There are mod's for that, my friend, if you like, play WOW, there's even a splash that says it best, and let's enjoy a new biome. (Adventure ... Adventure ... ADVENTURE 1.9 Part 2: O
Also is the beta, still have all the time in the world to solve anything. (not your time or anyone else's)
in the pre-release is released for us to help find problems, not to complain.
Ive seen a few posts like this and I must say I agree with most of them. I dont like the giant mushrooms, their biome or the cows I think they are silly and dont seem to fit in the game. The snow golem is ok it adds something to the new snow biome, (which is awesome!) but they could have thought of something better, maby a yeti sort of mob something scary not silly. The npcs and villages are an awesome idea but need work, the villages look like **** if they spawn on uneven terrain and the npcs themselves just look stupid and are currently useless. I know they will fix that though its still in beta. I friggin love the nether updates though its about time, awesome! I think they should spend more time fixing stuff thats currently wrong with minecraft, and make uses for all the new useless items before they go adding stupid new **** like mushroom kingdoms. Especialy useless items that have been in the game for over a year, like the powered minecarts. We finaly got powered tracks I know but why cant we hook the minecarts together yet?
what they are working on is exactly the foundations, it's just foundations of things they haven't explained to you, I could understand why, you don't seem like you'd be that quick to understand, what they're doing now is building the bricks before the house is done, and putting the ones on the bottom in place, what you want is them to start at the roof.
This was ridiculously well worded. I concur, whole-heartedly. ^
Man, your becoming frustrated with an unfinished game, and (essentially) just complaining that they're not finishing the things that you want first. This argument would be valid if the game was deemed complete, but it's not, so just chill out for a little while, don't complain about something until it is deemed a finished product.
before they take the time to make useless Mooshrooms.
Actually, mooshrooms are not useless. they can give you ALL of these things in 1 sitting
-Mushroom stew
-exp (which is currently useless)
see? they are useful.
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You were expecting one of those endless spoilers weren't you? I hate those things
i kinda agree and disagree. I think that its pointless and that they should be working on better stuff like more ores and stuff also but they can still modify it and take it out if they really want to but its not like its the end of the world 0_o
I kind of like these small little additions (tables, liquid leaking through blocks, snow golems, mooshrooms, Lily pads), they just add a little more fun to the game.
I can understand your frustration right now, but look at this the long way. In a year, imagine that you have a (theoretical) new adopted little brother from India who has never even seen a computer much less played a video game. You hand him the keyboard and mouse after opening Minecraft for him. You explain to him the basics of punching trees, creating pickaxes and shovels, and never digging straight down. You watch him for a few minutes, making sure that he's enjoying himself and not getting blown up by creepers when he finds an interesting cave system. After that you sit on a couch in the next room and begin reading a book.
Several minutes into your reading, you little brother runs up to you, his eyes wide in amazement. Scarcely can he explain to you the reason for his excitement, in either his language or yours. Finally, he resorts to pulling you to the computer to see what has caused his sudden dumbfoundment.
You find a big goofy looking red and white cow with mushrooms on its back.
"Isn't it awesome, Kanye? Isn't it... so cool?"
In the short run, and to us that have been there since the beginning (or near it, I suppose) Mooshrooms, Pumpkins, even things like different tree types and biomes fall far short of our expectations of this game. We get each thing one at a time, and in time we grow resistant to the novelty. We can only compare each new detail to the thousands before it and mutter, "Meh." But imagine in a year or so when someone who has never played picks it up and gets all of the details in one shot. Each and every detail will blend together, like pixels on a screen, brushstrokes on canvas, and create a thing which is greater than the sum of its parts.
You see, Minecraft isn't about cobblestone, wool, cows, mushrooms, creepers, wood, skeletons, pigs, zombies, redstone, torches, health bars, hunger bars, NPC villages, watermelons, pumpkins, wheat, shears, dyes, dirt, glass, wolves, or snowmen. It's about a world where anything is possible. Where mushrooms can be twenty feet tall. Where strange monsters lurk in the dark. Where oddly endearing creatures wander the landscape. Where wood and stone, iron and diamond, bone and pumkins, even ice and snow can be used to create structures of majesty and beauty.
And besides all of that, the mooshrooms are adorable as hell, so quite hating on them :tongue.gif:
Yeah, 1.9 is pointless. Just stupid nether ruins, nether bricks, better swamp biomes, new nether mobs, npcs, new items, craftable companion snowman and a new mushroom with an awesome cow.
Why does Mojang insist on adding little details on to an unfinished product? Honestly, Mooshrooms and their whole little biome are utterly useless, and don't contribute to Minecraft at all. Alot of people disagree with that.
Why not add some game changing stuff, like new ores, and mobs that are ACTUALLY scary as hell. Game changing stuff takes months why are you mad it him for giveing us some stuff while we wait for the better stuff also Minecraft isnt a survival horror
Maybe fix Endermen before they take the time to make useless Mooshrooms. How is the endermen brocken exactly and Mooshrooms are hardly useless
I'm sick of this, they need to start focusing on what's important in this game, not the details. You mean what you think is important
It's like putting furniture in your new house before changing the rotted floor. It's pointless and will eventually get in the way when you're trying to finish. So adding Bioms and knew mobs will get in the way
They keep adding things that should be polish, that should be added once the game is bug free and essentially done, Minecraft will never relly be finished at least along time
but instead of working on the foundation for this game, they make a new pointless stupid cow. What is the foundation of the games exactly?
1.9 pre-release has been a big fail so far, and I'm not sure the actual 1.9 update will be much better. It's already been split into 1.9 and 1.10. O no he didnt fill out this giant order in a week and instead gave us what he had all ready don the horror
Yeah, 1.9 is pointless.
Just stupid nether ruins-Massive ruins that are interesting but have no purpose to explore
nether bricks-That are for decoration and are "pointless" better swamp biomes-That blend horribly with other biomes at the moment
new nether mobs- this is always good
npcs- that look stupid and can't even open their own house doors
new items- that don't do anything
craftable companion snowman- that doesn't do anything except look kinda cool and possibly push mobs into pits with its endless snowballs
and a new mushroom with an awesome cow- this is ok.
Not a really good argument for saying that 1.9 is "pointless."
Also is the beta, still have all the time in the world to solve anything. (not your time or anyone else's)
in the pre-release is released for us to help find problems, not to complain.
This was ridiculously well worded. I concur, whole-heartedly. ^
Man, your becoming frustrated with an unfinished game, and (essentially) just complaining that they're not finishing the things that you want first. This argument would be valid if the game was deemed complete, but it's not, so just chill out for a little while, don't complain about something until it is deemed a finished product.
Mobs will never be scary. This is minecraft. It's comical. It's... made of cubes. How can cube monsters ever be scary?
If you're ever scared by this game you must be a 13 year old girl.
You mean like Nether Dungeons, NPCs, and Snowmen?
Yeah, they definitely should've made sure that those came out before Mooshrooms.
Actually, mooshrooms are not useless. they can give you ALL of these things in 1 sitting
-Mushroom stew
-exp (which is currently useless)
see? they are useful.
Not saying I'm not with you, but STOP WITH THE METAPHORS!!!
Grammar nazi alert. DON'T USE RETARDED INCORRECTLY, it's annoying as ****.
Several minutes into your reading, you little brother runs up to you, his eyes wide in amazement. Scarcely can he explain to you the reason for his excitement, in either his language or yours. Finally, he resorts to pulling you to the computer to see what has caused his sudden dumbfoundment.
You find a big goofy looking red and white cow with mushrooms on its back.
"Isn't it awesome, Kanye? Isn't it... so cool?"
In the short run, and to us that have been there since the beginning (or near it, I suppose) Mooshrooms, Pumpkins, even things like different tree types and biomes fall far short of our expectations of this game. We get each thing one at a time, and in time we grow resistant to the novelty. We can only compare each new detail to the thousands before it and mutter, "Meh." But imagine in a year or so when someone who has never played picks it up and gets all of the details in one shot. Each and every detail will blend together, like pixels on a screen, brushstrokes on canvas, and create a thing which is greater than the sum of its parts.
You see, Minecraft isn't about cobblestone, wool, cows, mushrooms, creepers, wood, skeletons, pigs, zombies, redstone, torches, health bars, hunger bars, NPC villages, watermelons, pumpkins, wheat, shears, dyes, dirt, glass, wolves, or snowmen. It's about a world where anything is possible. Where mushrooms can be twenty feet tall. Where strange monsters lurk in the dark. Where oddly endearing creatures wander the landscape. Where wood and stone, iron and diamond, bone and pumkins, even ice and snow can be used to create structures of majesty and beauty.
And besides all of that, the mooshrooms are adorable as hell, so quite hating on them :tongue.gif:
Not a really good argument for saying that 1.9 is "pointless."
and what would this magical new ore do?