I think there is a little too much humor going to be present in minecraft when 1.9 comes out. I don't believe Notch is taking it seriously what-so-ever and it's just going to kill my experience in minecraft, a game which had much potential and respect. Instead of convincing people to buy the game now, I'm telling them to wait because I don't feel Notch is at the right state of mind at the moment. Humor is appreciated but not so much as in to ruining the general quality of the game.
Jokes in Patch 1.9
Snow Golem
- Renamed to escalate the joke.
- Made only because he was "frustrated".
- Could of been working on another mob, like a baby animal.
- Doesn't fit the theme of minecraft at all.
- Look graphically bad when compared to the rest of minecraft.
- Have a humorous look that makes you not even take a village seriously or the game for that matter.
- Jeb stated that they are not planning on changing their look anytime soon.
Baby Animals
- Have big heads.
Possible Solutions
Each point is a different solution.
Snow Golem
- Make it a snowman and keep it as a decoration.
- Have it only be available during the holidays.
- Make it look like an actual snow golem which will spawn naturally rather than being crafted.
- Make them look like a regular villager.
- Have them look like pigmen, like they were supposed to be.
Baby Animals
- Shrink their heads.
Reminder: This Is Feedback
I actually like many of the new additions in patch 1.9. However, don't forget that Notch has asked us for feedback. So I don't feel it's right for anyone to attack or judge me for doing what was asked to be done. It's part of the processes of building up a game. Positive feedback doesn't help Notch polish the game.
Quote from Notch »
We'll do a 1.9 pre-release today, and a full release after feedback. More Adventure Mode content will come in 1.10, we're splitting it up!
Seriousness Vs. Realism
The opposite of realistic, is not serious. No way, shape, or form, did I touch upon the topic of realism. However, that seems like a big topic among this thread and I get bashed for it. When I ask for a game to be serious, I ask for updates that will require some actual time and thought. For example, a snow golem was created due to Notch's frustration. Clearly he did it for fun, and there was no serious time or thought into it.
If you're going to add something into the game, it needs to be well thought out and reasonable. It may be humorous, but it shouldn't ruin the quality of the game. Above are three things that ruin the quality of the game. That does not mean that minecraft is garbage or that I hate the game.
Disagreeing: How To Not Respond
- Telling me this isn't my game.
- Telling me that this game is in beta.
- Insulting my thread.
- Insulting me.
- Telling me to not update my game.
- Implying that I talked about realism.
- Telling me to stop complaining.
- Telling me not to use these features.
Not only do these contribute nothing to my thread, they're just useless comments that have already been said.
Plenty of people enjoy these silly additions because Minecraft was never a serious game to begin with. Complaining about graphics when there is an easily used texturepack feature seems asinine at the very least and petty at worst. I support these additions and I'm 24 years old bro. Stop taking things so seriously.
Snow golem doesn't fit the theme? What is the theme, then?
TESTIFICATES are not a joke, they are an NPC put in the game.
Notch was joking about animals coming from egg blocks. Seriously. He is going to add baby animals, if you read one thing, read the whole thing next time.
No, he's not making it a joke, he's making it a real game with serious gameplay. And I don't think anyone cares that you're done buying games in beta, we payed for the full game, not the alpha, or the beta, then we got access to them since Notch is nice. And now you're saying you're done buying games in beta because the game isn't turning out how you want it to. I admit, some things in the update seem a little off, but I enjoy it, and I know it'll be fun when it's finished.
Wait, they're going to come from EGG BLOCKS!? :biggrin.gif:
Mojang, you've done it again! This is why I love you!
But yeah, snow golems are NOT a joke, and we all know it.
They fit one of Minecraft's themes PERFECTLY: Building devices that help you to survive.
It's just this time, the "device" is more versatile in its utility, but that's a GOOD thing.
NPCs are not a joke either, at least not in themselves. It's just their texture that's silly.
Plenty of people enjoy these silly additions because Minecraft was never a serious game to begin with. Complaining about graphics when there is an easily used texturepack feature seems asinine at the very least and petty at worst. I support these additions and I'm 24 years old bro. Stop taking things so seriously.
I understand the graphics of pixels, but a chicken looks graphically better than these horrible NPCs. It's serious when I waste my money on something that isn't took seriously. Mineshafter user I suppose?
Have you ever what what the testificates are called?
testi TEST
Ughh, its one of you people again. Let me start from the beggining. Are you afraid of change? Do you hate challenge? I don't know whats wrong with you people. Do you know what would happen if there were no new additions to the game? People would get board and quit. Minecraft is not one of those games that die down after you do what you need to do. Minecraft is a game that has continuous possibilities, with new additions the game will become more and more interesting.And for gods sake snow golems? What the hell do you mean they don't fit the game? We have the nether for petes sake! Its hell! If you dissagre please tell me. What is the theme of minecraft, as far as i know the games theme isn't even done yet! The game is still in Beta. So how could you be complaining about a game that isn't even done yet. You sir, are a fool
Are you afraid of change? Hell no, love the new systems.
Do you hate challenge? Of course not, increase the difficulty please.
However this egg idea, are you serious? A snow golem? Crappy NPCs?
Is it me, or is there just a little too much humor going to be present in minecraft when 1.9 comes out? I don't believe Notch is taking it seriously what-so-ever and it's just going to kill my experience in minecraft, a game which had much potential and respect. Instead of convincing people to buy the game now, I'm telling them to wait because I don't feel Notch is at the right state of mind at the moment.
Jokes in Patch 1.9
Snow Golem
- Renamed to escalate the joke.
- Made only because he was "frustrated".
- Could of been working on another mob, like a baby animal.
- Doesn't fit the theme of minecraft at all.
- Look graphically bad when compared to the rest of minecraft.
- Have a humorous look that makes you not even take a village seriously or the game for that matter.
- Jeb stated that they are not planning on changing their look anytime soon.
Animal Breeding
- All animals will come from eggs because Notch thinks it's funny.
- Somehow I believe this isn't a joke because we all thought the snowman was and look what happened.
- Notch is most likely doing this because he's too lazy to introduce baby animals, which is a big disappointment.
All The Above
- Fans (most likely children) supported these additions, which only makes Notch want to make minecraft more of a joke than a real game because he believes that's what we want. Therefore he starts wasting his time on useless garbage that doesn't enhance our gaming experience.
- Last time I buy a game that's in beta only to see how each update makes it turn away from the general idea of the game.
Yes a game where you destroy blocks to get blocks to make stuff is very very serious.
Snow Golems, yes they look child like but what ever they have their uses, keep stuff from stabbing you in the back and making easy to gather snow quickly.
I haven't heard anything about them coming from eggs please give source, I can see the eggs thing, is it realistic no, but they have to protect the mind of the little kiddies that do play it.
I don't know how many people have to say this, IF YOU DO NOT LIKE A UPDATE, THEN DO NOT UPDATE. It's not like someone is holding a gun to your head and telling you to update.
The creeper is a monster. Farm animals pushing you into lava? The world is made of blocks, and that is funny because? Very small list.
-Block, sun+moon
-Animals cartoonish zombies+skeletons
-Gian Spiders
-Easily processed wood, making planks with your bare hands
-Giant mushrooms, yes a new one
-Zombie Pigmen
-Spider jockeys
-Already carved pumpkins
-Pumpkins as hats
-catching fish with no bait
-buckets holding lava
Give me 2 minutes to think of more
-Things die and disappear in smoke
-Spawning depending on light
-monster spawners
-making bread without cooking
-obsidian, in reality it can be broken with stones
-diamond weapons/tools
-taming wolves by giving them a bone
-going to hell through a portal made of obsidian and torching it
-no burns after surviving fire
-able to survive lava
-plants able to grow instantly by putting fertilizer on em
-a jungle being next to a desert, tundra, pine forest, hell all the biomes
-The sun rising in the north.
I understand the graphics of pixels, but a chicken looks graphically better than these horrible NPCs. It's serious when I waste my money on something that isn't took seriously. Mineshafter user I suppose?
Are you afraid of change? Hell no, love the new systems.
Do you hate challenge? Of course not, increase the difficulty please.
However this egg idea, are you serious? A snow golem? Crappy NPCs?
Then why are you complaining?
What is the point of this list. Do you think you can change something? Or are you just expressing your opinion.
Wait, they're going to come from EGG BLOCKS!? :biggrin.gif:
Mojang, you've done it again! This is why I love you!
But yeah, snow golems are NOT a joke, and we all know it.
They fit one of Minecraft's themes PERFECTLY: Building devices that help you to survive.
It's just this time, the "device" is more versatile in its utility, but that's a GOOD thing.
NPCs are not a joke either, at least not in themselves. It's just their texture that's silly.
No, they aren't, that was an actual joke, and Notch confirmed himself it isn't happening.
Yes a game where you destroy blocks to get blocks to make stuff is very very serious.
Snow Golems, yes they look child like but what ever they have their uses, keep stuff from stabbing you in the back and making easy to gather snow quickly.
I haven't heard anything about them coming from eggs please give source, I can see the eggs thing, is it realistic no, but they have to protect the mind of the little kiddies that do play it.
I don't know how many people have to say this, IF YOU DO NOT LIKE A UPDATE, THEN DO NOT UPDATE. It's not like someone is holding a gun to your head and telling you to update.
Of course we're going to have to update, because of optimizations, better performance, and more features where most are better but some are horrible. The fantasy should remain in the nether, future skydimension, and with monsters.
I understand the graphics of pixels, but a chicken looks graphically better than these horrible NPCs. It's serious when I waste my money on something that isn't took seriously. Mineshafter user I suppose?
WTF is mineshafter? So because some ugly NPCs were added suddenly you wasted your money on Minecraft? That sucks.
Some of us (myself included) like these ugly ass NPC's because they're unique and EASILY changed to suit anyone's taste by simply dropping a zip with new textures in a folder. All the vanilla textures are crap IMO. Doesn't make me feel like I wasted any money on a game about blocks, since the blocks are still there and I can do anything I could before with them.
You still haven't addressed how silly things (among which the Snow Golem is completely optional, since it has to be crafted.) is ruining the seriousness of a game with a bunch of fantasy mobs in a world of blocks.
Even though I haven't heard of that anywhere else, that is an epic idea. Making animals passively and automatically reproduce, would cause extreme overpopulation in the wild. Having all animals come from eggs is, for one, completely original, and two, makes animals only reproduce in controlled condition.
I think this is it.
Markus Persson
@notch Markus Persson
You know what would be fun? If every single animal in minecraft came from eggs. Breeding would involve moving egg blocks around. http://twitter.com/#!/notch
I think this is it.
Markus Persson
@notch Markus Persson
You know what would be fun? If every single animal in minecraft came from eggs. Breeding would involve moving egg blocks around. http://twitter.com/#!/notch
Is it me, or is there just a little too much humor going to be present in minecraft when 1.9 comes out? I don't believe Notch is taking it seriously what-so-ever and it's just going to kill my experience in minecraft, a game which had much potential and respect. Instead of convincing people to buy the game now, I'm telling them to wait because I don't feel Notch is at the right state of mind at the moment.
Jokes in Patch 1.9
Snow Golem
- Renamed to escalate the joke.
- Made only because he was "frustrated".
- Could of been working on another mob, like a baby animal.
- Doesn't fit the theme of minecraft at all.
- Look graphically bad when compared to the rest of minecraft.
- Have a humorous look that makes you not even take a village seriously or the game for that matter.
- Jeb stated that they are not planning on changing their look anytime soon.
Animal Breeding
- All animals will come from eggs because Notch thinks it's funny.
- Somehow I believe this isn't a joke because we all thought the snowman was and look what happened.
- Notch is most likely doing this because he's too lazy to introduce baby animals, which is a big disappointment.
All The Above
- Fans (most likely children) supported these additions, which only makes Notch want to make minecraft more of a joke than a real game because he believes that's what we want. Therefore he starts wasting his time on useless garbage that doesn't enhance our gaming experience.
- Last time I buy a game that's in beta only to see how each update makes it turn away from the general idea of the game.
Snow golems can be used to farm snow, to build guard places, and if you don't build them, they won't spawn naturally, so why would you complain if you will not ever see them?
You may find NPC ugly, as I do, but that's what texture packs are for. And keep in mind they are useless now, but once the trade/forge & cie features are added, you maybe won't find them this ridiculous anymore.
Is the point of animal breeding to have baby animals? Or have more animals? In my opinion it's the latest, and I don't really care how this will be achieved (would it be eggs, baby animals, mitosis or any random stuff)
On the "Fans", I'd say I think the 3 features you talk about enhance the gaming experience. (Snowmen can help improve mobfarms, NPC will allow trade and maybe repair items, breeding allows us to farm animals. + 2 of these are optional, you don't have to build snowmen and can turn off NPC villages in the world creation menu)
Your last sentence: "each update makes it turn away from the general idea of the game." 1) What is your general idea of the game? 2) Were all the updates you've seen so far (not only 1.8/1.9), bad in that sense?
I think there is a little too much humor going to be present in minecraft when 1.9 comes out. I don't believe Notch is taking it seriously what-so-ever and it's just going to kill my experience in minecraft, a game which had much potential and respect. Instead of convincing people to buy the game now, I'm telling them to wait because I don't feel Notch is at the right state of mind at the moment. Humor is appreciated but not so much as in to ruining the general quality of the game.
Jokes in Patch 1.9
Snow Golem
- Renamed to escalate the joke.
- Made only because he was "frustrated".
- Could of been working on another mob, like a baby animal.
- Doesn't fit the theme of minecraft at all.
- Look graphically bad when compared to the rest of minecraft.
- Have a humorous look that makes you not even take a village seriously or the game for that matter.
- Jeb stated that they are not planning on changing their look anytime soon.
Baby Animals
- Have big heads.
Possible Solutions
Each point is a different solution.
Snow Golem
- Make it a snowman and keep it as a decoration.
- Have it only be available during the holidays.
- Make it look like an actual snow golem which will spawn naturally rather than being crafted.
- Make them look like a regular villager.
- Have them look like pigmen, like they were supposed to be.
Baby Animals
- Shrink their heads.
Reminder: This Is Feedback
I actually like many of the new additions in patch 1.9. However, don't forget that Notch has asked us for feedback. So I don't feel it's right for anyone to attack or judge me for doing what was asked to be done. It's part of the processes of building up a game. Positive feedback doesn't help Notch polish the game.
Seriousness Vs. Realism
The opposite of realistic, is not serious. No way, shape, or form, did I touch upon the topic of realism. However, that seems like a big topic among this thread and I get bashed for it. When I ask for a game to be serious, I ask for updates that will require some actual time and thought. For example, a snow golem was created due to Notch's frustration. Clearly he did it for fun, and there was no serious time or thought into it.
If you're going to add something into the game, it needs to be well thought out and reasonable. It may be humorous, but it shouldn't ruin the quality of the game. Above are three things that ruin the quality of the game. That does not mean that minecraft is garbage or that I hate the game.
Disagreeing: How To Not Respond
- Telling me this isn't my game.
- Telling me that this game is in beta.
- Insulting my thread.
- Insulting me.
- Telling me to not update my game.
- Implying that I talked about realism.
- Telling me to stop complaining.
- Telling me not to use these features.
Not only do these contribute nothing to my thread, they're just useless comments that have already been said.
TESTIFICATES are not a joke, they are an NPC put in the game.
Notch was joking about animals coming from egg blocks. Seriously. He is going to add baby animals, if you read one thing, read the whole thing next time.
No, he's not making it a joke, he's making it a real game with serious gameplay. And I don't think anyone cares that you're done buying games in beta, we payed for the full game, not the alpha, or the beta, then we got access to them since Notch is nice. And now you're saying you're done buying games in beta because the game isn't turning out how you want it to. I admit, some things in the update seem a little off, but I enjoy it, and I know it'll be fun when it's finished.
You will be missed.
Mojang, you've done it again! This is why I love you!
But yeah, snow golems are NOT a joke, and we all know it.
They fit one of Minecraft's themes PERFECTLY: Building devices that help you to survive.
It's just this time, the "device" is more versatile in its utility, but that's a GOOD thing.
NPCs are not a joke either, at least not in themselves. It's just their texture that's silly.
I understand the graphics of pixels, but a chicken looks graphically better than these horrible NPCs. It's serious when I waste my money on something that isn't took seriously. Mineshafter user I suppose?
Are you afraid of change? Hell no, love the new systems.
Do you hate challenge? Of course not, increase the difficulty please.
However this egg idea, are you serious? A snow golem? Crappy NPCs?
The creeper is a monster. Farm animals pushing you into lava? The world is made of blocks, and that is funny because? Very small list.
Yes a game where you destroy blocks to get blocks to make stuff is very very serious.
Snow Golems, yes they look child like but what ever they have their uses, keep stuff from stabbing you in the back and making easy to gather snow quickly.
I haven't heard anything about them coming from eggs please give source, I can see the eggs thing, is it realistic no, but they have to protect the mind of the little kiddies that do play it.
I don't know how many people have to say this, IF YOU DO NOT LIKE A UPDATE, THEN DO NOT UPDATE. It's not like someone is holding a gun to your head and telling you to update.
Found the source about breeding he said MAYBE.
-Block, sun+moon
-Animals cartoonish zombies+skeletons
-Gian Spiders
-Easily processed wood, making planks with your bare hands
-Giant mushrooms, yes a new one
-Zombie Pigmen
-Spider jockeys
-Already carved pumpkins
-Pumpkins as hats
-catching fish with no bait
-buckets holding lava
Give me 2 minutes to think of more
-Things die and disappear in smoke
-Spawning depending on light
-monster spawners
-making bread without cooking
-obsidian, in reality it can be broken with stones
-diamond weapons/tools
-taming wolves by giving them a bone
-going to hell through a portal made of obsidian and torching it
-no burns after surviving fire
-able to survive lava
-plants able to grow instantly by putting fertilizer on em
-a jungle being next to a desert, tundra, pine forest, hell all the biomes
-The sun rising in the north.
Long enough for you.
Then why are you complaining?
What is the point of this list. Do you think you can change something? Or are you just expressing your opinion.
No, they aren't, that was an actual joke, and Notch confirmed himself it isn't happening.
Of course we're going to have to update, because of optimizations, better performance, and more features where most are better but some are horrible. The fantasy should remain in the nether, future skydimension, and with monsters.
To me, sir, it seems that you are playing a humorous game while lacking a basic sense of silly humor.
Some of us (myself included) like these ugly ass NPC's because they're unique and EASILY changed to suit anyone's taste by simply dropping a zip with new textures in a folder. All the vanilla textures are crap IMO. Doesn't make me feel like I wasted any money on a game about blocks, since the blocks are still there and I can do anything I could before with them.
You still haven't addressed how silly things (among which the Snow Golem is completely optional, since it has to be crafted.) is ruining the seriousness of a game with a bunch of fantasy mobs in a world of blocks.
Source please?
Even though I haven't heard of that anywhere else, that is an epic idea. Making animals passively and automatically reproduce, would cause extreme overpopulation in the wild. Having all animals come from eggs is, for one, completely original, and two, makes animals only reproduce in controlled condition.
Me gusta cow eggs.
I think this is it.
Markus Persson
@notch Markus Persson
You know what would be fun? If every single animal in minecraft came from eggs. Breeding would involve moving egg blocks around.
Where did it say that it was just a joke?
Snow golems can be used to farm snow, to build guard places, and if you don't build them, they won't spawn naturally, so why would you complain if you will not ever see them?
You may find NPC ugly, as I do, but that's what texture packs are for. And keep in mind they are useless now, but once the trade/forge & cie features are added, you maybe won't find them this ridiculous anymore.
Is the point of animal breeding to have baby animals? Or have more animals? In my opinion it's the latest, and I don't really care how this will be achieved (would it be eggs, baby animals, mitosis or any random stuff)
On the "Fans", I'd say I think the 3 features you talk about enhance the gaming experience. (Snowmen can help improve mobfarms, NPC will allow trade and maybe repair items, breeding allows us to farm animals. + 2 of these are optional, you don't have to build snowmen and can turn off NPC villages in the world creation menu)
Your last sentence: "each update makes it turn away from the general idea of the game." 1) What is your general idea of the game? 2) Were all the updates you've seen so far (not only 1.8/1.9), bad in that sense?