are a greater number of positive things than negative, or at least that I can ignore and not use the stuff I don't like. I'm not a fan of NPCs, snow golems, or the sounds of the enchantment and levelling systems.
Snow golems are there so you can distract a monster and kill it with ease.
The NPC do look really stupid, but that's just their texture, They're actually very smart, for a mob in Minecraft.
yes, there were textures that got rid of the noses on the first day.
The irony is... many actually do feel the way you "jokingly" made him sound. Minecraft's original appeal was its simplicity--simplicity that won it many awards and millions of buyers. Overwhelming the game with more mechanics--even optional ones--makes it lose that simplistic, appealing feeling.
Er, what? I didn't know all of these:
http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/643880-pack-of-rogues/ (a shameless self-plug :tongue.gif:)
were simple solid-colour ones..
is it so hard to place two snow blocks and then a pumpkin? or feed a sheep some wheat. Honestly all the redstone stuff is more complicated than any of the new things.
Notch has already discussed adding a quest system to the npc's at the pax interview. Where users can get a quest to clear a dungeon or perhaps kill the stronghold boss or as simple as bring them x amount of stuff you craft, etc. He wasn't sure what the quests would be exactly but said it was one the reasons for having them in the first place.
In a way i do agree with you because i want minecraft to be an actual survival game which requires you to survive and get resources why cant they turn that into like fun mode and have a serious mode and i mean i think the snow golem thing is worthless why have that when we could have a new agressive mob in the daytime like Goblins or something i mean come on notch please dont ruin minecraft :sad.gif:
Notches reason why.
"I have an extremely uninformed opinion and Im making a topic to complain about something that an extremely small minority dislikes, assume that everyone agrees with me, in hopes that perhaps Notch will read this one whine topic out of the million others and hope with all my heart that Notch will suddenly realize that his original idea for the future of Minecraft is completely wrong and remove what I dont like, despite the fact that its optional."
Haha! Obviously i'm just messing with you. But really, these changes he made aren't meant to take away from the game at all. He didn't just make snowmen like that because he was having a bad day. Who does that? He probably had them in mind for awhile. And even if he did, WHO CARES? They're awesome!!
Can you really argue that this game is getting "too silly" ?? What is the FIRST thing you do when you start a new world?? You beat the living HELL out of trees! And they float above the ground to boot!
And what the the hell is a creeper anyway? We don't have any animals in our real world that explode! All these things where there when the game was in it's earliest stages.
I believe that every update that has come so far has fit the game very well. And the best part, is that Notch and the crew actually listen to their community when we don't like something.
I'm so sick and tired of these threads bashing on Notch and Mojang for this and that. There are things in EVERY video game I've ever played that I personally don't care for. But I don't go on forums and post topics to get the community all crazy.
Anyway, that's my real opinion! Sorry if I offended you earlier! :tongue.gif:
minecraft is not in the modern times, and their is not many people thus saying the people are imbreed they do not know morals like us and they have to imbreed to keep society working
the reason your char is perfect you were created by the god of minecraft and are the first generation the npcs first generation looked like you but again they imbreeded or died turning into a zombie
The villagers look alien, which probably has something to do with the storyline. Personally I love it because it really makes you feel like you're in another world.
The snow golems look a bit dumb with the pumpkin hat, but if snowmen were craftable and there was a spell to make them come to life it would look a lot better. I love the idea of animated snowmen.
The Shadow
The NPC do look really stupid, but that's just their texture, They're actually very smart, for a mob in Minecraft.