The hunger bar is awesome, i love it, I dont understand why so many of you people hate it so much, i mean the game mode is called "Survival", what is survival without having to need to survive? the hunger bar constantly gives u the need to find food and stock up in your house just in case, just like you would do if u were to survive in real life, so ya my point is the hunger bar is great. that is all
I don't care if its survival, what the hunger bar does is it turns combat into Fight then hide and wait for a while in one spot for 5 minutes then go fight again. It basically makes minecraft a cover based shooter. Minus the guns.
I don't care if its survival, what the hunger bar does is it turns combat into Fight then hide and wait for a while in one spot for 5 minutes then go fight again. It basically makes minecraft a cover based shooter. Minus the guns.
what the hell are you talking about?? have you even tried fighting anything with full hunger? its easy to survive a fight when u got full hunger and u dont need to hide so often, even uf u do, it is to survive isnt it? so what are you complaining about, ur survivng! its the point of the game!!! god srsly u ppl need to change the way you see things
I don't care if its survival, what the hunger bar does is it turns combat into Fight then hide and wait for a while in one spot for 5 minutes then go fight again. It basically makes minecraft a cover based shooter. Minus the guns.
Better than "lololol stack of bread makes me immortal" mode.
Better than "lololol stack of bread makes me immortal" mode.
^ Yep.
Also, I'm pro-realism in games. So hunger makes me very happy. Also, seeing huge wheat fields is exciting for me.
I do think it should be toggleable, though. Different people want different things out of this game, so who is to decide what is the 'right' way to play?
what the hell are you talking about?? have you even tried fighting anything with full hunger? its easy to survive a fight when u got full hunger and u dont need to hide so often, even uf u do, it is to survive isnt it? so what are you complaining about, ur survivng! its the point of the game!!! god srsly u ppl need to change the way you see things
Yes I have. And when skellies do 3 damage per shot when you choose to go spelunking with no armor you basically have to hide. While you wait for your health to refill, its not hard it just becomes tedious and boring. And I don't want to be bored when playing a game. There is no longer a fear or dieing because food now is stacked, but you can't take away stacked food without taking away the hunger bar because then it would be unbalanced and you couldn't even explore. So basically you have to remove the hunger bar and stacked food to make the game have challenge again.
Yes I have. And when skellies do 3 damage per shot when you choose to go spelunking with no armor you basically have to hide. While you wait for your health to refill, its not hard it just becomes tedious and boring. And I don't want to be bored when playing a game. There is no longer a fear or dieing because food now is stacked, but you can't take away stacked food without taking away the hunger bar because then it would be unbalanced and you couldn't even explore. So basically you have to remove the hunger bar and stacked food to make the game have challenge again.
I want to be challenged when I play games moron.
If you want to be challenged by playing the game then don't hide. Besides, I'm sure almost everyone has gone spelunking with a stack of wheat and a crafting bench before 1.8 to make bread as you needed.
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I like it, my base has a 10x10 wheat farm with two storeys and a 10x10 mushroom farm, as well as a chicken farm with 50 of them, life is good :biggrin.gif:
If you want to be challenged by playing the game then don't hide. Besides, I'm sure almost everyone has gone spelunking with a stack of wheat and a crafting bench before 1.8 to make bread as you needed.
sorry I mean bread not wheat. But also, not hiding is basically telling me to act like a retard. Even if I don't hide, I still don't die so whats the point its too goddamn easy.
If you want to be challenged by playing the game then don't hide. Besides, I'm sure almost everyone has gone spelunking with a stack of wheat and a crafting bench before 1.8 to make bread as you needed.
Yes I have. And when skellies do 3 damage per shot when you choose to go spelunking with no armor you basically have to hide. While you wait for your health to refill, its not hard it just becomes tedious and boring. And I don't want to be bored when playing a game. There is no longer a fear or dieing because food now is stacked, but you can't take away stacked food without taking away the hunger bar because then it would be unbalanced and you couldn't even explore. So basically you have to remove the hunger bar and stacked food to make the game have challenge again.
I want to be challenged when I play games moron.
why would you go spelunking with no armour? you know armour help you not die, right? its pretty helpfull.
To get armor :tongue.gif: isn't it obvious. If you are going to say leather armor, then tell me how to find enough cows.
can you not find any metal or something? i cant fire an arrow without hitting a chunk of iron ore. if your having so much trouble you should at least lower the difficulty a little until you find some.
can you not find any metal or something? i cant fire an arrow without hitting a chunk of iron ore. if your having so much trouble you should at least lower the difficulty a little until you find some.
Spelunking is the only fun way to get iron, and also I'm not a wuss, hard mode all the time any time.
Also, I'm pro-realism in games. So hunger makes me very happy. Also, seeing huge wheat fields is exciting for me.
I do think it should be toggleable, though. Different people want different things out of this game, so who is to decide what is the 'right' way to play?
i agree with this thread. All ****ed whiny bitchy 12 years kids saying "I haz wooden sworld cant kill nothing i ma starving"
should sell internet their pc and forget about games. Minecraft is one of the games that is available since alpha.
Stop ****ing complie like you are the development. Go ****ing make your own games if you can and go decide what you want there and what not. Notch did good. He made survivor game with hunger bar. Now its SURVIVOR. You got that there is WORD SURVIVOR. You said that if you hate food and hunger then ****ing go play creative. You want toggle button but there allready is. Go to creative and play there idiots.
Mojang will decide what will game look, not you whiny kidy bitches. Its notchs game not yours. He will decide how it look. Even if he makes it RPG i dont give a ****.
My question is why the **** did you bough the game when creative version where you can build is ****ing FREE ? WHY ? Becouse you wanted to "oh i will be cool i will buy minecraft". If you starve to dead then go ****ing play packman or some other kind of **** and forget about new games. Every game EVERY ****ING GAME got chalenge. So wake the **** up and stop complie like a *****.
Ugh your spelling is horrible. Also I'm complaining because it makes the game too easy not hard. So in a sense I agree with your thoughts on how games should be, but I just disagree, and I will also call you a wimp for thinking, that the hunger bar adds challenge.
At first I thought it would be annoying but I think the other changes he made really evened it out. For starters you can stack food which is really nice. Its not hard to get a stack of bread or to keep a stack of mushrooms and bowls with you. Also I like being able to regen hearts now.
Granted I only play on easy mode but I don't find it all that big a deal. It goes down at a reasonable speed at least if you don't spend all your time sprinting. If you are sprinting all over the place you should have to eat more food.
Maybe on harder game play modes you get hungry faster? If that is the case would make sense to just lower the difficulty?
what the hell are you talking about?? have you even tried fighting anything with full hunger? its easy to survive a fight when u got full hunger and u dont need to hide so often, even uf u do, it is to survive isnt it? so what are you complaining about, ur survivng! its the point of the game!!! god srsly u ppl need to change the way you see things
Better than "lololol stack of bread makes me immortal" mode.
^ Yep.
Also, I'm pro-realism in games. So hunger makes me very happy. Also, seeing huge wheat fields is exciting for me.
I do think it should be toggleable, though. Different people want different things out of this game, so who is to decide what is the 'right' way to play?
Yes I have. And when skellies do 3 damage per shot when you choose to go spelunking with no armor you basically have to hide. While you wait for your health to refill, its not hard it just becomes tedious and boring. And I don't want to be bored when playing a game. There is no longer a fear or dieing because food now is stacked, but you can't take away stacked food without taking away the hunger bar because then it would be unbalanced and you couldn't even explore. So basically you have to remove the hunger bar and stacked food to make the game have challenge again.
I want to be challenged when I play games moron.
If you want to be challenged by playing the game then don't hide. Besides, I'm sure almost everyone has gone spelunking with a stack of wheat and a crafting bench before 1.8 to make bread as you needed.
Want some advice on how to thrive in the Suggestions section? Check this handy list of guidelines and tips for posting your ideas and responding to the ideas of others!
sorry I mean bread not wheat. But also, not hiding is basically telling me to act like a retard. Even if I don't hide, I still don't die so whats the point its too goddamn easy.
Like everything else, it'd be up to the OP. Easy.
lol 4k posts and still no pic
why would you go spelunking with no armour? you know armour help you not die, right? its pretty helpfull.
To get armor :tongue.gif: isn't it obvious. If you are going to say leather armor, then tell me how to find enough cows.
can you not find any metal or something? i cant fire an arrow without hitting a chunk of iron ore. if your having so much trouble you should at least lower the difficulty a little until you find some.
Spelunking is the only fun way to get iron, and also I'm not a wuss, hard mode all the time any time.
Ugh your spelling is horrible. Also I'm complaining because it makes the game too easy not hard. So in a sense I agree with your thoughts on how games should be, but I just disagree, and I will also call you a wimp for thinking, that the hunger bar adds challenge.
Granted I only play on easy mode but I don't find it all that big a deal. It goes down at a reasonable speed at least if you don't spend all your time sprinting. If you are sprinting all over the place you should have to eat more food.
Maybe on harder game play modes you get hungry faster? If that is the case would make sense to just lower the difficulty?