What's funny is that the majority of the complaining in this thread is from the people disagreeing with my post.
What's really funny is how you act like your opinion is right, and everyone else who disagrees with you is brushed aside. You haven't made one valid argument this entire thread.
On the plus side, your post count has gone up and so has mine do to your very productive thread. /sarcasm
Is it me, or is there just a little too much humor going to be present in minecraft when 1.9 comes out? I don't believe Notch is taking it seriously what-so-ever and it's just going to kill my experience in minecraft, a game which had much potential and respect. Instead of convincing people to buy the game now, I'm telling them to wait because I don't feel Notch is at the right state of mind at the moment. Humor is appreciated but not so much as in to ruining the general quality of the game.
You're an opinionated ass. The game is perfectly fine.
Snow Golem
- Renamed to escalate the joke.
- Made only because he was "frustrated".
- Could of been working on another mob, like a baby animal.
- Doesn't fit the theme of minecraft at all.
Who are you to define what Minecraft is? As for me, I ****ing love snowmen (I don't want to call them golems). They're awesome. Screw off.
- Look graphically bad when compared to the rest of minecraft.
- Have a humorous look that makes you not even take a village seriously or the game for that matter.
- Jeb stated that they are not planning on changing their look anytime soon.
They look fine graphically. We have to take it seriously? It's fine the way it is.
Animal Breeding
- All animals will come from eggs because Notch thinks it's funny.
- Somehow I believe this isn't a joke because we all thought the snowman was and look what happened.
- Notch is most likely doing this because he's too lazy to introduce baby animals, which is a big disappointment.
- Baby animals will be widely suitable for all age groups unlike an egg which would only be a placeholder for wasted time.
Too lazy? He can't just NOT like how baby animals work? Screw off, again. I'm perfectly fine with the idea of eggs. It's unique.
You're just an opinionated ass. What he's doing is fine. It's unique, and it works.
i completely agree with the idiotic addition of snow golems... However in all seriousness just dont make one. when playing a world, one should be able to go into the options to turn off things they dont want in the game to spawn. me personally i like abandoned villages to explore... I would adapt to npcs if they werent stupid looking.
Mushroom biomes are not in my liking either. In my opinion, the nether updates were the only good thing really.
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To all those who said nature has no corners; enter MineCraft
Please see my kingdom preview!! CLICK HERE TO SEE IT!!!!
I don't find it funny, I for one am quite sick of you're non-constructive complaints, you are bringing the community down.
What's constructive to you, positive feedback? Or maybe having an alternative solution for the issues? Well here's the solution. Improve the snow golem into making it look at least like a monster rather than a snowman, and make it not craftable. That, or make it become just a decoration. As for the NPCs, make them look better. Last, make animal breeding have babies rather than eggs.
If you couldn't see what I was asking for, then you need some help.
Snow golem doesn't fit the theme? What is the theme, then?
TESTIFICATES are not a joke, they are an NPC put in the game.
Notch was joking about animals coming from egg blocks. Seriously. He is going to add baby animals, if you read one thing, read the whole thing next time.
No, he's not making it a joke, he's making it a real game with serious gameplay. And I don't think anyone cares that you're done buying games in beta, we payed for the full game, not the alpha, or the beta, then we got access to them since Notch is nice. And now you're saying you're done buying games in beta because the game isn't turning out how you want it to. I admit, some things in the update seem a little off, but I enjoy it, and I know it'll be fun when it's finished.
I was thinking the exact same thing lol I have no clue wtf the person talking since mine craft theme is build **** and kill **** and dont die
I understand the graphics of pixels, but a chicken looks graphically better than these horrible NPCs. It's serious when I waste my money on something that isn't took seriously. Mineshafter user I suppose?
Are you afraid of change? Hell no, love the new systems.
Do you hate challenge? Of course not, increase the difficulty please.
However this egg idea, are you serious? A snow golem? Crappy NPCs?
Im sorry did you play at the start and seen how they looked?????? alot of stuff at the start of the game was ugly as hell over time they looked alot better just like what they did withthe lighting its finally alot better looking same for pigs
I think this is it.
Markus Persson
@notch Markus Persson
You know what would be fun? If every single animal in minecraft came from eggs. Breeding would involve moving egg blocks around. http://twitter.com/#!/notch
People should stop hating on what has been added to the game recently and just sit back and look at the big picrure. Dont get mad, get glad. Notch will do, what Notch will do. If u dont like what is being done then u should have kept a file of minecraft 1.8 so u could just play that.
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Haters gona hate, Creepers gona creep, and Crafters gona craft.
Whats the theme of the Super Mario Games? Ask yourself that, try to answer it, and then realize these are some of the most popular games in existence today.
I'm sure what goes in the toilet can be found useful too.
Way to go. The guy offers his opinion and even a reference for how to use something you thought was useless and you respond in this fashion? Guess there's no point in discussing anything with you.
Way to go. The guy offers his opinion and even a reference for how to use something you thought was useless and you respond in this fashion? Guess there's no point in discussing anything with you.
The idea was to show that anything can be found useful if you really think deeply into it. The use of a snow golem is unneeded and if anything, it ruins balance and encourages greifing, but that's a completely different topic. We're talking about minecraft becoming a joke, not whether snow golems are useful or not.
Dude, cows coming out of eggs sounds so freaking cool!!! If you were a true fan you'd stand by notch's decisions even if he made the NPCs look like in-breds.
Thats why Notch is successful, because I don't think that anything Notch does will disappoint you guys. Now I know why he targeted the younger crowd. No matter what he does or how stupid he makes the game, the children will still beg their parents to buy the game. However, the older community will think twice.
You take beta too seriously. I ****ing love the updates finaly got minecraft something. Not just breaking block escaping from creepers and getting ore. Now its more about survivor and more features added.
You are idiots people. Only thing i hate about minecraft is you. You who complain about everything on this forum. Suck here suck there 1.9 sucks 1.8 sucks. 1.7 sucks. Rain sucks. everything sucks. Then why the **** did you buy the game in first place ?
No one said I hated the entire patch. Seems like everyone's aggressions is leading them into making assumptions and raging with insult. If you can't handle the forums, why did you join them in the first place?
Seriously what did everyone expect in this section of the forums?
The "testificates" have been confirmed to not be given a change of model anytime soon.
Anytime soon, that doesn't mean that they will never be changed, that just means they're working on other things.
I do think they look silly, with straitjackets, unibrows, and giant noses. But we'll just have to wait if we want a model change.
I see nothing wrong with snow golems. Sure they're a little bit silly, but we have farm animals with derp eyes that nod at you and giant spiders.
I personally think they fit in.
The egg block idea was just a "what if" statement. I don't think Notch was actually planning on adding them.
What's really funny is how you act like your opinion is right, and everyone else who disagrees with you is brushed aside. You haven't made one valid argument this entire thread.
On the plus side, your post count has gone up and so has mine do to your very productive thread. /sarcasm
You're an opinionated ass. The game is perfectly fine.
Who are you to define what Minecraft is? As for me, I ****ing love snowmen (I don't want to call them golems). They're awesome. Screw off.
They look fine graphically. We have to take it seriously? It's fine the way it is.
Too lazy? He can't just NOT like how baby animals work? Screw off, again. I'm perfectly fine with the idea of eggs. It's unique.
You're just an opinionated ass. What he's doing is fine. It's unique, and it works.
Mushroom biomes are not in my liking either. In my opinion, the nether updates were the only good thing really.
Please see my kingdom preview!! CLICK HERE TO SEE IT!!!!
What's constructive to you, positive feedback? Or maybe having an alternative solution for the issues? Well here's the solution. Improve the snow golem into making it look at least like a monster rather than a snowman, and make it not craftable. That, or make it become just a decoration. As for the NPCs, make them look better. Last, make animal breeding have babies rather than eggs.
If you couldn't see what I was asking for, then you need some help.
I was thinking the exact same thing lol I have no clue wtf the person talking since mine craft theme is build **** and kill **** and dont die
Could've been working on another mob...
Sorry to nitpick but that is a pet peeve of mine.
Im sorry did you play at the start and seen how they looked?????? alot of stuff at the start of the game was ugly as hell over time they looked alot better just like what they did withthe lighting its finally alot better looking same for pigs
Chumhandle: logicalDesigner
They won't stop breeding!!! http://imgur.com/qt1Ad?full
then after that
If you hold food in your hand, they follow you around. If you feed them, they enter "love mode". Two animals in love mode = babies.
If it aint worth fixing dont fix it.
Way to go. The guy offers his opinion and even a reference for how to use something you thought was useless and you respond in this fashion? Guess there's no point in discussing anything with you.
The idea was to show that anything can be found useful if you really think deeply into it. The use of a snow golem is unneeded and if anything, it ruins balance and encourages greifing, but that's a completely different topic. We're talking about minecraft becoming a joke, not whether snow golems are useful or not.
Thats why Notch is successful, because I don't think that anything Notch does will disappoint you guys. Now I know why he targeted the younger crowd. No matter what he does or how stupid he makes the game, the children will still beg their parents to buy the game. However, the older community will think twice.
I just wanted to fix this little problem here, then I'll go back to watching the lulz that is this thread.
Enderman (or Endermen) is not a "unique" idea. Go look up Slenderman. That creepy-meme has been around for a while.
Continue on, children.
99% of what the op said can be fix with editing the png. The other problems are like 4 lines of code.
No one said I hated the entire patch. Seems like everyone's aggressions is leading them into making assumptions and raging with insult. If you can't handle the forums, why did you join them in the first place?
Seriously what did everyone expect in this section of the forums?
then I'd... Try and stop myself from ranting so much that the next post in this thread would be on the next page.
Anytime soon, that doesn't mean that they will never be changed, that just means they're working on other things.
I do think they look silly, with straitjackets, unibrows, and giant noses. But we'll just have to wait if we want a model change.
I see nothing wrong with snow golems. Sure they're a little bit silly, but we have farm animals with derp eyes that nod at you and giant spiders.
I personally think they fit in.
The egg block idea was just a "what if" statement. I don't think Notch was actually planning on adding them.
Minecraft was never realistic or serious.